You Get A Nightmare

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Everything in the world was dark, even the sun whose light couldn't ban the darkness surrounding the earth. Everything was still, mostly from the cloud of darkness surrounding him, Darkrai.

You heart leaped in fear as you ran for him. The winds were pushing you back, but you fought your way through to see Darkrai, his eye pure dark inside. It was scary to see him like this, too see he was in pain.

"Dakrai..." you whispered and bend down to his level."It's me, (y/n)."

When he looked up at you, your spine was filled with a wave of coldness he was giving off. He grabbed your hand as you gasped, feeling the darkness taking over.

"If you love me," Darkrai laughed with a humorless tone, "you'd come with me into my own world."

"I-I can't! Let go of me!"

Darkrai growled and threw you into his abyss of darkness, leaving you screaming. It wasn't a second later you woke up, gasping for breath. Darkrai woke up to your heavy gasping and blinked awake, wrapping a lazy arm around your waist.

"Are you okay...?"

You nodded and rested your head on his chest, feeling the beating of his heart that wasn't swallowed up in darkness. "Yeah... I'm alright."


When you came too, the first thing that came to your mind was, what in the world was this place? Time seemed to be frozen everywhere. The drops of rain on leaves were stuck in the air along with random boulders in the air.

The air in this place seemed thin as you even had a hard time breathing in this parlayed place. "Dialga... are you there?"

Red eyes came from the darkness as your heart skipped two beats. You smiled and ran up to him, but soon stopped to see this wasn't him. Orange mixed with red ran all over his body, like some kind of power, an evil one.

"Dialga... what happened to you?"

"Time... stopped for me..." He spoke like a lifeless doll, even walking like one when he inched closer to you. "All I feel and see is darkness... my heart... has stopped beating..."

"Wha?! Then... how are you even alive?!"

His mouth twisted up into an ugly smirk. "I live to kill you~"

Before you could act his fist made an impact to your stomach, making you gasp your last breath while hearing his evil laughter. You woke up screaming in pain as Dialga woke up, hugging you close to him.

"Shhh... its fine... nothing bad has happened..."

All through that night you clung to him... never letting go.


Watching Victini lose for the first time was heartbreaking. All his pride as not only a legendary, but as a man, was shattered before him. People were laughing in his face and calling him names, saying his powers were always fake.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as you carefully stood by him. "Victini..."

"Don't call me that name..." His own voice held heartbreak. "I'm a nobody anymore."

"Stop saying that! You're Victini! The legendary pokemon who can win any battle or game!"

"Well guess what, I just lost. My pride is ruined.. I'm sorry (y/n)... but you can't be with a nobody like me."

Your own heart was breaking into two. Sure, Victini could be annoying and smelly at times, but he was your husband and father to your child. You started to cry and held out your hand for him. "Victini no please! Don't leave me alone!"

He gave you one last look before the fog took him away. Your whole world crashed around you as you sobbed like nothing before... Victini woke up to your sobbing and stroked your hair, waking you up as you did tiny mini sobs.

"(y/n)... I don't know what it was, but just know it will never happen." He whispered softly in your ear.


A horrible hurricane was tearing the world apart was Latios was the only one who could stop it. The only way was to use his powers inside of it, meaning he would die in the process. He was about to take off when you quickly tugged him back.

"Latios please! Don't do this! There has to be another way!"

Latios held a deep sadness in his eyes as he hugged you. "I'm sorry... but you know there is no other way. Just remember I love the kids and you with all my heart."

You heart was just crying out and ripping itself apart. You wouldn't let Latios go, so he had to rip your hand away from his shirt. When he took off you screamed his name as he went into the hurricane.

The blue energy was released inside as the winds and earth finally calmed down. Everyone around you cheered in happiness as you fell to your knees, the life draining from you as nothing in the world could replace the emptiness inside.

Latios woke up to a kick to his gut as you sobbed while trashing around in your sleep. Latios quickly grabbed your wrist and shook you awake, making you open your tear filled eyes to see him.

He held you as you let him grab the twins, snuggling between him and them all that night.


The building aura inside him was too great as he slowly felt his own life force slipping away from him. He was protecting the forest from Yevltal as Lucario gathered up all his aura strength to protect everyone.

"Lucario!" You screamed and ran towards him, but the forest pokemon held you back.

They knew it was too dangerous to be around him, but you didn't care and kept fighting your way through until Lucario finally spoke.

"(y/n)... please stop... this is... my fate... just... please... raise... aura..." He gasps as half of his lower body began to disappear, "to be... a... wonderful... man... I... love... you..."

