New York

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The plane lands in New York. Austin and I wait for the other passengers to get off the plane first.

Once their heading for the exit Austin rises and reaches into the overhead compartment sad pulls our bags out.

He gives me my handbag and laptop.

I put the laptop bag over my shoulder and exit the plane with Austin. We walk through the airport and look up at the monitor to find out what carousel has our suitcases.

Austin continues to look at it. "I can't find where our luggage should be."

I laugh. "Austin I carousel three." I hold his hand and lead him to the luggage. As I stand next to carousel I see my bag.

I walk over to my suitcase and try to pull it off. "Austin,"

He walks over and helps me take my bag off. His bag is the next one to come around. Austin places my bag on the ground.

I leave Austin with the luggage to get a trolley. I walk through the crowd and I don't see Austin anywhere.

Where is Austin?

I watch a security guard pick up a familiar bag. I yell. "That's my bag."

Why would Austin leave my bag unattended?

The guy stops and I push the trolley to him. "I'm sorry, my boyfriend was supposed to watch that."

He gives me the bag. "You should be careful from now on Miss." He places the bag on the trolley for me.

"Thank you,"


Austin and I make our way out of the airport and guy is standing close to the door with a sign saying 'Valentina Rodriguez.' I approach the guy with Austin next to me.

The guy takes of his sunglasses and looks at the picture he has in his hands. He nods. "So you're the Governor's other daughter?"

"Yes, that's me. Didn't you know he had two daughters?"

He shakes his head, "You don't live in New York do you?"

"No, I live in Los Angeles. Everyone doesn't know about me since I wasn't daddy's little princess like my younger sister. I was ignored and I preferred it that way."

The guy laughs. "You won't be ignored now. Your father is running for..."

"Shut up," Austin yells.

I turn to Austin. "What is your problem?"

Austin grabs my hand. "You should hear that from your father not some stranger you've known for about a minute."

I cross my arms. "I can't get any real answers from you or my father and it's starting to piss me off."

"Good, just like your father is in the dark about both his daughters being pregnant at the same time.

My mouth drops open. "How do you know?"

Austin walks through the sliding door and stops moving with the trolley. He turns to me. "I've been talking to James the last couple of weeks. Your father flew her last week and he wanted to talk with James and I."

I look at the road. "He didn't want to see me?"

Austin nods. "He wanted to see you. I didn't know if you wanted him to find out that way you were pregnant."

I sigh, heading for the limo parked out curb. "Thank you for keeping me from my father. I think he's going to enjoy this surprise from his daughters."

My mobile rings and I climb into the limo. I pull it out of my pocket

Me: Hello?

Voice: Hello, sis. James told me something interesting about you.

Me: I know Austin told me the same.

Me/Liane: congrats.

We giggle. Liane: I can't believe we said that at the same time.

Me: I know, but, we should be used to it. It's not the first time it's happened.

Liane: True, so when are you due?

Me: April 2nd

Liane laughs. Liane: April 7th are you going home tonight?

Me: I don't want to. But, Austin and I don't have anywhere else to go.

Liane: Stay with James and I for the night. That was tomorrow we can surprise Mum and Dad together.

Me: Alright, does the limo driver know where you live?

Liane: James is going to call him now.

I hear the limo's phone ring and he picks up.

Me: I'll see you soon, sis.

I put the phone in my handbag and look out the window as we pass the water. I can see the Statue of Liberty.

Austin points at it. "I haven't been this close to the Statue of Liberty before. Do you think we have time to visit it?"

I nod. "We'll make time. You'll probably like the Chrysler Building as well."

The limo turns off into a gated community and he speaks the guards. The metal gates creek open and the limo drives through the community.

The car come to a stop in front of a four story mansion with a picket fence and a flag pole with the American Flag flying.

Liane and James walks out the front door and stop in front of the car. The door opens and I step out. I hold onto the door and move away. I walk over to my suitcase and start wheeling it.

Austin steps out of the limo. "Don't let her take that."

I turn to Austin. "I'm not an invalid. I can carry my own stuff. You need to stop being over protective it's driving me crazy."

Austin laughs. "I'm not that bad."

Yeah, you are.

I turn to Liane. "I need a glass of water."

Liane takes my hand like she did when we were younger and she shows me to the kitchen. I don't have time to look around the house. She pulls a glass out of the cupboard and pours me a glass of water from the fridge. She places it in front of me. "I'm glad you're here, sis."

I smile. "I'm glad I'm here too, Liane. I hope we can be close again. I miss you."

Liane has tears falling down her face. "I miss you too. I didn't think you'd want me a part of your life since I James and you didn't."

I laugh. "Liane, we were over a long time ago. I haven't had any feelings for him since I was eighteen. I didn't leave New York because of him. I left for me and I didn't come back because I started my life in Los Angeles."

"Do you mean that?" she steps away from me.

"Yes," I hug my sister. "Do you want to come with Austin and I to the Statue of Liberty?"

She nods. "I'd love to sis."


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