Finding Out The Gender

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He had been excited about this since the week before you went to the doctors. He wanted it to be a surprise so he had you go to the doctors alone, but bring back the new of the gender. When the front door opened he jumped up and literally dashed for towards you.

You backed up a bit, protectively holding your six month belly. "You are way too excited about this."

"I know! But what is it?! A boy or a girl?!"

A smirk came across your face. "Well... it's a gender alright."

"Please tell me! I'll give you anything you want tonight! Just tell me the gender!"

You smiled and hugged him. "It's a boy."

His face grew into a proud smile. "I can't wait to be a dad! I'll make sure our son grows up around us!" He poked your belly gently. "I can't wait to meet you pal!"


In all honesty he was ready to find out the gender, but now he was a bit nervous to know he was going to be a dad. He could barely take care of himself when he was younger, still even now as an adult, how would that even work?

When the doctor came back with the paper his heart skipped a beat. "Well?"

The doctor gave the both of you a strange looks. "It's hard to tell since the energy waves coming from the baby was throwing off the radar, but I believe it's a baby girl."

He grabbed the papers and saw the outline of the baby. It was small, just like a baby girl. You smiled and hugged Diagla, seeing a tear run down his face. "Are you happy?"

"I-I always wanted a sister... but now I have a daughter..."

The doctor smiled and left you two alone as Diagla happily rubbed your tummy, thinking of names inside his head.


Ever since he stopped drinking he felt like a better man, but a better soon-to-be-dad when the baby would come. You were already six months in and the excitement and nervousness inside was making him jittery.

He was outside of the doctor's office, he didn't want to go inside and spoil the news for himself. When you came out he jumped out of his seat. "What is it? A boy or a girl?"

"Well it's kinda hard to tell since the pictures were blurry with energy waves, but the doctor thinks it's a boy."

A sigh of relief escaped him. He would have been fine with a daughter, but little girls kind of scared him, but at least it was a boy and could teach him guy things when he got older. He smiled and kissed your cheek. "What do you want too name him?"

You smiled and gently patted your belly. "I'll name him..."


The thought of children never really put a thought across his mind until you were married. The closes thing to a sister was Latias, but she was the only person to really comfort him.

Latios called her over to his place to have a chat, a brother and sister one, but got distracted by the baby.

Latias giggled and smiled whenever she hear the tiny baby kicks, but rose an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Latios suddenly grew worried.

"There were two kicks... and that hurt..." You mumbled while rubbing your tummy in slight pain.

Latias listened again, a huge smile coming over her face. "I think you might have twins! I think their girls too!"

"Really?!" You exclaimed. "But, how can you tell?"

"Because girls don't kick much inside, just like someone else I know..."

"Hey!" Latios growled, "Mind your own business." He then smiled and rubbed your tummy. "Two kids, huh? I can't wait to welcome you two into the world."


Growing up around pokemon he didn't know the best way to know the gender was. Plus he was too cheap to pay for a doctor's visit to just find the gender. For fun he took you out to your guy's old aura training spot. You smiled and sat down on the large tree stump you use to sit on.

"This place brings back some memories..."

"It sure does."

He sat down and touched your stomach, suddenly getting a big plus if aura inside. His eyes widen as he gently put two of his hands on your belly.

"What... I-I... think it's a boy..."

You giggled and ruffled his hair. "Well at least you saved us some time."

"Hell yeah I did!" He exclaimed, excited as he could see his child's aura inside your stomach.


He had eaten a lot of 'energy' today, even though it hurt his soul to do it, he had to for the baby. If he focused hard enough he could tell what the gender was inside.

You were asleep by the time he came back from his feast. Your belly was getting big and it make his heart flutter inside to know he was going to be a dad.

Ever so carefully, he gently laid a single hand on your stomach. The coldness of his touch bothered you, but it didn't wake you up.

Yveltal got to work on focused on the energy. It was similar to his in a way, only mixed in with a tiny bit of your soul. His eyes began to water with joy.

"I-It's a boy..."

Secretly you were awake the whole time, but you smile in joy to hear and feel the love inside Yveltal's voice.


Since he didn't like the way humans did thing when it came to birthing, he wanted to do it pokemon style. He had Chansey's gathered around and feel for your stomach

"How does this work?" You asked while eating berries.

Xerneas smiled and sat down with you on the bed. "With their powers they can feel inside the person or pokemon. It's the same with babies."

You nodded and smiled as a Chansey came by. It gave Xerneas a stone with pokemon words on it. He smiled and kissed your tummy.

"It's a girl."

