The New Bosses Part II

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After the meeting the team leaders in the boardroom I walk to my office. I unlock the door and step into the air conditioned room. I feel a bit cold, Goosebumps have formed on my arms and legs.

I turn the temperature down and take a seat at my desk. I move the mouse and the computer screen light up.

I pull my chair into the desk and pull open a file to draw on.

At twelve Austin knocks on the door. He walks over to my desk and looks at the designs. "I like them. I want our child to wear your designs when he/she is born."

I look at the designs one last time before turning to Austin. "We'll see. What are you doing in here?"

He wraps his arms around me and places a kiss to my cheek. "I want you to have lunch with me."

"Okay," Austin takes my hand and we leave the office.

Austin and I walk to the restaurant. Austin walks into an alley and he holds my hand as he opens the door.

I look at him. "Are you going to kill me?"

Austin throws his head back and laughs. "No, is a friend's bar. He likes his places away from the busy streets. The cops are afraid to walk through the alleys of a night time."

The table have candles on them. The lights are dimmed and the furniture is made out of wood. Austin leads me to one of the tables.

A guy steps out from behind the bar and he walks over. He shakes hand with Austin. "Hey, man. I thought you forgot about this place."

Austin shakes his head. "I could never forget this place. I've been busy with my fiancé, Daren. This is Valentina."

He takes my hand and kisses it. "It's a pleasure to meet you beautiful."

I smile. "It's nice to meet you, too. What's good to eat here?"

Daren sits next to Austin. "I recommend the burgers."

I flip through the menu to find out what they put on the burger. The burgers they have are the works. "Austin would you recommend the burgers?"

Austin nods. "They are the best burgers I've ever tasted."

I shut the menu. "I'll try one of your famous burgers. Can I get a glass of water, Daren?"

He stands up. "Do you want the same, Austin?"

Austin nods. "Thanks, man."

Daren walks over to the kitchen and places the orders.

I look at the table and play with my hands. I clear my throat. "Austin?"

He looks at me. "Yeah, baby?"

"I want to talk about the wedding."

Austin moves closer to me. He wraps his arms around me. "What about the wedding? Please, don't tell me you don't want to get married?"

I shake my head. "It's nothing bad." I lie on my head on his shoulder. "I want to get married before the baby comes."

He kisses the top of my head. "Okay, do you have a place in mind that you want to get married at?"

I whisper. "I've already booked it. We're getting married in March. I want you to help me with the wedding invites."

"I'll help anyway I can."

Daren walks over with the food. He places it on the table.

After lunch Austin and I walk back to the office. I come across a dance studio. That's giving dance lessons. I turn to Austin. "Do you know how to dance?"

He nods. "Yeah, why?"

I point to the sign. "Do you want to take some lessons with me?"

He turns to the signs. "You want to learn ballroom dancing?"

Austin and I walk into the dance studio. He signs us up for ballroom dancing. The girl at the desk tells us when classes are on.

Austin thanks her and takes my hand.

At York Inc. the lift is fixed. I press the button for it. "Do you know what happened to lift?"

"Someone rearranged the wires in the lift. I'm about to go to the security room and check the video. I want to see who tried to hurt us."

Austin puts his arms around me as we enter the lift.

I close my eyes while the lift goes up to the thirtieth. On our floor I step out of the lift and head to my office. Austin heads towards the boardrooms and turns to the room that says 'security.'

I print off my designs. While I wait for them to print I leave my office to talk to the receptionist.

She looks up from her computer. "How can I help you, Mrs York?"

I'm not married yet but that has a nice ring to it.

"Could you call the team leader for the children's line I would like to see them in the boardroom?"

"Yes, madam." She dials the number for me.

I leave her to the phone call.

Austin has his back turned to me when I enter my office. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I rest my head on his back. "What did you find out?"

He sighs. "It was Kylie Baker."

I drop my hands from around him. "She's going to be a problem isn't she?"

Austin turns towards me. "No, I am going to have your father's best men come here."

I move towards my desk. "What do you mean my father's best men?"

Austin drags his hand through his brown hair. "Your Dad has been calling me ever since the video went viral with Kylie."

What have I done?

I look to the hallway. "I have a meeting with a team leader. We'll talk about my father later." I pick up the pages from the printer and exit the room.

Nicolette is standing by the door as I enter the boardroom. I sit down in a chair. "Sorry, I had to take care of something."

"That's alright." Nicolette takes a seat next to me. "What do you need to talk about." She squeaks.

I place my hands on the table. "It's nothing bad. I want to give you the new designs for the kids line." I slide the papers to her.

Nicolette flips through each page. "These are great. If Kylie wasn't a piece of work you would have made her company more money. I prefer you as a boss then her."

I lean back in the chair. "I've got more pieces at home if you want to look at them for the new line."

Nicolette rises and exits the room and I follow her. "I would love to see them. I'm going to take these down to the designer's and they will get a head start on the new line. I'll return with the other team member's designs for you to take a look." She opens the door to the stairs.


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