They Babysit the Baby

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It had been a month since you've given birth to Rai and he is the cutest thing Darkrai had ever seen. He is more like his dad with nightmares, but he can't seem to control them which affects you. Nightmares would come more often to you having you getting a lack of sleep.

To settle the problem Darkrai promised to watch Rai and babysit him while you took a nap. Rai was playing with some toys as Darkrai was watching with a smile.

"Do you like this one?" He picked up an old doll that looked a lot like him.

Rai's red eyes widen as he clapped for it. Darkrai smiled and handed it to him as Rai smiled and hugged the doll to him, giggling ever so slightly. The scene was just too cute for eyes to see.

Darkrai's heart felt like melting at the level of cuteness he was seeing. "Awww... you're so cute! I wonder how you do it!"


After giving birth you were recovering which had Dialga help around the baby a lot more. He didn't watching Dia, but it turns out she got his sassy side from him, which did make sense a lot. He was feeding Dia but she would want to drink her morning milk.

"Come on Dia, only a couple more drinks of milk."

Dia turned her head away from the bottle every time it got to close and cry in a hissy fit. Dialga sighed and was glad you were at a friend house right now for what he was about to it.

"Dia, I promise it's good! I'll even have a drink!"

Slowly he put the bottle up to his lips and started drinking it. Dia laughed while giggling at the faces Dialga was making while drinking it.

"Gross! This is what humans feed their babies?! They're mad!"


Now that Victini wasn't drinking anymore you had the chance to finally drink after those long nine months of being pregnant. Victini had wanted you to go out to a bar to have fun... but it was also a way to prove his parenting skills.

"Alright Vic, can you clap for me?"

Vic just stared at him, his (y/e/c) (your eye color) eyes staring blankly at him. Victini sighted and gently picked him up, cradling him gently to his chest.

"You're going to win many battles and the first thing you need to do is clap, can you do that?"

Vic just kept staring blankly at him before Victini held both his hands in the air and clapped then for them. "See? Now you try. Make your papa proud!"

Vic giggled and started to clap more, having him giggle at the noises his hand was making. Victini smiled and joined in along with him.


At first he didn't mind having twins, but now he knew he needed you for help. The twins would get along with each other or pull at each other's hairs. It was like a baby hell.

Sky was pulling on Lat's tiny hair as she was screaming in pain. Latios rushed to their crib and pulled them away, only making the screaming become worst. He panted and looked at them both with wide eyes.

"Stop it! Latias and I never did anything like this to each other! Or maybe we did..."

The twins ignored him and continued to beat each other, having Latios separate them but that led to them missing each other. Latios put them back to together as they started to fight again.

Latios let out a huge long sigh, this was going to take forever...


While you were inside making dinner Lucario took Aura out into the forest. The baby pokemon sniffed the air around Aura as he giggled in happiness.

The baby pokemon smiled and wanted to play with him, but Lucario shook his head. "Not yet guys. He's only a baby still but until he can walk then he can play with you guys."

They all nodded and nuzzled Aura as the baby boy was giggling in pure happiness, even creating his own light blue aura around himself. Lucario's eyes began to widen in surprise, this was early for the kid to have his power come to him.

Lucario smiled with pride and tickled the little guy to have the forest filled with laughter.


It was true he did need to contain more life forces, but it was for a good cause. Hope was sleeping in his crib while you were asleep. Yveltal had just come back and wasn't going to waste this energy.

Gently enough he picked up Hope the way he was taught too. Yveltal smiled as he watched Hope's eyes slowly open up, the color of red along with (y/e/c) together as one.

"Hey their little buddy." Yveltal smiled and played with his finger as Hope tried to catch it.

He giggled as Hope caught his pinky finger. Hope giggled and wrapped his tiny finger around the whole thing while a growing smile formed on his face.

Yveltal couldn't suppress the smile and let it out as he giggled along with Hope. You were awake the whole time and watched secretly with a warm smile.


Just like the name given to her Berry just loved every kind of berries, but the most she did with them is draw on the floor with berries and her crib. Sure it was a mess, but Xerneas thought it was art.

