He gets a nightmare

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Darkness leaked everywhere inside the house as everywhere blood could be seen. Your cry broke out as he heard and dashed at it, only to find you getting sucked into a pool of darkness. Hands coming out and grabbing your legs as they continued to pull you closer.

He didn't waste time as he leaped into the air and grabbed you by your arms, trying to pull you back to him. "(y/n) don't let the darkness take over!"

Tears had fell down your face as you reached out and touched the side of his face. "B-but you are the darkness taking me over..."

His heart shattered into pieces as the darkness took you away from him. Darkrai yelled out in anger as he felt you inside the shadows, unable to take you back or get you away from him. You were stuck in them, forever.

Darkrai woke up panting, sweat clung to his forehead as he looked over at you to find you alive and breathing. Darkrai took a shaky breath and pulled you closer, afraid if he pulled more you would disappear.

"Don't you ever leave me..." He whispered and pressed a soft kiss on your lips. You woke up at the feeling, but soon kissed back as you calm the darkness heart.


The world around him was watery and shifting all around. You stood in front of him, giving him a bright smile. Diagla smiled back and when to step forward, until you pointed out to a window. He looked and suddenly, he felt himself froze at the spot. He watched as he spring when to summer, then fall, then to winter. Over and over again the same thing happened. He was finally able to move again as he looked in your direction, and saw a grave where you stood.

Diagla heart froze as he felt to his knees. You were dying slowly and he wasn't even noticing it until the day had come for you to leave. Dialga felt to his knee and started to weep over you tombstone. He knew he could rewind time, but that wouldn't stop you from dying one day.

Diagla felt his eyes shot open, seeing you snuggled up into his arms, peacefully sound asleep, as his heart raced millions of miles. He sighed in relief the nightmare was over and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"I won't let that ever happen..." He said before falling back to sleep, but with a happier dream.


Rows of beer cans littered the whole gambling room as Victini counted all the money too himself. He was richer than anyone else in the world, could have everything he wanted. You appeared behind him and smacked him upside the head.

"So... you ditch me for money huh...? I hate you, selfish asshole!" You yelled at him and slammed the door behind you, making the money fall all down on Victini. He tried to find his voice through the mess, but couldn't as he swim in the money, but couldn't have you...

A slap to the face woke him up as you stood over him as he was sleeping on the couch. A worry line was on your forehead as Victini rubbed his forehead.

"Sorry, it seemed like you were having a bad dream, so I thought slapping you would help."

"I don't care." He grabbed you by the wrist and had you snuggled with him on the small couch, "I only want you, and I don't care if you hurt me."

You rose an eyebrow at what he meant, but let it side as you let him snuggle with you the whole day.


The sky and air were just perfect. Latios had you riding on his back as you smiled at him while you smiled back. It was just a perfect day, until the winds started to pick up faster and faster. A tornado broke out of nowhere as you flew into it. Latios heart beaded faster than what the tornado was going. He almost caught up to you, but you were sucked up into it, your scream disappearing into the raging twister.

Latios jumped up awake as you jumped as well from the sudden moment.

"Latios are you alright?" You put a hand on his shoulder as you two were outside under a tree. You let Latios fall asleep in your lap as you were read a book to enjoy the peace and quiet.

"Y-Yeah... I'm alright now... you're safe and that's all that matters."

Hekissed you before you could question him, and kissed you like you were going todie in his arms, as you gave him the same love back.


He was running, but couldn't make it in time. You were ending up like his master, sacrificing you aura for the greater good. He didn't want this to happen, he didn't want to lose another person he loved. But he was too late, you were sealed up in a barrier of crystal. Lucario sobbed as his sadness grew darker and darker...

Lucario snapped awake from your touch. It was warm and filled with life. "Lucario are you alright?" You asked concerned.

He was out in the forest as you when to go get him for dinner. Lucario didn't remember taking a nap as he got up and hugged you

"I'm fine. Let's just go back."


Lucario twined his hand into yours, making sure you were close and alive next too him. Along with your aura blazing brightly next to his.


"Yveltal! I love you!" You hugged him close to you as Yveltal smiled and hugged you back.

A cough shuddered through you as Yveltal shrugged it off and continued to hug you. Another cough came out, only wet with blood. Yveltal started to grow worried as he when to pull you back, but you were stuck to him. You continued to cough out blood as the life energy of you was starting to disappear. Yveltal started to cry as he was slowly taking your life energy, and felt you slum in his arms lifeless as your soul was completely sucked out.

Yveltal screamed and fell out of the bed, screaming and sobbing as you woke up as soon as you heard and hugged him too you. Yveltal pushed you back hard, but gently also as he crawled away from you.

"(y/n)... I'm not safe too hug..."

"But you just hugged me now... I didn't die Yveltal... so please... let me help you."

You crawled in under his arms as Yveltal didn't hug you back. It didn't matter as you fell asleep in his chest. Yveltal took you words as he wrapped his arms around you and fell back to sleep peacefully, knowing you weren't dead.


A sickness had hit you badly as you could barely hear and see Xerneas. His heart was starting to fall apart as the Tree of Life wasn't able to cure you. Your body was giving up as Xerneas didn't want to believe it and kept looking for a cure. He found the cure, but was too late as you passed away in bed, sick and frail. Xerneas dropped to his knees and tried resurrect you back to life, but your soul was already away from your body.

