When The Babies Start Walking

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It was late at night, but he was unusually tired for just watching Rai. The sound of laughter filled up his ears as he sighed and try to ignore it, but it got louder and louder as he eventually got up to check.

The sight before him made him let out a shrike that was a mixed of a little girl and... An Eevee? Rai was walking on his own and laughing each time he fell down.


You got up angry and glared at the back of his head. "Why are you yelling at three I'm the morning?!"

"Look! My little boy is growing up!"

You looked over his shoulder and gasped. "I need to be taking pictures!"


He was trying to get her to stand, heck; he even got her to stop teething already when she should have stopped a month before. But, just like her father, she was stubborn and wouldn't listen to him.

"Alright Dia, stand up for daddy and you'll get your favorite toy from the store!"

Dia gave him a pout and shook her head, her blue hair growing faster.

Dialga sighed and sat on his butt. "I give up. Do whatever you want; it's clear you don't love me."

Dia watched her dad's eyes become sad, making her sad and suddenly stand up. You gasp as you just came from the kitchen and sat right next to Dialga, him looking at you like a crazy woman.

"Over here Dia! Come to mama and papa!"

Dia smiled and took her first few steps, before falling down again, but made her way over to Dialga. Never in his life had he been proud than anything at the moment.


After a rare night of drinking, he was woozy and could even see straight. He was only supposed to have one shot, but it was his favorite and took four more.

Vic was pouting because on the couch near Victini was his toy. Victini didn't pay no mind as he was groaning and pressing his fingers at the bridge of his nose.

"Toy!" Vic yelled at him.

Victini winced at his loud voice and covered his ears. "Vic be quiet!"

With the angry toddler, he stood up and held onto the side of the table edges to walk over to the couch and take his toy.

Victini saw he was on the couch and screamed. "OUR BOY IS A WIZARD!"

You looked over at him, you were watching t.v., and sighed. "He just walked you idiot, because you didn't give him his toy."


Both at the same time it was magical, the twins helping each other stand. Latios was making dinner as you played with them.

You were help stacking up the blocks as one of then fell over and making the whole thing fall down. Sky began to cry, but Lat stood up and quickly grabbed a block before falling back on her butt.

You gasped and watched with shocked eyes as Latios did the same, watching Lat stand up and picking up one block at a time while Sky coped her sister to help out.


Lucario and you were having a picnic in the forest as Aura played with the baby pokemon. Lucario had a strong sense he and those pokemon would have a strong bond together.

You were feeding him berries and stroked the side of his hair. "What do you want to do tonight?"

"Hmmm... how about we train?"

You rolled your eyes. "We always-"

You looked up and smiled as you watched Aura stand up and walk towards his friends, grabbing onto a tree stump to catch his balance.

Lucario watched as well. "He's growing up fast."

You nodded and rested your head on his chest. "I know... I know."


More and more these days he was tired of sucking up life energy and wished Hope wouldn't be so tempting to suck his life force from.

He currently had him on his lap and gave him a tired smile. "Hey buddy... I missed ya. Sorry dad was gone for a couple of days... he had to do some stuff."

A piece of his hair fell into his eyes as it was bugging Hope, so he slowly stood up and leaned against him, his hand pulling the strand back.

Yveltal watched with wide eyes and laughed, pulling him into a loving hug. "One day I won't have to take anymore life forces... I promise...."


Xerneas was kind of and kind of not watching her. He was reading a book while Berry played with her art. She picked one up, but her messy hands made the bottle slip and roll onto the other side of the room.

Berry looked at her father who was too engrossed in his book, humming as he turned a page. She knew crying wouldn't help, so she made herself stand up and walk over to the paint.

Xerneas was hearing tiny footsteps and looked from his book, only to have his heart skip a beat. "Oh my! (y/n)! Berry is taking her first steps!"

"WHAT?!" You rushed from the room you were in and squealed with joy.


Since it was winter and foggy Palkia was stuck at home doing something than not staring at planets, so he used his power for look at distance galaxies. It was like projector when he showed the difference planets as you were snuggled up next to him.

