Reader-Chan's Birthday

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It's my b-day today and so I deiced to do this! Happy birthday to anyone else who's birthday is on July 14th


Early morning light burn your eyes through their socket as you blinked sleepily while sitting up in bed. You yawned and used your hand to search for Darkrai while rubbing the sleep out of your eye with the other hand, but the other hand stop when they didn't find another person by you.

You froze and look all over the room, disappointment feeding off you to think Darkrai forgot about your birthday...

Until the bedroom door open to Darkrai carrying everything you love as breakfast and a slice of cake at the end. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the cake as Darkrai met your eyes and smiled. "I thought you would be asleep while I surprised woke you up with a birthday breakfast."

He set the tray down in front of you as your mouth melted at the smell. "It doesn't matter anyways, but thank you Darkrai!"

Darkrai kissed the top of your head as he grabbed your hand and put something in it before sitting down next to you. You opened up your hand to see it was a charm bracelet with the moon and sun on either end.

You smiled and kissed Darkrai sweetly before pulling back and hugging him. "I love it."

Darkrai chuckled and patted your back. "That's good. Happy birthday (y/n)."


For all the time he had to get the surprise birthday cake starting, it was going great and bad at the same time. The cake was done as he tried doing good enough writing, but it was sloppy which he growled at.

You opened the kitchen door in time to see him sigh and run his hand over his face. "I can't even write the words I want to (y/n) for her birthday..."

"You don't need to write them, just say them out loud."

Dialga turned to the sound of your voice and smiled at you. "You weren't supposed to see the cake yet."

You giggled and lick the frost from his cheek, (f/f). "Sorry I couldn't help but hear all the noise downstairs. Just tell me what you wanted to say too me."

Dialga sucked in a deep breath as he released and held your hands while staring into your beautiful (e/c). "(y/n) you have no idea how much you've changed my world. We've had are bad and good moments at times, but they always somehow find their way back and turned into bigger and better ones! You mean everything to me, even you can't understand how much time I waited for us to be here together, but you melted my metal heart."

"Awww that's so sweet Dialga..." You said and hugged him as he put on your head a blue headband covered in adamant jewels on the end of each side.

"Your welcome and happy birthday (y/n)."


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY WONDERFUL GIRL!!!!" Victini yelled out in public as you blushed and pulled him down from the table.

"Victini you are so dead!"

"Hey I'm only telling the world how much I love you!"

"By shouting it out loud?!"

"Yep!" Victini said as he pulled out from something from his pocket and pulled out a ring. He opened it and it was colored white as the hottest fire as he put in on your ring finger and kissed your forehead. "I love you (y/n) (y/l), always will be when I mess up or when you hurt me. I'll stick with you through thick and thin, even when your days are at the worst."

Everyone around you 'awww' at the scene as you blushed super deeply as hid you face inside his chest to not see the stares of the other people on you. "L-Love you too Victini..."

Victini smiled in victory as he chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "Love you too and happy birthday (y/n)."


The winds are just perfect for the day out flying as Latios was taking you somewhere for the date he had planned. A birthday date.

"Are we there yet?!" You called over the winds.

"Yep!" Latios replied as he dove straight down towards an island and landed softly on the sand.

Latios gently helped you off him as you look at the island. It was beautiful as rare flowers and fruit grew on the island with a big and wonderful rainbow from the mist of the water pokemon making it. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"Good. Because this is your island to relax at any time when you want to say you want to come over here."

"Oh Latios..." You smiled as your heart beaded faster and faster in happiness.

Latios smiled as he grabbed something from his pocket and wrapped it around your neck. You looked down at it as it was a tiny orb filled with swirling blue and purple colors inside it. "I love it."

"It's a tiny version of the spirit orb. In case you get lost as I can use my powers to find you." He said and pulled your chin making you closer to his face. "Happy birthday (y/n)." He says before melting your every being into his loving kiss.


Lucario took you out into the forest he grew up in and sat down on a tree truck with you in his lap. His idea was to feed you as many berries from the forest as this was the season they grew ripe and fresh.

You hummed at the taste as berry juice leaked from the corner of your mouth. "I love this birthday gift so much Lucario!"

