They start acting werid...

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Ooo what could they be acting weird about? Maybe someone does or doesn't know :) Also sorry about the scenarios becoming more shorter I'm stressed out from school and school takes energy out of me.


Strangely enough as Darkrai was, he had a certain way to be creepy and weird at the same time, it was a talent only had. With him getting more money than usual this made you get more and more suspicious when he left the house.

He entered through the door as you blocked his path. "What's with the money?"

Sweat broke at the back of his neck. "What money...?"

"You know, m.o.n.e.y, the thing that makes people want so badly. So, why do you want money?"

"I-it's for something... special."

"Special huh... like what?"

"Ummm... oh look at the time! Sorry (y/n)!"

He began to disappear into the shadows as you when to grab him, but your hand when right through him. Cursing you punched at the wall, knowing next time Darkrai wasn't going to escape you the second time.


Weird sounds were coming from upstairs making you worried about Diagla. It was in his room as things sound like they were being thrown across along with some curses from Diagla himself, loudly enough to make you jump in surprise.

"Dialga..." You knock lightly on the door, "Are you alright?"

The whole room when quiet for a good whole minute before Diagla opened the door. "What do you want?"

"Why are you cursing so loudly in the middle of the evening?"

"I'm doing something and... It's just pissing me off."

"Can I help?"

"No, and don't even come into my room!"

He slammed the door shut and locked it before you could open it. Tears appeared in your eyes as you walked downstairs to give him space. Diagla sighed to himself guilty before going back to work.


It was bar night this time but Victini hasn't been near you all this week like he would. You even wore something sexy like to get his attention, but still he didn't even seem to notice you. It was driving your nuts as you looked over at his game of poker.

His buddy's slapped him on the back as Victini laughed and shook hands with him. "You're a lucky guy!" One of the guys said.

"I know, I'm excited but she can't know yet."

"Know what?" You asked in front of their table.

Victini's face looked like he was doing a hard debate. "Ummm... nothing!"

"If it's nothing then you'll buy me a big beer right...?"

Sweat dripped at the back of his neck, but he sighed and gave you money. "It's all on me."

It was somewhat a disappointing small victory over a beer, but you felt so lonely a single tear dropped from your eye.


Latios had his sister over as they were in deep conversation. It was you who invited Latias over since Latios has been acting strange around you, moving away when you sit next to him or messing up things like a good home cooked dinner

Suddenly Latios yelled something really loud but you couldn't hear what it was since you were outside, but Latias screamed in happiness and hugged her brother tightly. "I can't believe it!!!"

"What can't you believe?" You ask while walking in.

Once Latios saw you he blushed deeply and quickly walked away. You when to go after him but Latias stopped you by gently grabbing your hand. "Just leave him for now. It's important you don't go after him."

"But..." Tears when down your face, "It hurts knowing he's avoiding me..."

"Oh sweetie!" Latias wrapped you in a loving sister hug, "You just need to wait and see, alright?"

"*sniff* alright..."


While in the gym Lucario would either be on the other side of the gym, or in the bathroom waiting for you to go away and stop bugging him. People would look at you and smile then turn back to what they were doing. Of course, you were so confused about this.

Lucario's voice could be hear by the weight training room as he was walking to the head person in charge. "I've made up my mind and I'm going to do it."

The head man in charge smiled and ruffled his hair. "I can't believe it. It seems only like yesterday I saw you two in this gym."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, nothing dear!" Lucario said with a bright smile.

You glared at him as the head guy in the charged laughed. "I would just wait and see dear, those who wait get the best gift of all."

"Hmmmm... fine."


Lately Yveltal has been sneaking out at night and going down town in the city. This was worrying you because down town was the town no one wanted to go to at night. Getting in your favorite hoodie you walked down there and watched behind Yveltal's back while walking.

He turned at an ally way and with pure darkness inside. This confused you as you turned the same ally way, but he was gone.

"The hell?! It was barley even five seconds and he's gone?!"

Yveltal watched from the top of the building as he looked at you one more time before setting off.


After some days of being away you were missing Xerneas and when into the forest where the Tree of Life was. Pokemon of all kind played around with each other as Xerneas was at a tree stump working on something.

"No... That won't work..."

"Xerneas...?" You call out.

Xerneas jumped slightly and turned to see you, his hands facing away from you. "Oh... hello."

"I-I just want to ask why you haven't been to the house in a couple of weeks..."

"I've... been busy. But I promise to make it up too you after I'm done."


The pokemon stopped and stared as you walked away with your head down. Xerneas sighed and ran a hand down his face, the Tree of Life a dimmer color as he cried a tiny bit.


