They Propose

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Ever since the last encounter you've been hating shadows and your own even own when you saw it. The feeling of loneliness sucked very badly. Your eyes started to feel heavy as you were getting sleepy and went up to your room, only to stop in hard frozen tracks. There was a shadow, but not any shadow as your heart knew who it was.

Darkrai stood in the mid of it with his blue eyes blazing brightly. "(y/n) I can explain everything if you enter into your room"

You were hesitant, but enter into the room as your foot step on a light switched and had the whole room light up with different colors. Darkrai smiled at your daze expression and bent down on one knee, showing a beautiful white jewel with dark swirls inside of it.

"(y/n), you have been the light I have been searching for years and years for, now I have found it and your just perfect and wonder, everything I could hope for in a woman. If any harm is to befall you I will heal you myself the best I can as your husband in this life. (y/n) (y/l), do you take this ring in hand for marriage to me?"

You broke down crying in joy and hugged him shouting in his ear over 'yes!' Tears were filled in Darkrai as he hugged you back and kissed you with love.


Dialga has kept to himself in his room for two weeks and it has been worrying, but he didn't need you so you just 'left' out of his picture.

One night the sound finally stopped for more than five minutes. Curiosity grasped you as you when up the stairs and knocked on his door. No response. You opened the door to have your jaw drop.

Everything inside was filled with clocks spelling out words along with adamant orbs spelling 'marry me?' Dialga shyly came up too you with a rose. "(y/n) I'm sorry about ignoring you these past two weeks because of building this."

You took a deep breath to not cry. "I forgive you, but I'm still waiting for my question."

Dialga grinned and got on one knee. "(y/n) (y/l) you've made my years of living worth it all now these years and now I know I found my soul mate. All I ask is too have your hand in marriage."

“YES!" You cried out and threw your arms around Dialga. He smiled so warm and big his heart would have melted but it didn't as he gave you a big long kiss.


Nothing even beers have tasted good to you. Victini was strangely shy around you now and it was making you angry and confused. The front door open to him in street clothing, but something about him was different around him.

"Hey, hop in the car."

"Why should I?"

"(y/n) please get in the car please." His tone of voice surprised you since he sounded serious


You hopped into the car to find a gift bag of everything you wanted in there. A huge smile carved onto your face the whole way. "Wait, that wasn't the full gift?"


He pulled over to the bar which confused you until you saw the banner. It read '(y/n) will you marry this lucky winner?’ Even the people Victini plays poker with were helping hold it up.

You covered your mouth when Victini suddenly dropped to one knee, but just slipped it on your finger with a smirk. "I could tell from your reaction you were going to say yes."

A blush spread on your cheek as he pulled you in a hug. "What if it was a no?"

"Then I would be sad, but respect your wish if you wanted it to happen."

"Right answer."

If was you who sealed the kiss while in bliss Victini slipped the ruby red jewel on your finger while kissing you back, he was in complete and udder happiness.


Latias was over and got you ready for a mystery date. Latias had you fly on her to the place while Latios set it up. He finished just in time while smiling and taking your hand.

"(y/n), you look lovely."

"Latios what is this really about?"

"(y/n) I think with the year we've been together I believe it's time for my heart to take the big step with me. See for yourself."

You opened through the trees huge leaves and gasped at what you saw. Everything was beautifully done as flowers of every different colors spelled out of your name. It brought tears of joy just when Latios took your hand, let you see the ring. It was a purplish and blue mini orb inside it for a ring.

"(y/n), I love you so much and please forgive all the times I've hurt you. I promise it will never happen again on my life as a legendary. All I ask is for your heart to say yes towards mine."

A giggle escaped your throat making Latios a bit confused right there. "Of course I'll marry you. I just can't believe you did all of this for me."

He smiled and kissed your forehead while slipping the ring on. "Because you're my other soul half."


Your aura has been getting strong vibes from Lucario and it was bugging you since this never happened before. He was walking one evening as you decided to walk behind to tag along. He turned around a corner as you turned around too, but got your hand covered with a hand and looked to see it was Lucario.

"I knew you were following me. Just please, see it for yourself when you see it."

You nodded as he let go of your mouth. In hand he led you to a small dead end with light at the end. In the middle of it was a single rose.

You were confused about this until he took your hand. "You might not remember but this is where we first met. At first I just did it to save you from the person, but since then you never left my mind. Now I want to marry you."

