Goodbye, Love

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It was too soon, you just knew it was. Darkrai turned into a pokemon once again. You were sleeping when it happened, but he woke you up so you could say your goodbyes. Rai looked at him confused, trying to see if it was really his dad.

Tears came down your face as you hugged Rai closer to you. "I guess this is goodbye... I-I love you... Darkrai... just remember that... okay?"

His bright blue eye shined with a heavy sorrow, one that was stabbing him in the gut each time he looked into your eyes. Darkrai nodded and grabbed your hand, feeling the warmth and feel of your hand once again.

When he turned to leave Rai cried out and reached with his tiny hands. Dakrai looked back and walked back, only to pat him on the head.

"Do not cry, Rai. I'll soon come back some day. The nightmares will never harm you, they'll only make you stronger."

Rai's blue eyes were full of tears as he gripped at Darkrai's hand, pleading with him to never let go. It was too painful for Darkrai to see, so he disappeared into your shadow. The feeling of him disappearing into your shadow remind you of the first time you met.

You weren't ever afraid of him, and never would be.


He was too big to change in the house so he waited outside for him to return back into his pokemon state. He looked at the watch on your wrist, remembering giving it to you on your first birthday.

You cried when he was turning back into his pokemon self, so huge and tall that the moon's light was blocked by him. He sat down on his four legs and nuzzled you gently on the cheek with his head.

Dia giggled and patted his head, until she realized her daddy wasn't supposed to be this way. When he went to pull back Dia grabbed onto the iron bolts on the side of his head, crying and gripping it so tiny her hand begun to turn white.

You quickly tugged her hands off and held her closer to you. "I'm sorry Dia... but daddy has to go... it's for the better."

Dialga smiled in true sadness as he nuzzled Dia's cheek. "I'll miss you, both of you. Just remember when you look at the time remember me... and I'll be able to feel your love."

"D-daddy..." Dia sobbed, hiccupping like crazy.

Dialga gave her another nuzzle before opening up the portal and disappearing. Tears ran down your face, but you took deep breaths from breaking down and crying. "I love you... my time dork."


He didn't drink a single beer that whole month and spend it with the both of you, whether it was rainy or stormy. He felt it in his sleep that he changed back, so he woke up and saw he was back to his original tiny form.

You couldn't sleep and saw from the corner of your eye he had changed back. A stabbing pain stabbed into your heart as you took a huge breath from breaking down. Vic was awake too, and walked himself into the room.

Victini floated up and hugged himself too you. "I promise... now I broke my promise... sorry I was a good-for-nothing husband."

You sobbed and held him closer to you as Vic climbed onto the bed. "Please don't say that! I-I love you! Even with your faults! J-Just... don't forget about us!"

Victini smiled and gently pecked your forehead. "I won't ever forget you."

Vic smiled and walked on the bed towards Victini, hugging him closely to him. Victini cried joyful tears and hugged him back. "I promise to come every once a year... I promise that, and I'll never break it."

Victini gave you both one last hug before taking off into the night. Vic noticed he wasn't coming back and started to cry, but you both cried in a silent matter.


Latias was waiting for him as she was already transformed into a pokemon. Latios looked at your with painful eyes of sorrow, not wanting to leave his family behind at all. You smiled through the pain and rested your hand on his head.

"Don't worry about us. We'll be fine, because I know you'll be right beside us when there is danger."

Latios smiled a tiny bit and looked at the twins as they played with each other, remembering how he and Latias played like that when they were younger. He went up to them and nuzzled both of their cheeks.

"Both of you, look out for each other. The world is dangerous now that they know about half pokemon and half humans, but don't be afraid, because the winds will protect you no matter the cost."

Latias nudged him as he sighed and gave you one last look before taking off. You heard of a broken heart, but this was shattering inside you. The twins looked at the sky together, hoping one day they would see him again.


The moment he become a pokemon... he knew what true depression was. It was aura training when it happened and you were about ready to grab onto him, to never let go. Lucario was the one to hug you as you sobbed on his shoulder

Aura looked at Lucario confused, until he realized it was his dad and smiled at him. "D-dad!"