He chuckled and licked the berry juice away from your chin. "I'm glad you like it, but I got another present for you."

You blush and rub at the area he licked at. "W-What is it?"

Lucario smiled as he took your hand and twined in into his as you saw both your auras. His was deep dark blue while yours was sea light blue with a hint of (f/c) in the middle. He traveled his aura into yours as you gasped and saw all the life in the forest. Your aura training was going good but you were never really this far into training. The life of trees and pokemon everywhere made dancing colors as the sight in your soul was magical.

He leaned forwards and kissed you gently on the lips. It was better times two by then because you saw the love Lucario had inside you while kissing you as Lucario saw the same and deepen the kiss more with love.


Yveltal used up all his savings to buy you gifts for you birthday as you were in the shower getting ready for the day. He quickly wrapped up all the presents just as you entered in with a towel around you, your hair dripping wet and trickling down your body.

"Yveltal what are you doing?"

Yveltal jumped slightly at your voice and hid the presents behind his back. "N-nothing!" He said and ran back down stairs to avoid you.

He needed to do this quickly as he grabbed a pen and wrote down what he wanted to say. He just got down writing down what he wanted to say and smiled down at it.

"Aww that was so sweet!"

Yveltal jumped again at your voice as you gave him a bigger smile than before. "I love you so much Yveltal!"

Yveltal smiled as he gave you the card with a dark wing pressed nicely onto it. "Your welcome (y/n)." He cleared his throat and read out what the note said. "Dear (y/n), I love you so much words are unable to come into my head at how to express my love. Ever since that day you came into my life I saw nothing but darkness, but you came into my darkness and took it away and made me see life was worth living even thought I take life and give death. I love you more than anything and if that anything tries to take you away I will get you back no matter what, even if it means using my powers."

Yveltal put the feather into your hair and kissed you quickly as you smiled at him. "Happy birthday (y/n)."


You had woken up to no Xerneas in the bed and wonder where he was. You got dressed and head outside to find a trail of flowers leading up into the forest Xerneas ruled. You smiled and followed the trail of the beautiful flowers as pokemon smiled as you started getting closer and closer to your loving boyfriend.

It finally ended as you're smiled grew bigger and bigger with each step as Xerneas was sitting on a tree oak throne as he motion you over. You did as told as came closer as he pulled you into his lap and smiled as he fixed your hair.

"Welcome my dear and love (y/n). I know it is your birthday and to show how much I love you, this is your gift."

He had slipped something soft around your neck while fixing your hair as you looked down and saw it was a blue neckerchief around your neck as it glowed with the lines of the Tree of Life itself.

"I love it! It's so beautiful..."

"I'm glad you think so, because it's made from the Tree of Life to protect you when I'm not around." He said and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead. "Happy birthday (y/n), my queen of the forest."


The whole rest of the day was amazing as Palkia showered you with love all day and said the real gift wasn't until tonight. He lead you to the same hill you when to all those times and smiled at it. "I love it up here..."

"Me too... that's why I brought you up here, to show you how much you mean too me."

The sky suddenly brightened up as a wave of shooting stars were filling up the whole sky. You gasped and put a hand too you mouth, crying at how beautiful it was. Palkia smiled as he hugged you close to him while stroking you hair.

"Happy birthday (y/n)... no star is brighter than you all of the galaxy's."


You woke up to the smell of donuts and let your nose do the walking for you as you found it's way into the kitchen. Your eyes got wider and wider at the huge stacks of deserts everywhere in the kitchen. To a donut, sweet bread, then cakes! Your mouth watered at the smell of everything as Hoopa turned and smiled.

He stopped what he was doing and grabbed a small cake and gave it to you. "I didn't eat anything in this kitchen, because I love you so much not too do so."

You laughed while licking the frosting off the edge of the plate. "That must have been really hard for you."

Hoopa rolled his eyes at you as he shoved the cake into your face. "Yes it was!"

You growled and got another piece of cake and smashed it into his face. Hoopa laughed as you started a sweet war. Hoopa was messy all over as he hugged you tightly too him while getting you face dirty in his chest. "Happy birthday (y/n)!"


