Preparation; Day One

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January 4th, 3000

"Get up, Woods." A man rips the blanket off me. "You can't just sleep all day." 

"I've been up all night..." I yawn, and slowly sit up, rubbing my eyes. "Why do we have to wake up so damn early, anyways?" 

"That's not our fault and because, you want a full day of preparation, don't you?" He throws the blankets at the end of the bed. "Stand up, Woods. Everybody must be in the Meeting Area in five minutes." 

I groan, shaking my head and stand up. "This is bullshit..." 

The man laughs, "I'm used to being up this early but since you are sixteen, I am guessing you sleep all day." He grabs my arm and walks to the door, and down the hall. 

"No." I look up at him. "I always got up early but not this damn early." 

"Well, tough." He walks to the doors of the Meeting Area and pushes them open where only ten people are sitting. 

"Dammit! There's still so many people missing why couldn't you let me get a few more minutes of sleep?" 

"Just go have a seat, Woods." He lets go of my arm and stands by the doors, as a guard, I would assume. 

I walk over to the front row and sit next to a girl who looks just as tired as I am. "Isn't this bullshit? Having to be up this early?" 

She slowly looks over at me and nods. "Well, I haven't even slept....I couldn't. I had too much on my mind." 

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," I pause. "Uh...what's your name?"

She yawns and rubs her eyes. "Melody. Melody Everett. Yours?" 

"Eternal Woods." I smile slightly. "I'm sorry you didn't get any sleep last night, Melody." 

"How can anyone? That woman was so harsh with her know, telling us that we all deserve to be dead like our biological families..." 

"Don't think too much about it, Melody." I smile and pat her shoulder. "It's best if you just try to think of surviving this, and what good could happen afterwards." 

She smiles. "I guess you are right." 

After a few minutes of conversation, all the seats in the front row become filled.

I look back over at Melody who is nearly falling asleep in her chair. "M-Melody!" I whisper shouted. 

She opens her eyes and looks over at me. "H-huh....? What?" 

"The meeting is about to start, I didn't want you to get into trouble." 

"Oh...thank you." She grins and rubs her eyes. 

The same woman from yesterday, stands up from her chair and walks back near the edge of the stage with her microphone. "Good morning, everyone. I hope you all got good sleep last night because you are going to have a lot to do today." She pauses for a moment, clearing her throat. "Today is the day where you will find out who you really are. By this, I mean you will find out your powers, and more about your families. Tomorrow, you will be fighting, testing your skills and making allies. Not only that but tomorrow, you will also be going into fittings for your assigned uniforms that you will wear in the arena, and based on your skills, you will be picking a weapon to bring into the arena along with an animal of your choice. So, lets not waste any time! Please follow the guards to the cafeteria, we finally have it ready for you so that you can eat with each other." 

The doors swing open and everyone stands, getting in a line and follows the guards down the halls to the cafeteria. 

"Please just have your seats! We will bring you your breakfast!" One of the guards yell. 

Everyone walks to a table and sits down. 

Straight across from me is Melody, next to her is a guy with black hair and blue tips, and on the other side of her is the girl who was late yesterday. Next to me, is Betrice. Awkwardly, nobody was talking, until Betrice broke the silence. 

"So, what's the names of everybody here?" She looks around the table. 

"I'm Melody Everett." Melody grins. 

"I'm Betrice Maddox!" She grins back. 

"Robert Parsons." The guy next to Melody grins slightly. 

The girl next to Melody looked as if she was daydreaming but then snapped out of it. "Wait what? Oh! I'm Octavia Forester." 

"Octavia! You were the girl that was late yesterday, right?" Betrice giggles softly. 

"Yeah...but I didn't mean to be." She scratches the back of her head. 

Two if the guards walk over to the table, one on each end with large trays handing out the food. "Eat up. You only have ten minutes." 

Betrice turns to the guard, "Excuse me but I don't think ten minutes is enough!" 

"Well then you better shut up and start eating or else it'll only be eight minutes." One of the guards smirk and walk away, as the other one laughs and walks away as well. 

