The Senator's Party Part II

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I'm woken by someone crashing into table and chairs. I look at the drunk guy who stumbles into the kitchen.

He walks towards me and he has this weird look on his face. H smirks. "You're mine for the night." He crushes his mouth against mine and he tastes like cigarette and alcohol.

It make me want to puke. I push him away from me and he stumbles into the chair and falls over.

I jump off the bench and move toward the door.

The guy stands up and he slaps me.

You can hear the slap throughout the quiet room and my face turns to the side.

Shit! My face hurts.

I feel the tears fall down my face.

The guy drags me across the room and shoves me against the counter.

My baby.

"Please, stop!" I yell. "I'M PREGNANT."

I hear the zipper of his pants. I close my eyes and pray that someone will come looking for me.

My prayers are answered when I feel the guy's body leave mine.

I look into the brown angry eyes of my fiancé.

He turns from me and starts to beat the shit out of this guy.

Dad walks into the room and looks at the man on the floor. He looks around the room for me.

I move down the counter island and close my eyes.

I feel someone pull me into their arms. "Dad," I whisper.

He lifts me up and carries out of the room. "Take care of that man on the ground and I want charges pressed against him. He tried to rape my daughter."

I hold onto my Dad's shirt. "How did you know I was in trouble?"

Dad looks at Austin. "Austin was worried about you. He told me he looked everywhere for you. I remembered as a child you would sneak to the kitchen for a bit during parties. I can see that hasn't changed."

I shake my head. "When you have parties I get scared of all the people in the same room as me and I feel claustrophobic. That's why I have to escape to the kitchen. I've never had the problem with anyone coming into my hiding place."

Dad carries me to my room. "The next time you need a breather go up to your bedroom. That place will be safer. I was going to have a whole heap of people come over tomorrow night for the Christmas Party. I think I'll call everyone and leave it as a family affair. I want you to feel safe in our home." Dad puts me on my bed.

Austin walks into the room with an ice pack in his hand and he places it on my face.

I pull back from it. "Ouch!"

Austin gives it to me. "Put it on your face. I'll get a towel." He moves out of the bedroom and the cupboard across from my bedroom opens. He pulls out a towel.

I take the ice pack off my face and wrap it in the towel Austin gives me. "Thank you."


The next morning I'm woken to Austin slamming draws in the room.

I turn towards him. "What's going on?"

Austin looks at the ground. He shakes his head. "I should have done more to the guy that put his hands all over my girl. HE COULD HAVE KILLED YOU." He yelled the last part.

I climb across the bed and stand in front of Austin. I place my hands on face. "I'm fine. You saved me, just like I knew you would. Don't beat yourself up. I should have told you where I was going."

There's a knock on the door and I see two uniformed officers enter my room. "Austin York, you are under arrest for assault." The first officer continues to read him his rights.

The second one cuffs Austin and they lead him out the door. I follow them downstairs.

Dad is at the door. He looks at Austin and says. "Don't say a word until my lawyer is present." Dad pulls his phone out of his pocket and walks to another room.

Austin steps into the police car and I watch it as it leaves my parents place.

Mum exits the house and she sits next to me. "You should eat something and then we'll go to the police station."

I hug her. "Thank you, Mum."

It's going to be a long day.

Mum and I enter the house and look at the Christmas decorations. I forgot tonight is the Christmas Party my family hold each year.

After breakfast Mum calls the limo.

The limo pulls in front of the house five minutes later. Mum and I climb into the limo. She holds my hand. "Everything's going to be sorted today. Austin's going to come home with us for Christmas Eve."

I look out the window. "Mum, will be able to go home for Christmas? His family haven't missed a Christmas with him in years.

"We'll find out when we get to the station."

The limo pulls in front of the station.

Mum and I walk into the police station. A female officer is standing behind the desk. Mum asks her about Austin.

She tells mum to take a seat and that someone will be out in a moment.

Mum and I sit at the table and she takes my hand. "You might have to leave a statement for them."

"I know."

A door opens and a detective walks out of the room. He looks at me. "Miss, we would like to talk to you about what happened."

I follow him through the door to an interview room. The room has a two way mirror, a table and four chairs. On the table is a tape recorder.

I give the officer's a recount of the events that happened at the party last night and what happened after Austin got into the room.

The officer hits the stop button on the recorder and he lets me go. "Austin will be released soon."


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