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Part 2 of 'You make up"


It was too much. The nightmares. You were having them almost every week as Darkrai saw and couldn't take it anymore. He woke you up in the middle of the night as you rubbed your sleepy eyes.

"Darkrai, what's wrong?"

"(y/n), I-I think we should break up..."

Fear washed over you as it seemed to stab at your heart. "W-wha?! Why?!"

"I'm the reason you're getting nightmares almost every day. This has to stop!"

"N-No! Please don't leave me! I don't care about the nightmares! I love you!"

"I love you too... but this is for you own good..."

Tears ran down your face as you locked eye contact with him. "Please think about this..."

Darkrai sighed as he got up and gently shut the bedroom door. You heard him sit down on the couch before sobbing into your knees.


You sighed and jumped on Diagla making him yelp.

"Can you reverse time so I can win that pokemon battle?"

Diagla growled as he set you down. "No. And I'm not an object to use, (y/n). I'm also almost human like you."

You raised a confused eyebrow at Diagla. "I never said you were an object! Where did you get that idea?!"

"From dating you..." Dialga mumbled as he walked out and slammed the door behind him.

Tears fell down your face as your heart broke in two...


It was game night again. Only this time Victini got himself drunk. He sat around a group of men as they played poker. It was around midnight as you started to get tired.

You yawned and tapped Victini on the shoulder. He turned around as you received a glare from him. "Victini can we go now...?"

"No! I'm not done yet!"

"But it's already midnight!"

"*tisk* Just go and leave me alone. You're only good for dating and that's it. Unless you're going to help me win this thing, then get out."

Shock filled up your whole being as tears ran down your face. Anger filled you as you slapped Victini across the face before storming out of the bar.

The men around the table glared at him as Victini felt instantly bad...


"You never listen to what I say! I said not to go too high with me in the air, and you didn't listen!"

Latios groaned as he kicked a rock off the hill. "Your fine anyways. If you didn't get hurt, so you're perfectly fine."

Anger filled your very being as you yelled in Latios's face. "QUIT ACTING LIKE IT'S OKAY WHEN I COULD HAVE GOTTEN HURT!"


Latios yelled in your face back. You both stared at each other for a long time.

"Fine... I'll be a coward and run away from you!"

Latios when to say something, but was too late as you ran off quickly.


You put on the aura glove that was worn by Lucario's other master. He had a master before he found you. He died as this was the only thing left of him.

You turned your hand around in awe at the beautiful blue crystal in the middle of the glove. It shined brightly as you focused your energy into it.


You yelped at the sound of Lucario's voice as he stood at the doorway steaming with anger.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Take. Off. The. Glove. Right. Now."

You carefully took off the glove as Lucario snatched it away. He glared at you with deep anger, "Don't touch my stuff again. Or we are done. For this, don't even talk to me."

You heart broke in two. "L-Lucario wait! I didn't know the glove was that special to you!"

Lucario turned around and walked off as his silence treatment started. You locked yourself in your room and cried your heart out.


Yveltal told you not to follow him into the forest, but your curiosity got the better of you as you followed him.

You followed Yveltal halfway through as you accidentally stepped on a twig. Yveltal heard as he turn around and stopped in cold blood at the sight of you.

"(y/n)?! What the hell?! I told you not to follow me!"

"I'm sorry! I was just curious as to what you even do in the forest."

"I drain the forest life energy."

You looked at Yveltal in shock. Yveltal took note in this as dark energy wavered around him.

"I'm a monster too you now... just go while you have the chance..."

"Y-yveltal wait-"

You were cut off as Yveltal sprout out some wings and took off into the sky. You sighed and walked out of the forest, knowing you messed up.


Xerneas took you to go see the tree of life with him. You happily when with him as he helped you climbed on the tree.

"It's so beautiful..."

Xerneas smiled. "I'm glad you like the Tree of Life."

"Yep!" You looked over at a leaf. It was beautiful as it's stems flowed with rainbow colors inside it, "Pretty..."

"Yep. Wait don't-"

Too late, you plucked the leaf as Xerneas screamed in pain. You panicked and dropped the leaf as Xerneas fell to the ground.

"What were you thinking?! The Tree of Life is me itself! Anything you do to it hurts me!"

"Xerneas I'm so sorry!"


You winced at his tone of voice and carefully climbed down the tree as the forest pokemon looked at you with pity.


It was bad. You accidentally broke one of Palkia's telescope. You started panicking and cleaning up the mess until a gasp from the doorway made you freeze in cold blood.

"Palkia! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to break it-"


You winced as you left the room quickly, trying not to shed tears.


"It's my donut!"

"No it's mine"

You two were fighting over the last piece of a donut. You didn't have anything to eat all today because you were busy at work. Hoopa on the other hand, ate like a pig.

"Hoopa please let me have it!"


He lean down and bit your hand gripping the donut. You screamed in pain as it hurt and let go to slap him across the face.

Hoopa growled at you while eating the donut as you glared at him. "YOU SELFISH PERSON! I DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO EAT AND THIS IS HOW I GET REPAYED FOR EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU?!"

Hoopa shrugged. You hit him in the chest before storming up to your room and not eating anything.


He finally decided his choice. He was thinking about breaking up with you as he had the thought of a human for the ruler of pokemon was a bad idea.

"(y/n)," He said not looking up into your eyes, "Maybe we should break up. I mean, if I marry a human my kind are going to freak out."

You stayed quiet. Arceus when to say something until you looked up with red teary eyes.

"Okay. Just make sure you tell them you thought of them before are love."

Arceus heat broke in two as he hugged you. "I didn't mean it like that!"

You punched and kicked at him to let go as you ran away from him. Arceus panicked as he couldn't find you all day.


You were brushing your hair in the bathroom while looking in the mirror. Giratina came out so he looked worn out.

You yelped in surprise and hit Giratina with your brush. "Don't sneak up on me like that! It's mean to do that to a lady like me!"

Giratina looked up at you with his blood red eyes. He spoke without emotion. "Why do you care? You're ugly even if you do brush your hair. Just stop doing it you ugly bitch."

Giratina said the last part with hate as he slammed the bedroom door shut. You looked in the mirror, put your brush down, and sat in the tub crying silently to yourself. Wondering what you did wrong.


You grabbed Umbreon's ear as he yelped in pain.

"That hurts! Let go!"

"But they're so fluffy! I have to touch them!"

You pulled on then tighter as this sparked a never in Umbreon. He grabbed your wrist and turned them over.

"I said leave my ears alone!"

You screamed in pain as Umbreon held them at the almost breaking point. Tears ran down your face as Umbreon finally let go and left the room without saying anything.


"(y/n), what is the ideal thing for you?"

"Ummm... I don't know."

"How about in a relationship?"

"Ummm... just looks."

Zekrom stopped kissing your hand at he looked up at you with bent eyebrows.

"Looks? Why just that?"

"Umm... I don't know. I saw you and liked your looks."

Zekrom got up at you looked up at him confused. "So you're only dating me for my looks?"

"What? Not anymore! I love everything about you!"

Zekrom gave you the same face as he turned his back towards you. "I see. So you only dated me at first for looks. Not love."

Your mind finally processed this as you jumped up. "Zekrom I'm sorry! I love you! I always haved!"

Zekrom shook his head at you disappointingly. "Talk to me when you know the ideals of love."

He left the room with a cold shoulder you felt instantly terrible...

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