"Well, what an asshole..." Betrice mumbles.

"I mean, it shouldn't even take us ten minutes to eat it, hopefully. They only gave us yogurt, a very small bowl of oatmeal, a waffle and some orange juice." I look over at her. 

"I suppose.." She says quietly.  

Everyone sits in silence, awkwardly eating their food until Octavia breaks it. 

"So,what does everyone think their powers are?" Octavia says, putting down her cup of orange juice. 

"Something really cool, hopefully." Betrice smiles. 

Robert nods, "I have to agree." 

"Me too." I smile. 

"Four more minutes!" One of the guards yell. 

Betrice picks up her yogurt and begins eating it but then spits it back out. "Ugh, I hate grape yogurt..." 

Melody giggles. "Do you want mine? It's peach!" 

"Oh, you aren't going to eat it?" 

"I'm getting full on this oatmeal. You can have it." Melody smiles and hands it over. 

"Thanks." Betrice smiles and begins eating it. 

"Do any of you want my waffle?" Melody asks looking around. "No? Nobody? Well then." 

Octavia giggles. "You already ate half of it. Of course nobody wants it!" 

"But my mouth didn't touch it!" 

"Still, nobody wants something that's basically gone." Octavia laughs. "Dumbass." 

"Hey, mean!" Melody says, and crosses her arms.

"TIMES UP!" The guards yell. "Bring your food trays to the trash cans and get back in a line!" 

Everyone stands up from their chairs, and throws their food away in the trash bins and gets back in a line as the woman from earlier walks into the cafeteria. 

"I hope you are all nice and full because now, it is time for you to find out who you really are, and test your powers. Now. We have eighteen rooms set up, so each one of you will get your own room. Follow me, please." 

We all follow her out of the cafeteria and down a few halls when suddenly we come to two large doors, larger then the ones to the meeting area and walk inside. 

"Now...Zarina Palma, you are in room 130. Carl Blair, you are in room 131. Melanie Alford, you are in room 132. Octavia Forester, you are in room 133. Melody Everett, you are in room 134. Marsa Night, you are in room 135. Betrice Maddox, you are in room 136. Eternal Woods, you are in room 137. Luna Clemons, you are in room 138. Robert Parsons, you are in room 139. Josh Irving, you are in room 140. Isaac Emerton, you are in room 141. Autumn Stafford, you are in room 142. Amelia Spence, you are in room 143. Zachary Hendtrix, you are in room 144.  Enderson Woodrow, you are in room 145. Apollox Herring, you are in room 146 and lastly, Aubrina Frost, you are in room 147. Please go to the room you are assigned to." 

We all nod and walk off to our assigned rooms, and each of the doors shut. 

Zarina's P.O.V

As the door shuts, I look around the room to see a young woman with long wavy brown hair, and glasses sitting at a small desk with a chair on the other side. 

"Hi Zarina! I am Camila." She smiles. "I am here to tell you about your family, and your powers. Please have a seat across from me." 

I walk over to her slowly, and sit across from her. "Hi, Camila..." I smile politely. 

"So... firstly, I am going to tell you that your mother's name was Victoria and your father's name was Forrest. Your mother, was a very kind woman and it's unfortunate you never got to know her but, she was very sweet. She loved everybody she met and she would show everybody nothing but kindness to the point where it could make some people cry. Your father, on the other hand, never showed emotion. You get your looks from your mother, completely from your mother, and you also get one of her powers. But you get your personality, skills, and other powers from your father. The power you received from your mother is called, Poison Words. What this means is, your voice can go to a very beautiful, very soft, very low tone, that it makes your victim become paralyzed and within seconds to minutes,  they fall into a coma-like slumber. The other powers that you received from your  father are, an invisibly shield, and flight. Now, I am unsure of what species your father was because he is quite hard to identify, but your mother , I believe was a Spiritual Angel, the second strongest type of angel. But! I am not positive on it." 

"How long did it take for my mother and father to....pass?" 

"We are...unsure. But, we did find your mothers body laying peacefully on the sand by the beach and believe me, you look exactly like her." 

