The Baby Say Their First Word

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Hey guys sorry this was so short I have two projects I need to get done. But now that the babies are born think of scenarios you want to put in! I always try to take requests when I can!  


Rai had just woke up from his nap as his tiny dark hair he had was sticking up in different angles. You smiled and fixed it as you kissed his forehead. Rai smiled and giggled as he looked almost like his father for a second.

"Someone looks like their dad when they wake up."

Darkrai blushed. "Hey! I do not have hair sticking up when I wake up!"

You rolled your eyes and poked Rai's nose. "I also forgot your father likes to lie about stuff, hopefully you don't lie about thing."

"D-D..." Rai was trying to say, reaching for Darkrai.

Both Darkrai's and your eyes widen. He was trying to say his first word. Darkrai picked him up with the biggest smile in the word.

"Say it!"


"Aww he's trying to say the first words of your name." You smiled and kiss Darkrai's cheek.

Darkrai grinned, pride easily comimg off him. "It's a start!"


"L-Lga..." Dia was mumbling while eating her breakfast.

You were feeding her and started to get excited. "Dialga come here! I Think Dia is saying her first word!"

Dialga ran into the kitchen and you didn't question the crashing noises in the background. Dialga was a klutz sometimes and that ended up getting something new, but you were happy and excited to care at the moment.

Dialga picked up Dia and wiped her messy face. "Come on! Say your first word!"

"L-Lga... D-dea..."

Dialga laughed and nuzzled her to his cheek. "You're just so cute!"


"Damn it!" Victini was playing a card game online and just made a wrong move, but forgot no matter what he did he would win, but he would forget that tiny thing in his mind.

"D-Damn!" Vic repeated after him, giggling a little too.

Victini gasp in pure horror. If you heard Vic say that you'll end Victini's life for sure. Victini came over and picked Victini up from his play crib, he was giggling non-stop.

"We do not say words like that!"

"Damn! Damn!"

"VICTINI!" You yelled from the kitchen, "WHY DO I HEAR VIC SAYING A BAD WORD?!"

Victini sighed and patted Vic on the head. "Well, at least I got to hear your first words... even if they killed me."


You were holding Sky while Latios held Lat in his arms. He was smiling and poking her nose as she giggled. "Can you say a word? Say Sky's name."


"Lak!" Sky next said and giggled.

The twins started to say each other's names as you laughed and started recording the moment. "This is too cute!"

Latios smiled and watched with joyful tears. "This reminds me of Latias and me! *sniff*"


It was a beautiful day out as Aura smiled as he saw a berry and picked it up, looking over the blue sheen of it. He was easily distracted by shiny things from time to time.


Lucario heard and smiled as he gently poked your side. "Did you hear that? He tried saying his name."

You blinked and looked over, hearing it again as you smiled in happiness. "Oh my gosh! He's growing up so fast!"

Lucario smiled and picked up Aura. "He sure is."


Sucking life energy out of more people and pokemon was killing him more than giving his energy. Today he came up from behind Hope and tickled him from under the armpit. He giggled so loudly the house echoed with his laughter.

Yevltal smiled and picked him up. "You sure do have a beautiful laughter."


His heart skipped a beat for a moment. Did he just say dad? You came into the room not too long after and looked at them, the silence was unnerving to as you started to worry about him for a second.

"Yevltal dear, are you alright?"

"H-He said dad! H-He knows who is father is! Say it again, Hope!"

"Dad! D-Dawd!"

"Awww..." You smiled and watched as Yveltal has fun with Hope talking with his words.


Berry was playing with her berries and making art out of them. You sighed and picked her up and wiped the mess off as best as you could. "Can you be at least not be this messy while making art? I swear Xerneas is spoiling you too much."

"X-Xear!" Berry replied cheerfully. "Xxxxern!"

You smiled and poked her nose. "Can you say mommy?"

"Xern! Xern!"

You laughed but ruffled her small hair. "I guess I know who her favorite parent is now."

Xerneas smiled as he listened to the whole thing while making forest in the ease grow more from where he was standing. He was glad and proud his daughter could say his name... almost.


It was late at night but you let Palkia take Pearl outside only if she was bundled up tight and warmly. She had on two coats and a blanket wrapped around her as Palkia held her in his arms.

"Look Pearl!" Palkia pointed to a bright star in the sky. "That's Jupiter, the brightest star if you minus the sun."

Pearl smiled and tried reaching for the star with her tiny finger. "S-Sta!"

You smiled and hugged them both. "Looks like she's trying to say star. So cute, just like her father."

Palkia grinned and blushed. "Awww why thank you dear."


Hoopa was eating a donut while Hoop stared at him, wanting to eat the donut too so he started to wine. Hoopa groaned and finished his donut up quickly thinking Hoop would forget about it.

"Hoop you can't have a donut all the time pal. Your mother would kill me if she knew what I was feeding you"

He whined some more as Hoopa sighed and took off a piece of the one he was going to eat tomorrow and gave it to him. "Take it."

Hoop smiled and took it. "Do-unt!"

Hoopa stopped and ran to get you, having Hoop repeat his word again. You were still a bit mad he was feeding the baby a piece of donut though...


He was one his breaks for the day and played with the twins as they laughed or fight with each other, it was mostly the fighting. But never else they were cute while they either played or fight.

You smiled and leaned against Arceus as you watched them. "Aren't they just the cutest?"

Arceus smiles and kisses you quickly. "Of course they are."

"A-Ar..." Jewel began, hanging of the r for a long time.

"C-Ce!" Life finished for jewel as he smiled and played with a stuff Arceus toy.

Arceus's eyes smiled as he smiled and hugged his family to him closely. "Nice job you two!"

If having a family was this great he would have had one a long time ago to rid of the loneliness he once had.


Tina was playing with the bubbles again and making them explode. You pointed it out as Giratina ran over and picked her up into his arms. Tina was giggling like crazy, an evil cray too.

He gently flicked her nose. "No! Bad Tina! You can hurt people that way!"

Tina just simple mimicked his move. "Bad!"

Gira gasped and almost dropped her from joy. "My baby's first word! So precious!"


Luckily for Umbreon Espeon wasn't here to bother him so he was able to enjoy his day with his wonderful and small family. He took you guys to a small forest with a nice ray of sunshine.

You had Bre on your lap as you smiled and poked her belly. "You're so cute! Even cuter than the moon!"

Bre giggled when she saw Umbreon. Umbreon smiled and sat down next to you. "Hey Bre."

Bre smiled and began to speak. "U-Um!"

You both gasped as you let Bre lean against you. "Say it again Bre!"

"Umb! Umb!"

Umbreon smiled and kisses her nose. "I'll take Umb as a good enough word."


"Zek!" Rom suddenly yelled. "Zek!"

Zekrom heard as he stopped reading his book and stared at his daughter. She was in her play pin and was holding an old, but rather valuable, Zekrom doll. "What did you say Rom?"

Rom turned to him with a cute little smile all up into a bright giggle. "Zek!"

You heard as well and smiled as you patted Rom's head. "Looks like that's her first word."

Zekrom smiled and watched as Rom played with the toy Zekrom, saying his name all cutely as it melted his heart.


"Okay XY," Deoxys let out his tentacles as they waved around in the air. "These are tentacles, it's what you probably have."

"Deoxys!" You called. "Dinners ready!"

"Deo... Deo!" XY giggled and clapped his hands. "Deo!"

Deoxys gasped as he picked up XY with shining eyes. "My little boy is growing up!" He started to cry and held him close to both his human and alien heart. "Please don't grow up too soon..."

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