They Decorate the Baby's Room

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Only two more months and his child would be born to the world. Being eight months is exhausting because the child was kicking a lot lately since it thought that would make mommy happy.

Darkrai got the thought of another way he could help with the baby. While you were asleep he got to work and spent all his night working on the room, spilling all his heart and soul into it.

A loud crash woke up you as you noticed Darkrai wasn't cuddle up next to you like he always was. Going to where the sound was your jaw drop at the sight.

"Oh my..."

Darkrai noticed you and smiled. "What do you think? I build it and didn't use magic like what other legendries do."

The room was styles in a Gothic way but in also in a childlike way. Other than that it was beautiful well done was there was even a light stand that let the room glow in a darkish light.

"I love it!"

You hugged him the best you could as your eight month belly made it a bit hard. Darkrai smiled and hugged you back. "You're welcome, love."


He was cautious with the amount you were eating food but didn't want to question it since he knew he would die... but he was getting bored by just staying home and taking care of you mostly.

Not that he didn't enjoy it, but half the time you would be asleep, snoring away as Dialga tried to block out the loud ass snoring.

To one of his boring days he got to making the baby's room. Because why not. It was full of adamant orbs broken into tiny pieces as tiny toys Dialga use to play as a kid were on the floor.

You were done with the shower as you had just gotten out and stared at the baby room. "I didn't think you were that bored. But you can't learn to cook."

Dialga shrugged, caring if he died from saying this. "Like you don't throw up from eating your own food."


He didn't know if trying to build the child's bedroom was a good idea since the last idea he had led him to sleeping the hard, cold couch for a week. That couch had springs in it and by the time the week ended he finally replaced it.

But he had an idea and got to work with his magic and made the room into little of no less than an hour. You were doing some chores around the house when you noticed a door next your guy's bedroom.

"Was that always there...?" You wondered and opened it up.

Everything inside was filled with the letter V and fire shaped everything to give off the effect. Your jaw dropped the sight, thinking how something so good was made in just barley in a day. Victini was making the crib when he finally noticed you.

"Hey (y/n)... you're not mad right?"

"How can I be mad?! You just saved us tons of money!"

A blush came over his cheeks as you covered his face in kisses. "Hehehe (y/n) stop that tickles~!"


Latios had a plan and brought his sister, Latias, along to keep you busy while he made the babies room to surprise you since you were doing all this hard work. And he needed to look good since he couldn't stand sleeping on the couch anymore...

Unfortunately for him he made a loud crash and you heard it, he was only finish half way. "What was that?" You questioned.

"Oh nothing!" Latias giggle and took your hand. "Why don't we tries these pastries?"

You newly found mother senses kicked in. "But something doesn't feel right..."

"I'm sure you're just- hey wait!"

You jolt the best you cloud down the hall and opened a door that wasn't there before. It was like a baby's room as the walls were like sky's and everything around the room seemed joyful.

Latias caught up a second after you opened the door and sighed. "Sorry Latios I didn't catch her in time."

"It's alright." He kissed your cheek. "Do you like it? It's for the twins."

"Like it... well it could be less sky like, but I love it!"

Latios rolled his eyes as he quickly kisses you while Latias giggled.


While training alone he saw some baby pokemon playing with other baby pokemon. It was a really cute scene and it got him the idea of where his baby would sleep and play in the house. It couldn't be the bedroom because... stuff happened in there.

He bought some stuff from the store and got to work. At times you would just watch him as he would be building the room. "What got you so energized to make the baby's room out of nowhere?"

Lucario smiled and took a break. "Well I figure since the child needed a place to sleep and I really like this house I wanted to build the room. What do you think of it?"

Looking inside it was only half way built, but still it looked like a boy's room with a nice shade of blue on the walls. "It's going well! Just don't get hurt, okay?"

Lucario nodded and got to work. Once he was done the room was nicely done as right by the baby's crib was a tiny aura ball that had the room lit up lightly, changing colors once in a while.


The need to get to work was itching inside him, but he didn't know what to do and just stared at the wall. You were snoring away on the bed as he covered his ears with the pillows to block out the noise.

It was then he got the idea and got to work. It took about all day, but luckily you slept for a long so he time to fix some stuff here and there. He was just about done when he finished. You yawned and walked past the room, but stop and moonwalk back to see it.

Yveltal was adding in the light as it gave off a light blood red glow. The room even had a feather like blanket for the crib. Yveltal's smile warmed your heart since he wasn't feeling good all this week.

"What do you think? I know it's not perfect, but I did my best."

You smiled and went inside the room, feeling all the hard work he put into it. "I love it." You put your hand on your belly and gentle patted it. "And so will the baby."


You knew about the baby room he was building and tried to help out as much as you could. Xerneas had you rest a lot while he worked on the room, but you were still able to see how the building was going.