"So if what you are saying is true...than, I am half angel?" 

"You definitely could be." Camila smiles. "This is all I really know about your family." 

"Do you think my mother wanted to give me away?" 

"Zarina, like I said, your mother was the kindest woman ever to be known. I doubt she would have ever wanted to give you away. I truly think she did it for your safety." 

" least I know my mother loved me." I smile slightly and look down. "I just wish I could have known her...." 

Carl's P.O.V

Immediately as the door shuts, I am greeted by a woman with a very cheerful voice. "Carl Blair! Hi. I am Maddie." She smiles, pushing her short blonde hair back. 

I smile and walk forward, sitting across from her. "Nice to meet you, Maddie." 

"Nice to meet you too!" She grins and puts some papers in front of her. "So, Carl, you are eighteen years old now, correct?" 

I nod. "Yes, yes I am." 

"So then, when the war started, and when you were given away, you were two years old. Okay, okay. So I am firstly going to start off with basics. Your mother's name was Cassidy, and your father's name was Lester. You really look like your father but, you get your glasses from your mother. Your mother wore glasses. Before you were born, your mother was really depressed. You see, your powers are, mind reading, teleportation, and possession. Your mother only had one of those, and it was mind reading, and it actually depressed her. It's unknown what species your mother was but, your mother was never happy because so many people thought so many harsh things about her that broke her heart, even when she was such a kind person. Your father, on the other hand has all three powers you have, and your father wasn't as kind as your mother. Your father stood up for himself and your mother. In fact, your father, I believe was half demon, half human. Your mother was depressed even with him, she was depressed until the very day you were born. To her, you were like an angel but to your father...? He didn't care so much about fact, he didn't care about you at all....It was his idea to give you away and even if they did survive the war, he didn't want you back. Ever. I'm guessing this tore your mother's heart to pieces because you, only you, were her source of happiness. Even her own husband couldn't make her happy. But at least know, your mother loved you." 

"Wow...I just..."I look down at my lap. "W-wow...Do you know why my dad didn't care about me?" 

"No...I'm sorry but, unfortunately, I don't. Although I can tell it was a following pattern. Your grandfather didn't like your father and wanted to have your grandmother receive and abortion." 

"" I sigh and take in a deep breath. "Just...damn....Do you know if they are still alive?" 

"Unfortunately, neither of them made it out alive and even if they did because of the war that they 'caused' and what damage they have done, they wouldn't have lived very long, anyways." Maddie sighs and reaches her hands out grabbing mine. "So when you go into that arena, do what your parents didn't do and survive, okay?" 

I grin slightly and lift my head, nodding. "Okay. I will. I..I will survive...." 

Melanie's P.O.V

"Good to finally meet you, Melanie." A voice says, as soon as I walk into the room. "My name is Hannah! Have a seat and we can start talking about the basics!" 

I awkwardly and slowly walk over to her, and sit down across from her. "Hi, Hannah." 

She smiles. "I bet you are glad to finally know more about your family, right?" 

"Ye-yeah! Yeah, of course." I smile slightly, to be polite. 

"You seem kind of nervous, everything alright?" 

"I'm...I'm just pretty shy when I first meet people...but it's fine!"

Hannah nods. "I understand. There is nothing to be worried about, though. So, since we are starting with the basics, your fathers name was Cedrix, and your mother's name was....well, we don't know her real name but her alias name was Anique. You actually have all your powers from your mother and the thing about your mother is....she never actually was alive, anyways. Your mother was a time spirit, and time spirits are really unknown to the world and what they do, you could think of them as a guardian angel but they are not...there is a difference between the two even though what they do is similar. A guardian angel watches over people, and makes sure they are safe but, a time spirit watches over people too but, not to protect them but more to, capture their memories. Now everybody in this world has a time spirit, a time spirit that captures their memories, and what that time spirit does with their memories is send them to them when they need it most, and the very moment they die. So lets say, you are having a really bad day, and all you can do is think of the worst, this time spirit can pull out a happy memory of something good that you did, or something you accomplished and send it to your mind to help you. When you die, the memories that your time spirit has captured is the last things you see. It might sound confusing, but a time spirit is actually really interesting. Now, the powers that you have, are, night vision, you can see into other people's pasts, and... you can communicate with the dead."

