Picture Goes Viral

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The next morning, I turn on the television in the lounge room. TMZ is showing the photo of Austin in the doghouse.

I giggle. "Austin's not going to like this."

Austin walks into the lounge room. "What aren't I going to like, baby?"

I point to the TV.

Austin shakes his head. "I can't believe they are showing this crap on the TV. The picture isn't news worthy."

I laugh. "It's not to you. The rest of the world is a different..." I'm cut off by a ringing phone.

Austin looks at his. "It's not mine."

I pick up my phone and look at the caller ID 'Dad' flashes across the screen."

I groan. "It's Daddy."

Austin laughs. "Someone's in trouble."

Me: Hello, Daddy.

Dad: Are you coming home this next week?

Me: Yes, I can't miss out on the annual party you throw. If I missed I'm sure you'd fly to Los Angeles and drag me to New York kicking and screaming.

He laughs. Dad: You know me too well. Is Austin going to come?"

Me: Yes, but, Austin and I need to leave on Christmas Eve. We want to spend Christmas with his family.

Dad: What's with the pictures playing on the TV?

Me: I'll tell you about it when I come home. What do you want for Christmas?

Dad: That my daughters will reveal the secrets they are keeping from us. Liane has been hiding from your mother and I since she got back from the Honeymoon.

I laugh. Me: Daddy, she needs to lead her own life. She's a married woman who doesn't need Daddy to look out for her. I know she's still your baby in your eyes.

Dad: I'm sorry, Valentina. I've looked out for your sister more than I did you.

Me: I don't mind. In the eyes of the paparazzi I'm nobody and I prefer it that way.

Dad: That's going to change come the night of the Senator Party.

What's my old man up to?

Me: What do you mean it's going to change?

Dad: You will find out at the party.

On the other end of the phone I hear. "Senator Rodriguez we need to leave."

Dad: Sweetie,

Me: I know you have to go. Bye, Daddy.

Austin walks over to me. "What did the Senator want?"

I wrap my arms around him and place my head on him. "He wanted to remind me about the party next week. Daddy is keeping something from me. Do you know what he's up to, Austin?"

Austin remains silent.

He knows something.

I pout. "Please, Austin. What is my father doing?"

Austin pulls away from me. "We need to head to the office. I don't want to be late for work

I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth.

Austin picks up his tooth brush and brushes his teeth.

I rinse my mouth out and leave the bathroom.

He walks out of the bathroom with toothpaste on his chin and sits next to me on the bed. "You can't be mad at me."

I put my shoes on and pick my hand bag. I find his car keys and take them off the kitchen table. I exit the house and walk to the driveway.

I put the key in and start the car. I reverse out of the driveway as Austin walks outside. I beep the horn and drive straight to the office.

As I get close to the office there's a traffic jam. I turn the music up while I wait for the traffic to move.

I bounce around in the seat and I look out the window to see a guy give the thumbs up. I roll my eyes. I roll my eyes.

I drive past an accident scene and see the metal of a car crushed by a truck. A shiver runs down my back.

I hope the people in the car are alright.

The police wave us through the accident scene. It takes me ten minutes to get to the office. I pull the car into the parking lot and park the car in the CEO spot.

I step out of the car and make my way to the lift. I take it straight to the thirtieth floor. When the door to the lift opens Austin is standing there with his arm crossed. "What took you so long?"

"I was caught in traffic."

Austin shakes his. "That's fifteen minutes you get taken off your lunch break, baby."

I roll my eyes. "The baby won't be happy with that."

He put his hand on the small of my back and leads me to our offices. As we get closer to the office I see paper stuck to the windows of Austin in a Doghouse.

I purse my lips and try not to laugh at the pictures. It's harder than I thought and I burst out laughing.

He lifts me up and carries me into his office. "I'm going to punish you for posting this. I won't be able to live this down." Austin kicks the door open and I hear a bark come from the room.

Austin puts me on the ground and I see a doghouse with a figurine that looks like Austin inside it.

I exit the room and I hear the bark again. I enter the room and it barks.

This is awesome. I wonder who brought the machine.

I walk behind it and switch off the barking. I turn it over and see who it's from. It's from Austin's parents. I place it on the table. "You should see who brought this for you."

He turns it over. "I'm going to pay my parents back for this. It's for me to get plotting for my parents and you."

I walk over to the door. "I better get back to work. I don't want my boss to deduct anymore time from my lunch. The baby and I need to be well fed." I shut the door to his office.


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