"Lucario!!!" You sobbed and watched as his aura disappeared along with his body. The forest was saved, but not Lucario himself. You fell to the ground, sobbing in ragged breaths as you screamed in mix of furry and sorrow.

You woke up the next second, sweaty and face dries with tears as you felt Lucario wiping them away. You didn't have to say anything as Lucario held you close to him, letting you sense and feel his aura inside him.


Everything inside the world was getting suck into energy for Yveltal as you watched in horror, while still trying to reach through Yveltal. His face was twisted into a pure evil smirk as he laughed, taking life after life of another pokemon and person.

"Yveltal! Stop this right now!" You called out to him.

He didn't need to turn to know who it was. "Why are you here? Don't you know I'll kill you?"

"I've come to stop you!" You held up the sword Yveltal had given you, in case he was going to be driven into madness.

Yveltal finally turned around to see the sword. He simply laughed at it. "I know you, (y/n). You'd never harm me, even if you did say you would kill me!"

"Just try me!" You charged up at him as Yveltal sat back and stared.

Right when you were about to dive for his heart, you stopped just inches from it. Your whole body was screaming no about killing him, but your mind was screaming yes to kill him. Yveltal took the chance and grabbed you by the throat.

You soundlessly watched as he drained your life without mercy inside his eyes. The last thing you heard was his laugh... and the sound of him breaking your body in half. You screamed waking up and fell off the bed, holding the pillow close to him.

"What the-?" Yveltal ran over to you, checking for injuries, and making you fall back to sleep with the help of some kisses.


The Tree of Life was dying because of the dark matter of the world. He looked to be an old man by the time his life as almost up as he laid in bed. Tears ran down your face as you held his weak hand.

"(y/n)..." Xerneas wheezed out, "Just... remember... that... I'll... always... love..."

A horrible cough came out of him as you winced, feeling like it was your own pain. You gently smoothed back his hair and gently kissed him. "It's alright... don't say anymore... I love you too... just remember that... Xerneas..."

Xerneas smiled, a ghostly smile as he died while giving the life. The Tree of Life was wilting and clasping around you, but you cried and laid next to his dead body, ready for the tree to take you down.

Before the whole tree clasped, you held his hand with love and let the tree kill you.

Gasping for air was the seemed to be the hardest thing in the world, but you were just trying to your catch breath. You looked around to see the Tree of Life was alive and well, which meant Xerneas was alive.

You gasped in happiness and hugged him, waking him up, but he sleepily kissed your forehead before falling back asleep.


It was happening, space was rejecting him. When space rejects him it means he isn't the controller of space anymore, meaning he will die without space giving him the energy to live. He was slowly fading away in your hands as you watched with horror.

"Palkia please tell me this isn't real! TELL ME IT'S NOT!"

Palkia gave out a chuckle and cup the right side of your face with his right hand. "I'm sorry... this is... real... I'm... sorry... I won't... be there... for... Pearl... and you... just... remember... me..."

"No!" You sobbed and held him tighter as his body was turning bright pink, disappearing into tiny specs of nothingness. "I won't accept this! There has to be another way! There just has to be!"

"(y/n)..." Palkia reached up to kiss you as you did the same, feeling his lips.

You gave him the love you had for him as he disappeared into the tiny specs... the sight of his dying pink eyes gave you a shudder as you moaned and wailed in true sadness. The whole universe seemed to be collapsing, but nothing was more horrible than this.

Palkia woke up you up as you were shaking everywhere. You couldn't believe your eyes for a second as you leaped into his arms, making him surprised and regain his balance. You cried happily in his arms, he didn't question it as he let you cry as much as you needed.


Cites and forest were being destroyed as Hoopa's evil side was released. All of this damage in one day was enough to make you cry and try to stop him, even if it meant you had to risk your life for the cause.

Hoopa was destroying the city you both lived it for so long and called home. You climbed up to the towers of the building he was going to destroy next when you used your lungs to call out his name. "HOOPA! STOP THIS MADNESS!"

Hoopa stopped to look up at you, his wild expression not even changing. You swallowed and held out the imprisonment bottle, making Hoopa yelp and back away from you. The next thing you did was drop the bottle.

"I'm not going to hurt you. If you stop destroying the buildings I won't use the bottle on you."

That still didn't settle well on Hoopa as he dived for you, making you gasp as you tried to grab the bottle, but he lift you up into the air, crushing your spine as your screamed echoed into your ears.

You woke up with almost a heart attack, trying to calm it down with your heavy breathing. Hoopa heard and woke up, calming you down by stroking your hair until you fell back to sleep.


The world has done it and made Arceus snap. He was going to wipe out all humans and pokemon, angry as they had forgotten their god. You watched in horror as Arceus was making all possible world shaking event happen.

