The Big News

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The honeymoon was great! Even greater than you thought as Darkrai and you bonded more through that whole month. Just after a few weeks pain suddenly shot through your body as you couldn't move or that would increase the pain.

Darkrai was brushing your hair for fun as you sat down and ate dinner while he did. But while eating dinner, your stomach started to get upset as you tapped at Darkrai's shoulder. "I don't feel so good..."

He checked your forehead and you were burning slightly. "Are you getting a fever?"

"I don't feel like I am... it's in my-"

You didn't finish your sentence as you dashed for the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. Darkrai came in and rubbed your back. "This is the second time this week..."

After you were finish you felt slightly better. "C-Could I be... you know... pregnant?"

Darkrai felt his own eyes growing wider and wider. "Is that even possible?"

"I-It could be..."

"Well... I promise to take care of you, and the baby." He rubbed your stomach with love. On the outside he looked chilled, but on the inside he was afraid and scared at being a dad, but he knew he could do it.


He couldn't get a bite to eat anywhere in the house and he was starting to get angry. He caught you sneaking seconds from dinner or eating late at night one time. This just had to stop and he was going to make it happen.

After dinner you said were going to the bathroom, but you were taking a really long time. He opened up the kitchen door and saw you were eating the leftovers from dinner.

"(y/n) why are you eating so much?!"

"I don't know." You wiped your chin, "Ever since are honeymoon I've been feeling hungry and getting sick from it a lot."

Diagla stopped suddenly from shock. "Wait... pain, throwing up, eating a lot, and even sleeping a lot in the morning or in the afternoon..."

Realization struck you too. "Could I-"

"Yeah... I think you're pregnant."

After a few seconds you broke out crying, but with a smile on your face as Diagla smiled and hugged you and wrapped his arms gently around your stomach.


When he took you to the bar after the honeymoon you would drink any alcohol which was confusing him greatly. Once he won his game he went over to you and hugged you. "Are you alright?"

You jumped slightly and winced in slight pain around your sides. "Y-Yeah I'm fine..."

"Then why aren't you drinking anything?"

"Because... I'm just not feeling good, my sides hurt."

"Then drink some alcohol it will wash away the pain."

"That's just it." you began as your voice rose, "I don't think I can have any alcohol."

Now his head was swimming in confusion. "Why not? Do you think you're sick?"

"N-No I-I-" You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "I think I might be pregnant."

The whole world at that moment froze around Victini as he yelled in happiness and kissed you all over your face. The whole bar was watching but he could care less at the moment. "I'm gonna be a dad!"

You smiled and hugged him. "I was afraid you would leave me."

"Just because you're pregnant? Baby, I will love you and are kid with all my heart."


Every once in a while you would go flying with Latios, but lately you just didn't feel like it and slept on the couch. He was getting worried into thinking you were either sick or depressed about something.

"(y/n) I'm going out flying!"

"Okay! I'll be sleeping while you get back."

He took off into the sky and drifted back and forth near the house. When he felt like was like an hour he landed back down in the backyard and sneaked back inside the house. You weren't on the couch asleep as his heart began to quicken.

He searched the house quietly until he stopped by the bathroom were you had your hand over your mouth. Latios stepped in to see the pregnancy test thing, it was positive. Tears rolled down your face as Latios gently hugged you.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered softly in your ear.

"I-I just found out right now... I-I don't feel like I'm ready..."

"Hey don't worry! I'll cut my time flying and help you feel ready as possible."

You laughed and wiped your tears away. "Thanks Latios..."

He gave you a warm smile and kissed your head. "Anything for you two."


Okay, he wasn't a weirdo to remember things about you complaining about periods, but a month later you weren't saying anything about it. So he took you out into the woods and had you sit down on the log.

"Hey, do you mind sitting up for me?"

You rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Okay...."

You stood up as he looked over, not a spot of blood on the log. Well that's how he thought periods happened. "What's going on? You haven't complained about your period and it's making me worried."

"W-well..." You looked away from him, "I went to the doctors yesterday as it was the one I made... and... well... I'm healthy, but I have something inside me."

