The Last Meeting

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It was as Arceus had feared. The magic making them human was wearing thin. He thought it would last five more years, but the energy was draining him slowly to the point where sometimes when he stood up, the whole world would spin around him.

He looked into the living room to see his wife and two children. She was reading a book while the twins played with each other. Never before as his years as a legendary would his heart ache so badly, tears would be sliding down his face.

He sent the message to those who he knew were married and had children, and so they came. Arceus's heart pounded to know what they would say, let alone think.

A portal opened up as one was blue, out coming with Dialga, then next Palkia with a pink portal next to it. Arceus smiled as they hugged each other, knowing that their wives have shaped them into good people, not only just as husbands.

"Hey dad!" Dialga chimed up. "We got your message! What is this about for a meeting?"

Before he could speak another portal opened up as Gira came out, but with bows inside his dark hair. Palkia burst out laughing as Arceus managed a smirk at the sight.

"Gira," Arceus said. "What are you wearing?"

Gira growls and blushed as he picked at the bows. "Tina put them in my hair. My wife made me because if I didn't then I would sleep outside in the snow."

Dialga whistled. "Sounds like a tough woman. Luckily I know my way around my wife, because if I don't then I can't count how many times my head about be on a spear."

The doors to the camber opened up as the rest spilled in. Umbreon and Lucario sat next to each other, his three sons sat next to each other as well, along with everyone else, but Deoxys as he just stood in the corner.

Everyone's gazes were making Arceus's heart pound louder inside his chest. How could he say it? They would be missing their wives and kids, knowing how long it would be until they would see them again.

Arceus cleared his throat as everyone stopped talking, and forced their gazes onto him.

"Everyone, you know the work of you becoming a human is by the work of magic. Alas, the magic I hold is wearing thin and becoming thinner by the second." Dizziness took a hold as he gripped the edges of the table, telling himself he would not fall. "It pains me to say that with the time we have left... which was to be five years... is less than a month. I'm sorry, but we will all turn back into pokemon. I do not know how long until my magic is restored to me, maybe months or years, but I ask you all to please understand this and try to forgive me."

The room was painfully silence. Their faces plaster with sadness... anger... and guilt.

Arceus knew what the guilt as from. Leaving their wives and children behind. Not being able to be in their kids' lives and watch them grow up, and watching as their wives are alone without them.

"So..." Deoxys started out, voice cracking under his emotionless face. "We'll he separated from our families?"

Arceus sighed and nodded. Victini rose up and slammed his fist on the table, making a dent in it. Everyone stared at him until he cursed under his breath and left the room.

It wasn't until a second later everyone else got up and left, heart tore and broken at the bear thought of leaving behind their homes.

Arceus looked down and blinked back his tears. A god mustn't cry, because they were the strong Lord of the world. A tap to his shoulder snapped him back to realization that he hasn't moved at all.

It was Darkrai, blue eyes glowing with concern. "Are you alright? I could tell from back at the room you were shaking."

Arceus started at him. "You're not mad at me?"

Darkrai chuckled and patted his shoulder. "No one can blame you, oh mighty god. You did tell us your magic wouldn't last long, only seven or so years. The three years with my wife were amazing... along with just almost one year with my kids."

"Yeah..." Arceus mumbled under his breath, a memory of his family smiling and laughing all together.

"Dad," Dialga spoke up, looked at Darkrai, with a nod he left to give them some space. "Just know... that even though I didn't visit you much when I was dating my wife... that I still love you. It would be selfish of you make yourself push on with your limit."

"Yeah." Palkia came up next to him. "Just remember we love you, dad."

Gira came shyly up and waved a little. "And me too. Even though... you band me from the world."

"You know why." Arceus said strictly.

Gira nodded and sigh. "I know... but now my wife had taught me better things then just killing them. I'm grateful for not only her, but for you giving us the time with your magic."

"Me too," Latios came up with a sly smile. "Don't worry about Victini. He's fine, not mad at you old king."

"Then what is he mad about?"

"He's mad because he promised his wife he would stay with her, now he'll have to break the promise. You know how Victini is with promises, knowing the magic will wear out one day... but maybe he just hoped it would never end..."

