Anniversary Date

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Cresselia had volunteer to babysit Rai while Darkrai took you on the surprised date. Truth to be told you were busy with work and didn't even know the reason for why there was to be a date right now, on this day, and at this time.

You smiled as you watched Cresselia play with Rai, he was giggling as Cresseila played with his toes.

An arm wrapped around your waist as you tensed up and turned around, only to slap them in the face. You gasped as you saw it was Darkrai, his cheek swollen up pretty red too.

"Darkrai I'm so sorry!"

Cresselia looked up and laughed. "It gives his dark look some color!"

Darkrai flashed a glare at his sister before taking your arm and leading you somewhere in the forest. "It's fine. I got a surprise I want to show you for our anniversary."

"Anniversary...? Oh- it's today isn't it? Sorry about that... work has been weighing me down."

Darkrai smiled and kissed your temple. He was transporting you both through the shadows, the cold biting at your skin. "It's alright. Just look ahead."

You did as told and gasped in surprise. The nearby place with stones had been decorated like a fancy restaurant. You saw down and felt the seat as a stone, smooth and cold.

"Wow... this place is amazing!"

Darkrai smiled and sat across from you. "Glad to hear it."


It was very, VERY hard to trust him, but his brother was on his own anniversary date so it was last minute and had to be done. When the doorbell rang he stared at it before slowly opening it up.

The green elf stood there, Celebi, that little trickier. He flashes Dialga a smile and waved at him. "Hey Dialga. I'm supposed to be babysitting your kid right? Wasn't it a girl?"

"Yes," He grabbed Celebi by the collar and lifted him up into the air, "and if you do ANYTHING to my little diamond things won't end pretty. At all."

You smiled and fixed your hair before tugging Dialga's shirt. "Alright that's enough."

Dialga growls as he set Celebi down. Celebi sweat dropped as he took cute Dia into his arms. "I'll make sure to take good care of her!"

"You better!" Dialga shouted before taking you to the date.

When you opened your eyes your whole sight was filled with stars. You smiled in pure joy and watched them go by. "Is this was I think it is?"

Dialga nodded and kissed your cheek. "Spear Pillar, the first place and time we ever met."


This was the worst thing ever, but since he accepted the marriage he was fine watching over the kid. That was just it, Victini didn't like the thought of Entei watching over Vic. You were okay with the fact.

The front door got a knock as you hurried over and opened up the door. "Entei! Thank you for watching Vic over for us!"

"Not a problem!" He winced in surprise as he saw Victini glaring at him.

Victini was in the playpen with Vic as he played flash-cards with him. "Hello Entei." He didn't bothered to hide his disgust.

Entei only simply chuckled and waved at him. "Hello Victini. Hopefully when I'm done Vic will still know you're his true father."

Victini was burning holes into him as you dragged him away. He was heavy but he finally got around to his senses and took you to the most expensive bar in town.

He payed to get it as you smiled and drank beers together. "To my wonderful husband."

Victini chuckled as his cheeks were all red, mixed along with the fact that he was drunk. "Awww... *hic* and my favorite wife!"


Tonight was the night he was going to take you somewhere he's never taken you before. At first it was going to be hard because of the twins, but now Latias stepped in to babysit.

You came into the living room and gave her a plate of her favorite food. "Are you sure about this? You don't have to babysit them."

Latias shook her head with a smile. "I don't mind at all, really! Plus they're so cute when they sleep."

Latios came into the room and hugged his sister. "Thank you for babysitting the kids' sis. It means a lot to us."

"Of course! Now go and enjoy yourselves!"

Latios smiled and gave her another hug before taking off with you. The winds were strong as it was hard to hold down your dress while holding onto Latios. When you were there your eyes widen in disbelief, it was a beautiful curving waterfall.

Latios smiled as he put you down. "What so you think? Too much?"

"No! It's perfect!" You screamed, slamming your lips onto his.


Lucario didn't mean to run into him at the gym, but he was running out of ideas for a babysitter and he was the last option. Aura smiled at Gallade when he came in.

Gallade smiles and picked up him, spinning him in his arms. "So you're the famous Aura I hear not only in the forest, but in the gym! It's so nice to meet you!"

