The Reception part I

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I look at my sister and her husband. He has his arms wrapped around her waist. He places a kiss on her cheek.

They look cute together.

Austin steps next to me and holds my hand. "Are you ready to congratulate the happy couple."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah,"

There's a line to see them and we wait at the back. The line moves slowly. When I reach Liane and James, I hug them. "Congratulations,"

Liane smiles. "Thanks, sis. We're going to the beach for some photos before we head to the reception."


I hear Austin 'congratulate' them.

They walk around the park and talk to the guests for a bit.


At the beach I take off my heels and dig my feet into the sand. The waves crash on the beach. The birds are chirping as we make our way to the rock cliff.

Kids are screaming and throwing balls on the beach.

I see a surfer on wave and he falls off, crashing into the sea. The guy surfaces and climbs back on his his board.

Everyone from the wedding party are on some rocks. Austin helps me up on the rock and I sit next to the girls.

The photographer takes our pictures.

One of the girls says. "It's hot. I need some water."

We walk to another part of the beach and get more photos.

Another girl says. "I need to use the bathroom."

The other girls agree.

I walk with them to the rest room.

A girl says. "OMG, did you see how hot The Best Man is?"

He is hot and he's all mine, bitches.

"Yeah, he's hot. How did Liane's sister score a date like that?"

I called Hubby for Hire for some help with the man.

"I bet he's an escort. A girl like Valentina can't pick up mr hot stuff on her own?"

I was lucky he was free for a couple of days.

"Do you know where she lives?"

Los Angeles.

"Los Angeles I think Liane said."

Yep, that's right.

"Do you think Hot Stuff could be an actor?"

I'd love to watch his life unfold on the big screen. I'd have a part in it.

One if the girls turns. "Oh, shit, she heard everything."

I chuckle.

Yeah, I did I hope you are embarrassed.

The girls stand closer to each other and start whispering.

I roll my eyes. "You know it's rude to whisper. It's even ruder to acknowledge the person you're gossiping about while they are walking with you. If you have any questions about my husband." I show them the wedding ring. "Just ask me. Oh, by the way, he would never date any of you. You're too plain Jane for him. I might be able to hook you up with some if his friends."

A girl claps her hands. "That would be great. He has to be hotter and younger than your husband."

"I'll see what I can do for you." I step into a stall and do my business.

I wash my hands and exit the bathroom.

I'm grabbed around the waist and led into the male toilets. Austin locks the stall door and slams me against the door.

My head hits the door and I start to see stars. "Damn, Austin. Be careful. You just hit my head on the door."

"I'm sorry. Let me have a look?"

I steps forward and show him where he hit my head.

He kisses my head. "Is that better?"

I shake my head.

He smirks. "Where else are you hurt?"

I point to the top of my head and he kisses. Then I point to my cheek and he kisses that. The last place I point to is my lips and he kisses me. He sucks on my bottom before thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

Austin pulls my dress around my waist and he thrust his index and middle finger into me. "Austin," I moan.

I grind on his hand as he continues his thrusting.

He pulls his finger out of me and brings it to his mouth. He sucks my juice off his fingers. "Hmmmm, delicious." He continues to suck on his fingers.

Austin pulls my black boy-shorts to the side and he thrusts into me.

Someone knocks on the stall door. "Hurry up, Austin."

"Austin," I yell.

"Fuck that bitch, good, Austin. I wonder if she'll be able to walk after you've finished with her."

Austin and I explode and he pulls out of me. His hands are in fists as he steps out of the stall. He punches the guy in the face.

I pull my dress down and make sure it's not stuck inside my boy-shorts.

Austin holds my hand as we exit the toilet.

Shit, I forgot to check my hair. I hope I don't have the freshly fucked hair look.

Liane looks at me. "OMG, Val, what did you do to your hair? You ruined it for the rest of the photos."

I shrug. "I've had enough photos to last me a life time." I step past my sister to get into the limo.

Liane sniffs me. "You stink."

I laugh. "Yeah, that happens when you have sex. You should know the smell by now."

Austin covers my mouth with his hands.

I start yelling stuff with his hand covering mine.

He pushes me into the limo.

"Where's Zeke?" Liane asks.

"He's still in the bathroom. You should send your husband after him." Austin steps into the limo and he sits next to me. He holds my hand.

Zeke climbs into the limo. "I have a massive headache."

Sucked in.


The limo pulls in front of the hall. There's a whole heap of cars in the parking lot. I see a white van with Haley's catering on it.

The doors to the hall is open.

I take Austin's hand and we enter the hall. He kisses me before we sit two spots away from each other.

The rest of he wedding party step into the room and I stand behind my seat waiting for the bride and groom to enter to the room.

Liane and James enter the room and they are the first to sit down.

The waiters announce 'dinner' and everyone stands and walks over to the dinner table.

Well that's rude. The wedding party should be up first getting the food.

The bride and groom grab their plates of food and sit at the table.

Austin keeps looking at me throughout dinner.

I think he wants to leave this party. I feel the same way he does.

I finish the meal that was in front of me.

The plates and cutlery are taken away from us and washed up by the cooks.

Liane and James walks around the room and get photos taken with the rest of the guests.

My sister had a schedule that she wants to keep to on this night.

Alessia and Kyle walks over to Liane and James with their ten month old.

Alessia hugs Liane."Thank you for inviting me. Kyle and I need to put our son to bed. Have a great night cousin."

"Good night, Alessia."

She hugs me. "You did good with that man. I'll see you next month I'm LA?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'll send you the address of my favourite restaurant.

Alessia and husband leave the hall.


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