"This never gets old."

"Yeah it doesn't. Too bad it tires me out when I use it."

Pearl saw a shiny galaxy nearby, stop up, and walked over to it. She tried to catch it in her small hands, but she pouted as it wouldn't.

Palkia saw first and laughed. "Look like she just took her first steps and is pissed already."

You laughed and poked his cheek. "She almost looks like you when he's mad, bright pink eyes that look hungry for revenge."


Currently you were sick and staying in bed while Hoopa made the batter for the batches for the bakery tomorrow. Hoopa was whisking the batter too fast as drops of it split on the ground.

Hoop saw and stared at the batter, but it was in the other room for him. With his cubby baby legs he stood up and walked near the wall, holding him up and taking him to the batter.

When Hoopa was done and put the batter into the oven, he turned around and gasped when he saw Hoop was on the kitchen floor, using his hands to get the batter and licking his fingers.

"How did you get in here?!"

He looked at the carpet and saw tiny footmarks embedded. He gasped and picked him up. "Did you just walk?!"

Hoop stared at him, his eyes holding a look of innocents. Hoopa sighed and put him down, "Never mind."

When he turned around to start the next batter, Hoop stood up and walked back to his play pin.


He was in his office working on kingly duties that involves paperwork. You were watching over the twins as they were separated from each other from what happened last time.

You sighed and tried pushing them together, but they would crawl apart with a grumpy face.

"Ugh... it seems impossible for them to sit next to each other."

"(y/n)! I need your help!"

"I'm watching the twins!"

"I'll only take a minute!"

You sighed and got up and walked into his office. What you were eating was a small dessert as both the twins eyed it.

They knew crawling would take forever to reach there, so, in synchronization, they stood up and walked over to the dessert. By the time you came back they already ate the dessert, making you confused and proud at the same time.


He didn't get much sleep last night and was falling asleep while he watched Tina. She giggled and played with her little toys. Gira smiled as he watched... eyes slowly closing...

A bubble came into her view as she giggled and tried to reach for it, but it floated away from her. She pouted and crawled after it, but it seemed the bubble was faster than her.

"Bubb!" Tina shouted and took up, almost falling over.

She quickly ran with her legs and caught the bubble before she could fall over. She giggled loudly, making Gira wake up, and fall back to sleep again...


What wasn't better than eating berries under the moonlight and having your husband doing it for you? You smiled and let him put one in your mouth as it burst with flavor inside your mouth. The moment was just perfect.

"Do you want more?" Umbreon asked?

You nodded and stretched a little. "Yes please."

Umbreon smiled and got up, but one of the berries rolled out of his arms as Bre saw it. It looked so good, but yet so far away for the little one. She got tired of looking and tried standing up, and it was successful and walked over to the berry.

She giggled and started eating it, more like nibbling, as Umbreon came back, saw, but shrugged it off and went back over to you.


His new book was due next week so he wrote as fast he could to finish it up. You were asleep and fell asleep from watching Rom, but she had other things wanting to see than playing with her toys.

The room to his office would take forever if she crawled, so by watching, she stood up, leaning against the wall. It only took her five minutes to get to his office and slowly opened up the door by pushing it.

Zekrom heard and looked back, only to be shocked to see Rom in the room. "When did you get here?"

Rom giggled and walked over to him, making Zekrom gasped and pick her up in his arms, kissing her small forehead.


He heard about babies walking before and it was around XY's month and year to be walking by now. To help, Deoxys made XY's favorite treat and had it around his line of vision. XY saw and stared at it.

Deoxys smirked and walked backwards. "Come on, you know you want it!"

Deoxys was cross the room by now and XY began to cry, evening sobbing as he was far away. Deoxys sighed and came back into the room, only about thirty feet away from him. "Is this better now?"

XY gigged and got up, making Deoxys's mind blown as he grabbed his treat. You saw just when you came into the room and clapped for XY.

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