The twins were crying as you ran up to him and pushed him away from the jewel he controlled, the Jewel of Life. "Arceus stop this! This isn't you!"

Arceus growled and slammed you away, breaking some of your rib cages as you bit your lip from screaming. "What makes you think you can speak that way too me?! I am a god! Just because I'm your husband doesn't mean anything to me! All you were was for a tool... to see if humanity was worth it... but now it needs to die!"

Arceus gripped the Jewel as every life form was dying every second. He was about to unleash his most powerful attack, but you blocked it as a huge hole was blasted through you. You watched as Arceus's eyes never changed from the blood lust as you died...

"(y/n) wake up!" Arceus was shaking you awake as you screamed and pushed him away from you.

"G-Get away from me! M-Monster!"

Arceus just winced as he carefully hugged you close to him, but you were too weak to even push him back, and just fell asleep in his arms.


His worst fear had come true as Gira was lost in his madness. He knew it was going to happen one day, he just didn't know if it was going to be around the time you were still alive. The world he created was falling apart as Tina was screaming from fear.

You picked her up and dashed for the portal, but Gira blocked you from it. The red of his eyes were lost from the humanity he once had. "You're not taking my child away from me!"

Tina cried as you held her protectively. "I'm not letting you have Tina! You're a monster now... I won't let Tina be near you!"

Gira's face twitched a bit, maybe from hearing the word monster, but it was too late to figure out as he grabbed your throat, crushing it slowly. The air lost made you drop Tina but Gira caught her as she was screaming in fear as it was hurting your heart.

"I thought you wouldn't betray me, but I was wrong. Everyone betrays me." He said before snapping your neck.

You woke up, gasping for breath as Gira was sleeping next to you, and Tina's soft breathing from the other side with your mother senses. You sighed in relief and snuggled up to him, wrapping your arms around him while he did the same in his sleep.


The moon's light was fading away as Umbreon was losing his will to live. You held onto him as his legs wouldn't move, nor his arm as you dragged him to a spot where the moon's light shined down the most.

Umbreon gasped for breath as he shakily reached for your hand, which you did with a shaky breath. "Umbreon," You sobbed horribly, "please... don't go."

"I'm... s-sorry... I-I... c-can't... hold... much... l-longer..."

A sob broke through your throat as you hugged him, making his shirt wet with your tear everywhere. Painfully you heard his heartbeat finally stop and sobbed more as the world faded into darkness...

The moon was without light. Without light, who would lit up your world anymore? No one, so you did the only possible thing, drown in the darkness that swallows up the world.

The light coming from the moon made you wake up as you gasped, seeing Umbreon was alive. You squeezed in him a hug as he gasped for breath, which you couldn't hear through your joyful expression and soul.


The generator inside him couldn't handle it anymore as it was going to wipe the world, every living thing, from the face of the earth. Zekrom was screaming in pain as the generator built lighting and thunder around it.

"Zekrom! Hold on!" You screamed through the wind, even though the radiation from the electricity was burning your whole face.

"(y/n)! S-Stay back!" Zekrom screamed through the winds, "Please! STAY BACK!"

You ignore his warning and eventually hugged him. Your skin was burning off along with your soul as you gave him a smile, just before the generator released the electricity. You felt Zekrom hold onto your body as you felt yourself melting away, with all the other life dead on the planet...

A zap from lamp woke you up as you shudder lightly. Zekrom was awake reading a book as he picked you up, setting you on his lap as he looked over you. "What's wrong?" He asked.

You broke out crying and wrapped your arms around him, making him surprised but he did the same. Through the crying you managed to speak. "I-I love you!"

"I love you, too." Zekrom whispered back with a smile.


The DNA inside him was taking over as he was losing his memories of you, everything about being a human as the mind of his alien self was taking over. He screamed in pain as his mind felt it was being ripped apart.

You cried while shaking Deoxys up, trying to make him focus. "Deoxys please! Open your eyes!"

"I-I can't! I-It hurts too much!"

"Please," you sobbed out loud, "do it for me!"

Deoxys was about to open them, when his body when stiff. You were confused until he snapped them open, clear and gloopy, looking at you like you were an alien yourself. You gasped and backed away from him.

He used his tentacles to wrap around you as you struggled against him. He looked like he was wondering what to do with you. Suddenly, his eyes turned red as he thrust one of his tentacles through you, making the life instantly fall from you.

Deoxys woke you up as you thrashing around, making him worried until you snapped your eyes open. Deoxys smile and hugged you. "Thank goodness you're awake! I was so worried when you weren't."

The warmth of his arm started to make you cry again as you sobbed in his arm, making him confused, but you he let you sob away until you fell back asleep.

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