When you two become friends

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Your dreams became mostly of nightmares as Darkrai came by often. Darkrai was intrigued by how you where not afraid of his nightmares. Every time he came by the nightmares became worst. But, Darkrai decided to become friends with you beacuse you weren't scared of him. Which he loved sense people didn't like him very much.


A week past after that little incident on Spear Pillar. Your curiosity got the better of you as you when up their again to see the time lord, Diagla, up their again.

Diagla gave you a warm smile. "I knew you were coming today (y/n)! So I made you this to show we are now friends!"

He gave you a tiny circle shaped adamant orb. You gladly accept the gift as he put it around your neck, now stating you were is one and only friend


You found Victini at the local gamble place, winning all the money from those poor men. Your blood boil in your veins as you stormed in and punched him in the face.


Victini stared at you before recognizing your face. "Ah! You must be (y/n)!" He shook your hand, "We must be friends because you punched me in the face! That must mean something!"

You growled and punches him again, in the nose as he yelped. But he still wouldn't leave your side for you were his friend to him.


You wanted to see the mysterious man you saw before, so you flied up high in the sky that same spot before, looking for anything blue. After about five minutes later a man with blue jet like wings was coming your way. He stopped just by you and gave you a smile.

"Sorry about yesterday. I didn't see you there." He sat by you on Salamance, as Salamance scowled at the extra weight. "I'm a Latios. You are?"

"(y/n).... nice to met you too..."

Latios smiled at your shy nature as you two talked all day flying high in the sky.


The day after yesterday the man who rescued you came by at your front door step. You got to know your rescuer who name was, Lucario, the hero of the street. He found you out by sensing your aura, which was different and unique from anyone he saw. You two quickly became friends as Lucario showed you the way of sensing auras


You were coming home from work that day to see the same black hair man at your door step. Fear washed over you as you made a break for it, but got stop by him. You tried to break from his grasp by gave up as he smiled in triumph. You came to learn he was the legendary pokemon, Yveltal, and a perv at it as he made some perverted jokes here and there, but you two still became friends as Yveltal was interested about your life energy...


You came by the forest again as the blue haired man you learned to be, Xerneas. He was sweet and very kind to you as he showed you the true things of nature that shines with beauty. Light shined in your eyes making Xerneas smile.

"I see your fascinated about my ways of life." He quickly looked down at the ground embarrassed. "Maybe we can become friend so I can help you learn more about everything?..."

You giggled and hugged him. "I would love that."


Palkia came the back the next day with things that were from space. He gave you a tiny asteroid to show you that he wanted to be friends as you gladly except the gift and his friendship.

Added pokemon Hoopa

How you met:

You walked along the ancient ruins of an legendary pokemon that said to have it's powers banned becuase of what it did in the past. You when in the cave and to your surprise, to find a man with pink hair and a top that opened at the chest.

He when up to you and stared into your (e/c) eyes with his bright forest green ones. "Why have you come here? Leave at once!"

Before you could say anything a hoop came out of no where and toke you back home.

When you become friends

A hoop appeared coming out with the legendary pokemon, Hoopa. Scaring the life out of you as he just came out of no where while you were reading a book. Hoopa, calmed you down after a while as it turned out to be a interesting conversation with you two as you talked about ancient ruins. Before you new it you both became friends.

Added pokemon Arceus

How you met

It was a normal day for you. Everything was just peaceful, until that day you lost everything. Life didn't seem worth living it it just bring pain. You when outside to accidentally 'drown' yourself in your backyard pool. 3..... 2.... 1

you counted in your head just as you were about to jump, but then was stopped as a pair of arms grabbed you. The arms belonged to a man who had white hair and red eyes with a hint of green in them.

"(y/n)! What on earth are you doing?!"

You blinked, as tears started to fill your eyes. "I-I don't know... life just..."

You burst into tears as the strange man hugged you as you blacked out..... the next morning you woke up with no memory of last night except that handsome white haired man...

You become friends

A couple of days when by as the same white haired man came by. You were surprised by this but offer him in to tea. You two ending up talking all day making you friends that never want to leave each other.

Added pokemon Giratina

How you met

It was a cold winters day as snow began to freeze the top of the lake near your house. You loved snow a lot as you put on your (f/c) jacket and when up to it. You saw your reflect in the glass like surface, until ripples began to appear. Confused, you lean in closer but soon came nose to nose with a strange with pitch black hair and deep blood red eyes.

You screamed and fell back as the stranger came out of rippling vortex "I'm sorry (y/n) did I scare you? I didn't mean it as I wanted to come and become friends with you (y/n)~!"

The stranger hugged you tightly to his chest as you tried to pull out of it but failed and let him hugged you to death. (not literally)

You become friends

You soon learn his name as it was Giratina, but you called him Gira, for short. Though he didn't like you name you didn't care as you though it was cute. Giratina soon always wanted to play with you as you didn't want to, but gave in as you played with him all day long.

Added pokemon Umbreon

How you met

A couple of your friends dared you to go inside the dark creepy forest where people disappear to never be seen again. You toke on the dare with pride, even though you were scared out of your whole mind inside you. Entering in the dark forest... going deeper and deeper... you began to get lost. Panic, you screamed for help but no one could hear you. Until a man jump out of a tree and walked towards you. The man has raven colored hair with a yellow circle in the middle of his head, his red eyes staring deep into your soul.

He walked up to you as you yelped, and passed out as he grabbed your body in time.

You woke up at the entrance of forest complete confused as your friends were crying over you thinking you died in there. You soon scared them by just saying 'boo' to them as they ran away.

You become friends

Taking a deep breath you entered back into the forest to find out that mysterious man was. It wasn't long for you too find him as he scared you by following you behind your back this whole time uou entered the forest. You learned his name to be Umbreon, he was in charge to take people back who got lost in the forest. You too talked all night long, even when the sun came up too. At the end you both became best friends... for he was the friend you never had before...

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