"Lucario..." You whisper breathless as he slipped on the ring, with deep light and dark blue mixed together. "I love you... yes, I will marry you."

Joy explode inside Lucario as he smiled and picked you up, hugging tightly in his arms. "Thank you so much for making me the happiest half pokemon human!"


It was the middle of the afternoon as Yveltal came in from the front door. You stood up and glared at him. "You have the balls to show yourself here?"

He blinked at the insult, but took your hand which sent an electric shock through you. "I have something to show you."

You growled and pulled your hand away. "I'm not going with a heart breaker."

Yveltal sighed and hugged you close to him. "I'm sorry about not showing my face to you. I was scared and nervous about this and now I think I'm ready to show you it."

Reclusive, you looked into his eyes as they were telling the truth. You sighed along and nodded for him to lead you. He took your hand and took you to the park.

He got a head start and dived into the leave pile with you. This was confusing you until he suddenly showed a ring with a jewel of pure dark red, along with black outlining it.

"(y/n) I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend with everything I have done to you these past years, but I love you and want to have you only inside my heart. Will you marry me?"

Shock finally let you as you screamed yes and hugged him closely, tackling him as the leaves sprawled everywhere.


Your garden suddenly bloomed with more life as you were working on the garden. You looked up to see Xerneas shining with happiness.

"(y/n) please forgive me for my absence lately. I was waiting for the right time to make it count, now I know it is."

You crossed your arms. "Why should I believe you?"

Xerneas smiled, "Because you can feel the bond with us when we're together."

It was true you could. You sighed and took his hand as he led you into the forest. The pokemon were happy and jittery as they crowded around Xerneas's tree throne.

He patted his leg as you came and sat down on his lap. Xerneas started playing with your hair. "After all these years of being a legendary I have seen the best and worst of my time. But, you are the new mark of my life and if you would... take my hand in marriage?"

The breath seemed to be sucked out of your lungs as you nodded your head happily. "Y-Y-Yes!"

Xerneas heart beated out of his chest with joy as he slipped the ring on your finger. It jewel changed colors just like the tree of life making you smile at the ring. Xerneas kissed you as you kissed back while the pokemon cheered for the celebration.


Turns out be back in a little bit meant being gone for a whole day. Your heart began to lost hope until Palkia came out of the portal with a bouquet of flowers.

"(y/n) I'm sorry I didn't think it would take this long."

You growled and grab the collar of his shirt. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!"

Sweat drop from the corner of his face. "If you step through this portal it will clear up everything."

You towards the portal and felt something inside it. You took his word and stepped through it with him right behind you. The gift was beautiful as it was galaxies spelling out your name and 'marry me?'

Space was truly wonderful as millions of darkness and stars were everywhere. Palkia took your hand and with his other hand grab a tiny object from another galaxy.

He opened up his hand as it was a ring with a beautiful Pearl on it. "(y/n), I know I've been an idiot for these past few times these years while dating, but I love you and want to make you my universe."

Tears began coming down fast from your eyes as you hugged him tightly. "YES! I-I forgive you..."

Palkia smiled and slipped the ring on while kissing you.


It was the morning when Hoopa woke you up with a kiss. You looked in confusion as he wasn't dressed for work. "Why...?"

"Because the bakery is on a break today. I want to show you something."

Something inside you told you it was okay as you got dressed and followed him through his rings. You blinked it surprise, it was where you first met him.

Hoopa played with the bottle in the middle of the room. "I remember the memory so good like the back of my hand. You changed my life so much (y/n) it surprised me even to have someone find this place."

"Hoopa..." You questioned, "Where are you getting at?"

Hoopa smiled and pulled out a ring looking the same design as the lamp, only in a shape of a ring. "(y/n), please marry me."

The room was quite for a minute before you broke out into a run and hugged him, almost knocking over the lamp if he didn't catch it in time.

"YES!" You buried your head in his chest, "Yes... I love you."

Hoopa smiled and kissed the top of your head. "I love you too."


He entered into the kitchen and looked you straight in the eyes which surprised you. "Arceus, I told you dinner will be ready soon."

He shook his head and took your hands in his. "(y/n) I don't care about dinner right now. All I need you to do is follow me inside the castle.

Curiosity took over you as you let him lead you. The castle glowed with a brightness that made you happy strangely, as if Arceus mood was affecting you.

