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Sorry I can't do all of his scenarios but got the important ones because I am busy but I hope this works out for it. Let's give it for Deoxys!

How you met

It was a crisp clear night. Not a sight of a cloud anywhere. You decided to go out camping for the trip, but didn't think someone would be near the spot you were in. It was man alright, and handsome at it. He saw you and came over.

"Hey I didn't think anyone else knew about this spot!"

"Me either." You said and faced him, "What are you doing out here?"

"It was a clear night out so I thought about camping out here for a night to enjoy the stars."

You laughed and giggled, but didn't notice the guy's eyes lighting up so cheerfully to hear you giggle. "I was doing the same thing! Well why don't you look at the time, it's getting late! It was nice meeting you!"

"You too!" The man replied cheerfully as he walked away with a joyful spirit.


It was late at night and you were fighting sleep, but it was winning over you, until a loud sound popped your ear drums. You looked up and saw a meteorite coming into the way, but not at you, but the man you were talking too earlier.

"LOOK OUT!" You called out to him as he turned around to run, but the meteorite came onto him.

You screamed and looked away. You just saw death in your eyes.... something you didn't want to see. The spot started glowing where he was, but you were knocked out by the powerful waves and landed on the ground...

Just before you passed out footsteps came into your direction and lifted you into their arms. It was too dark to see their face, but you could make out it was the guy from earlier. But how? He was dead! You thought as you passed out shortly after.

When you two become friends

You didn't see the figure who carried you to your tent, but you soon packed up afterwards and took a picture of the big crater in the spot the man died at. The officers were on their way to investigate the spot as you sighed and got back home in time before ten o'clock. The police made you stay to answer question and it took all day.

You flopped onto your bed and sighed in refile at the softness of the warm bed...

"Are you okay?" A voice said out of nowhere as the ends of your hair stood on ends.

You looked around your room to find a man near your window in your room with red and blue tentacles looking things coming from his back.

You screamed in fear and fell out of bed and backed into the wall. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!"

"W-Wait! I can explain!" He man yelled over your screaming.

He would get closer and closer to you, but you only seemed to back up away more quickly. The man rose in eyebrow in confusion as a power glowed from his chest and released into the air. You suddenly felt calmer and stopped trying to kick and hit at him.

"W-Wha did you do...?"

"If you don't hurt me will you let me explain?"

"...... You have five minutes to say anything before I decided my choice."

The man smiled as he sat down and started telling his story. "I'm an alien from outer space called Deoxys. I didn't mean to crash land on the poor guy don't below me but I didn't have any way to move since I was in a sleep like state. He did die, but I merged his soul into me. It's why I have this human like body while still taking on a pokemon like form. Since I have the man's soul, I can feel like a human, talk, and eat like one! When you passed out on the ground the man instincts kicked in to help you so I healed your ears from the explosion and took off so no one could see and capture me yet." He finished off with a smile.

"My head hurts from all this..." You said and held the spot where it throbbed.

"I'm sorry, if you want I can heal it for you!" He said with shining black eyes.

You smiled and nodded. "That would be great."

He grinned and scooted over closer over too you and started healing the area where it hurt. "Does this mean were this thing called friends?!"

You tensed at his eagerness, but giggled as it was cute anyways. "I guess we can be."

"Yay!" Deoxys yelled in joy as he heal up the area quickly.

He starts developing feeling for you

It's been a good five months since Deoxys came into your life. After practice and practice with talking like a normal person and how the human race worked he got along swimmingly. Strangely enough to him something would ache in his chest whenever you were near him, and it wasn't his energy source.

Sometimes human emotions to him were weird and would affect him greatly. He had learn, sadness, happiness, and anger easily. The other emotion little over time, but this one was only around you and he had trouble understanding why.

He came up too you after you came home from work as you family was rich from space exploring. You were rich, but wanted to live and work on your own to get some independents in your life. "(y/n)... I looked up another word today and don't know what it means..."

"Oh then tell me what is it?"

"Love. The word love."

"Love? That has many meaning but the best way to say it shortly is love is an emotion who you care for someone very deeply about."

"I see... do you have anyone you love."

You blushed and looked away. "N-Not right now! M-Maybe! J-Just leave me alone!" You walked into the kitchen and slammed the door shut.

Deoxys was so confused right now. The only thing he would still need to learn about was the women race.

He confesses his feelings

It was time. The human soul inside him was edging him on as you sat outside on the roof of your house. It has been seven months since he asked you the question, making it a whole year now. He grew fond of you slowly, but in the end his heart beaded only for you. He swallowed the lump down his throat as he stepped out of the window and sat next to you.

You took a quick glance and smiled to see it was Deoxys. "Yo Deoxys."

"Sup... how are you enjoying the stars?"

"Like every time I see them, I fall in love with them on the spot."

Deoxys let out a chuckle and lean back. "Me too. It's where I came from."

"Then you have an amazing home." You said and shiver at the cold.

Deoxys noticed as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled him closer to his human body, hoping it would warm you up. "I know, but I'm missing the amazing part in my life. You."

"Deoxys... what are you saying?"

"I love you (y/n). I know I'm a pokemon... but I think we can work something out here! I really like you and hope you accept my feelings!" Deoxys said and felt fire in his cheeks. Maybe he needed to put them in cold water?

But you cheeks started doing the same thing his were as you smiled and hugged him. "I love you Deoxys! I would be honored for you to be my boyfriend."

