Boyfriend info and birthdays

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I should have put this in here long ago but didn't think of it until now. This is just saying what the Pokemon's personally is and birthday is. Yes I know Pokemon don't have birthdays, but I'm giving them some for a special. Ex: It's Darkrai's birthday, therefore he gets a birthday special just for him. Got it? Well let's a go!


Personality: Shy, sleeps a lot, day dreamer, easygoing, introverted at times.

Like: Food, Sleep, (y/n), the night, and playing with his shadow
Hates: Himself and his powers, afraid of himself at times, and hates heights

Overall: Is a sweetheart and cares for (y/n) with all his heart and would do anything for her, even if it means dying for her.

Birthday: March 5th


Personality: sarcastic, outgoing at times, hates some people, and gets bored easily

Likes: Hourglasses, (y/n), pranking people, and hiking up high places
Dislike: Annoying people, slow people, anger and the feeling of greed

Overall: He's a blue hair man with a soft spot for (y/n) and wishes he could have met you sooner.

Birthday: July 20th


Personality: Rude, a drunk, like to gamble for money, and takes too much pride into himself

Likes: Money, (y/n), beer, and winning
Dislikes: The thought of losing, stupid people, people who talk lowly of other people, and spicy food

Overvall: Though he can be a jerk too (y/n), he's a little bit of a Tsundere but loves her with all his heart

Birthday: April 10th


Personality: generous, taken advantage of easily, easily gets lost in the clouds in his mind, and exploring.

Likes: flying, (y/n), wind, and messing with his sister
Dislikes: Rainy days, thunder, dark places, and bugs

Overall: Loves (y/n) as big as the clouds and sky combined and will never let her go.

Birthday: January 13th


Personality: Strong, brave, loves fighting, can get too much into the moment at times.

Likes: Training, (y/n), aura, and kissing
Dislikes: Lazy people, windy days, sounds distracting him and yelling

Overall: Would take anything to save (y/n) from a speeding car to the world ending.

Birthday: August 9th


Personality: worrier, mean at times, shy, and a talker

Likes: Dark things, (y/n), romantic things of any kind, and candy
Dislikes: Taking life from people, non-sugar things, and anything to do with death

Overall: Loves (y/n) through thick and thin, even in death.

Birthday: November 15th


Personality: Kind, sweet, a gentle man, and good natured

Likes: Life, (y/n), nature, and long walks
Dislikes: Death, rudeness, pride in people, and people who don't care about anything, only themselves

Overall: Loves (y/n) just about as deep as the roots to the earth

Birthday: September 20th


Personality: Weird, worries time to time, gets off track easily, and able to tell the emotions of others.

Likes Space, (y/n), the feeling of being touched, and starry night sky
Dislikes: clouds, the cold, bright lights, and fish

Overall: Loves (y/n) as much as space continues to expand outward

Birthday: December 11th


Personality: A piggy, loves affection, a bit loud, and stubborn

Likes: FOOD, (y/n), cuddles, and all music
Dislikes: healthy food, not getting attention, hates the world and bad people in it.

Overall: No donut can fill in the amount of love he has for (y/n)

Birthday: May 18th


Personality: Kind, cute, powerful, and a dominant figure

Likes: Love, (y/n), people, and nature
Dislikes: The hate of the world, negative things, and sour food

Overvall: Loves her and would do anything to bring (y/n) back too him

Birthday: January 1st


Personality: A perv, sneaky, clever, and a bit of a Yandere...

Likes: Water, (y/n), love, and then blood...
Dislikes: All people but not (y/n), people who would hurt you, and mirrors when seeing his own reflection

Overall: You brought the light into the misunderstood pokemon's cold heart, he now knows love

Birthday: October 30th


Personality: Happy, goofy at time, a cheesy romantic

Likes: The moon, (y/n), night, and baby Pokémon
Dislikes: The day, spiders, and weird noises

Overvall: Loves you even more the moon itself

Birthday: February 17th


Personality: Overprotective, cocky, teaser, and writer at heart

Likes: Ideals, (y/n), imagination, books
Dislikes: Power, feeling useless, and misunderstood

Overvall: Can make your heart beat faster with his electricity for all the love he has for you.

Birthday: June 12th

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