The Phone Call

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^ Liane's Wedding gown


At 6am, a phone rings waking me up from my sleep. The phone stops ringing.

Thank you for stop ringing.

The phone rings again. I pull the pillow over my head to block out the terrible noise.

"Shut that phone up." Austin grumbles beside.

The phone rings again. I move my hand around on the bedside table and feel for the phone. My hand touches it and I take it off the counter. I rub my eyes and look at the screen. I have fourteen missed calls and twelve messages on it.

What does my family want this morning?

The phone rings again and Mum name flashes on the screen.

"What?" I yell.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, I was calling to see what time you'll be coming over to get ready for the wedding."

"I'm not going."

"You have to be here. You're sister doesn't have another person to step in as her Maid of Honour."

"Mum, that's not my problem. She embarrassed me last night at the rehearsal. I'd prefer to stay away from all the drama from last night."

Mum sighs. "If I get Liane to apologise will you please come?"

I massage my temple. "Fine,"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Mum says.

"What time do I have to be at the house?"


I sigh. "Alright, get Liane to call me at 10.30. If I hear my phone go off again before that time I'm going to be angry."

I put my phone on vibrate and pull the covers back over me. I snuggle into Austin and he wraps his arms around me.

"Who was that?"

"Mum, she wants me at the wedding still. She's going to get my sister to apologise to me for embarrassing me last night. I want this day to fast forward and then I can go home."

Austin kisses the top of my head. "Go back to sleep."


At 11am, the limo pulls in front of my parent's house. I haven't been able to walk properly from last night's sex session with my Hubby for Hire.

He takes my hand as we walk up the driveway to the house. "Are you sore?"

I nod. "Yeah, I haven't done it all night before. How about we try it again after the wedding?"

He nods. "Are you sure you want to do it tonight."

"Yep, I'm not afraid of a little bit of pain."

My sister stands next to the front door. "Valentina, we need to talk."

I roll my eyes. "I'll see you at the park." I give him a kiss.

Austin walks into the house and picks up his suit and tie. He exits the house and climbs into the waiting limo.

I follow my sister into the house.

She grabs my hand and takes me into the spare bedroom. "I want to apologise for last night. James told me he filmed it when you two were together and you didn't know about it."

"I didn't know about the collection he has. Last night I found his collection and burnt everything that had me in it."

Mum enters the room and looks at me. "The hairstylist and make-up artist are waiting for you, Valentina."

"Alright, I'll be with them in a moment."

Mum exits the room.

"I'll see you later, Li." I exit the room and join the bridesmaids at the table.

After my hair and make-up are done I enter the spare bedroom and put on the yellow dress.

I step into the lounge room to find Mum and Dad on the lounge

Mum walks over to me. "You look so beautiful, sweetheart."

Liane walks into the room.

She looks beautiful.

Dad moves over to Liane and I. He hugs us. "My little girls are all grown up and married. I feel old now. Pleases, don't make me a Grandfather to soon."

I laugh. "I can't make any promises old man."

The gown has studs around the top part of it and it's a halter, it flares out at the bottom. She puts on the vale.


On the stage are the Groom, Best Man and Groomsmen and they looks handsome in their suits.

'Everything by Life House' comes on and I start the walk down the aisle.

All eyes turn to me as I walk the path.

My eyes meet Austin's and he smiles. His brown eyes are misty and he dimples.

I'd rather be back in the hotel room with him.

I smile at the guests as they take photo's me. The rest of the girls are behind me as I approach the stage

My legs and hands start to shake from all the attention I'm receiving. I take a deep breath as I make it the rest of the way to the stage. On the stage I stand across from James.

I keep a smile on my face as everyone makes there way behind me on the stage.

The song changes to 'Love Story by Taylor Swift."

My Sister holds onto my Dad's arm and I watch her make her way to James.

I wish Dad walked me down the aisle.

I shake my head.

Austin makes me forget that we lied to my parents about being married. I think I've fallen too far him.

Dad kisses my sister on the cheek and he lets go of my sister hand.

Liane places her hand in James's.

The celebrant looks at the guests and says. "Today we are here to celebrate the wedding of Liane Edwards and James Campbell." She turns to James.

James says. "I, James, take you, Liane,
as the love of my life.
I vow to be patient with you
and the circumstances in our lives.
I vow to be kind to all people we come across.
I vow not to be boastful of our love or about our accomplishments.
I promise to be proud of you,
but not proud in love
for though I will strive for perfection,
I know I can never reach it.
I promise not to be quick to anger,
but to think before I speak and act.
I vow not to keep a record of wrongs,
but to always keep the happy memories alive.
Through God, our love will never fail."

"Liane, please repeat after me." The celebrant says.

"I, Liane, take you, James,
as the love of my life.
I vow to be patient with you
and the circumstances in our lives.
I vow to be kind to all people we come across.
I vow not to be boastful of our love or about our accomplishments.
I promise to be proud of you,
but not proud in love
for though I will strive for perfection,
I know I can never reach it.
I promise not to be quick to anger,
but to think before I speak and act.
I vow not to keep a record of wrongs,
but to always keep the happy memories alive.
Through God, our love will never fail."

"You may kiss the bride."

James and Liane kiss.


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