Lucario glared at him behind you as you smiled at him. "Thanks Gallade. Lucario doesn't like saying it but he thanks you for coming over to babysit Aura."

"Yeah, yeah, can we go now?" Lucario opened up the door and grabbed your arm. "I'm hungry!"

You sighed and waved goodbye to Aura and Gallade as Lucario dragged you into the forest, but not the usual spot where he would usual take you.

Instead, your eyes widen as you remember the place. It was the training grounds of when you demand Lucario to train you. Tears leaked from your eyes as you wiped them away. "It didn't think you remember."

Lucario chuckled and pecked you quickly on the lips. "How could I forget about this place?"


Sadly for him he had to take more life forces, but it was for a special occasion and hoped the spirits understood. He didn't even have to question who was at the door because he could just sense with his ability.

He opens up the door and managed a smile. "Hey Ho-Oh... good to see ya here."

His brilliant feathers shined in the darkness as he smiled, not for Yveltal, but for his son. "I'm here for the boy. I hear he's not like you, doesn't suck out life?"

"Well we don't-"

"Doesn't matter. I'll be taking my money now."

Before Yveltal could get out his wallet, you reached over and gave it to him. "Here you go. Thanks once again!"

Yveltal let you drag him away as he stared at you. "How can you stand him?"

"I can't, I just ignore his ego and let it go. Anyways take me to your spot."

Yveltal nodded with a smile and took you to a place with a wonderful view of the city lights. You leaned against his shoulder and sighed in bliss, taking in the scene with him.


You were watering the flower in the front garden before going out for the anniversary date when gracidea flowers started to grow in your garden.

"What the...?!"

A laughter came up from behind as it was Shaymin. "Sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to help your garden!"

"It's alright." You gave him a kind smile.

"Shaymin," Xerneas called from the front step before grabbing your hand. "Berry is asleep. Don't wake her up unless she it's her feeding time."

Shaymin nodded and went inside. Xerneas smiled and lead you into the forest, but you gasped at the rows of food. It was a table of a mix of Xerneas's and your favorite food.

"Dig in." Xerneas motioned to the table.

You smirked and dived right in.


Jirachi surprisingly loved children, so much that he would do give them candy if they wished for it. When he came over he gave Pearl LOTS of candy. Pearl smiled and tried to grab all of them.

"Here ya go! Hope you like them!"

You sweat dropped and took the candy bag away. "Jirachi, please don't feed her just candy."

"Yeah, or I'll have to kick your ass." Palkia said, glaring at him as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

Jirachi smiled up at the angry Palkia. "Oh Palkia! I'll make sure to take care of your daughter."

Before Palkia could list anything more off, you grabbed his arm and dragged him to the spot he promised. It was a simple hill side, but the one Palkia and you first met on.

You smiled and laid your head on his lap. "It love you so much."

Palkia smiled and stroked your hair. "I love you so much new galaxies are born every day."


Keldo managed to come and babysit Hoop after he just got back from a dangerous mission. He smiled and played with Hoop as Hoopa watched with jealous eyes as Hoop laughed happily.

You smiled and kissed his cheek. "Don't be jealous. Instead, be lucky I married you."

Hoopa let out a chuckle and a laugh. "You're right. Bye Keldo! We'll be back in a while!"

Keldo waved somewhat of a bye, he was busy playing with Hoop as he managed to mumble a goodbye.

Hoopa opened up a portal with his rings as you stepped through, only seeing darkness. When Hoopa come through he went over to an area and lit up the lamp, showing the place was filled with jewels.

Your jaw dropped. "Oh wow... wait... is this...?"

"Yup. It's the place you found my bottle that imprisons my evil self. Luckily it was only me that you found here and not that guy."

You nodded and sat on the big bean like bag pillows. "No kidding."


Even though Arceus didn't create Mewtwo, he found it odd that a guy like him was willing to help babysit his children. You were happy and managed to get some sleep before the big date.

Arceus watched as Mewtwo used his psychic powers as he lifted the kids up and down into the air. Life and Jewel were laughing their heads off.

