Arceus's Birthday

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"Happy birthday, Arceus!"

Ugh, this birthday again. How many was it? Sure longer than the earth or any other thing that lives out anywhere. Arceus lost track a long time ago, luckily he knew he was around more than a billion years old.

You sat by his bedside with the twins on your lap, each holding a present and nibbling on it with their soon-to-be teeth. Arceus chucked at the sight and pulled you into a kiss.

"I'm guessing the presents are for me?"

"Yup! You get to choose which one you want to pick first."

Arceus looked at his choices as the one of the left was smaller and easier to guess, but the slightly bigger box was harder to know what it was.

He took the right one and opened up to a cake. He laughed when he saw the title. 'Happy birthday old man dad! Glad to see you still live!'

"Do you like it?" You asked, your eyes shining with hope.

"Oh dear, I love it! It sums up about what I feel like. I am an old man... just one that can't really ever die."

You giggled and motioned with the box Jewel had in her hand. "You still have one more."

Arceus smiled and gently took the present from Jewels hands and opened it. He looked at it in surprise as it was a violin, make from the Tree of Life bark as well.

"A violin?"

"You said you always wanted one when he first started dating, but you could never really get to playing stuff at all because of how busy you were. Well now you got one!"

He played a simple note as it didn't sound bad which made him smile. "Thank you. I'll make sure to practice at night when I have the chance."

"Alright!" You stood up and put the twins back in their play pin, watching then for a second, before you came back to him. "Do you want some cake now?"

Arceus smirked and wrapped an arm around waist. "I was thinking kiss first then cake."

A blush came in your cheeks, but you did as he asked and rested your lips on his. Not a second later he locked then together and started to kiss you deeply with love.

You moaned slightly and started to lose balance, but Arceus picked you up and set you down on the bed, where he moved to your neck to attack it. You were whimpering and moaning at the same time while he attacked your soft spot, biting down on it like he owned you.

One of the twins started to cry as both Arceus and you broke away as Life had threw a block at Jewel's eye. You rushed over and picked her up, looking at her eye.

"It's okay! I'm sure Life didn't mean it!"

Arceuschucked as he started to eat his cake, knowing Life did mean to throw at blockat Jewels eye. Because siblings will always be siblings.

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