Sightseeing New York

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Austin is kissing my neck and I start to moan from the assault of his mouth.

My sister bangs on the door at eight am. "Are you two up. Our boat leaves at ten for the tour of the Statue of Liberty."

My sister has great timing.

"We'll be out in fifteen, Li."

I hear her footsteps as she walks down the hall.

I push Austin off me. "Let's finish this later Big Boy."

He throws his head back and laughs. "I'll finish you in the shower." Austin stands up and throws me over his shoulder.

He opens the door to the bathroom and steps inside. He turns the taps for the shower.

He puts me on the ground. "Strip and get in the shower with me."

I take my clothes off and leave them in a pile in front of the sink.

I step into the shower and lift my face to the water. The water runs down my body.

I feel hands wrap around me.

His lips touches my nipple and he starts sucking on it.

I run my hands through his brown hair. I push myself closer to him.

He smirks. "Easy there baby. I don't want to hurt either of you."

I roll my eyes. "You aren't going to hurt us. Just fuck me, Austin."

He pins me against the wall. "If that's what you want, baby."

He grabs my arse lifting me up.

I wrap my legs around him and he thrusts into me.

He fills me.

It feels nice.

He pulls out and slams back into me.


After the shower Austin and I walk into the kitchen and have breakfast.

Liane shakes her head. "That was longer than fifteen minutes. I hope you're going to clean the sheets."

I laugh. "Why would I need to clean the sheets. That not the only place you can have..."

Liane blocks her ears. "La la la la la." She uncovers her ears.

"... SEX!" I yell.

Liane shakes her head. "You can use disinfectant in my shower than."

"What makes you think we had shower sex." I tease.

"Ugh, don't tell me you had sink sex? That's gross."

I smirk. "Have you tried it?"

She nods. "The tap kept scraping my back."

Austin looks at us with his mouth open. "Don't you need to talk about that while I'm here."

I look at Liane and she has a smirk on her face. "You know that bowl your using?"

"What about it."

"I filled it with cum once."

Austin spits the mouth full of food across the table and he starts coughing.

Liane throws her head back laughing. "Gotcha, next time you'll think better of using someone else's things for your sexual activities."

I playfully hit my sister on the arm. "You're cruel."

Liane and I leave the kitchen and walk into the bedroom. She turns in the mirror and looks at her stomach. "How can my belly be bigger than yours and we're having a baby at the same time."

I shrug. "I don't know. Did you find out the sex?"

She nods. "Yes, I'm having a boy. What about you?"

"Austin and I are waiting for the next ultrasound. I don't trust the results that I would get if I found out at my last appointment."

At nine we exit the house and climb into the car. Austin pulls the car out of the driveway and he drives toward the dock.

At the car park at the dock Liane and I climb out of the car and make our way to the dock.

Austin wraps his arm around me.

People board the boat and find their seats.

Austin helps Liane onto the boat and then me.

He's sweet for caring about my sister.

My sister and I haven't always been close. It feels like we will with us both being pregnant and going through the same thing. Except I'm the one that's not married.

My sister finds a seat upstairs and outside.

I look at her. "Sis, there's something I need to tell you."

She pats the seat next to her. "What's up?"

I sigh. "I need to tell you the truth."

Austin holds my hand. "Are you sure?"

I nod.

She looks between us. "What's going on?"

I take a deep breath and let it out. "Austin and I aren't married. I hired him for the wedding."

Liane laughs.

People on the boat look at her strangely.

She slaps her hand on her leg. "That's a new one, sis. I can't believe you'd expect me to believe the horse shit coming from your mouth."

I shrug. "Do you want proof?"

She nods.

I pass her my phone. "Look through my phone there's no wedding pictures and there's none on his. The only pictures we have together are the one from the wedding and the days we spent before the wedding here."

She looks through the phone. "I can't believe you lied to all of us. Mum and Dad are going to be pissed about this. They might think you being pregnant is a way to grab some attention from me."

I shake my head. "I don't want the spotlight, sis. I prefer the simple life away from New York."

The boat approaches the Statue of Liberty and I stand up and take picture of it.

Austin stands at the ledge of the boat. "Take a picture, Val.

I take a picture for him.

He waves me over and I give my phone to my sister.

I stand in front of Austin and step onto a railing. I spread my arms apart like Jack and Rose did on Titanic.

Austin does the same and he turns to Liane and takes the picture.

On the way back to the dock we can see whales in front of the boat.

We point them out as we see them travelling along.

Austin smiles. "I love seeing beautiful things like that." He wiped a fake tear.

I hit his arm. "You're a dork."


Thanks for reading



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