A shudder when through his body as he woke up to the smell of cherry in the room. Your face was plastered with sugar and flour as your eyes beamed with life.

"I made homemade cherry pie! Do you want some?"

"Y-yes... please..." Xerneas said as he stared into your (e/c) eyes that were filled with life.

You stared back into his eyes, gave him a quick kiss, giggled and headed back into the kitchen. Xerneas smiled and enjoy the pie and you together at once.


"Isn't it beautiful?"

"It sure is..." You said as you both looked up at a shooting star.

It was a clear night and perfect for looking at the stars. The star you both were looking at seemed to be getting brighter and brighter... like as if it was moving towards you. You looked closer to see it was a meteorite heading straight towards you. Feat took over your senses as Palkia screamed at you too move as he tugged at your arm, you weren't moving the least bit.

He when to pick you up, but the meteorite hit and landed near you both, sending Palkia flying as you the force affected you only as it killed you the instant it landed on the ground from the shock wave. Palkia screamed and cried over your dead body as he held it close to him...

Coldness bit at his skin as he woke up outside at the same spot, only you were asleep on his chest and no stars bright enough were near. Palkia sighed in relief to find it only to be a nightmare. He kissed the top of your forehead before he fell asleep looking up at the stars...


He was stuffing his face in food over and over again as it was a room filled with never ending food. It was like heaven too him. He continued to stuff his face until a sound hit the floor. He got up to inspect the noise, and found it too be you ripping or destroying everything he owned. Hoopa started to panic as he ran up to you, finding your wrist to be very thin, which caught his breath as you were thin to the bone. Hoopa didn't let you have any of his food, there for you were starving yourself to see if he would notice.

He didn't as you started to crumple away like sand, the hollowness of your eyes were haunting his very soul as he cried out as the world started to go black.

"Hoopa! I got dinner ready!" You yelled from the kitchen as Hoopa woke up from your voice.

He got up sleepily and when into the kitchen to find dinner ready. It was true, you were thin, but not as thin in his nightmare.

"Thanks. But have dinner for yourself. I just ate not that long ago."

You stared at him before shrugging. "If you say so."

Hoopa smirked in his mind as he even volunteered to feed you, which you blushing said yes too.


Trigger warning for this one

The smell of iron filled his nose as it was getting stronger every step he took to the bedroom. He was gone only for a day and promise to come back afterwards. He opened up the bedroom door and saw a pool of blood around your body. His heart stopped for a second as he ran over too you, checking your plus, but you were already dead. Arceus started to sob and saw you had stabbed yourself, and a note saying you were unhappy with him.

You touched Arceus forehead as he jumped awake. Arceus took a deep breath before opening his eyes too you, alive and happy.

"Arceus what's wrong? Were you having a nightmare?"

"Y-yes... but you here and that's what cashed it away..."

You smiled and snuggle closer to him as the moon was out tonight, making the room light up. Arceus just waited for you to fall asleep as he watched over you. Making sure you weren't the one getting a nightmare.


Blood ran down his hands as you coughed blood as he chocked you. Rage filled his whole being as he couldn't stop. Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as you stopped struggling, and when limp, lifeless as a doll. The rage inside him disappeared as it replaced with grief. He sobbed as he held your dead body close to his, hating himself for letting the devil inside him take control and kill you.

Giratina sat up, blinking the bright lamp light out of his eyes. He was on the couch as you played video games on the T.V.

You paused the game and looked at him with worry in your eyes. "Are you alright? You're sweating as if you had a nightmare."

Gira took a deep breath and opened his eyes to have them cool and locked up from emotions. "I'm alright." He said as he snuggled up to you, "Just continue to play your game."

"Do you want to play too?"

"I would love too." He took the controller and leaned on you, feeling and knowing you were alive and well.


Umbreon was screaming you name as the forest seemed to twist and turn in every angle. A blood curling scream came from deep inside the forest as Umbreon knew it was the voice of you. He ran and ran, determined to find and save you. The trees grew wider, and colored with blood. Umbreon started to slow down as he saw your body lying on the forest ground, dead and beaten. All because those kidnappers took you away from him behind his back.

The wetness coming from his eyes woke him up as he felt his eyes to see he was crying in his sleep. His eyes glowed bright red from the crying as you rolled over in your sleep, burring yourself in his chest. Umbreon sighed in relief to find you alive. He pulled you closer and held you protectively to his chest, saying an oath in his head to keep you safe. Always.


"(y/n) what are you doing?!"

"My ideals are different! I can't go with you Zekrom! I chose truth over ideals... I'm sorry..."

A green haired trainer who Zekrom knew too well had a burning passion inside for him as Zekrom reached out for you. The flames covered you as you disappeared with his brother and green haired man.

Zekrom screamed and hit the ground with his fist. He didn't think this day would come so early, yet it did as you found out the truth, but his ideals for you weren't as strong as he thought.

The weight on him woke him up as he gasp at the sudden jump you landed on him.

"You were having a nightmare, so I thought this would be the best way to wake up someone differently."

Zekrom looked at you strangely before shaking his head. "Okay... but tell me what your ideals are."

"Their loving you and being happy with you. Why?"

"No reason." He said before pulling you into a passionate kiss, one he surly needed from you as you kissed back just the same.

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