Lucario smiled and patted his head. "Hey little man... can you protect your mother for me?"

Aura tilt his head in a cute way, almost so cute Lucario forgot he was even sad in the first place. He grabbed onto his finger and pulled on it, expecting him to do the same and play with him.

Lucario smiled and looked at you, you nodded, so he bend down and hugged him. Aura smiled and hugged him back, playing with the black ear like things at the side of his head. Lucario laughed and cried at the same time.

"Remember in the darkest of days, I'll always be near you to protect you."

He set Aura down and turn to you, smiling sadly and gave you a goodbye hug. Lucario began to run into the woods as Aura stared after him, expecting him to comeback, but he never did the whole day.


Yveltal couldn't stand the brightest of his red eyes, a reminder of the killer he is. When he turned back into his human self he felt his eye become blue, but only if he balanced out his life sources inside.

Hope looked up at him and giggled, trying to catch one of his wings. You smiled and lifted Hope into your arms so he could catch one of them, feeling like it was Yveltal holing his hand in some way.

Yveltal came back down and gently touched his head with yours. "I'm a monster, but you brought the light to me. I thank you for that."

You sobbed and shook your head. "It was the least I could do. Just be careful... be careful for us."

"Daddy!" Hope reached out with his hands.

Yveltal smiled and nuzzled him next. "I know your name sounds strange to give to a boy, but remember, it means so much more than you will ever think, Hope, just always remember that."

He gave you one last look before taking off into the night. The trees shook with high wind power as Hope watched him fly off, tears streaming down his cheeks.


The tresses of the forest shined just as brightly as before, but when he turned back, their color dim down due to his sadness. Xerneas was pretty tall for a legendary and had to change outside to not hurt anyone.

Berry smiled and looked at the colorful antlers on his head. "Pwetty."

You smiled and kissed the top of her head, dry stain of tears already on your face. "It's time to say goodbye to daddy, Berry."

She looked at you confused, like you were crazy. Xerneas lent his head down and gently touched his nose to her cheek.

"If you ever feel confused or alone, just stay in the forest and listen to the forest. It'll always give you the answer to everything you ever want."

Berry grabbed onto his antler before he pulled back, but her grip was too weak to hold onto. You smiled sadly and hugged Xerneas the best you could. "I love you, the deepest of my heart I will always remember to be in the forest."

Xerneas nodded and walked off into the forest. Berry looked at him before he disappeared into the woods, completely out of sight. Berry begun to cry as you cried along with her.


Pearl was the first one to see him transform as you were too busy sobbing for him. Palkia knelt down the best he could and gently touched your cheek with a single claw, telling you to be strong for him.

You nodded and felt the warmth from it. "I'll miss you, so much I won't ever marry another man ever again."

Palkia smiled in a half happiness and sadness. Pearl reached out for him and was looking at the pearl at the side of his shoulder, glowing with an edgy violet pink. Palkia moved his shoulder down so she could feel it, the space inside him.

"The stars will always have a way to guide you, even if the clouds hide the stars, there will always be a way to the brightest star."

Pearl smiled and hugged him with her tiny frame before he had to pull back. He looked back before opening up the portal and disappearing into it. Pearl cried out before the portal closed, remembering his sadness on his face before leaving the both of you.


He saves the last and final donut for you and Hoop. It was the least he could do for the small but wonderful family he had. When he turned back into a pokemon he knew it was time.

When Hoopa was holding out the donut for you to take you didn't look at it while you cried.

"(y/n) please take it..." Hoopa said, voice cracking a little.

"Downt!" Hoop called out and reached for it.

Hoopa smiled and handed it to him, watching Hoop trying to eat it with his tiny teeth. "You're so cute. Remember that the power you have doesn't limit you to the other things you can do."

You sobbed and hugged Hoopa close to you. "J-just promise me you'll come back! It wouldn't be the same without you!"

