You cook for them

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The craving for sweets got your sweet tooth to kick in as you rushed to the kitchen at the crack of dawn. Darkrai blinked himself awake as he started smelling something good as he walked downstairs.

His blue eyes widen to find half of the kitchen a mix of different ingredients. "What the hell..."

"Surprise!" You held out a plate for three powdered looking sweets, "I made Daifuku! It's sweet rice cake stuffed with sweet filling! Try it!"

Darkrai took it and bit into it. His blue eyes lightened up happily, but his bed hair made him look like a goof. "It's really good."

"Their's more for the both of us!"


You were making a ruckus in the kitchen as Dialga just reading a book while you made some kind of surprise for him.

A loud crash and curses came the kitchen as Dialga had enough waiting and when into the kitchen to see some kind of sticks.

"Their pocky sticks. You can buy them but I wanted to make them." You said with a messy face and dipping the pocky into a flavoring.

"I can't believe you made all that ruckus for something so small." He replied in a bored tone.

"You'll take that back once you try them out. Its strawberry flavored."

You handed him one as he took a bite out of it. His eyes brighten up quickly before he spoke in a teasing tone. "It's was bad."

You growled and slapped him as Dialga just simply laughed.


Instead of game night you thought of cooking night. Your friend gave you a super good recipe for you to try and you needed to try it out.

"Can I come in?!" Victini wined from the couch.

"Hold on... okay you can come in!"

Victini jumped to his feet and came into his kitchen, making his nose wrinkle at the spices in the air.

You handed him a small bowl with some red meat and rice on the bottom. "Spicy Tuna Donburi."

"Ooo spicy?!"

He grabbed his bowl and ate it faster than Hoopa at the moment. His eyes started watering, but he blinked them away before kissing your cheek.

"It was amazing."

You giggled and blush. "Thank you."


You wanted to stay home and cook while Latios wanted to fly. He was out flying for a good long time and didn't check the time to see it was around dinner time.

Latios opened the door and was welcomed with a heavenly smell. "Dear Arceus... what is that smell?"

You set down the meal you had on the dining table. "It's Osaka Sushi, try it."

Latios sat down and ate the meat along with coated rice on the bottom. His mouth was in flavor heaven. "This is the best thing ever!"

"I got more in the kitchen."

".... I found my soul mate."


It was late at night when you two got home, but you were in the mood for cooking and got started. Lucario was passed out on the couch snoring away, until his nose picked up a trace of smoke.

He bolted into the kitchen to find you coughing from the smoke and throwing something outside.

"Overcooked Ramen is the worst!"

Lucario sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Chinese takeout?"



He was sleeping with his mouth open until you put something into his mouth, making him wake up and take a sandwich like thing out.

"It's Monaka! I know you came back from... your job... so I thought this would help."

"We'll see." He bit into it and hummed, "This is awesome."

"You really think so?!"

"Yeah... can you make me more?"

"Anything for you for today."

You kissed his cheek before giving him another one. The food cheered him up greatly as whenever he had to drain a place of live he would always cry to himself, but not with you anymore in his life.


"Tada! Try it! It's Sushi!"

Xerneas blinked at the food on the tray before picking it up barley with his fingers. "What is this made of?"


"At least it's not from plants."

He ate one down, then another, and another with his face brightening up with each piece. "This is wonderful."

"You really think so?"

"Of course! I love your cooking, always."

He gave you a tender kiss on the forehead as you blushed and gave him one back.


The college was holding an outdoor cooking even for the summer and you thought of the perfect thing. Palkia was just coming to the party because he wanted to give you space while cooking, and to also visit his brother.

"Get your fresh hot Shrimp Tempura!"

People gathered around you and started cleaning it fresh out. Palkia rushed to your side, but the food was gone quickly.

You smiled and pulled one from behind your back. "I saved this one just for you."

Palkia smiled and ruffled your hair. "Thank you."

He bit down, making a loud crunchy sounds while eating it too. His face lit up into a smile while eating it.

"Ti'z good!" He said with a mouthful of food.

You smiled and wiped off his messy face.


It was Japanese food week at the bakery and you had it all planned out. You set out a sweet dish called Sata andagi that are similar to donuts.

Customers were enjoying them and bought a lot of bread from the store. Everyone was happy, except for Hoopa who couldn't get any.

You tapped on his shoulder as he turned around to a huge Sata andagi one. His eyes widen in joy and started eating it down.

You simply smiled and shook his head at his silliness.


Arceus simply waited while you cooked dinner. It was special and something even you hadn't taste before.

You brought Arecus his dish as it was still steaming. "Unadon. It hope I made it right."

"I'm sure you did."

Arecus grabbed his chopsticks and started taking bites out of it. He smiled and started eating more of it. "It's amazing!"

"It is?" You took a bite out of it yourself and agreed with Arecus.


You took to a Japanese restaurant once and remember the type of dessert he wanted, so you decide to make it.

You came into the room as a surprise with a jelly like dish. "It's just for you!"

Gira's mouth started watering, "Hakuto jelly?! Just for me?!"


You gave him the dish and watched as he looked cute while eating it. You giggled and ruffled his black hair.


The last surprise Umbreon thought he would have would stop, but your Japanese side came out again during lunch as you made Bento.

"I thought you were over this?"

"Who said anything about that?" You said with a raised eyebrow.


"That's what I thought. So enjoy your damn lunch."

Umbreon took the Bento with shaky hands and started eating it. He had to admit it was pretty good, better than his cooking, but didn't say anything to keep his pride.


The morning air greeted his nose with a wonderful smell he never smelled before. He came into the kitchen, popping the small roll into his mouth.

You came back from the bathroom and smiled once you saw what he was eating. "Do you like it? It's Egg Rolls."

"Their pretty good. Can I have more while writing?"


Zekrom smiled and kissed you before popping one more into his mouth.


Deoxys picked at his soup as it looked to watery to eat. "What is this?"

"Somen. Stop picking at it and try it."

"Hmmm..." He picked it up with the chopsticks and slurped it down. His eyes widen along with his orb, "This is...."

He began eating it down like he's never eaten before as you rolled your eyes. "Told ya so."

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