They Go Overboard (Somewhat) With Baby Stuff

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I think I'm just gonna have the baby months go twice head like it's four months here and in the next chapter six months in.


Ever since Halloween he's been getting excited about the baby. The thought of being a dad was just exciting to him. Bring life into his new family was something he always dreamed of but thought would never come true, but it did now.

You were asleep while Darkrai wrapped up the presents for the baby. When he accidentally dropped one of them you woke up from the sound and walked downstairs. There were toys for children everywhere.

"Darkrai..." You called out, "What is this?"

The kitchen door opened to a smiling Darkrai. "It's toys for the baby!"

You giggled and smiled. "Honey the baby isn't close to being born yet. I'm only four months pregnant."

"I know! But I'm just so excited!" He poked at your belly, "And the baby is just so excited to play with her/his toys."

You smiled and ruffled his hair. "We'll find out the gender in another two months!"



He had been going to the park for some fresh air once in a while to get away from you. Well you could get crazy with your pregnant stages and he needed to keep alive, so the only way was to take walks in a while.

Dialga stopped at a bench and sat down, but his eyes landed on a mother holding its baby. The father had his arms around the two as they both looked happy. He then got the idea... why not spoil the little child?

It was night time by the time he got back and you were watching t.v. but you gave him a look. "A walk is taking a long eight hours huh?"

"I know how that looks but just look!" He held out a row of bags, "I got clothes, food, toys, and everything are baby needs!"

Your eyes widen at the rows of bags. "Well... at least you had a reason for coming this late."

"Of course! The baby is going to be spoiled so much when they come into are life." He said while hugging you and wrapping his arm around your belly.


Okay now that he had taken up his word about being a dad he had to act like one, and just tossing beer bottles around wasn't helping his image. He had an idea, if beer bottles were bad then everything else in the house was bad!

When you came home from the doctors you had to find it in you to not scream. Everything was baby proofed, like from the floor to the celling.


"I baby proofed the place!" His stupid grin wasn't helping your anger.

"That baby isn't even close to being here yet!"

"I know! But safety is always the first thing to come to the child and you!"


He pouted and got to work


Flying was that time of thing were his thoughts would either fly with him or fly past him. He passed by a funny cloud and stopped to look at it. It looked like a baby child, and that got him to thinking what he could give the baby.

You were making lunch for yourself since you were always hungry 24/7. The door opened up as you smiled when you saw your loving husband. "Hey Latios."

"Are you busy right now?"

"Umm... not really."

"Then come outside." He gently grabbed your hand and led you outside. The air outside was a bit dense but you could see why.

Latios held a cloud that could shape into whatever pokemon it formed. "This is for the baby to play with! It's powered by my spirit orb so it won't ever disappear."

"Oh Latios... it's so cute!" You smiled and poked the small cloud. "I know the baby will love it."

His whole being beamed with joy as he showed you some tricks to the cloud.


Sensing aura's was this thing, but he could sense the babies aura inside you. He didn't mind it but it got him to thinking what he would give to the baby once it was born.

He got the idea and nuzzled you awake while you were in bed. "I have a surpise~"

You hummed and nuzzled him sleepily back. "What is it?"

"Open your eyes~"

You opened your eyes to find a tiny necklace with an aura stone attached to it. The stone was not only pretty, but was shiny different colors every second.

"Oh my gosh! It's so pretty!"

Lucario smiles, "You think the baby will like it?"

"Of course!" You smiled and rubbed your tummy

In the peaceful moment Lucario joined you and rub the spot were is child was at, heart swelling with pride.


He was both excited and scared for the baby too come. Yvetal was scared because he didn't know how he could hold new life went he drained life out of everything. He paced back and forth until an idea popped into his head.

You were reading a book when something dropped in front of you. It was a tiny bird shaped pokemon toy, Yvetal. "What is this?"

"It's for the baby! If I can't hold the baby then the baby can hold the doll. You see, if I hold new life it's like an urge to take it sine new life is powerful."

"Aww Yvetal that's so sweet. But when do you think you can hold the baby?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hand. "I might have to start taking more life forces if I do... I'm sorry if I can't hold or take care of the baby like a husband should do."

You smiled and hugged Yvetal. "It's alright dear. I understand with what you're going through. Just take your time and only feel like you want to hold the baby."

He was so blessed to have you. Yvetal smiled brightly than the sun and kissed you with love for a while.


The pokemon around the Tree of Life helped out with Xerneas as he had you come into the forest. It was a surprise and you were excited about it, but were confused about what the Tree of Life had anything to do with it.

Xerneas lead you up through the stairs inside the Tree of Life. "You're going to love this!"