"Well...if my mom was never alive than...she couldn't have died during the war!"

"That's the confusing thing about it, and I don't know how to explain it but she did perish. We actually couldn't find her body, although we did find your fathers." 

"Well...from what you seen of my father...who do I-" 

"Who do you get your looks from? Your father. From what was seen, you really resemble your father." Hannah smiles. "Although because we didn't see your mother, I can't be fully sure on that." 

"Wow... I really wish I could've known them..." 

"Well, Melanie, you have the power to not only see into other people's past's but, your own. You can see back to when you were a baby, when you were being held in your mothers arms to see for yourself what they looked like and the best part about your power? Even though your parents are dead, you can see into their's, too." 

"So what you are saying is...I can know my own parents without even knowing them?" 

"Yup. That's what I'm saying." 

"That's...That's pretty cool!" I laugh. 

"It sure is." Hannah smiles. 

"Well, at least I know more about my family and myself...thanks, Hannah." 

She shrugs. "No problem, kid."

Octavia's P.O.V

"Well, well, well, isn't it good to see you again?" A familiar voice says. 

I walk closer to the table, where a young man with his hoodie up is staring down at the table. "Uh...?" 

He lifts his head, looking at me with a cheeky smile. "Don't ya remember me? I'm your "cousin". Well, considering we aren't actually related biologically, I am not your cousin...but still, you shouldn't have forgotten me." 

"Ervin! I...I didn't know you worked for the government!" I run towards him and give him a hug. 

"Well, I do. I have been working with the government for three years now but I never said anything because I am only an intern." He hugs back. "Just a few days ago I was told that you and seventeen other kids were being brought here because you are all related to the families that caused the war. It shocked me...because, I always thought you were actually my cousin." 

I pull away, and sit across from him. "It shocked me to....I would have never thought that I would have been brought here." 

"I'm so sorry, Octavia." Ervin sighs. "Well then, moving on from the subject, I am going to tell you more about you and your family."

I smile and nod. "Alright!" 

Ervin smiles and clears his throat. "Your father's name was August, and your mother's name was Serenity. You and your mother are like the exact same person...honestly you are. Your mother grew up in a household with six other siblings, and all of them were really smart, and they were all so confident and to her, I am guessing they all seemed perfect and unfortunately for your mother, she felt as if she wasn't. She had trouble in school with most subjects, and she wasn't as popular as them because she suffered from social anxiety and that all led to her actually being pretty depressed. She always tried to fit in with her siblings, she always tried to be as cool as them, and as time went on, she actually forced herself to be as confident as them. She studied so hard so she could be at the very top of her class, and she put on a mask forcing herself to be confident, to put her social anxiety behind her, to be someone she wasn't. She was really hard on herself, she pushed herself to be like her siblings because she never felt she was good enough. Until she found out that she had something that none of them didn't. She was in her room, crying because of her thoughts, and suddenly...she yelled out, "I just wished was somewhere so far from this place!" and the next thing she knew, she was across the pacific ocean." Ervin pauses and chuckles. "I'm not kidding, either. As time went on, your mother began to feel more confident about herself because she found out she had the same powers as her grandmother. Invisibility, telepathy, and teleportation. Nobody else had them except her, not even her own mother had them, and now, you have those same exact powers." 

I smile slightly. "What about my father?" 

"You get your skills and your appearance from your father, and we can tell because when we found your father's body, he had the same Aqua Blue eyes. The exact same Aqua Blue eyes, and let's just say....your father didn't even have powers, he was trained for eight years of his life because of his father who was in the military. Your father didn't have a very easy life because of his father who had him doing hardcore training at 12 years old." 

"Oh, wow..." I nod and sigh, resting my cheek on my palm, leaning off to the side. "So is that it?" 

" is. That's all the information I have, really."

I take in a deep breath. "Man this sucks..." 

"This might be the last we see of each other because after this, I will be very busy helping with the arena." 