Hoopa nodded and hugged you back. "I promise."

He opened up a portal with his ring and hopped it, the ring disappearing with him. Hoop was confused and stopped eating the donut, wondering if he'll come back if he ever did.


Pain was either easy or hard to deal with, but this pain was so great that he sobbed while turning into a pokemon. You came over and hugged his leg.

"Arceus please don't beat yourself over this! The others are counting on you... so please... don't let us down."

Arceus nodded with a broken pride. "I promise..."

The twins came up and grabbed onto one of his other legs, giggling and thinking they would get a ride. Arceus smiled and nuzzled each one of their cheeks.

"Little ones... the world is in your hands. If you ever feel too alone or burdened with this task, I'll come and help you both."

You locked eye contact and gave him a nod, telling him everything he only needed to see. Arceus disappeared in a ball of golden light.

The twins stared at the spot where he once was, and began to cry when they couldn't feel him anywhere near their there galaxy.


While he was returning form he quickly kissed you on the lips before he formed back into his devil self. The feeling of being snake like again almost felt too weird for him, even strangely unlike him.

Gira teleported you to the real world and bought a fancy house for Tina and you to live in for the time being. Tina stared at him like he was a carnival freak, but she knew it was she daddy and smiled up at him.

"Gira..." You whispered softly, tears rolling down your cheek. "Just... make sure not to peak in on me from the windows."

Gira laughed softly. "I promise... maybe." He bend down to meet eye contact with Tina. "Protect your mother while I'm gone. There is darkness inside you and it's all my fault, but please remember to battle the darkness. It's the only way to find peace."

Tina smiled and grabbed onto one of his horns, but Gira soon pulled back and gave you two one last look before going. You held in your sobs while holding Tina close to your chest, where she knew what was going on.


It was at night he turned back into a pokemon, and for that he was grateful for. The forest was silence for the lost as you bent down on one knee, laughing and crying at the same time at the sight of Umbreon.

"Y-Y'know... it's funny... too see I'm taller than you... for a change... it's a bitter sweet victory."

Umbreon's eyebrows furrowed in deep pain as he came up and nuzzled you, along with Bre who giggled and grabbed his tail. He didn't mind and wiggled it around a bit, amused to see Bre had her mother's attention span.

He nuzzled her cheek. "I love you and your mother, never forget the moon is your friend and source of light. If you ever feel alone, look towards the moon."

You cried as he turned around and walked into the forest, his backside disappearing from sight. Bre reached out for him with her tiny hands, but they felt alone without her papa leading her way.


When he turned back he knew his brother did too, so he mourned for him as well. The change was quick as he was his big, huge legendary self again, but felt sad than proud. You've never seen him as a legendary before.

Zekrom bend down the best he could and picked up Rom carefully, along with you in his arms. "I love you both, and if danger ever comes too you I'll be there to stop it."

You nodded and hugged him the best you could. "I'll love you forever."

Rom smiled and hugged him too, but with her small arms it was quiet hard so she only hugged air. Zekrom chuckled and looked down at her. "Lighting will always guide a path for you. If you hear thunder, it's at your command."

Rom looked at him strangely as he put you and her down. He jumped up into the sky and took off, a like a star in the sky. Rom cried out and reached her hands towards him, but the star soon vanished from the sky.


He had a few minutes before transforming into a pokemon again. The alien side of him was dangerous and could kill the both of you, since it didn't know from right from wrong. Deoxys cried silence as you sobbed while hugging him.

"I love you so much... "You cried while hugging him closer.

Deoxys nodded and kissed your forehead, using his hand to ruffled XY's hair. "You're special, just always keep that in mind. But it's a good kind of special, you know why? Because your half pokemon and half human, something not all kids like you are today."

XY smiled and grabbed onto his hand, nibbling on it as a sign of affection. Deoxys cried a little and kissed his head before taking off into the night, far away while he transformed into a pokemon one again.

XY reached out towards the sky as you did the same, reaching out for the love that would soon or not come back in years.

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