Even though you had college you still made an effort to hang out with Palkia, but lately he hasn't been near you and you've cleared up your time for him. This was making you angry as you were going to enter into the kitchen, until it sounded like was talking on the phone.

You peeked open a crake and saw he was leaning against the counter picking at his nails while talking on the phone. "What is he up too...?" You whisper to yourself.

"Yeah... how much? When can I get it? I want it to get here as fast as possible, but you can take your time making it. I live in the upper town... okay, thank you very much."

He hung up the phone and open the door, his eyes wide with surprise when he opened it up to you. "How long were you their?"

"Just before you hung up, who are you talking too? Why haven't you been hanging out with me these few past days? I'm I just getting in your way?"

"N-No you're not..." He looked up at the clock and sighed, "I have to go. I'll be back later."

He gently hugged you quickly and when out the door. You tried not to cry as you curled up into a ball on your bed and tried to fall asleep


Lately Hoopa has been meeting with a stranger at the back of the building whenever you got too busy. It was as if he had this on time, making you more pissed off by the moment. After rush hour no one was coming into the bakery, making it your chance to sneak in the back.

Luckily the door doesn't squeak when you open it so you could hear the guy's conversation.

"I got the money right here. How much longer will it be until it's ready?"

"Depending on how well you want it made it will take longer. Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am." You could hear the smile in his voice, "(y/n) deserves this and I think I'm ready for it."

"Okay, I'll call you when it's done."

"Thank you."

The footsteps were walking at opposite directions but you quickly shut the door and ran back to the counter. People were their ready to order so Hoopa didn't suspect a thing when you were taking their order.


One of the strange reasons were with Arceus, He would pick at his nails and look away when he saw you. This made you sad and self-conscious when you know he wasn't trying to make you like that. You saw him on the couch and jumped into his lap, surprising him.

"Ahh! (y/n) what are you doing?!"

"I wanna see if you can stare into my eyes."

You looked him into his golden eyes, but he would look away, start picking at his fingers, and sweat dripping down the side of his face. Disappointment filled inside you as you sighed and got off of him. "I guess you don't love me..."

Arceus gasped and hugged you. "Of course I love you!"

"Then why can't you look me in the eyes...?"

"B-Because I can't..."

Sighing, you pushed him away and when up to your room, slamming the door and crying yourself to sleep...


You didn't think there was a way to be more than just pissed off at someone, but to not show your face around them and escaping through the tiniest mirror they can find was something even the devil himself was brave enough to do.

Hiding behind the couch Gira came in with a small box, he grinned and started opening it up. His back was turned to you so you couldn't see what it was. Stepping up was your mistake as the floor squeaked, making him turn around.

His eyes widen as he grabbed the box and jumped into a mirror, just barley avoiding your hand.

You screamed and started throwing stuff around. 'WHAT IS THAT BASTARD HIDING FROM ME?!?!?!?!?!?"


"Give it to me!"


Umbreon held up a sealed package that was addressed to him, but you wanted it badly because for the past few weeks he's been going to this store and the stores name was on the package. He moved over and ran outside, throwing it somewhere on the roof.

You cursed under your breath as you let your parent's barrow your ladder for the week. Umbreon smirked. "Well that's taken care of."

You growled and smacked at his back. "What was that?!"

"Nothing you need to know."

You punched and kicked at him, but he just let you as he ignored every answer and threat you threw at him.


Reshiram was over as he and Zekrom were in a heated conversation. It look bad, but then again both the boys had smiles on their faces. You looked secretly through a window, but couldn't hear what they were saying. Reshriam hugged Zekrom and patted him on the back before leaving.

You cut off Reshiram at the front door. "What were you two talking about?"

"Oh, nothing too important." Reshiram flashed you a bright smile.

Laughing you hugged him. "Can you please tell me?"

He simply patted your head. "Just wait and see, you won't regret what will happen. I'll see you later!"

Reshiram gently pushed you aside as he took off. Sighing, you went back into the house and didn't say anything to Zekrom, making him confused.


The whole living room was covered in books for the past week. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but when Deoxys didn't clean up after himself and making the living room like a sea of books.

Looking at them they looked to be romance novels, but why that? You tapped Deoxys on the shoulder as he jumped. "(y/n)!"

"Deoxys can you please clean this up?"

"B-But this is for research!"

"Research for what?"

"Ummm... loving into the heart of a person!"

"Alright... then..."

You left him alone as Deoxys sighed in relief and continued reading a special book in hand.

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