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PDA= Public Display of Affection


It was on the bus ride home Darkrai noticed how cute you looked sleeping with your head rested on top of his shoulder. He got a cute idea and started kissing your nose and then nibbling on it. You wrinkled your nose and sneezed lightly in your sleep, making Darkrai thinking you were too cute to be true.

He smiled and started kissing your ears as you woke up giggling because it tickled. People looked over as you blushed and stopped giggling. Darkrai nibbled on your ear while wrapping an arm around your waist. "Don't pay attention to them."


The people around you stop looking once Darkrai kissed you deeply in front of them.


It was a nice day in the park and Dialga decided to take you out for a picnic. Dialga had you nice and snuggled up in his arms, peaceful as a leaf dropping from its branch. A flower landed on your forehead as Dialga picked it off and kissed your forehead. "Looks like the flower was jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

"Of me giving you love~"

He kissed your jawline and led them down to your neck as you shivered in pleasure. The air around you pressured and you realized people were watching you, but Dialga didn't care once he nipped your soft spot.

You yelped as he chuckled and continued his fun of giving you love.


You brought people over for game night since you need more than just Victini and you playing on game night. It was spin the bottle and whoever the bottle landed on had to kiss or make out with the people in front of them.

You forgot to tell your friend Victini and you were dating, and how the odds ever came the bottle landed on you. Victini gave you a smirk and crawled over to your side. "Perfect~"

He started by lightly kissing your neck up and down, but started to get a little rough once he trail his kisses from your collarbone but too your mouth and started attacking it. Your friends eyes widen as the turned around and decided to play another game.


He looked over at a couple kissing each other by the fountain as you were currently buy each other ice cream. Latios had you sat down near the fountain and 'accidentally' tripping and getting some of his ice cream all over you.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean it up."

He licked your cheek cleaned and when for you neck as you were blushing like mad. Latios chuckled to himself once he licked your lip and got an easy entrance into your mouth with (f/f) included.


You were training while some guys were checking you out. Lucario felt a fire inside him as he grabbed your hand and pulled you into his chest. "Why don't you take a break?"

"Right *huff* now?"

"Yes now, don't disobey your trainer." He pinned you down to the mat and started giving you a serious stare.

You blushed as his face was getting closer and closer to yours, but you finally relaxed soon as he kissed you. It was passionate and disirable enough to make you moan out loud. Lucario looked from the corner of his eyes to see the guys gone as he smirked and continued to make out with you on the mat.


Yveltal and you were trying out skateboarding for the first time since one of your close friend did and moved away, but you always wanted to skate so this was the time to do it. You were going downhill as Yveltal had ease doing down the hill on the skateboard, but you hit a rock and fell forward.

The world was spinning and rolling all over until you finally stopped and bite your lip from screaming in pain. Yveltal ran over to your side just as some people were nearby and stopped to see if you were alright.

"How badly are you hurt?"


"Aww I'm sorry... maybe kisses will help!"

Yveltal started with the bleeding knee as he kissed it, going up to your bleeding elbow, cheek, and lastly forehead. You giggled at his 'magical' healing kisses as they cheered you up. Yevltal smiled as he helped you up while the people who were staring thought it was cute.


"Hmmm... are you sure you want this flower?" Xerneas said as he picked up a flower with (f/c) and (2/f/c) as the center.

You nodded and watered the flower. "Yep! I love it!"

"Not as much as I love you~" Xerneas whispered in your ear.

You shiver as he chuckled before grabbing your hand and kissing it in front of passing people. You blushed when they noticed as they quickly hurried away, but Xerneas ignored them and kissed your fingers before letting you buy your flower.


It was spirit night at the college as this year's theme was space. You were dressed up in space related clothing as Palkia smiled as he came over and kissed your cheek. He was helping out since the theme literately screamed his name.

"Are you enjoying this so far?" Palkia asked.

"Of course I am! I can't wait for the dance to get started!"

"We can start now for practice."

"Okay!" You let him take you hand as he gently started moving you back and forth.

Some students came around the corner and stopped once they saw you dancing. Palkia wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning you gently down into a dip, and kissed you. The kissing lasted for a long while as you stopped the hallway with students staring at you and giggling.

You quickly pulled away from Palkia and blushed from your actions, but he didn't seemed to mind as he still had a smirk and his arm around your waist.


Since it was both your day off from the bakery Hoopa wanted to try out some donuts from other shops to see which was better. So far none were as he came onto the last shop for today. They only had one donut left which was Hoopa's favorite, but he took it anyways.

"Are you going to share it?"

"No. We're going to eat it together~"

You rolled his eyes at him, "Piggy."

You bit onto one of sides of the donut as Hoopa bit the down on the other side and started eating it. You weren't paying attention while eating the donut as Hoopa kissed you, but deeply enough to slip his tongue into your mouth.

People were giving you glances as you blushed and tried to push him away, but you hormones took over as you enjoyed him attacking your mouth.


It was a hot day and you dragged Arecus out to the nearby lake everyone went to when it was superhot. Arecus was already sweating by the time he barely got into the lake with you and sighed in relief.

You smiled and swam over to him. "Wanna come swim with me out in the deep?"

"I can't swim."

"I can teach you!"

"Hmmm... nah I want you somewhere I don't have to worry about not finding you." He cupped your cheeks into his hand and kissed your softly. You hummed and kissed back while Arecus gently pulled you over to the water with low water and started making out with you in front of everyone.


Everywhere he looked Gira only saw couples holding hand in the mall. Well you both were holding hands, but holding hands was getting boring now to show affection to him. He grabbed you by the waist and started running his hand up and down your back.

"Gira... what are you doing." You whispered at him while trying to cover your blush.

He smiled and nibbled on your bottom lip. "Showing everyone your my girl~"

He started going down lower until you stopped him with a hard smack to the cheek.


Roller skating was Umbreon's idea which surprised you, but not around nighttime that didn't surprise you at all. You were having problems with you balance and started to fall, until Umbreon came in time by grabbing your hand and pulling you up.

"Need help their?"

"Y-yes please..."

Umbreon nodded with a smile as he grabbed your hand, twining in into his as you skated just find now along with Umbreon.

People chuckled as you passed by, maybe even taking pictures of it.


Zekrom was getting tired from the fair as you dragged him into the ferris wheel to rest from all the rides. You sat on his lap and cuddled close to him, until the ride stopped suddenly as you jumped in shocked.

Zekrom laughed at you jumpiness and kissed your forehead to calm you down. "Relax the ride will kick back in soon."


Zekrom played with a strand of your hair and kisses through it too calm you down as it was working as people above you were watching and giggling at how cute you both looked together.


"You look sad, do you need a kiss?"

"Huh? I'm just crying over a movie... nothing to worry about."

"Hmmm... I'll give you kiss anyways."

He kissed you before you could respond as you hummed and kiss him back. Deoxys carefully pulled you into his lap in the seats as he stroked you back with his thumb and massaged you side, doing his best to help stop crying.

It worked as you stopped crying, but got caught up in kissing Deoxys the whole movie when people tried their best not to stare.

Who's your fav pokemon boyfriend? Mines a secret ;)

Also thank you sofia_sophisticated for the cover! I like it!

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