How Ridiculous

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Shinobu loved her boyfriend but not enough to be crushed under him.




With the job she has, she'd given plenty of thought to what her ultimate demise would be but not once did Shinobu thinks that it'd be death by her own boyfriend crushing her. Not that she's complaining, it seems like a pleasant way to go.

But here she was, in her bedroom at her mansion laying down with Giyuu lying on top of her, content with a peaceful expression on his face, not a single wrinkle visible. It was frankly annoying how irresistible and cute he could be even in his sleep. She wanted to pepper his face with kisses, see how ethereal he'd look with his cheeks tinted red, the corners of his eyes crinkling with mirth, lips up turned as sounds of joy or ecstasy pour from his chest. Watch his body devolve into a full body flush as alluring sounds escape his bosom. 

She shakes her head, wishing away the impure thoughts, ignoring the heat on her cheeks as she stared at him her expression growing softer.

Shinobu brushed away the pieces of hair that fell in view of his face, covering his lax expression, before running her knuckles over his cheeks, wanting to save this memory in her brain forever. He laid completely dead to the world around, dead to the fact that she had lost most feeling in her legs due to the pressure a while back, but she didn't mind.

She could say he's needy, she could say he's clingy, she could say so many things but really he's just taking what he should have been given more of a long time ago.

With a soft sigh, her boyfriend nuzzles into her neck, she smiled down at him, contently weaving a hand through his hair, kissing the crown on his head.

It was worth it for him.


Sometimes, when he has nothing to do, no inspiration, and he's a little lonely he'll watch her work. Not all the time, when she's elbows deep in blood and he decides to swing by he'll either go back home and chatter up with Kanzaburo, or maybe- she finds it happens even more frequently as time goes- he'll go to the kitchen, either make her some tea for later or her favorite snack since there's no way she'll be able to force down an entire meal. Aoi, if she's not busy will insert herself in the process, it's not that she doesn't trust him, she just wants to make sure he knows what he's doing, which in most parts he does he just doesn't know where certain objects are located at times.  

But for now, she's simply busy with paperwork when her boyfriend wraps his arm around her shoulder blades, leaning down to kiss her cheek sending a flurry of butterflies rumbling in her stomach. Her cheeks heat up under his lips and as soon as he pulls away, her's moves to press against his soft one, a hand threading in his hair to pull him back down to view. They pull away soon enough, both of their cheeks as heated as each other but she soon finds herself being distracted by something else.

A cup of tea slips onto her desk with a small 'clink!' as his head finds its way onto her shoulder, pressing a kiss in the crook of her neck gaining a giggle. 

She looks at the tea, it's her favorite and she can't help but kiss the side of his head as she gets back to work. Giyuu contently watches her do so without much of a complaint. 


The two are on a mission together, disguised as a couple in a festival-like setting. She supposes it's a setup, just a way to appease the demon by luring in unfamiliar faces so none of their own will be taken and it is working. Couples have a tendency to attend these kinds of festivals as dates, too busy looking into the other's eyes and fawning over each other to pay attention to their surroundings to notice their incoming doom.

The point was to make it obvious that they were a couple and from the looks, the two were gaining and from how obvious her boyfriend made it by him clinging to her arm they were sure to have an encounter of some sort whether it is a demon or not. Giyuu however noticed the stares they were getting and decreased his hold on her arm, looking around before leaning down and grumbling a response in her ear.

"People are staring," He muttered, gaze flickering back and forth, briefly squeezing her arm, she settled for simply smiling up at him. 

"That's because you're my eye candy, doll," She jested, winking up at him and he pursed her lips down at her, brows knitting together, he narrowed his eyes at her. 

He just hugged her arm a little tighter and she leaned up to kiss his cheek as she led him along.


Not many people get the pleasure of seeing Giyuu with his hair down, nor the pleasure of being able to do it yet here she is doing exactly both of those things. With his head in her lap, heedless to the world around him except for her and her lithe hand's meticulous hands wording the stands around each other until she came up with a small braid she'd undo in due time.

As Shinobu did his hair he only let out the occasional hum, nuzzling into her thigh. With a huff, she smiled down at him wholeheartedly as she continued with her ministrations 


With her being a doctor and everything, she frequently told those around her when they went drinking to always eat before they indulged in alcohol; that never meant they listened though.

Her friend with the exclusion of Kyoujurou- who didn't drink- and Muichiro- who wasn't even here- but sadly her boyfriend was no exclusion from this group at all. As the night went on, she learned many things about him, one that under any circumstance should he be allowed to drink, ever. He started off normal at first but then as the night went on a drinking competition started she realized why he never got drunk around any of them; because the man acted absolutely feral when drunk.

With a loose tongue, and inhibitions gone, she's never seen him so open yet so crude at the same time. They tried to stop him from drinking more out of fear of what would come but it seemed drunk Giyuu was so much more stubborn than regular Giyuu and could not be stopped. 

But things had taken a change for the better as soon enough he soon took a sleepy pliance, melting into whatever nearby surface he had as he depleted all of his energy in the events that previously transpired. Not that she was complaining he was easier to handle this way but would be a pain to lug anywhere.

She guesses this is how they got in this inherent situation in the first place. 

"My dearest beloved..." Her boyfriend slurs and it gets a quirk of the brow from her, he only ever called her that in his letters, their personal letters she made sure to keep away from the prying eyes of the girls so they didn't tease her or him about the sappiness. But what raises the other brow his when he just falls into her lap, folding his arms on the edge of her thigh and laying his head on them he curls up, mumbling this:

"You're like..." A yawn then smacking his lips. "It's like my god-given right that you keep holding me... You're legally obligated to keep doing this..." His eyes flutter closed, lakes of cerulean hidden underneath his lids as his eyelids briefly twitch as his body stills. 

She takes another sip of her drink, other than running a hair through his hair, she doesn't acknowledge it despite the prodding of her friends


There weren't many times where missions required them to go by train but this one had.

There were bumps in the track that jostled them, it left them brushing against the other shoulder as they were set into a comfortable rhythm waiting till the end of their ride. 

Slotting her hand in his she let herself lean onto her partner's shoulder, making herself as comfortable as can be. With the silent whistle of the wheels against the tracks, Shinobu let herself be whisked off to sleep with a smile on her face. 

A/N: if you liked this story then yell at me what you liked about this in the comments!

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