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After the wedding a few days ago Darkrai had a surprise for you and gave you a blindfold. You took it with a raised eyebrow "What's this?"

"Wrap it around your eyes, because I'm going to shadow travel us to our honeymoon."

"Really? Is it safe for me to travel with you?"

"I promise this will not hurt you. Come on! I want to show you already!"

"Alright, alright." You mumbled while putting on the blindfold.

Darkrai smiled as he pulled you close to his body as you both transformed into shadows. It felt weird as breathing wasn't required or the urge to blink through the shadows.

After about a minute which felt like forever Darkrai finally got to the place. He unfolded the blindfolds as your eyes set on a small little house where the sky looks like it was touching the ground. Forest were also around along with fields of berries.

"Wow... I love it!"

Darkrai beamed with pride as he swept you off your feet. "That's great! I can't wait to get this honeymoon started."


All through the next day of the wedding you woke up to Dialga packing your stuff along with his. You got up and touched his shoulder. He jumped slightly but relaxed once he saw it was you.

"Dialga, the hell are you doing?"

He blinked. "Packing us up for are honeymoon."

Your eyes widen. "Honeymoon?!"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"No! Where are we even going?!"

"Too... my time cambers."

"Time what?"

He sighed and zipped up the last zipper of the suit case. "It's a camber where all of time is stored and kept safe. Since you're my wife I thought it was time to show you."


Dialga smiled as he finally packed up and took you there. It was beautifully done as the walls were carved from adamant orbs along with the ground. Time could be felt flowing through the whole room.

He quickly kissed you and nibble on your ear. "Just wait until you see the spa room."

"There's a spa room?! I LOVE THIS PLACE!"


After saving up his bar money he though of just the right place to send vacation. You kept quiet through out the whole ride, wondering if it was going to be worth the hours of sitting.

Tall trees entered into your vision as islands were scattered around. Strangely enough one side was sunny while the other half was covered in darkness.

"Welcome to Aloha!"

"Victini... we're did you get the money for this trip?!"

"Well my victory never seems to end so I thought of the most expensive thing and thought you would love the place!"

After landing down your eyed widen at the beautiful landscape before you.

"Oh my god... it's so beautiful!"

"Happy Honeymoon!" He nuzzled your cheek before kissing it, "Because my victory deserves the best~"


Warm lips kissed you awake as you smiled and kissed back. Latios continued kissing until after he broke for air. "I hope you're ready."

"Ready for what...?" You sleepily reply.

"For are honeymoon. I know just the place to go to it!"

You shot up after hearing the word. "Honeymoon?! Can you just please tell me?!"

"Nope, it's a surprise."

You pouted the whole ride there, but Latios didn't mind as after a while he found the island. Clouds covered it making you confused why he was diving down, until the breath in your lungs disappeared.

There was a huge tree house along with berries and beautiful pokemon along with flowers covering the whole island. Latios landed gently when you hopped off and started eating the berries.

"This... is the best thing I've ever tasted!"

"Good, because we're staying here for a month."

Excited, you started stuffing your mouth with berries as Latios laughed.


He had just enough money as he packed everything in the car before you woke up. He tapped your shoulder, but you didn't wake up so he lifted you into his arms.

You woke up from the action and rubbed your eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm showing you a place. You can sleep on the way."



Lucario kissed your cheek having you wake up to a place in the mountains. It had a small waterfall nearby along with a wooden house. He rubbed the back of his head. "I know it's not much, but I hope you like it anyways."

All the auras in the mountains were just perfectly fine tuned as you nodded and hugged him. "I love this place. Thank you."

Lucario smiled and kissed the top of your head. "You're welcome."


After a week of planning Yveltal was ready as he grabbed your hand. "Come along. I want to take you to our honeymoon."

He was talking about this during the wedding ad you nodded and let him lead the way. "Alright."

"But you'll have to hold onto me while I fly."

Confusion grasped you, but you did what he said and hold onto him as he took off. The wind felt great up their as after a while he landed on a slop with a large cave.

"See what's inside."

Hesitated, you stepped inside and gasped. It was a cave, but with crystal of all colors along with mini set up house inside it.

"I know it seems weird for a house like cave, but I know you liked crystals so this is what I got."

"I love it!" You screamed in joy as every crystal you touched changed another color.

Yveltal smiled and joined in with you, glad to make his wife happy.


Flowers were popping up around him as he took you on a walk. He was so joyful you were almost afraid to ask why he was so happy.

"Were almost there."

"Huh?" You asked. "I thought we were on a walk."

"Oh, we are, but to our honeymoon."

He stopped as huge flowers moved away from the view as their stood a enter way to the tree of life. You were scared but weren't anymore when he took you inside.

Everything you loved with made in their along with a beautiful gifts just for you. Light danced in your eyes as you screamed and started opening them, making Xerneas proud of himself.


The end before going to bed he was acting weird, but you dismissed it since maybe it was jitterbugs from being married. When you woke up, everything was dark. Panic took over you as you screamed and kicked, until strong hands stopped you.

"Wo! It's just me!" Palkia's voice rang inside your ears.

"W-why can't I see anything?!"

"Oh, hold on."