You were visiting your parents while Xerneas watched over Berry and let her draw on the floor. "If I let you do this will you become the greatest artist in the world?"

Berry just stared at him with her messy face making her cuter every second. Xerneas chuckled and wiped her face.

"You can be at least be clean when you do your art work silly."


In secret and for fun Palkia sneaked Pearl out of her crib at night and have her see the stars. You didn't want her outside because she could catch a cold, but Palkia didn't care.

Once he got up on the hill he set Pearl down on his lap and had her look up at the stars. "See that Pearl? That's what you get to control when you grow up. It might seem small, but there are millions more out there in space."

Pearl clapped and giggled as she sensed what he was talking about and made grabbing motions in the sky. Palkia laughed and gently patted her head.

"I can see someone is eager to start."


Hoopa closed up the bakery early so he could baby sit the baby while you shopped for yourself. You did earn it since you were working hard after a month of just giving birth.

He was eating a donut when Hoop was starting to cry. Hoopa began to freak out and broke off the tiniest piece of the donut and put it in the bottle, letting it dissolve first.

"Don't worry!" Hoopa had him start drinking as Hoop quiet down super-fast.

Hoopa laughed really hard. "Yup! He is my son alright!"


Even though he was behind on paperwork and godly duty he wanted to spend some time with his two baby children. While you were taking a bath he came up and bopped then on the nose.

They laughed and then picked them both up in his arms. "How are my favorite prince and princess doing?"

Jewel suddenly grabbed his earlobe as Life smile and grabbed onto his lip. Arceus didn't mind this one bit and let them play with his face. He was amused at the fact that the twins were having so much fun playing with his face. It felt good for a change to hear laughter.

"Glad to know my face could be so funny."


As a habit when he was a kid Gira would play with the bubble in his world and watched what would happen, but with an evil smirk. He didn't think it was anything bad then, but now he did see the problem.

Tina on the other hand was doing it for fun and not like evil her father had did. When she popped another bubble she watched a berry stand blow up, making her laugh and giggle.

Gira watched and sighed as he picked her up and let her down on his lap. "I didn't know I was this evil as a kid, but you're not as evil as I was."


As an idea you had Espeon and your husband watch over Bre while you had a day too yourself. Umbreon didn't mind, but now his brother was getting annoying.

He would poke at Umbreon to made faces which mare Bre laugh. Umbreon would smile at her laughs, but get an annoyed face at Espeon. "Will you stop it before I break your fucking face?"

"Hey!" Espeon covered Bre's ears. "Baby in the room in here with us."

Umbreon rolled his eyes. "She didn't understand a word I said, plus she's my child and would care less of what I said."

"But still!" Espeon hugged her as Bre giggled. "Cutest little thing on on the earth!"


Reshiram was a great babysitter, but he would have trouble watching Rom from a distance. For some strange reason Zekrom himself would read the books he wrote without a problem... which sounded wrong because he didn't hear any noise.

He came in the kitchen in secret as Reshiram was watching Rom play with her toys. "Aww you're so cute..."

Zekrom smiled as he came in and tickled her under her chin, her giggles sounding like bells. "Too pure for this world, huh?"

Reshiram smirked and looked at him. "Just remember, you're not pure after having a child."

Zekrom growled and blushed. "Shut up... like you're not pure as well."

Reshiram just smiled and continued to play with Rom, not really finishing or answering Zekrom's comeback.


"Awww! Babies are so cute!"

You smiled and watched as Deoxys played with XY's fingers. "Yes they are."

You were just testing out to see if Deoxys was ready to handle the baby alone. He could barely even take care of himself, so taking care of the baby alone was... out of the question.

Deoxys's eyes shined when the baby cooed in his arms. "So pure and small..." He smiled and hugged the XY closer to him. "I never want to let you go!"

You rolled your eyes and looked at the two of them. "You'll have to let the baby grow up some day."

"Oh I know." Deoxys replied back, rocking the baby gently as he could. "That is the day I wish to never happen."

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