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It was early evening as Darkrai gently took your hand just as soon as you enter through the front door. You were getting home from work as this made you jump.

"Hey, let's dance for a little bit. I don't get to see you much when you're at work..."

You smiled and nodded as Darkrai returned it the smile back as he gently rested his hand onto your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You looked into each other's eyes the whole time while dancing until midnight.


You decided to take a walk with Diagla in the plaza as a water fountain spewed out water in an even lap. Dialga stopped midway in his tracks as he stared at the fountain. You were both holding hands as the sudden stopped made you jerk backwards into him.

Dialga felt it as he looked down at you and chuckled. "Sorry, I was thinking we could dance around here."

"Huh? When did dancing take over your mind?"

Diagla smiled as he gently took both of your hand, and in a blink of an eye you started to dance with him. "Just now."

People stopped and stared as they smiled at the cute sight of you two dancing together.


You were playing twister as Victini lost to you. You screamed in victory as you started your victory dance. Victini, who was pouting at the fact he lost, started laughing at the sight of you dancing.

"You have a weird dance, (y/n)!"

You growled at him as you through a pillow at him. "Do not!"

Victini laughed as he dogged you and copied you. You growled and threw more pillows at him before tackling him to the ground.


The both of you decided to rest on top of a heavy cloud as with the help of Latios, you could stand on it just barely as he held onto your shoulders gently. Latios smiled at the sight of you catching tiny clouds into you hand.

Latios, then gently grabbed your hand as he slowly twirled you around. You giggled at the feeling of it as Latios continued to do for a little bit.


It was a stormy night as rain pounded on the window and lighting flash bright in the dark power out.

That's right, a power outage. But, it wasn't so bad. You both could see through seeing others auras in the dark.

Lucario grabbed your hand as he started dancing with you in the dark. Your auras mixing in with each other's as it was a magical to feel.


It was just perfect temperature for a night out as you decided to spend it on the roof.

You smiled at the beautiful city lights as they cased a golden glow. Yveltal saw as he smile and gently took your hand and pulled you right up.

"Yveltal, what are you-"

"Dancing with my favorite person in the whole world."

You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck as he rested his hands on your hips. The night seemed to last forever as the city lights never died down.


"H-hey! That tickles~!"

You giggled as the forest baby pokemon played with you. Xerneas smiled at the sight as the sight of you laughing was all he needed to brighten up his day.

A idea popped into his mind as he stood up and grabbed you by the waist as he twirled you around.

"Let's show them how lovers dance with each other."

You smiled and nodded as you started dancing with Xerneas. Gazing into his eyes as the baby pokemon smiled in happiness at the lovely sight.


It was the clearest night in forever as Palkia took the chance to take you to see the stars.

Palkia didn't bring the telescope as this confused you. "Why didn't you bring it on a gorgeous night like this?"

Palkia smirked as he gently wrapped an arm around you waist as he dipped you slowly. "Too dance under the stars~"

You gleamed in joy as you happily danced with Palkia all night long as it ended until the sun came up.


You sighed as it was a tired day at work as food was the only thing on your mind. Your nose caught the scent of something wonderful as it came from the kitchen.

You walked in smelling a fresh baked donut as you ate it. Hoopa smiled and kissed your cheek.

"You ate my donut. Payment: is to dance with me."

You groaned, but took on the request. "Fine..."

Hoopa smiled as you eventually loved the dance Hoopa tricked you into dancing with him.


Arceus smiled as he danced with you inside the huge ball room inside his castle. It was empty as you were amazed at how big it was. You smiled and stared into his eyes while dancing.

"I love dancing with my future queen~"

You blushed as you quickly kissed him. "I feel the same for my future king~"

Arceus grinned as he gently picked you up in the air. He could still reach for you lips as you happily kissed back.


You looked down at the (f/c) dress you were wearing as the outline of the dress was (2/f/c).

Giratina gently took you chin as he made you look up at him. "What's wrong? Feeling small at this ball? Don't worry, you're the only women I need to dance with anyways~"

You smiled and kissed Giratina as he hummed and kissed you back while dancing with you in the crowed ball room.


Umbreon smirks as he quickly steals a kiss from you as you were sleeping on his lap. You blinked your eyes opened while smiling up at your handsome boyfriend.

"I had a wonderful dream.... we were both dancing to around a beautiful place..."

Umbreon smiled as he gently picked you up and slide his hand into yours. "Then let's make that dream come true."

Your eyes shined in the dark as you nodded and started to dance under the moonlight as Umbreon's ring glowed brightly.


Your hearted seemed to pick up speed as Zekrom kisses you neck, collarbone, then up to your lips as he gently danced with you.

Zekrom was basically showering you with love while dancing as he need to spoil his girl sometimes.

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