He opened up a door with a huge throne on it. Next to it was a throne just barley as big as his. "As you know I'm the god of everything. I never thought I would fall in love with a human but I did, now I will ask the question men have ask their true love over centuries."

He got down on one knee and took out a ring. Tears of joy were already spilling from your eyes. "Will you marry me? My queen?"

Joy overtook you as you couldn't speak, but you could hug him. Arceus smiled and put the gold ring studded with all the colors of pokemon type on your finger while also putting your crown on top of your head.


You were brushing your teeth when suddenly a hand came out and grabbed your arm. Of course, you screamed as it took you through the mirror.

The jerk Gira let you go finally as you growled and slapped him across the face. "YOU ASS HOLE! LEAVING ME NOW SHOWING YOUR FACE TO ME FOR NOW AFTER TWO WEEKS?!"

He didn't say anything as he pointed across. You looked and gasped. Everything was glittering like diamonds and riches as everything destroyed was being repaired.

He took your hand and led you to a throne of pure darkness. It was turning red as he took out a ring, making your eyes widen. "Please forgive me. I was down here and saw the throne I destroyed a long time ago repair itself. Arceus said that would only happen if I truly love someone with all my heart which I didn't believe at first. Now, after meeting you, I can believe in love."

"G-Gira..." All the hate and anger towards him melted off as he wrap an arm around your waist, "are you...?"

He nodded and showed you the ring. It was mixed with colors of black, red, and gold. "Marry me?"

You nodded and kissed him deeply. It took Gira by surprise, but he happily kissed back.


It was super dark tonight strangely enough since there was a full moon out. Looking out at it reminded you of Umbreon, making a long sigh come from your mouth. There was a knock on the door as you opened it too Umbreon.

"May I come in?"

"What for?"

He held out the package, "You can finally open it if you want to."

When you took the box a shiver when through your spine as you even opened up the box. Through all the wrapping Umbreon was watching you with focus, his rings glowing brighter and brighter.

When you finally saw the object your heart jumped. "Is this..."

Umbreon nodded and took it from your hand. It was pure black but had rings of the same color as Umbreon.

"(y/n) I love you greatly. My nights are no longer lonely and sad when I asleep alone. I finally have you and that is all I need. Will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes, YES!"

You threw your arms around his neck and hugged him, making him staggered backwards onto the bed. Umbreon smiled and nuzzled you while you tried on the ring.


Zekrom had you hang out with his brother Reshiram for the whole day. Sure, Reshiram was cool and all, but you were beginning to miss your boyfriend.

It was about dusk when Reshiram was taking you somewhere in the forest. "Trust me on this one."

"You're not going to murder me are you?"

Reshiram laughed, "No, you'll see."

After about a few minutes a whole row of blue wildflowers spread out into the field. Zekrom was waiting in the middle of them as Reshiram pushed you towards him.

It seemed like forever going through the wildflowers when it was only a few feet. "Hello..."

Zekrom smiled and handed you a brilliant blue flower with yellow zigzag patterns all over it. In the middle was a small ring with a beautiful blue gem inside.

Air seemed to not come into your lungs when you took it. "I..."

"Say no more. (y/n), all I need you to say is you love me as a person with ideals you can truly love as I have come to love yours. I wish to marry you and let you be the only woman in my heart."

You nodded with a bright smile. "Yes, of course, Zekrom."

"Good," He cupped your face gently, "Because you're the only love I need."

He kissed you as you kissed back. Reshiram was taking pictures and loving the beautiful moment, happy for his dear brother


When you opened the door the whole room was filled with rose petals from red, blue, green, and even violet. You looked around and found a sign saying go to the roof.

The window of your bedroom was open as you climbed out and saw Deoxys standing nervously at the very top.

"Deoxys, is there a reason the whole downstairs is filled with rose petals?"

"I-I l-love y-you!"

You blinked at him. "I love you too... why are you so nervous?"

"B-Because..." He snakingly held out a ring color in red and blue, "I-I w-want t-to m-marry y-you!"

Blush ran inside your cheeks. "Deoxys... are you sure?"

He nodded and grabbed both your hand. "Yes I am. Being with you I now know the real truth and feeling of love. Only I can feel this way around you. So please... marry me?"

"Of course, my space dork."

You lightly kissed him as he beamed of joy while putting your ring on your finger

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