You smiled and watched as you came in. "Ready to go?" You asked Arceus.

Arceus nodded and threw on his royal coat. "Once again Mewtwo thank you again for your help."

Mewtwo nodded in silence, focusing on the twins mostly. Arceus opened up the portal, not really sure on what we're you seeing. A mossy house?

"I can tell you don't remember it. It's the house I first met you in after I stopped you from... you know. I thought about using my powers to remodel it but I didn't know if you wanted to just leave it this way."

"No it's fine." You touched the mossy, feeling and remembering your childhood at this house. "Thanks for taking me here again. I always wanted to go back to this house but was too scared to go alone... maybe it was the depression that got to me."

Arceus hugged you from behind and kissed the back of your head, rocking you slowly back and forth. You smiled and rocked with him, letting the memories fill inside you once again.


The house was cold because of Kyruem, but it wasn't his fault that he couldn't control it so you didn't say anything about it. Tina was having a blast eating the snowflakes Kyruem was making for her.

When Gira came down he looked pretty good all groomed up for the date. You had no idea what it was, but maybe it was a special date since he groomed up for once it his life.

Gira kisses Tina's forehead before opening the portal up, luckily it didn't suck in air like his other portals did. "Behave young lady."

You rolled your eyes and pushed him towards the portal. "She's not like you. Have a fun time!"

"We will!" Kyruem said before the portal closed.

At first you were confused at what you were seeing, until stars blinks to reflect off its surface. It was the lake Gira and you first met at.

"I... didn't think you remembered meeting here."

Gira gave you a huge smile, one he doesn't give often, and kissed your nose. "This was the spot where my life changed for the better."


Espeon didn't mind at all having to watch little Bre as he adored her cuteness so much she often let her play with his ears, something he never let anyone ever do. When Umbreon came into view Espeon chuckled.

Umbreon rose an eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"Just make sure not to go too overboard with the date. I'm sure Bre loves just being an only child."

Umbreon blushed madly as he smacked the back of his brother's head. "Shut up! You're in front of a child!"

"Umbreon is right." You said, coming into the room looking for something. "Anyways I have dinner cooked for you guys. Have fun!"

Espeon and Bre both watched goodbye as Umbreon took you hand and let you into the forest. It was a long walk that usual as your legs were killing you. You were about to yell at Umbreon to take a break when a beautiful tree came into view.

You gasped, remembering this tree as it was the tree you met Umbreon under. Umbreon smiled and kissed your cheek. "Hope you like it. Took me a while to find this place again since it has been years."

You nodded and grab a nearby berry from the branch. "I love it with all my heart."


"Peek-a-boo!" Reshiram giggle along with Rom as she did the same.

"Boo!" She said, covering her eyes and trying to scare Reshiram.

"Ah!" He jumped, heart resting over his heart. "So scary! Just like her father!"

"Oh haha." Zekrom replied unamused from Reshiram. "Just wait until my fist is in your throat."

"Can we not fight right now?" You asked annoyed before smiling down at Rom. "We'll be back sweetheart."

Rom smile and clapped for you as Zekrom opened up the door, driving the car, and stopping at a hill. You just totally confused. "Why are we at a hill?"

"Because of this."

Thunder boomed overhead so loudly you covered your ears. Zekrom laughed slightly as he toned it down and held you in your lap, as you watched the rain pour down while watching the thunder show.


XY was smiling as Rayquaza tickling his tummy. Deoxys joined in as they really looked like two best friends, only if they put down the hate they had between each other.

You came downstairs in a fancy short dress. Rayquaza saw and tried not to look at you at all. You smiled and opened up the door. "Ready to go?"

Deoxys nodded and quickly poked XY's tummy, making him giggle more. "I'll be right back bud."

Deoxys raced out the door and with his speed form, flew into the air really fast. You had your face in his chest to shield it away from the intense air. Once he stopped you look up to see a huge crater.

"Oh hey! This is the spot where I first met you!"

Deoxys nodded and set you down. "I still feel bad for killing that guy, but since his soul and mine are one you're dating like two people at once."

You sweat dropped and patted his head. "Please don't ruin the moment..."

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