Deoxys smiled and giggled the whole time as he held you happily in your arms the rest of the night.

First Kiss

Deoxys came into the living room reading a romance novel as you saw from the corner of you eye he was deep interested in it. His face was peaceful as he sat down by you on the couch as you looked over his shoulder to see he was reading a kissing scene.

"(y/n) what is this thing called a kiss? I've heard it before but couples do it... but we haven't done it yet have we?"

"N-no..." A faint blush slowly filled up your cheeks as Deoxys smiled at that.

"You are embarrassed are you not?"

"Y-Yes... but I guess we could kiss."


He pulled you close to him as his meteorite in his chest glowed a soft green as he looked into your eyes before gently kissing you. It send a spark both into your hearts as Deoxys meteorite was glowing brighter and brighter, but with the color red.

He accidentally hurts you

He was playing around with his power, one with which he wasn't use to yet in his new human body form. He could still transform into his other forms, defense, speed, and attack. He was trying out his new attack form as his tentacles were ready to attack anyone at any time.

You came into the front door just as one of Deoxys tentacles reflexively sprang out and smacked you backwards and had you land on the grass outside, a horrible bloody and bruised side of your left arm as you had used it to catch your fall in time.

Deoxys human heart stopped for a second as his meteorite turned a pure dark blue as he ran up to you.

He helps heals you (Emotionally/Physically)

His heart was calming down bit by bit while he helped help you injured left arm while you lied down on the couch, closing your eyes to hope the pain would go away soon.

"I'm so sorry (y/n) I didn't mean for this to happen!"

You opened your eyes up slowly and gave him a weak smile. "I-it's fine Deoxys. I did come in the door like a ghost so I'm not surprised the attack hit me."

"B-but still... I hurt you..." Deoxys said and looked down as his meteorite glowed a soft light blue.

You reach up with your right hand and kissed Deoxys on the cheek. "I told you I would be fine. So stop being so sad."

"O-Okay..." Deoxys said as he continued to heal up your arm with a good enough smile on his face.

You're on your monthly

Deoxys would wonder why you would cry or scream at him for no reason. He tired talking to you about it and you snap at him to leave you alone before you would hurt him for talking. Deoxys looked up this thing called 'periods' and found out what he needed to do, with his human soul to help him he could do it!

He entered into your room and found you asleep with the covers throw over everywhere. Deoxys smiled and tip toed over and took off the covers covering your feet and started massaging them. You woke up from the feeling, but soon gave into bliss.

"Oh.... that's the spot..."

Deoxys smiled as he massaged just the right spot. "Glad I could help."


Deoxys was spending all his time reading now a days and it was ticking you off. All he wanted was to read books and that was it, just like that. Oh... how that got you mad. You when up this room and came in without knocking.

"Deoxys can you put down the book and hang out with me please?!"

He again ignored you as you growled and took the book from his grasp and got annoyed glare from him. "Give it back (y/n)!"

"No! You've been ignoring me all this time and it isn't nice!"

"Oh well!" Deoxys said and snacked his book back from him and lied down on the bed again. "Just go what human girls do for fun."

You felt like crying, but held it in. "Jerk..." You said and slammed the door, not seeing the pain look on Deoxys face.

You make up

Deoxys hugged you from behind when you were washing the dished and kissed the back of your head. "I'm sorry about ignoring you I've been reading book, romance novels mostly, and I've been ignoring you because I was thinking of where to take you for a date that was special."

You smiled and turned around to hug Deoxys tightly too you. "It's okay... I still love you. I was stressed out because of work and took it out on you."

Deoxys smiled back and took your small hands into yours. "Let's go on a date right now. Let's go down to that lake I've been thinking about for a while."

You nodded and packed up your things and headed out to the lake with Deoxys. It was a magical night to remember...

He gets a rival of your love

It was a peaceful night out on the roof as Deoxys had your head on his chest, near his meteorite, as it glowed softly in the night with a peaceful light green mixing in with blue. You sighed in bliss at the peace and quiet of your neighborhood and looked up into Deoxys eyes.

He started back as his black eyes held all his love for you being his one and only human to a strange being too him. Suddenly the night sky was getting brighter and brighter as the big ball of light landed on the edge of your room and took the form of a human.

He had green hair with bright red eyes to complete the look with it. You felt Deoxys tense up and look at the man confused. "Rayquaza? What are you doing here?"

"You entered into my ozone layer without saying anything and you know I feel about that Deoxys. You took the form of a human and it took a long while finding you..."

"It was an accident and I didn't mean to enter into it."

"Okay, if you're sorry then give me the girl."

"No!" I was you who spoke out and pushed Rayquaza away. "Stay away from me!"

He chuckled at your small height and laughed. "You're cute. I like you already. Fine, I'll leave you alone, this time." He said before taking off into the night at a fast pace.

You felt Deoxys arms wrapped around your frame as you smiled and in took his embrace. "He'll never have you..." Deoxys mumbled while kissing the top of your head.

Pokemon Info and birthday

Personality: Bubbly, Dreamer, Shy around other people than you, Goofball

Likes: Space, meteorites, (y/n), and anything romance

Dislikes: Mean humans, anything electronic, and Rayquaza (with an unhealthy hate)

Overall: Loves (y/n) with both his hearts, his alien an human one

Birthday: March 1st

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