You woke up to not being in your room, but in Arceus's room in his palace. You jumped up to your feet to look for him as when you suddenly opened the door it lead into a ball room. Strange, it would usually lead into the hallway.

Arceus was their standing handsome in his suit as he took you hand and kissed the top of it. "You look lovely."

"Huh?" You looked down to see you were wearing a strapless (f/c) dress that showed every inch of your body.

You blushed and shook you head as Arceus gently held you waist and began dancing with you. Every moment was magical as you smiled as he lifted you into the air and did twirling with you. To end it he dipped you back and placed and beautiful crown with every color inside the jewels around it.

"It's my gift too you as my soon-to-be queen as your crown. I just wanted you to wear it for today to see if you liked it."

"I love it... thank you so much Arceus... I don't desire someone like you."

Arceus smiled as he put the crown on top of your head and tipped you back up. "Yes you do because your my one and only love. Happy birthday (y/n), my true queen."


You were brushing your teeth from just waking up and couldn't find Gira anywhere. If the jerk forgot your birthday you were going to be pissed. You finished brushing and when to spit when the mirror waved and out came Gira.


You almost coked on your toothpaste just before Gira helped you with patting your back. "Hehee sorry for scaring you (y/n), I just wanted to give you a surprise awaking!"

You glared at him and balled your hand up into a fist. "You better have something nice for me or I'll beat your face into nothingness."

"Alright, alright! Quit looking at me like that! Here this is what I got for you!"

He pulled out a square shaped box from his back pocket as you opened it to find it was a music box. Your eyes watered in joy at seeing the lost music box. "I-I thought I lost this forever..."

"It maybe lost in this world, doesn't mean there wasn't another one in the distortion world!"

"I don't care... I love it... thank you so much Gira..."

Gira smiled and pulled you into a hug before you could start crying. "Anything for you, and happy birthday (y/n)."


"Umbreon would you just tell me where you're taking me?"

"I can't do that or it will ruin the surprise!"

"I don't like surprises!"

"I know... and were here!"

The moment his hands removed from your eyes the view of the forest was breathtaking. A waterfall was roaring in your ears as pokemon from all regions were playing around in the moonlight while eating all the berries the plants had on them.

"Oh my gosh... it's so beautiful!"

"Ha! See I told you would like it!"

"I love it more than like it."

Umbreon smiled as from behind he was pulling something on around your neck as it felt cold on your neck. "Yeah, yeah... just enjoy it because this is are spot now."

You smiled and looked down to see a half-moon on the necklace as Umbreon showed the half-moon on his wrist. He clicked them together as they fit perfectly. You giggled and hugged Umbreon close to you as he smiled bigly. "Happy birthday (y/n)."


Zekrom was covering you with kisses all over as you giggled and tried escaping his grasp, but he had you locked tight in his hold. "You can never escape me!"

"Oh no! I'll die being covered in kisses!"

"That's right~" Zekrom said and quickly kissed you before reaching something out of his pocket.

It was little the mini generator around his neck and now you got the same thing. You smiled and put it around your neck as it hummed gently against your neck with the electricity pulsing through it. You pressed a kiss onto Zekrom lips quickly as your eyes shined with love.

"I love it~"

"Good, because I love to make you happy. Happy birthday (y/n)."


It was a strange but warm felt moment as Deoxys tried baking you a cake, but it got ruined as exploded everywhere, making a huge mess all over the kitchen.

Deoxys smiled at your sheepishly as he hugged you close to him, you could feel his meteorite humming inside him. "Sorry (y/n)! I just wanted to make you a cake... but it turns out I failed at that!"

You smiled and pat his head gently. "It's okay Deoxys, I know your still not use to cooking yet, but it was still sweet of you to try."

"Oh and I got you this thing called a present! I look up a lot about this birthday thing!"

Deoxys gave you a wrapped gift as you opened it to find a tiny sized meteorite looking a lot like his as it was a ring. You smiled and put it on as it felt warm, just right and perfect.

"Thank you Deoxys. I love you it and you very much."

Deoxys smiled as he kissed the top of your head. "Anything for you, and happy birthday (y/n)!"

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