"I'm going to miss you, Ervin..." 

"I'm going to miss you too, Octavia. But, I am sure you will kick all their asses. I will definitely be rooting for you." Ervin smiles. "You'll do just fine in that arena and I will do whatever I can to help you." 

"Thanks, Ervin." I stand up, and walk over to the other side of the table, hugging him. "You're a great....friend." 

Melody's P.O.V

"Hi, Melody." A woman looks at me as I enter the room. "My name is Myrna. Have a seat!" 

Nice to meet you, Myrna." I walk over to the chair across from her and sit down. 

"Are ya ready to learn about you and your family?" 

I nod. "Yes, yes I am." 

"Fantastic!" She smiles. "So first, your mother's name was Asariel, and your father's name was Cassiel. Now, when your mother was little she was given away just like you were but, she was older. She was five years old when she was given away to an orphanage. This was because both of her parents became too busy to take care of her. The last conversation her and her mother had were, "Don't ever trust them. Don't talk to them." Your mother responded with, "Who?" And her mother responded with, "You'll know if you meet them." Then she never seen her mother nor her father again. She grew up with very bad trust issues because of this, and when she met your father, it took her three years of friendship before she finally said yes to dating him. Now, here's the thing, you come from a family of Ethereal Angels, at least on your mothers side. Now, on your fathers side was Spiritual Angels, so this makes you a Ethereal Angel. Now the powers that you have that were passed down by both of your parents are; Healing, the ability to create illusions and hallucinations, and voice mimicry. Now, your father was actually born to be an angel warrior, and so you most likely will receive your fighting skills from him. Now as for appearance?  I am unsure. Nobody could find either of your parents' bodies, I am sorry." 

"W-wow...I....I don't know what to say...." I look down at my lap. "Or maybe I do..." I lift my head and stare her in the eyes. "Angels can't actually die, can they?" 

She sighs and nods. "Actually, they can. Unfortunately, they can and when they do, they are still angels but....they can no longer come here. They must stay in heaven." 

"I see. Do you know what kind of person my mom was?" 

"I do, actually. She was a very sweet woman. Very generous. Although, don't get me wrong, she looked very sweet, and although she was sweet, she had a very scary side." 

"That sounds like me..." I laugh quietly with tears forming in my eyes. "Man....I wish I could have met them...." 

"Of course you do. They gave you away for your own safety. Your parents loved you, Melody." She reaches her hand out and places it on mine, holding onto it. "Your parents really loved you. They didn't want to give you away, but they knew they had to because they would have felt a stronger pain knowing they could have kept their daughter alive, and didn't." 

"I...I know." I pull my hand away and rub my eyes. "I'm...I'm going to try my very best of not killing people in that arena, only if I truly have to." 

Myrna smiles. "Good choice. I'll be rooting for you, Melody. I'm sorry you are being dragged into this mess when you didn't even do anything....but there isn't anything I can change." 

"I know there isn't." I look her in the eyes. "And I am not upset with you, I am upset with...that woman...that woman who dragged us innocents here...." 

"Just letting you know, her name is Sarina." Myrna lets out a deep breath. "Honestly? I hate working for her. But, the job pays well and during the war, one of my kids was diagnosed with cancer, so I have to make sure I keep my little bud alive." 

"Oh....Oh I am so sorry!" 

"It's okay. He's almost done with his treatments so he should make it out alive....and just like I am doing everything I can to keep him alive, I'll do the same thing for you and your allies." 

I smile widely. "Thank you so much, Myrna." 

Marsa's P.O.V

As I walk in, I see a girl sitting at a desk, she turns her head to look at me, and a smile appears on her face. "Hello, Marsa!" 

I wave and walk over to her, sitting across from her. "Hello." 

"So first, my name is Iyleen! Nice to meet you, Marsa!" Iyleen smiles. 

"Nice to meet you too." I nod. 

"Well, uhm first, I want to ask you know Amelia Spence?" 

"Amelia? Yeah, kind of. I sat next to her for lunch today, actually." 