"Oh Arceus please tell me you're alright!" He ran over and started checking you over.

You laughed while he did. "Yes I'm alright! I'm just pregnant!"

He froze and look you straight in the eyes. "L-Like... an egg?"

"Well yes and no. I give birth to it than lay an egg."

"A-Alright! I-I can't wait!" He yelled happily and kissed you full of love.


Oddly enough he was noticing a change in your weight. On week ago you had a normal tummy, now it was getting a tiny lump under your shirt. It was late at night when you were asleep. He lifted the covers up and rose up your shirt.

He saw with surprise your tummy was big and swollen all around. Panic began to rise inside him until he realized you were pregnant.

The cold air made you shiver as you woke up to Yvetal seeing your belly. You yelped and smacked his hand away. "What are you doing?!"

"You're pregnant?!"

You stopped with the glare and looked down. "Y-Yes... it was a little after are honeymoon I started to get sick when you were gone to do your... thing."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Tears burst through your eyes as you hugged Yvetal. "I-I thought you didn't want to be a f-father and I was a-afraid of telling you!"

He blinked in confusion and pulled you back to have you see his face. "I don't mind being a father, really I don't. Next time please tell me something about this because I was worried about you."

You nodded and sniffled, making Yvetal chuckled and snuggle you back to sleep.


Nothing seemed to help your back as every time you tried to sit down on something or anything flames would burst through your back. Xerneas didn't know what was going on but he had a plan.

He brought you to the hot springs near the Tree of Life and had you sit down in it. The water seemed to help with your back as you sighed in relief and let the waters take it away. Being the Tree of Life, he sensed something inside you.

He suddenly touched your belly making you yelp in surprise. "Do you... have a baby inside you...?" He asked.

"What? A baby? Are you saying I'm pregnant?"

"Well with the back pains and everything else it could be possible."

"O-Oh..." You said shocked, "Well... I guess I'm ready."

Xerneas smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I know you are."


He took you out stargazing the first in a while as this time instead of taking a telescope he brought out a blanket and a basket of food to eat while looking up into the wonderful night sky. He patted the blanket down and set everything out.

You looked up at the stars and started to cry. "T-Their so beautiful!!!"

Palkia jumped at your sobbing as he hugged you. "Why are you crying?!"


A sense of dread fell over him as he nodded and went to make your sandwich. It hit him just after he finished making it, the mood swings, throwing up, crying, and backaches... you were pregnant.

He handed you your sandwich. "So... when were you doing to tell me you were pregnant?"

You glared at him while taking a bite out of your sandwich. "I didn't think I would have to tell you! YOU WOULD THINK A SUDDEN BUMP IN MY STOMACH WOULD MAKE A NOTICE IN CHANGE!" He winced in pain when you tugged on his ear, but you sobbed suddenly. "I-I just love the stars!!!"

Palkia sighed, this was going to be a longggggg time...


During work you would get random cramps and sit out during the work hours half the time. Hoopa noticed you weren't on your period, so he wondering if you were coming down with something serious.

After work he went up to you when you were holding your stomach and lean over in pain. "Honey," He rubbed your back, "Do you want to go to a doctor?"

"No..." You mumbled weakly. "I know what's going on with me..."

"Then what is it? Please tell me, I'm scared for your health."

"I-I'm... well... pregnant..."

Hoopa blinked a couple of times. "Oh, that makes so much more sense."

"A-Are you mad at me...?"

"What?!" He hugged you a pull a piece of hair away from your hair. "Why would I be mad at you? Were married now and it's normal for us to start a family, even if we didn't mean to start one right away, but I'm happy if you're happy you're pregnant."

You smiled and hugged him back. "I am happy, I just didn't know how you felt about this..."

Chuckled and kissed your nose. "Totally joyful."


You knew you were pregnant, but were afraid of breaking the news down to Arceus. It was barley even two months since you married and you were already pregnant from just one night of passion.

"Take a deep breath..." You said to yourself. "Maybe he won't be mad... maybe just disappointed?"