He opened up a door as light poured into the room. It was a room mixed in with an area full of toys and an area with just a bed. "Wow! You made this all by yourself?"

"Well I had the pokemon to help me out. But the bed is for the delivery when the baby comes and I thought when the baby has arrived we can live inside the Tree of Life!"

"That doesn't seem like a bad idea. Let me think of it for a bit."

Xerneas nodded and kissed your forehead. "Take all the time you need."


The plan was set in motion as he was building the baby's room a while back since the news. It was already done as it looked like a simple baby room, but it had something different about it. When Palkia showed you the room you were impressed.

"It's really nice. I can't believe you built this on your own."

"Sweetie, I create universes, so building something like this was way too easy."

You giggled and rested you head on his shoulder. "You're so cocky."

"Not as cocky as I will be right now." He flip the light on as the room turned into a galaxy like place. Stars shinned everywhere as your jaw dropped at the sight.

"How... well... that is more impressive."

Palkia laughed and ruffled your hair. "I'm just awesome."


A week ago a cake for a toddler was made as he got the idea and started his own. He was going to make it unique, something a cake has never had before. It would be strange to other people but not too him.

"Oh (y/n)~ I got something to show you~"

You raises an eyebrow and came into the kitchen, eyes wide at what you saw.

"What do ya think?"

Hoopa pointed a cake that had three layers of pink frosting, golden rings around it, and donuts at the bottom as the cake was sprinkled with donut sprinkles. He lit even had a candle going on top of the cake.

"Hoopa... what is this?"

"It was thinking of when the baby comes we celebrate with a cake! I just need your ideas for the cake!"

"Well it could be less... you..."

"More me? Got it!"

You sighed and ran a hand down your face. "This is going to be a long six months..."


He's been seeing the progress of the child growing inside you, but didn't know what to give them once they were born... that was a hard thing to do since him other three sons were easy, but they were created by him.

He got it and went to work. You were looking through the books he had in his huge library when he came up to you. "Guess what?"

You blinked. "What?"

"I have something for the baby."

Your eyes lit up in joy. "Really? What is it?"

"This!" He held out two tiny baby crowns. "I got this for the baby."

They were great, but two of them were confusing you. "Why are there two?"

He smirked and kissed your forehead. "Accident maybe?"


The thought of a baby got his spirits high and low. Of course he was excited for a child of him to come, but was scared he would be a horrible dad because of... well... certain things he had done in his life.

You noticed his off behavior and rested you head on his chest while watching t.v. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strange for a while and it's worrying me."

His heart quicken for a second before he sighed and turned off the t.v. "I'm just scared I won't be a good dad. I mean, I made a toy for the kid... but I'm just scared of even being a dad."

"I understand being a dad part, but what toy?"

He opened up a portal and reached his hand in. He grabbed a small bubble that would change colors every second. "It lets you see anywhere you want in the world."

"Oh wow!" You poked at the bubble as it bounced lazily back. "Don't worry Gira, I'm sure you'll be a great dad. This gift will make him happy."

A sigh of relief came over him as he watched you play with the bubble.


The four months were making him go crazy. He already wanted his child born because of the gift he had to give them. You were asleep but he poked your nose to wake you up. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Why did you awake me up?"

"I have the most amazing thing for you!"

"Go on..."

"Well mostly for the baby, but here it is!"

He pulled out a stuffed Umbreon. He made it from the look of the sewing but it was pretty good never the less. You smiled and looked it over.

"Wow this thing is cuter than you."



In secret he was working on a mini library for the child as he was putting all his love and soul into it. You didn't mean to enter in went he was working, but the sight of library caught you eye.

"What is all this?"

Zekrom jumped at your voice and smiled at you. "Hey (y/n), this is our kids own library."

"But how do you know if they'll like reading?"

He came over and placed his hand on your belly. "Because I can just feel it."

A small blush came over your cheeks. "You're so cheesy it's affecting me."

Zekrom roared with laughed and quickly kissed you at your good joke.


With all the research he did on parenting and on baby he had the perfect gift to give to his newborn. You were playing video games when he came up to you and nuzzled your cheek.

"How are my two favorite people in the world are doing~?"

You giggled as his hair tickled your neck. "Good. Just getting a bit hungry."

"I'll make you some food, but look at this."

He held out a small orb as it swirled with all different types of colors. "If for the baby to play with. It's a star inside and it's for the baby. It'll safely destroy the star and make another one inside it."

You smiled and started playing with the orb. "This is amazing!"

Deoxys blushed and giggle, learning slowly and surely more joyful human emotions. "Thank you dear."

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