You held onto him making him chuckle as everything started to glow dimly. After a while the whole place was filled with stars, Galaxies, and planets.

Awe took over you as Palkia smiled and too you over to his camber room. "Well to the space camber. It's were space is kept safe and protected. Since we're married I figured it was time to show you."


"Beautiful? But not as beautiful as you~"

You rolled your eyes at his cheesy joke and took in the cambers as Palkia smiled and wrapped and arm around your waist.


After about a day of baking Hoopa gather up all the money in the tip bar and grabbed your hand taking you to the car. Confused, you stop just a feet away from the car. "What are you doing?"

You saw the bags inside the car as you recalled Hoopa going home because he forgot something. But bags weren't something you think he would need.

He rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "Just want to take you somewhere... for a month."

"A month?"

"Yeah, come one I'll show you."

It was about a three hour trip, but it was worth it in the end when he stopped at a hotel filed with gardens of berries. He unloaded the car and hugged you. "I saved up a lot for are honeymoon. It's a five star hotel where you can take as many berries as you want and cook them. I thought of this place just for you."

"Oh... Hoopa... I love it!" You kissed him which catch him unguarded, but he kissed back in bliss.


It's been a month since you two have wed and you couldn't be any happier, until now were that happiness sprung to life. The work of a queen was hard, but you got it down pretty quickly as everyone loved you as their queen of pokemon, even if you were just a human.

Arceus picked you up bridal style and opened up to a room where water flowed gently in streams. Everything you loved was in his huge room as a huge ice statue was made into you.

"Arceus... this is..."

"Don't worry about it." He kissed the top of your head, "I don't mind making all of this stuff just for you."


"Of course. This is just like are honeymoon."

"Oh!" You blushed, totally forgetting about a honeymoon present. "I forgot-"

"Don't worry about it." He nuzzled you, "You're the only present I really need."


Gira just picked you up from your game, holding you tightly too his chest as you screamed and kicked at him to let you go. He opened up a portal inside the bedroom mirror and stepped through it. What was on the other side was made you speechless.

Everything was distorted, but in a beautiful way. Black crystals and jewels shined with red along with a sparkle to them. Even the sky was glowing with light, something you've even seen before. Gira led you to his throne and had you sit on his lap.

"So..." he began, "I hope you don't mind use spending are honeymoon in my world."

"I don't mind now! What happened to this place? It's... magical."

He smiled and brushed a piece of your hair back. "After I proposed to you my love for you made this world brighter and cheerful. Never have I've seen the place like this, so I thought you and I could explore it."

"I would love that, Gira."

"Just remember." He lean it close to your ear. "You're my queen now. So anything you want in this place, I can make."

A shiver went down your spine, but a good one as you wished up jewels, and it was made.


"(y/n), can we go somewhere?"

"Sure! Where too?"

"Ummm... it's a surprise."

You looked up from making dinner and stared at him. "A surprised huh?"

He sighed and took your arm. "Can I just show you...?"


After eating dinner and took your hand into his and lead you into the forest. It was really dark and you couldn't see anything but Umbreon's golden rings. After a while he finally stopped in a cleared forest area.

He clapped in the air as light from pokemon lit up as a huge forest space designed like the inside of a house surprised you. Umbreon led you to a quite river near the forest like house. "What do you think of it?"

"I love it! What's it for?"

"It's for are honeymoon. I can do stuff during the day, but its better during the night when I feel like doing more on are honeymoon. Sorry about that."

"You don't need to say sorry I've know that about you. So, how long is the honeymoon?" You asked while dipping yourself in the cold water in the nearby river

"Does a month sound good?"



He didn't let you talk during the ride as trees were the only things you were seeing during the ride. Well rocks as well, but that wasn't fun to look at. He finally stopped at a tunnel and led you through it.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To our honeymoon." He answered which surprised you.

"A honeymoon? In a cave?!"

"Just wait."

You did and was it a good wait. Inside was a castle. It didn't look old but it was clean all around. Rooms were filled with everything Zekrom and you liked as you ran up and hugged him. "Thank you!"

He smiled and ruffled your hair. "You're welcome."

"How did you find the castle?"

"I battled in here once, so I thought a castle was fit for a pretty girl like you."

You blushed and quickly kissed him, making him smile as he took you into a room filled with toys.


He read about honeymoons, but didn't know what type of honeymoon you wanted. So he looked and studied around until he got it. When you were sleeping he gently lifted you into his arms and took you into the night...

The bright light made you wake up in a bed, but not the one you were sleeping in. Deoxys came in just the perfect time as he made a gestor around the room. "Surprise!"

"Deoxys... I love you, but if you don't tell me where we are or I'm going to kill you."

"On are honeymoon!"

You blinked. "What?"

"I'll show you."

He grabbed your arm and it was a cold place so he suited you up. The colors took your breath away as it was the aura lights. They dance barley on the ground and came up back into the sky to mix in with the other colors like rainbows.

"I know it's a cold place, but I knew you always wanted to see the aura lights so I thought this was the place for a honeymoon! Plus theirs a hot springs not too far away!"

"Really?!" Your eyes shined brightly in the colors. "Just for me?"

"Just for you."

"I'm going to try the hot springs!"

You ran back to the house as Deoxys chuckled and when after you.

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