"You two are actually related. Uhm, you two have a similar power.  She can control all major elements, and you can control ice and water...I just wanted to let you know because you two are actually related! But, anyways. Your mother's name was Patience, and your father's name was Christopher! Now...the thing about your mother is, she was an Element Fairy, now there's different kinds of Element Fairies, and your mother was the Element fairy for Ice and for Water. Now her sister, your aunt, was also an Element Fairy but, she was a fairy for all major elements and so is your cousin, so that's actually how you are related. Now your father....well...we don't actually know what he is...and all we know about him is, he had the ability of invisibility but because that's all we know of, so this means you have an extra power. A power that we don't know about, a power that you will have to unlock."

"A power that I will have to unlock?"

"Yes. Now, you will probably unlock it sometime in the arena, so when you do, if you don't know how to use it, that's fine." 

"Whoa....well, that's pretty awesome!" 

Iyleen smiles and nods. "It really is! Now, there isn't much we know about your father but, we do know that he worked with the FBI and was actually a hacker for six years of his life, before that he was in the military for nine years." 

"Holy shit...." 

"Mhm. Unfortunately your father grew up taking care of himself and his younger sister that passed away when she was ten for unknown reasons. But...that's all we know." 

"Well...thank you! At least I feel like I know my own family better.." 

Iyleen sighs and nods. "That's true, that's true." 

"Were their bodies found after the war?" 

"Only your mother's. We looked everywhere for your father's body but he was nowhere to be found...." 

"So he perished?" 

"He either perished, or his body is somewhere we couldn't get to or something." 

"Do I look a lot like my mom?" I smile slightly. 

"You do, actually. You have her eyes, and her nose, and lips. You're like a spitting image, really. That's a good thing too, your mother is beautiful."

"Awe...thank you, Iyleen." 

She shrugs. "No problem, kiddo. It was great meeting you!" 

"It was great meeting you too!" 

"Stay strong in that arena, okay? Don't let anybody or anything tear you down." 

"I won't. I will remain strong until the very end." I smile, stand up and walk to the other side of the desk giving her a hug. 

Betrice's P.O.V

I walk in the room, where a woman with bright, shiny green eyes stares at me. "Hi, Betrice! My name is Zoey, nice to meet you!" 

I smile and walk over to the desk she is sitting at, and sit across from her. "Hi, Zoey!" 

"So, starting with basics, your mother's name was  Charlotte, and your father's name was Nathan. Your parents were the complete opposites from each other, yet they were so happy together. Your father was an angel, and your mother was a demon. See, your mother had the power to portray herself as an angel, and tricked your father into falling in love with her. At first, it was supposed to be a trap, a trap to kill off the angels but, as time went on, she realized she was in love with him and could not kill him. Now....Your father never found out your mother was actually a demon until....well...a month after you were born. A month after you were born, he noticed your eyes were changing between three colors; Cognac Brown, Golden, and Red. Now your father had Golden eyes, but your mother's original eye color was Red, but could change her eye color to Cognac Brown, which really confused your father until he found out the truth about your mother, and then....your father told your mother he cold no longer be married to someone that was a demon, so your mother, unfortunately, killed him and took his powers for her own. Your mother only did this because she was heartbroken, she wasn't thinking, and after doing this....she gave you away. She became unstable, she couldn't take care of you, and she knew that. Now, your three powers are, Flight; which you posses from both of your parents, possession which you posses from again, both parents, and rewinding and fast-forwarding time which you only get from your father. I would say when it comes to fighting you would get it from your mother, but I am not sure." 

"Is my mom still alive...? I thought demons couldn't actually die...." 

"Well, the way that I am going to explain this is, they disappear from the human world. They don't exactly die, they more likely go back to where they came from." 

"Did you get to see my mother's body at least?" 

"I'm sorry, Betrice, I didn't. I think it's because she disappear so quickly after she was 'killed' that we never just got to find her." 

"Well, thank you anyways." 

"No problem, Betrice. Also, I just want to let you know, I will be working with the government on the arena, and I will make sure to help you as much as possible. You seem like a very sweet girl." 

