Someone flirts with you

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Today you both decided to go into the mall too find any new charms for the two of you. Darkrai when to get you one himself. You sat on the bench daydreaming off as a guy walked up towards you.

"So... you come here often cutey~?"

You didn't notice him, but Darkrai did. Darkrai growled and put him into a nightmare lasting for days as he grabbed your hand taking you with him.


You when to the park alone as Diagla said he would meet you their after talking with his brother, Palkia, about legendary stuff.

You walked around until a man bumped into you.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going. You beauty was too blinding for my eyes to believe."

"..... what...?"

Before the man could respond he froze. A pair of arms wrapped around your figure.

"He's just lucky I didn't send him into a another time."


You when to the arcade too win some stuffed animals. Victini was helping you win making a pile of stuffed animals at your feet.

A finger tapped on you shoulder making stop and turn around to a good looking guy.

"Hey. Why don't you ditch this loser and come with me. I know a way to win all the games here sweety~"

Victini stepped in front both of you two. He snapped his fingers as all the games inside buzzed with winning scores at the top.

"I think I can do that and win back my girl from you."

He kissed you as the man snarled and left embarrassed.


It was a windy, but perfect kind of windy day as you both when flying. Latios was no where to be seen as you lost sight of him.

Just then a guy in blue and red uniform like a ranger rode on a Staraptor, glided next to you.

"Hey!" He yelled over the winds, "Are you from heaven? Because I think Arceus needs his angel back!"

"What?!" You didn't hear him until a blue speeding figure flew next too him.

He yelped and dove down to the sea. Latios came up next too you with a pleased face.


The both of you walked down the street talking about things until a guy from behind picked you up.

You yelped and scream as the stranger giggled, "I finally caught the run away cutey~ because your mine~"

Lucario soon quickly punched him in the gut for that. Let's just say, he was groaning for a long time.


You walked in a green house looking for the right type of flower. You bumped into someone, quickly saying sorry. They later when up too you with the flower you were looking for.

"Sorry miss. But, I believe I found the flower you wanted~?"

"Yes! Can I please have it?!"

"Only if you give this young man a kiss~"

Someone growled behind you as they punched the man straight in the face. A familiar voice spoke as it kissed the back of your head.

"No one kisses my girl but me..."


You decide to go for a hike with Xerneas to a waterfall. It was a pretty long hike. Xerneas was a pretty good climber as he beat you too the top.

You were still a way behind. A guy walked up next too you while keeping up with you.

"Nice backside. I wish I could see more than that-"

He didn't get to finish talking as Xerneas came up next too him with a death glare.

"My flower!"

He pulled you close to him as he took you all the way up the mountain himself.


Palkia wanted to go with you to the Observatory. You happily took him with you as this was going to be fun.

It was your turn to look through the big telescope until a guy beat you too it.

"Sorry. I couldn't help but see the stars in your eyes and look closer to them."

Just the Palkia pushed the guy away from you growling with rage. You srugged and looked through the telescope yourself.


You when to the bakery too get Hoopa some donuts.

You when up to the counter when the worker looked at you with shining eyes.

"H-hello... you look cuter than a eevee m-miss~"

You blushed and try to tell him off until a hoop appeared next too him, taking the him and the donuts with him. Hoopa appeared next too you with the other hoop and kissed your cheek.


Arceus took you too his palace again as he lead you through the gardens. He excused himself for a quick conversation with one of his sons.

You walked through the gardens until one of the Human pokemon smirked and when up too you with a hand full of flowers.

"Hello~ These flower will never compare the beauty of your face miss-"

He froze and hurried pasted you. Confused, you turned around to a angry Arceus as he kissed you claiming you were his.


You decide too go to a clothes store for the date Giratina planned. You dressed into a nice strapless (f/c) dress.

A man walked by whistling as you turned around embarrassed.

"Nice figure~ can I see more hoty~?"

"Ummm N-no!"

Before he could say anything the mirror behind him sucked him into it and replaced him with a happy Giratina. You didn't questioned him where he went.


You decide to have a picnic in the park in the morning. Umbreon didn't like it but the water was only warm during the day.

You took off your towel and showed off your two piece.

A group of guys walked by as they stopped and stared.

"Yo. Come swim with us~ I promise after it will be something more exciting~"

Umbreon snarl as he pinned the guy down in the lake beating him up. After the water fight Umbreon kissed your face all over happily to his winning victory.


You were out shopping with Zekrom. He went to get the flour as you both were gonna bake a cake when you got home.

You found the flour he missed for not noticing. You when up to reach it but couldn't quite make it.

A hand soon grabbed it for you as he wrapped an arm around you.

"You need this flour? Because I can make the best cakes their are, because your the honey I will need in my special cake~"

"U-ummm... no thanks!"

"Of come on baby-"

The man was shut up by Zekrom's lighting bolts as it blast almost right next to his feet. The man screamed like a girl and ran off.

Zekrom soon came up grumbling to himself while hugging you.

"Damn. I missed him"

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