New Life

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Labor does take a while, but it was worth it in the end when your son was born to the world. Darkrai helped out with the birthing process until he almost passed out. You smiled and watched as your son slept quietly in your arms.

Darkrai knocked on the door and open it up slightly. "This is okay for me to come in."

You rolled your eyes at him. "Am I screaming in pain anymore? Come over here and see your son."

He felt like his heart was going to burst as he quietly walked over to him. The tiny patches of black hair were on his tiny head as Darkrai smiled as he held out his hands. You gave him your son as he had a stupid grin on his face.

"So cute... I'm gonna name you Rai."

"The last three letters of your name?"

"Why not? I think it's cool!"

You chuckled and watched your husband rocked baby Rai gently in his arms.


He never though childbirth could be... so graphic. He passed out when the head came through and didn't wake up until the doctors washed the baby clean.

You were asleep as you had your daughter in your arms, crying weakly as she was probably hungry. Dialga slowly came up and started tickling her under her chin.

She stopped crying and began to laugh, sounding like bells to his ears. Dialga laughed softly and kisses his daughter on her tiny forehead, where bits of blue hair could be seen.

"Maybe I'll call you... Dia..."

"Hmmm..." You mumbled and started to wake up. "That's... not... a... bad... name..."

Dialga smiled and hugged you in his arm, using his other hand to tickle Dia under her chin. "Glad you think so."


Surprisingly he didn't pass out during the birthing stage. While you were getting cleaned up Victini held his new born son in his hand, Pride bursting inside him.

"You seem just as lucky like me, born with the handsome good looks like your father."

His son cooed in his arms as a grin formed on his face. "Glad you think so too! Maybe I'll name you... Vic. Yeah Vic!"

"Why not Victory?" You asked as you exit out of the shower and while getting dressed in front of him.

"Fine. Victory can be his name, but his nickname will be Vic."

"Sounds good to me" You said, leaning against him and looking with warm and kind eyes towards Victory.


Luckily Latias was there to help deliver the twins at home. Latios wasn't much help at all since he was freaking out on what to do. After Latias cleaned them she handed the girls too you.

"Just as beautiful as their mother!"

You smiled and held the oldest one while Latios got the noisy one which was the youngest. He didn't mind and feed her with a bottle while thinking up names.

"Hmmm... how about Lat for the oldest and Sky for the youngest?"

You sweat dropped at him. "Well... if that's what you want to name them."

"I think their great!" Latias cheerful said, letting Sky play with her finger.

"See!" Latios exclaimed, "Someone agrees with me."

You just rolled your eyes and smiled down at your two, beautiful twin girls.


He couldn't take you to the hospital in time since you lived far away from the city, but the forest pokemon nearby helped you deliver your son. You were tired, but happy at the same time.

Lucario smiled as he helped clean his son in the warm springs in the forest. He could tell this one was going to be a screamer. After he finished cleaning his son as he wrapped him in blankets and handed him to you.

"I thought up a name for him. How about Aura?"

"Hmmm..." You thought while looking down at your son. "I like the name. Just as loud and nosy as his father."

Lucario pouted but smiled anyways. "Hey, he is your child too."

"I know," You replied with a smile, "I know."


He wasn't able to come during the delivery because he had to suck up more energy than usual for the baby. By the time he was done you were asleep and the baby was in his own cradle.

Yveltal quietly walked over and looked down at his sleeping child, crying a little. "I'm sorry I couldn't come to your birth... I'm a horrible father already..."

The baby was starting to wake up as Yveltal smile the best he could and gently lifted his son into his arms, trying his best not to suck the life out of him.

"Why don't I call you... Hope. It might sound like a girl's name, but the meaning behind it is more than just that."

Hope clapped his arm as he giggled a bit. Yveltal smiled and kissed his forehead, hoping for the best out of his child.


Just as he planned he had the baby born inside the Tree of Life. The tree was more powerful this way and gave the forest more energy than before. You were drinking some berry juice as Xerneas held your daughter.

"What can we name her? She so beautiful already it's hard to tell."

"Ummm..." You looked down at the drink. "Why not Berry? You and I both like berries a lot so I think it's a good match up."

"Hmmm..." Xerneas smiled as he had Berry drink some crush up berry juice. Pokemon berries had more vitamins then just plain old human milk. "I like it. It does suit her well."

You smiled and gently stroke the side of your daughter's head. "Yes it does. Welcome to the world, Berry."


