You Make Up

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A week as pasted since Darkrai left. You started having nightmares, but not the ones Darkrai accidentally gave you, it was nightmares of him never coming back.

Tonight it had gotten worse than before as you woke up screaming your head off. You sob loudly as the scenes rolled inside your mind.

Just then, a pair of arms wrapped around your figure as you looked up in disbelief to find it be Darkrai.

"I promise to never leave you again. And I got you this."

He wrapped a Crescent shaped necklace around your neck as it glowed warmly.

You smiled as Darkrai kissed you back to sleep softly with happier dreams to come.


It was early morning as you found Diagla in the living room asleep on the couch again. It had been a week since the fight and you felt terrible as Diagla was true about what he said about you using him.

You decided to let him go. You tapped Diagla light on the shoulder as he blinked up sleepy at you.

"Dialga... What you said about me was true... I do use you by accident... I understand if you want to leave me and never come back..."

You closed your eyes to fight the tears as your body shook with waves of sobs inside. A pair of arms hugged you as you gasped at the hold of Diagla touching you.

"It's okay. I guess humans can't really help themselves to be selfish and stupid. It would be really stupid and selfish of me to let you go just like that."

You smiled and sobbed tears of joys into Diagla night shirt. He stroked your hair and knew he would have to dry his shirt afterwards.


To get back, you had gotten drunk. Victini winced at the sight as you cried and sobbed in the living room wasted.


Victini couldn't handle it anymore as he hugged you tightly against him. You stopped sobbing as Victini set you down on his lap.

"I love you. And I don't mean what I said last week. I was being a stupid drunk-"

You didn't let him finish his sentence as you kissed him by slamming your lips onto in a hot make out session.


The winds seemed to scream at you to not do it. To prove you weren't a coward you decide to jump off a cliff and into the water below.

Your heart hammer against your rib cage as you jumped off and sailed down like a rock. The wind cuts through your ears like knife as you could barely hear Latios yell at you as he caught you in time.

He landed you both back on land as his face was filled with fear. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"To prove I wasn't a coward so you can love me!"

Latios growled as he grabbed the sides of your face. "I rather have a coward than a stupid brave women!"

He slammed his lips onto your as the waves crashes against the cliffs in agreement.


Rain poured down on you as you sat down in the backyard all sad because Lucario would ignore you the best he could.

If this was how it was going to be, then why not just stay out in the rain like the unloved and forgotten.

A knock came at the back yard door as you knew who it was.

"(y/n), please get out of the rain."

You ignored him and sat in it. The warmth and love draining out.

You heard him sigh as footstep squeaked in the rain. Your hearted pounded against your chest as Lucario gently picked you up into his arms.

"I love you alright. Quit acting like it's the end of the world because I got mad at your for a stupid thing. But at least let me kiss you to end are silence treatment."

You opened your mouth to speak until Lucario quickly connect his lips onto yours, speaking your words for you.


Yveltal had been avoiding you for a whole week. This make you miserable and had you walking out in the forest.

Half the forest was black and lifeless, but held sadness as the tree seemed to weep in their dead state.

But only that wasn't you imagination as you spotted Yveltal sobbing on a dead tree stump. He looked like a wreck as leave were in his hair and dirt all the way back in his sharp nails.

This broke you heart as you ran up to him and hugged him making him and you fall off the stump. Yveltal yelped at it as you nuzzled your head into his neck.

"I'm so sorry Yveltal for making you feel this way. I'm truly the monster here!"

Yveltal's eyes rose in anger as he hardly, but gently pushed you up to see your face.

"You will never be the monster. I will. But, you will be the beauty I see every other day."

Tears spilled on his face as you gently kissed him as he kissed back.


You came back to the Tree of Life as Xerneas glared at you, until you pulled a basket of flowers out behind your back where you were hiding them.

"I-I brought you these... sorry for being a terrible girlfriend..."

Xerneas glare melted away quickly as he embraced you into a warm hug.

"You are not a terrible girlfriend. It's my fault for not saying anything for myself. So I forgive you, my flower."

He kisses you as you melted right into him.


You tried your best, but it was horrible. Since you broke Palkia's telescope you tried to help fix it. But no luck.

Palkia was passing by your room as he quickly peaked into your room by the small crack you left opened.

Palkia sighed as he opened the door scaring you.

"As thoughtful as this, you didn't need to do that. I created a new one with better scopes. So... thank you anyways for the try..."

You smiled shyly as Palkia walked over and kissed you long and good.


To prove a point you didn't eat when he was around. Hoop started to get worried as he saw your figure become thinner.

This surprise you as you walked in on the kitchen to a room filled with fully cooked meals. Hoopa smiled as he gave you your favorite donut.

"I was being a stupid selfish jerk. It don't appreciate you like I should do. So staring today, I'll appreciate every minute I have with you."

You grinned and ate the donut before kissing him with donut tasting lips.


You were depressed all that week as Arceus hadn't come back for you. You started losing hope until that one night...

You felt something kissing your lips as you woke up to Arceus kissing you wake. This shocked you as he snuggle with you in bed like all those almost forgotten night before.

"I've decided I should stay with the women I love. If my people don't like you, I will do something about it. I love you and something like this will never happen again."

Tears streamed down you tears as Arceus smiled and gently wiped them away as he gently kissed you.


Make up wasn't working as Giratina's words stabbed at your heart like an arrow. Giratina passed by and stopped as he sighed in disappointment at himself.

"(y/n) stop making yourself more beautiful than you already are. I didn't mean what I'd said last night because I was tired. But that doesn't give me an excuse to call you that. You are my Bella~

You giggled as kissed Giratina as he kissed you like never before.


To make up for what you did, you got Umbreon some of his favorite color in clothing items. You gave it to him as he chuckled.

"I'm sorry (y/n). I maybe overacted when you petted my ears... I kind of like it now."

You rolled your eyes at him. "Wow... just wow."

Umbreon laughed as he took his gifts and kissed you passion and lovingly.


Zekrom wasn't home as you suddenly broke down in the living room. It wasn't a pretty sight as you looked at yourself in the mirror and hated yourself for what you were thinking.

Zekrom quietly came in as you just barley heard and hid you face in embarrassment. Zekrom sighed as he hugged you and pulled you into his lap.

"I hate it when you cry... I'm sorry for making you feel this way and being a total jerk..."

"B-but... I do love... you Zekrom."

Zekrom smiled as he brushed a strand of your hair back. "I don't need to my power to see it anymore now."

He leaned in and kissed your lips as you both devoured each other.

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