Tears of joy watered inside your eyes. "What?! I-I've always wanted a daughter..."

Xerneas smiled and quickly kissed you. "Well now you do."


He didn't want to ask his dad for help because if he did he would spoil the surprise, because Arceus liked to do that a lot. So he had taken you to a Clinic not too far from the house. He was playing with his thumbs while you were being tested.

"I just hope it's a girl... I've had too many boys in my life."

"Great news!" You opened up the door with a smile. "They finally figured out the gender through the energy waves!"

He stood up in his seat. "What is it?"

"It's a girl! A baby girl!"

Palkia didn't know who to thank, but he was so happy at that moment two galaxies were created.


All the excitement and worry about the baby had made him eat through a lot of bread, but mostly donuts. You said you would be fine going to the doctors alone and have Hoopa take care of the store, but he couldn't stop thinking about you.

When it was time to close be closed up early and ran home. You were on the couch eating ice cream when he sat next to you, pink eyes wide with curiosity.

"What is it?! I need to know!"

You rolled your eyes at him. "Relax will you? It's a boy. So now I have two men to feed in the house now."

"OH YAY!" He hugged you, kissing you all over your face. "IT'S A BOY! IT'S A BOY!"


Arceus already knew what the child's gender was, but loved to tease you about it. He would say it was a boy, but then a girl. You were getting annoyed by this and deiced to take a stand to this behavior.

He was sitting on his throne working on creating a new planet when you came in, eyes lit with fire. "Arceus, if you don't tell me the gender of the baby then when I give birth I'll make sure to have you take care of the children, by changing their dippers."

His face paled as he laughed and set aside the project. "Sweet heart! I'm only joking with you."

You gave him the same face still. "Still not changing my mind."

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Look I just want it to be a surprise. But... I will tell you you're having twins."

Slowly your eyes widen in surprise. "W-What? Twins..."

Arceus smiled and kissed your forehead. "Don't worry I'll help take care of both of them."


He was in his own little world and you were in it, but his power were most powerful when he was inside his world. He touched your belly, feeling the signs of life inside.

You were on his lap, yawning at how sleepy you were since you missed your afternoon nap. "Have you found out yet?"

"Hmmm... it's hard... but I think it's a boy..."

"You think?"

"Well the energy waves around are baby make it hard to tell because the baby will be powerful... but yes... I think it's a boy."

"Yay..." You smiled but yawned at the same time.

Giratina smiled and had you rest yourself against him. "Just sleep. I'll make sure nothing happens to you while you sleep, if a man even rest a finger on you his blood will be stained by my hands."

Luckily you were asleep already when you heard the last part.


Though he didn't like it physic types were the best to tell what was inside or see inside anything. He knew a person but didn't like them at all... you smiled and hugged the happy Espeon.

"I'm so glad you could make it!"

Espeon smiled and hugged back. "I'm glad too!"

He was hugging you close to him as Umbreon growled and pulled you away from him. "Can you just sense the baby inside now?"

Espeon smirked and nodded. His hands gently roamed around your belly along with a faint light blue glow. After what was about ten minutes but seemed like forever to Umbreon watched Espeon touched you, he pulled away with a smile.

"It's a girl."

You smiled and patted your tummy gentle. "I had a feeling it was a girl."

Umbreon didn't show it, but was grateful for the guy. "Thanks... I guess."

Espeon rolled his eyes. "You're welcome, brother."


Reshriam was over with Zekrom at the doctors. They were taking a long time figuring out the gender if not for the energy waves. Reshriam smiled and poked the side of his brother's head.

"What do you think the baby will be?"

"I dunno... I will love them either way."

"I think it's a boy."

He rolled his eyes. "It has to be a girl."

The two started bickering for a while until the shut up when you came back. You held a paper in your hand as you showed it to the boys. "Guess Zekrom was right."

Zekrom fist pumped in the air as Reshiram sighed. He just lost a lot of money, but he didn't say anything about it because he knew you would be mad about them betting.


With all the research about babies he decided to find out the gender with his orb. He used his powers as his hands rested on your belly, slightly making it tickle as you giggled. "How is this going to work?"

"Quiet please... I'm trying to work..."

You stayed quiet and after a long while he pulled back, eyebrows frowning. "I can't tell the parts. What are girl and boy parts again?"

You sweat dropped at his lack of knowledge for this kind of thing. "The girl parts are what I have... the boy parts are what you have..."

"Oh!" He smiled and giggled. "It's a boy then! Sorry about that! I'm still getting use to this human thing with genders."

A warm smile spread across your face as you kissed his nose. "It's okay, space dork."

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