"(y/n)!" Arceus voice called out, "Can you come here for a minute?"

"Coming!" You yelled back and went into the throne room. He looked over some paperwork as he set them aside. "I was wondering- are you alright?"

"Y-Yes I am." He could feel and hear the pounding of your heart from where he sat.

"Well just calm down. Just tell me what the problem is because stress isn't good for the baby."

"Well I- wait what?! You know?!"

Arceus held back his laugh but gave you a smile as he had you sit on his lap. "Of course I did, I'm the god of everything. You didn't think I would notice life growing inside you?"

Your cheek turned bright pink. "W-Well..."

"Just make sure to get some rest and be stressed free as possible while I work, I don't want the baby and you all sad." He kissed your cheek while taking you back to your guy's bedroom, "If you need anything I'm right there for you."

"Can you give me some books to read then?"

"Of course."


Lately he noticed you would go around the house without a bra on. Well of course he would notice, he like to keep it that way in case you ask a changed in your looks. He thought he was imaging it, but your breast were getting slightly bigger.

He made his excited and happy, but confused at the same time. When you were playing video games and not noticing anything around you he poked your boob.

You blushed and swat at him, but he didn't wince at the pain. "Your boobs are bigger."

You growled and hit him with a pillow. "Perv! So what if they have?!"

"Along with your tummy..."

At the mention you stopped hitting him and looked away. "Now you know."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He sounded hurt.

"W-Well you don't like kids that much and I was too scared to tell you're going to be a father."

He was silent for a minute until he turned off the t.v. and kissed you. "We're married now and I accept responsibilities of taking care of my child. I promise I'll do my best taking care of you both."

"Oh Gira..." Tears started pouring out of your eyes as Gira let you cry. Somewhere deep inside he was proud at becoming a father...


All through the month it was fine until headache almost every day came into your head. It was painful and ruff for you as Umbreon helped you heal and not play around in the moonlight. He dabbed your forehead and accidentally brushed against your stomach, feeling an odd bump that wasn't there before.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

You nodded and rubbed your eyes. "Y-Yeah..."

He rested his hand on your stomach. "Are you getting bloated too?"

You blushed and covered your stomach with the blankets. "N-no.. I-I have something inside me..."

He suddenly gasped. "An egg?"

"Ummm... no, a baby."

"Oh yay! How long until it's hatched?"

You giggled and ruffled his hair. "Not hatched, born is the word, and not until nine months."

"Oh wow! I promise to help take care of you both!" He nuzzled your stomach as you laughed as his hair tickled you.


He was doing the laundry when he grabbed some pair of your underwear to fold, but stop when he noticed something. The washer didn't wash it all the way as tiny blood stains where on it. He looked through all your underwear and saw some of the same things were on it.

You were reading a book when he suddenly close it and held out the blood stained underwear. "What is going on?"

You froze, unable to talk.

Zekrom sighed and grabbed both your hands. "(y/n)... I looked it up along with the other things going on... are you pregnant?"

"Yes..." You said with a smile. "I was planning on tell you next week at the doctor's visit, but now you know."

"I guess so..." He smiled and rested his head on your stomach.

At that peaceful moment you fell asleep as Zekrom rubbed your stomach all night long.


"Deoxys... can you feel my stomach." You said to him suddenly when you two were in bed.

He was so confused even his orb changed different colors. "Why, are you sick?"

"No I'm not sick, just feel."

He did as told and touched your stomach as he gasp. At that moment his orb picked up a life signal as his breathing began to quicken. "Are you alright?! Why is something growing inside you?! Don't worry I'll take it out!"

"NO NO NO NO!" You hugged him. "I'm pregnant! I have a baby inside me!"

He blinked, still confused. "You're pregnant? How did you become pregnant?"

"Well... remember... that one night?"

"One night...? OH! So that's how a baby is made?"

"Yep and you're going to be a father."

"A father..." His eyes shined proudly. "I can't wait to be one. I'll go do some research about this!"

He bolted out of bed and when downstairs to the computer. You laughed at his nature, just excited to know he was happy about being a father.

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