He confesses his feelings

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Please see A/N at the bottom of this story


He was nervous alright... Darkrai only met you in dreams, so he decided to stop hiding behind that dream and go for it.

He saw you sleeping and woke you up. Rubbing your eyes as you recognize him immediately. "Darkrai?... what are you doing here?..."

Darkrai look at him feet while shifting them, acting like he was uncomfortable. "(y/n)... will you be... m-m-my... g-g-girlfriend...?"

You blush, but Darkrai's blush could been seen from the dark as you smiled and kissed his cheeks. "Of course."

You pulled the cute blushing legendary into bed, snuggling you two are you both fell asleep in your arms.


The time lord pokemon came up too you with an gift of sorts in his hand.

With an questioning brow, you looked at the gift. "Dialga what is it?"

Dialga smile softly at you as he opening up the box to find a piece of his adamant orb he use, and wears. "(y/n), will you except this gift as being my girlfriend and lover? I have seen the future and it shows that we will both be very happy together"

You tackled Diagla into an hug. "YES! YES! YES! YES!!!"

You shouted in his ear as he chuckled and shook his head at you amused


Today was the today you never thought would come true.

Victini came over with you favorite game board. You took the game board without a thought in the world.

After a while the last around came up. Both Victini and you with you characters at the final stage. You both just needed to move up one.

Victini smirked. "Go and draw the card (y/n)."

You scowled and pick up the move card, until it drop out of you hands from what it said. 'You can win, by only accepting to be my girlfriend~'

You moved the last character into the final space, telling the you and the smiling Victini your answer.


The sky were clear as both you two decided to ride the winds. The two of you were both racing to see who would get home first.

Latios was ahead, as you were just at his tail. Growling, Salamance and you both picked up the speed and flew past him.

Smiling with victory, until you turned around and saw Latios was gone.

You when back home to find Latios in the air above your house, jaw dropping at the words in the sky.

'(y/n)! Will you be my girlfriend?'

"YES I WILL BE YOU CUTEY!!!" You yelled back as Latios smile and blush as he landed next to you and hugged you.


Today was one of your usual aura leaning classes with Lucario.

You both when out in the forest to practices as it was quite there. Lucario held your hands as you focused... and focused... until, you attentions landed on Lucario aura that was bright with red, the passion of love.

"I love you, Lucario." You said and kissed his cheek, making Lucario's eyes snap open. The blush deeped red just as his soul was.


You were walking home bring home food for Yveltal and you. You opened the gate and gasp to find the flowers by your front door dead!

You found Yveltal looking down guilty at him. Slowly, you when up to him and touched his shoulder, making him flinch.

"Yveltal what's wrong?..."

Tears were in the legendary ' s eyes as he stared at the flowers by his feet. "I kill anything that comes near me (y/n). Like these flowers, but I'm afraid I'll kill you too (y/n)... and I'll regret it because... I love you..."

Shock filled your body. You stare at Yveltal a long time before hugging him "I don't care if I died. If I wanted to die, I would want to die by the hands of someone I love."

Yveltal lips turned into an small smile as he hugged you back


There was an note just for you on the bedside table in your bedroom about Xerneas wanting to meet you in the deep part of the forest.

Rising up and early you headed into the forest to find Xerneas's horns shining brighter than before.

Xerneas came up to with an rare and beautiful (f/c) that outlined the edges with (2 /f/c) around it.

"(y/n), this flower reminds it's beauty just like yours, while this flower is beautiful, it will never compare to yours in all it's life time."

An grin spread across your face as you took the flower and kissed Xerneas's forhead.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend you poet~"


You opened your door to find an nervous Palkia at you door. He took you up your favorite hill and pulled out an telescope.

"See if you can find an new consolation this time (y/n)."

You nodded your head as you adjusted the telescope and looked through it. After a while you found it and couldn't believe your eyes.

"Will you me my comet while I'm the star burning brightly in the night sky waiting for you?"

You squealed with happiness as you tackled Palkia into an hug and peppered his face in kisses


Hoopa decided to make you his own donut. This surprised you as Hoopa REALLY like donuts you make.

After a while you came into the kitchen only to find donut's spelling out the magical word.

Smiling, you picked up an donut "Yes I will" You took an bite out of the donut, "And you make good donut's!"

Hoopa grinned as hugged you and ate the donut's with you.


Arceus came out of an vortex and grabbed your hand without you saying anything.

He led you to an place where you could see every galaxy in the whole universe.

Arceus smile and hugged you. "I can show you all the galaxy if you become my lover."

You shook your head slowly, fascinated by the sight as he chuckled and ruffles your hair


You were fixing your hair in the mirror, until your dad grabbed you by the hair and threw you out of the bathroom.


Just then a hand came out of the mirror. Your dad screamed as he got pulled into the mirror. You sat there puzzles and shocked until, Giratina, came out of the mirror with an angry face.

He came up and hugged you tightly to him, "I'm keeping your dad down in my world until he learns to never hurt you again! I love you, (y/n)!"

You blush and smiled at him, "Thank you for protecting me, Giratina."

Giratina smiled as he kisses your cheek, "No problem~ because your my one and only love~"


It was your normal trip into the forest. Meeting Umbreon there at the usual spot but he wasn't there.

Someone kissed your forhead, not making you jump, but blush

"(y/n), I can show you the whole forest. Because I only trust the women I love to have that permission."

You blushed and took his hand. "O-okay!"

Umbreon chuckled as he lead you into the quiet placed of the forest knowing your answer and heart of adventure

Added pokemon Zekrom

How you met

It was a electrifying day in your town as it was getting close to night time. The promblem was though, you were afraid of lighting, so you really cloudn't sleep well.

Sighing you when into the kitchen for a glass of water until the door knock making you almost drop the glass. You when up to your front door to find an tall man with jet black hair in spikes with black and blue clothing to set off his bright red eyes that glowed in the darkness of your house.

"Hi (y/n)! I heard you didn't like lighting! So I stopped it for you! The lighting was from me traveling over here!"

You gave him an confused look. "Huh?"

Zekrom chuckled, "I'll be seeing you around (y/n)."

He toke off in a quick light spark, leaving the area he was at burned with fire.

You two become friends

As promised, Zekrom came back with an necklace with an tiny circle like generator almost like his with blue striping around it.

"Here! This is proof were best friends!"

You blushed as he put it around your throat as you could feel the electricity from of the generator of his electricity

He starts developing feelings for you

Lately Zekrom started blushing when being around you. He would be find alone, until you came into the room and his cheek would be pink while he stuttered talking too you.

You didn't know what it was, but dang you though it was the cutest thing ever

He confesses his feelings for you

It was night time by the time Zekrom came into your bedroom. You were alseep as Zekrom sighed from tiredness of running his electrical current all the way here.

He smile and kissed the top of your head making you awake up without him noticing. "(y/n)... you don't know how much electricity I have going inside me when I see that beautiful face of yours that I love with all my heart."

You smile and tugged him down on the bed surprising him as you sunggle against him. "I love you too silly."

Zekrom smiled as closed his eyes and slept in bed with you soundlessly

Okay Zekrom is the last Pokemon request I'm doing people. God! Do people just like this book and they ask for more? Or is it their fav pokemon isn't in there? I chose Zekrom beacuse I didn't see him in the very many books. So yay for Zekrom!!!

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