"Awe...thank you." I smile and stand up. "So is that it?" 

"Um...Yeah! Yeah it is." She smiles and stands up holding her arms out. "I wish you the very best in that arena."
"Thank you, Zoey." I smile and hug her tightly. 

Eternal's P.O.V

"Eternal! Hi!" A very cheery, sweet toned voice says from the table across the room. "My name is Laverne and I will be telling you about your family today!" 

"Oh, nice to meet you, Laverne." I smile warmly, and walk over to the table, sitting across from her. 

"So...Your mother's name was Marcia and your father's name was Lynk. Now, your father was actually human and he actually worked for this government now,  your mother on the other hand was not human and was actually a Fire Elemental Demon. Now from what I know,  the way your mother and father had met was...well, your father sold his soul to Satan, in trade for a demonic guardian, which so happened to be your mother. Now, your mother would watch over your father, and would do anything and everything to protect him and because people were starting to think that she was always around, your father told people they were dating, until the point they actually did start dating, and then they actually did get engaged and married. About a year after being married, your mother got pregnant with you, nine months later, you were born. Your parents were actually planning on keeping you while the war went on, because your mother was going to be the only one to fight, and your father would have stayed home with you, and protected you but, unfortunately, he died two weeks into the war, and you were given away. Your powers are, The control of heat and fire, mind reading, and able to rewind time which you all obviously posses from your mother." 

"So my parents really didn't want to give me away?" 

"No, they didn't. They actually really loved you, and the only reason your mother decided to give you away was because nobody would have been able to take care of you, and she at least wanted you to have a decent life." 

"That's actually really sweet..."

Laverne smiles. "It really is. Now, I am quite sure you get your fighting skills from your mother but hey, I don't know!" 

"So did my mother's body perish?" 

"Yes, it did. But we actually got to see what she looked like! You have her eyes, and you definitely got your hair color from her." Laverne laughs. "But, she did perish about...twenty minutes after we found her body, so she must have been one of the lasts ones to die, if not the last." 

"Well....I'm glad to know more about my biological family." 

"I'm glad you do too." Laverne smiles. "And because of the type of person your mom was, I am sure you will be just fine in that arena." 

"Awe...thank you. I hope so." I stand up and walk over to the other side of the table and hold my hand out. "It was nice meeting you, Laverne." 

"Oh! It was nice meeting you too!" Laverne shakes my hand, with a smile on her face. 

Luna's P.O.V

I walk into the room, and look over to a desk where nobody is at. "Uh...hello?" I walk slowly up to the desk, and sit down. "Anybody here?" 

Suddenly, the door to the room opens and a tall man with shiny blue eyes, in a white t-shirt and sweatpants walks in, looking very tired. "H-Hi, Luna." He yawns and rubs his eyes. "My name is Lennix." He walks over to the desk, and sits down across from me. "Sorry, I spt in late." 

I give him a weird look. "Aren' to be up earlier than me...?" 

" alarm went off late." 

"Did it really?" I raise my eyebrow. 

"No." He laughs. "I'm just not a morning person. Anyways, lets focus on you, kay? 

"Alright." I giggle softly. 

"So, firstly, your father's name was Savant, and your mother's name was Calamity. Now, your mother was a Ukrix. Now, a Ukrix, is a species combined between a guardian angel and a reaper. A reaper can take your life, or continue to let you live, and a guardian angel is someone who watches over you, and when you combine the two, it is a Ukrix. Ukrix's are extremely rare, and not really known of. Now, a Ukrix is someone who is assigned to  group of people...perhaps, ten and that Ukrix, watches over them. A Ukrix has the power of freezing time, healing, taking a persons life, and communicating with them through their dreams. You have two of those powers, you have freezing time, and healing. By healing, you can bring back a persons life. Does that make sense?" 

I nod. "Yeah, it does. It sounds awesome!" 

"Okay, cool. Now, your father had the power of electricity. Now we are unsure what his type of species was, but we do know that by electricity, he could simply touch someone and send a bolt of electricity through their body." 

"Damn! Is that my third power?" 