He didn't plan it out this way, but the child was born inside the pokemon center. You were giving birth earlier than planned and the closest hospital nearest to where you lived was a pokemon center.

A Chansey came up and gave you your healthy baby girl. You smile in joy at her tiny figure. "So cute... and pretty... shines just like a pearl."

Palkia smiled and gently poked her tummy. "That was a quick naming. Hope you like your name, Pearl, because you're going to shine brighter than anyone else."

Pearl giggle each time Palkia poked her tiny belly, making him laugh and enjoy the thought of being a father.


You broke your water in the bakery and that made Hoopa freak out a bit, but he rushed you to the hospital in time for the baby to be born. He waited outside until the doctor let him in and he saw you holding your child.

The baby was a boy and healthy while at it. Hoopa smiled and brushed the tiny hair of pink on his head. "Guess he'll look a lot like me. Let's just name him Hoop."

"You don't want to think about it?"

He shrugged. "When you're me you don't think things through. Since he's like he'll be able to do stuff like I can do, so why not Hoop?"

"Alright." You smiled and gave Hoop his bottle. "Hoop it is then. Just hopefully he isn't a piggy like his father."

Hoopa laughed as him and you took turn holding Hoop in your arms during the night.


He knew the day and time the twins would be born so he was ready to help you give birth. It was a long time but the twins came out, one boy and one girl. You smiled and held both of them in your arms with a proud smile.

"You knew they were twins but didn't want to surprise me with the gender, didn't you?"

Arceus nodded with a smile and held the girl in his arm. "Of course. I was thinking to name the girl Jewel, and the boy Life."

"Like the Jewel of Life?"

Arceus smiled with a smirk. "Maybe that's where I got it from. They'll be the prince and princess of this world and I wanted their names to come close to mine."

You smiled and stroked Life's head. "Then I guess its official then. Welcome into the new world, Jewel and Life!"


He was helping with the delivery, trying his best not to pass out, he did greatly and helped his daughter be born in his world. She was a crier alright, just like Arceus said he was like when he was born.

You smiled and held her in your arms. "I wish you could have seen your father passing out each minute."

Gira blushed and looked away. "I didn't pass out each minute."

You rolled your eyes. "Sure you didn't. Why don't we her Tina? It sounds like a girl name."

Gira put some thought into it. "I guess it does." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Just take a look around you, because this world will be yours one day too rule over, Tina!"


Espeon helped your delivery more than Umbreon as the sight made him pass out, but in the end he cut the cord, the most of everything he ever did during the whole delivery. Once Espeon was done washing your daughter he gave her to Umbreon.

"Here you go. Look just like her mom, but acts like her father. Born under midnight just like you."

He shrugged and gently touched her nose. "Well she's my child... nothing less nor different from me."

Espeon chuckled. "Hopefully she isn't a jerk like you are."

"Can I see our child?" You butt in before a fight could break out.

Umbreon smiled and gave you your daughter to you. She was beautiful and shining lightly just like Umbreon did at night. You thought of the name and looked at Umbreon. "Why not Bre? A run off your name?"

He smiled and nodded. "I like the sound of it. Bre... Just perfect, like her mother."


The brothers waited in the waiting room while you were finished giving birth. Zekrom heard you already gave birth to his daughter and was tapping his foot, eager to see and hold his daughter. Reshiram was the more excited one thought.

Once they both entered into the room Reshiram ran and picked the baby girl up into his arms. "I'm finally an uncle! Thank Arceus! I thought Zekrom would never get laid!"

Zekrom blushed as you laughed. "Will you shut the hell up and give me my daughter?!"

Reshiram smiled and carefully handed her to him. "Sorry~ I had an idea, why not name her Rom?"

Zekrom blinked. "Like the end of my name?"

"I like it." You spoke up and stretched in your bed. "Easy and clear to remember."

"Rom..." Zekrom repeated with a smile. "Why not, Rom it is."


You were in the hospital before the baby was born because you couldn't trust Deoxys to deliver the baby on his own. Once you were finished Deoxys held in son in his arm, in awe and giggling at how cute he was.

"So this is how a child is born. But he's more of a mix breed... right?"

You nodded and feed your child a bottle. "Yep. Half human and half pokemon. But it looks like he'll end up looking more like you than human, but that's what I expected."

He smiled and poked where his son's heart was, making him coo. "How about XY for a name? It's weird and a one of a kind name, just like mine."

"Well... oh why not. I can live with both two weird names."

Deoxys laughed and gently stroked his XY's head. "Welcome into the world! I promise to protect you along with your mother."

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