All in that one sentence made Arceus breathe deeply, the guilt digging further down into his soul. How would long would it be until the magic returned? Hopefully not hundred years... He then remember he had others to talk too and excused himself from the group.

Xerneas and Yveltal were talking in a far corner of the room, light smiles on their faces. Arceus approached them with a steady beat, smiling at them as they bowed to their lord.

"Arceus," Xerneas spoke first, "what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to speak with you both."

Yveltal smiled as Arceus jumped in surprise. He remembered his eyes being blue, not blood red. Painfully he knew in his heart Yveltal knew he had to suck up more souls in ordered to be near his son, but he didn't know it was this horrible...

"Yveltal... are you okay?"

Yveltal sighed and looked away. "I'm fine... it'll take a couple of year for the energy to disappear... along with my eyes returning to normal."

Xerneas patted his back and hugged him, hugging him like a true brother. Yveltal closed his eyes in pain and hugged his brother back, his own back rising and falling like an ocean wave. Arceus left them alone as he looked for more people, then seeing Zekrom and Deoxys talking together.

Zekrom noticed him first and waved him over. "Hey Arecus. Just talking about family stuff."

Deoxys looked down at a picture of his own son and wife, tiny tear drops on the picture itself, but Deoxys eyes seemed normal. "How do you think your kids will deal without you? Being you the god of everything."

"I'll leave the palace too them to and I'll be in the deepest in space, recharging the magic along seeing to how the world is run."

"It's good to see you're our god." Zekrom said, a kind smile bringing out the blue of his eyes.

"Arceus!" A voice called out as it turned out to be Victini, along with Hoopa, eating a donut of course.

Arceus walked his way down towards the two as Victini sighed, picking at his nails in worry. "I'm sorry about what happen earlier."

"It's alright. Latios told me everything."

Hoopa looked at the dent and laughed. "Dang! Looks like... something my wife would make..." His voice dropped into a quiet whisper.

Blue light touched at his soul as he knew it was Lucario using his aura power to have him notice him. Arceus let the energy lead him as he found both Lucario and Umbreon together, sitting down the chairs.

"Lord Arceus," Lucario smiled at him, legs crossed over the other. "Great to see that you came."

"Of course I did. Do you want to talk about something?"

"How long...?" Umbreon spoke up, the red of his eye shinning with incoming tears. "How long... will it be? I need to see my kid grow up... I have to Arceus... I promised myself when Bre was born I would teach her how to use her powers, now that the magic is failing I'm afraid what will happen to the other children..."

The question shocked Arceus. He knew the children would remain human since they were born human, but the question about their powers were still a mystery to him. An idea hit him as he quickly put it together and had everyone gather around the table again, his soul beginning to spark with the young soul he once was.

"Everyone listen up! Our children's power is a problem, but from time to time we can come to them as a pokemon in secret, teaching them how to use their powers! This might seem risky, but it'll only be once a year he can come to them so the magic isn't broken or disturbed around them."

"Excuse me!" Umbreon rose his hand up in the air. "Why can't we visit them as pokemon?"

"Umbreon... that is a good question... but the nature as pokemon will return to us. Some of us aren't well rounded with humans... so it's best to stay away from them and let our natures take over. Just remember, only once a year and one day, so chose that day wisely to teach their powers."

They all nodded and stood up, knowing in all their hearts they would have to leave and say goodbye. When the all left Arceus sat on top of his throne, feeling the strand of the magic spinning and breaking every day. Hopefully... in that one month... he'll weaved the magic and restore it, better and stronger than before.

Hey guys... there will be two chapters left in this book. It's not that I don't enjoy this book anymore, but I had a feeling it needed to end. It's already a year old and when I started thinking of the scenarios I didn't feel like doing them, but when I thought of ending this book, the author in me knew that it was time this book needed to end. Don't worry I'll still do the birthdays and maybe even after the book I'll add in some other scenarios time from time when I feel like it, but it'll be when the children are grown up. Let's face it, this book had its downfall when the babies came out, so now it's time to end this book. I love you all who supported this book and hopefully a new boyfriend scenario book will come out. What kind of one do you want me to do next? Please comment... it helps rather than just being silent half of the time...

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