How you met

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If you read my Human x Reader book then the pokemon I did in here should have their look in the book if I did them already.


Their was some talks about a pokemon who could control nightmares for human and pokemon. You didn't believe it was real because you never had a nightmare in your life before. You when to sleep one night, waking up too all of your worst fears coming true. You gasped in fear, shaking before realizing, this was all a dream. A shadow came up to you, it head came out first then the body. a tall man with long white chopped hair and bright blue eyes that shined out. He was dressed in all black as he came up to you.

"So (y/n)," He spoke in a cold calm tone voice. "Your not afraid of this nightmare?"

You looked into his eyes as you told the truth coming from your mouth, "Why would I? It's just a dream. Even if this is my first nightmare I still wouldn't be afraid because this all isn't real."

The man eyed you in a confused, but entertained matter. "You are something else... We will met again (y/n)."

The man disappeared as you woke up with a start. debating if it was real or not.


You heard stories about god like pokemon before. The tale made your mind filled with wonder as you climbed your way up to Spear Pillar. It was a long climbed up, but made it up there with enough breath. You when up to the steps. To find a young man with short blue hair and dark red eyes staring at you.

You toke a deep breath before walking up to the man. "Hello?... I'm here looking for the legendary pokemon Dialga?..."

The man stared at you before giving you a warm smile. "I'm Diagla!" He hugged you before you could do anything. "It's nice to meet you! I don't have anyone to talk to sense by brother thinks I'm annoying!"

You didn't believe him as you though he was crazy! You pushed him away and made a break for it.

"I'LL SEE YOU LATER TOO (Y/N)!!" He called at you before you ran down the steps


You where the champion of winning anything! Any board game or pokemon battle you won it all. One day a man with brown hair and weird looking clothes came up to you asking for a battle. You accepted his request with a smirk. Already knowing you'll win. That is... until that man beat you!

Your whole being was filled with rage as you chased him down. "COME BACK HERE! YOUR DEAD MEAT!"

The man giggled making you ticked off more than you where. "No thanks (y/n)!" He disappeared as you cursed under your breath


You were flying up high in the air, soaring through the clouds as not a care in the world came through you! Until a fast object jet speed next to you and your Salamance, making it lose it stable ability to fly and making you sore all the way down. You screamed as you when falling. Salamance got his wings to fly again, but was too far away from you. You knew nothing could save you as you awaited your death. Until a pair of arms caught you during the fall

shaking, you opened your eyes to find a man with blue hair with white streaks caught you. His jet like wings slowly speeding him down.You tried staying awake, but failed as darkness came over you. Salamance woke you up with his head poking you awake. You didn't see the man as you sighed and when back to sleep again on Salamance.


You where walking down town to get some food for the cake you where going to make. A pair of arms grabbed you as you screamed. One of them put their hand over your mouth. The men looked at you with lust in his eyes. His hand ran up your shirt until he was thrown away from you. You yelp as I pair of arms caught you. A man with jet black hair and red eyes put you down.

"It's okay miss. I got you now. Just run away from here!"

You shake your head in agreement as you ran away from the scene


You where walking to the lake you always loved to go to. It was your favorite place to go too. You arrived thier but gasped in horror as you saw all the water, tree, and life their gone.

You looked around in astonishment, until you eyes landed on a man with long black hair with little red streaks here and there, his teal eyes staring you down as he smirked as and flew over to you with his red blackish wings at high speed. You gasped and started running. He was on your tail until he stopped. Letting you go as you ran for you life. The man let you go becuase you life force was to interesting to take away.


You walked along in the forest coming too your favorite spot in the world. Until there sat a man on your favorite tree stump. His long light blue hair flowing behind him. He opened his gray eyes as they landed on you. You jumped as he smiled warmly at you

"Did I take your spot miss?"

"Yes you did..."

"Well then," He sat up as he started walking away with grace. "I'm sorry (y/n). But we will meet again."

He walk away before you could start asking question about him knowing your name


You when up to the hill near you house to stargaze. You toke out your telescope as you looked at all the other different planets. Until a star caught your eye. It shined bright as it came towards you. It was so bright you couldn't see as it crashed down right next too you. You coughed as the smoked started clearing away to find a man with short white hair and deep red eyes.

He came up to you with concern. "(y/n) are you alright?! I didn't hurt you did I?!"

"No! *cough* you didn't!"

"Okay good! I'll see you next time (y/n) when I get the chance! I just wanted to see your beautiful face before I go~"

He disappeared in a bright ball of yellow light. You were confused about everything that happened you as you just walked home, confused about what happened.

Don't worry it will get better later on *evil smirk* I promise

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