Since it was in the Tree of Life it was tree based, but it was still beautiful as when the made the crib it was carved from the wood and glowed colors. You were amazed with his work and kissed his cheek while he worked on the walls.

"I can't believe you're doing so much for our child."

Xerneas smiled and lightly poked your belly. "Every child needs to be spoiled once in a while, even before their born."


Strangely for his brother who didn't really help much, he managed to help build the child's room. (Though he says his is better Palkia didn't really agree with him) It was space built as the walls and floor were filled with stars and planets.

After Dialga left you came up stairs and peeked inside, your eyes widening at the look of the room. "Wow... I didn't think legendaries could come up with something so... wonderful."

Palkia gave you a cocky smile. "I did it all by myself."

You gave him a look. "Stop lying to yourself."

He hung his head in shame. "I just wanted to give myself some confidence!"


You wouldn't let Hoopa decide how the baby's room would be because you knew your loving husband would make it all donut like, not very healthy for the baby's health. Hoopa pouted while making the rocking chair.

"It's not fair..." He mumbled.

"Yes it is." You ate a donut while leaning against the door frame. "I know you well enough to know you would try and make this room sugary like and that would be really bad for the baby."

Hoopa smirked. "Who said the donuts were for the baby?"

You glared down at him. "Just get to work."

"Y-Yes sweetheart..."


You didn't mind having twins... but they could be less excited about stuff since you couldn't go without another day with them kicking inside you. All the energy for the day was gone until Arceus suddenly lifted you into his arms. "W-What the?!"

"Just relax. It's me. I have something to show you."

"Like what?"

"You'll see."

He walked you down the hall that was two doors down away from the bedroom. When he opened it up you gasped in surprise. The room was perfect it every way, and there was a line to split the twins side of the room.

You giggled at it. "Did you really need to do that?"

"Oh trust me, I know it was the right choice."


He didn't really explain anything and dragged you into his world. You were screaming and hitting at him to let you go since you were eating frosting, and that was some damn good frosting you were eating.

He led you to a room past the throne he sits on and it turned out to be a house, only more fancier than the piece of crap house you have back in the regular world. "What's this? Did you make all this on your own?"

Gira nodded with a smirk. "Since I'm the rightful ruler of my world again my powers have come back. I was thinking we could have the baby in my world, where she'll one day take over and be queen."

"Hmmm..." You looked around the house and got to the baby's room which was a fancy nursery type style. The house was filled with jewel everywhere as you nodded and patted your belly. "I think giving birth here wouldn't be so bad."

Gira smiled and lightly kissed you. "Thank you."


Ever since Espeon gave the baby's gender he's been over to your house a lot. You didn't mind at all and were glad Umbreon and his brother were finally getting along for once. But what was making you worried was when Espeon didn't let you pass the bedroom door.

"Espeon... did you kill Umbreon?"

He broke out laughing. "Cute! But not as cute as with yours going to see~!"

Umbreon came out from a room that wasn't there before, face dirty from wall dust. "I finish painting the walls- (y/n)..."

"Don't worry I didn't tell her." Espeon patted his back, "But I still think you should let her see."

"Alright," He gently grabbed your hand and let you see the inside of the room. "What do you think? It's a nursery right now, but it's the baby's room."

The walls were badly painted stars and moons, but it made up by the wonderful work from Espeon that didn't let the badly dawn stars and moons to ruin the room. "I like it! But just call a painter next time."

Umbreon blushed and mumbled under his breath. "The baby will like it either way..."


"Uncle Reshiram is done with the crib~"

"You're not an uncle yet." Zekrom said, fixing the last touches to the curtains of the room.

Reshiram pouted. "You're no fun at times."

"What's going on here?" You asked and popped your head into the room, "Oh you guys finished the room."

Zekrom smiled and kissed your cheek, even kissing your belly too. "What do you think of it? Reshiram helped as well."

Looking around it was a combination of fire and electricity mixed together, but still a good baby room for the baby to sleep in. Zekrom even had made the baby a stuff Zekrom plushy and Reshiram plushy to replace the idea of teddy bears.

"Aww!" You picked them up. "There both cuter than you two!"

"Hey! They are not!" They both barked back in union.


You gave him the idea of a nursery and he got to work. He was in his speed form and the room was done in less than ten minutes. Deoxys smiled and wiped the sweat away from his forehead, looking at his work.

"It's a bit odd to human eyes, but it's a masterpiece in my eyes."

"You can say that again." You answered back.

The room was... special but weird as the room was filled with meteorites and orbs swirling with every different colors. It was a strange but sweet gift from him as you kissed his cheek. "Thank you, space dork."

Deoxys smiled and poked your belly. "Can't wait for our little mutant baby!"

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