First kiss

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It was one of your nightmare sleep nights again. You were crying and whimpering in your sleep. Darkrai hated himself because he knew he was the cause of this. He stroked your back to help you calm down, but that didn't work. Darkrai thought of something and smiled. He gently kissed your shaking lips. You were slowly calming down and soon woke up from the kiss, kissing the Nightmare pokemon back.


You both sat on the roof looking out in the night sky while having an nice midnight picnic together. Dialga set you on top of his lap.

He stroked your hair as you rest your head on top of his chest. "I love it here. The way time moves so slow for us."

Diagla chuckles. "That's only because I'm making it happen for this."

He gently toke your chin as he kissed you. You melted in the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, knowing it would last a long time for it too end


Victini came back with some prize money for you. "(y/n)~ I've got sometime for you~"

You toke the bag from his hand and reached in, only to find an piece of paper and not money.

'Look up, this is better than any prize the world has for you'

Slowly, you look up only for your lips to meet together. You smiled and kissed back as Victini smiled too, knowing he won your heart... again


It was a thunder stormy day, so you couldn't really go flying anytime soon.

Latios come up too you with an candle in his hand to lighten up the dark room. "(y/n), I know an area we can walk to and fly together at."


You walked with Latios up a rocky path in a high mountain top. You were out of breath by the time both you got up their.

Latios chuckled at your reaction as he toke your hand and showed you an lake that sparkled with the sky's light, making it so clear you could both see you reflection in the water perfectly.

"(y/n)." He called your name as you turned to meet with his lips.

Surprised, you kissed back as Salamance was flying up high in the clear sky smiling down at the both of you.


He came back wet from the hard pouring rain that was keeping you two from aura training.

"Open your hands."

You did as told as he drop an charm necklace into the palm of your hand. It was a heart locket with the colors of each ones of your auras. Lucario's blue aura on the left as yours was on the right.

"Lucario... I love it and you!"

Lucario smiles as he pulled you into an hug. "I'm glad you do (y/n)."

He softly leaned down and met with your lips as you did the same. Your charm necklace shining against you and Lucario's love.


It was one of Yevltal... life draining times. You didn't know this as you when into your favorite forest to play with the pokemon their. The ground and trees started wilting, almost as they were crying while they died. Gasping you started running as the darkness grew closer.

You toke the pokemon up the safe place while you turned around and saw a pale faced Yevltal running up to you, inbracing you into an hug

"(y/n) don't you ever do that again! I thought you were going to get killed by that!"

He smashed his lips into yours, him thinking this was the last time he would ever see you. You kissed back with just as much force while the pokemon behind you were staring at the cute sight with loving eyes.


Xerneas took your hand as he lead you into an quite part of an forest. It was nighttime as he sat you down a an mossy rock and rubbed your back.

"Xerneas, what are we doing here?"

He chuckled. "Just look up and wait for it."

You looked up and gasp as the forest had clear view of an tiny waterfall that shined in the night skys stars as they reflected just perfectly.

"Xerneas, this place is beautiful.." You trailed off with an lost of words.

Xerneas grined in the darkness, "I'm glad you do. Because this place is just for the both of us (y/n)~"

He sneaked his kiss into your lips, gasping at the surprised kiss, but you kissed back in bliss


You eyed Palkia with a questioning brow as he was hiding something behind his back.

"Palkia, what's that behind your back?" You asked him as you tried go behind him but failed as he would always block your point of view ticking you off.

"Just something I made for you..."

"Really? Can I see it?"

Palkia slowly showed you his gift as you gasped in happiness. It was a bright (f/c) star just for you. He took your hand and carefully put it down in the palm of your hand.

"I hope you like it, (y/n)"

"Like it? I love it!" You hugged him tightly. "Thank you!"

Palkia smiled as he pulled you closer to him, "You welcome, but their another present for you."

"Huh?" You look up at him, "What is it?"

"This." He softly kissed you as you gladly kissed back as your star shined bright near you heart


Hoopa came in with an single donut, which was an odd thing for him to just do. He came up too with an grin that took up almost his whole face.

"(y/n)~ Lets share this donut together!"

".... Huh...?"

Hoopa just giggled as he put the donut between the both of you. "I'm just feeling nice today~!"

shrugging, you toke his word for it as you both started eating it. Hoopa was eating faster and getting to closer to your lips without you noticing. He took his chance as you finished your side as he kissed you on the lips. You hummed and pulled him closer enjoying him and the donut flavor.


You two sat on an nice quite little hill where the wind barely blew and grass there was just the right height. Arceus fell asleep with you in his arms. You eyes too were falling deep into slumber, until the wind suddenly grew to an freezing point.

Shivering as you took the blanket from the picnic basket, but yelped and fell on top of Arceus from the force of wind pushing you down.

Arceus woke up and sanked his arms around you turning you too face his sleepy face. "Someone has to be punished for waking me up~"

"w-what-" Your words were cut off as Arceus kissed your nose first then you lips to tease you. Blushing, you kissed him back as the wind died down around you too to let you enjoy the silence


"Try to get me (y/n)~" He disappear from the bathroom mirror.

Growling, you when to look for him again as this game of hide and seek was starting to tick you off. He took your last piece of breakfast from you as you were trying to get it back from this little game.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw the bedroom mirror waver as you knew it was Giratina.

He came out, looking left and right and then yelping, falling out of the mirror and getting pulled out of it.

"Give me back my breakfast!"

You reached up to get it from his grasps. He was taller than you so getting it was an problem. He held it up high in the air, then smirked as he quickly kissed you on the lips. You gasped and stopping reach for the donut, completely shocked and an blushing mess. Gairtina just laughed as he kissed you again, but deeper this time.


You came home completely out of energy. Work as tiring you out way too much. Too the point where you passed out of the bed in an second. Umbreon poked his head out from the kitchen and hugged you, kissing the top of your head

"How was work?"

"...b-boring..." You said almost ready to pass out.

Umbreon sighed, "I know." He picked you up and toke you upstairs. He sunggled with you in bed, then surprising you with an quick kiss making you eyes snap open. He chuckled at your reaction and kissing you again making sure to kiss you to sleep gently.


Yelping, you hide in Zekrom's chest from and scary movie you both were watching in the dark.

Zekrom laughed softly and rubbed your back, "What's wrong (y/n)~"

"T-this is s-scary!!"

"Just look up, I promise this next part won't be scary."

You slowly poked your head out of his chest to meet with his soft lips. Zekrom smiled as he turned the movie off and enjoyed thr tiny make out session in dark only with you.

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