"Yes, yes it is. Now, something you may notice about yourself is how much you care about other's, constantly looking out for others, constantly helping others, and that is because of your mother. Your mother was a person who cared more about others than herself. Although she was strictly assigned to only certain people, she would heal and help others. She was so kind, so lovely, she never liked the idea of fighting, she never wanted to kill anybody, and she only did it if she absolutely had to. Every time she seen a person suffering, she couldn't stop herself from helping them or else she would get this feeling in her chest, this feeling of regret even if they were her enemies. So when you are in that arena, if that is your weakness like it was hers, you are going to have to do whatever you can to fight against it because that weakness was what got your mother killed." 

"I-I...I can do that..." I nod. "I can."

"Good. Because, kid, I want you to come out of that arena alive." 

"I want to come out of that arena alive too." I giggle softly. 

"And you will, you just have to stay strong. Which, I know you are strong, and I know you are smart, so you can do this." 

"I will do this, Lennix. I will." I smile. 

"Good. I believe in you." 

"Thank you..." I continue to smile and stand up, walking over to him and give him a hug. 

He hugs back. "Now, I am going back to sleep." 

I laugh. "Really?" 

"Hell yeah, I'm tired." He laughs and stands up. "It was nice meeting you, Luna." 

"Same to you, Lennix." 

Robert's P.O.V

Walking into the room, I get shivers up my spine. The room is freezing cold for some reason, and a person in all black is sitting at the table, reading. "Hello?" I say softly, walking over to the table. 

"Come have a seat, Robert." A man's voice says calmly. 

I walk over to the table, and sit down across from him, staring at him as he reads. 

"Ahem. One moment. I honestly wasn't expecting you so soon." 

"Oh...I'm sorry. That woman only gave us like fifteen minutes to eat and brought us here." 

"Yeah, sounds like Sarina." He lifts his head. "That's her name, if you didn't know." He looks back down at the papers. "She isn't a very patient person, she's not very nice either. She doesn't like being told she is wrong, or her opinion is stupid. She loves being right, and won't have it any other way. That's why you are all here." 

"I figured that....What are you reading?" 

"Dog Fancy magazine." 

"Uh...? Why?" I laugh slightly. 

"I'm being sarcastic. I don't really even like dogs, I'm more of a cat person. I'm reading your information. Almost done." 

I laugh. "I can't believe I thought you were serious." 

"I wasn't expecting you to believe that but, you did." He lifts his head. "Okay, I'm done. Now, first, my name is Zeidan." 

"Nice to meet you, Zeidan."  I smile. 

"Nice meeting you too, Robert. So now that we can actually start this, I am going to begin with your mother and father's names." He clears his throat and puts the papers off to the side. "Your mother's name was Rosary, and your father's name was Norrix. Your father was actually something quite interesting, and his species is something that was a 'legend' told to kids. He was a Starinks. Weird name right? Well, a Starinks is a person that produces dreams and nightmares, a Starinks can also place two fingers on a person's forehead and cause them to immediately fall asleep for however long that Starinks wants them to which is called Sedation. Another interesting thing a Starinks can do is, cause a person to be calmer, this is also apart of Sedation, where by staring long enough into a person's eyes, while whispering certain words in Latin, they will shortly fall into a trance where they will calm down. Now, you have the power of Sedation which means you can cause a person to fall asleep, and you can cause someone to become calmer, or in other words, put them in a trance. Now, your mother on the other hand had the power of possession, in other words this could be called mind control. She could either take over someone's body, or she could mind control them, either way, her victim would become hers, and do whatever she told them to, or whatever she did while being in their body and she also had the power of, it is unclear what she was. Possibly a demon, possibly a spirit, or possibly a witch, it's unknown. But the two following powers I named, are the powers you have, as well. Now that is all we know about the powers that have been passed down to you. When we found out the past that your mother had, we found that you might have the same weakness as her. Your mother was 32 years old when she met your father, but before than she had many boyfriends, and even two husbands. Unfortunately for her, all of her boyfriends did something horrible to her; Cheating, abusing, blaming things on her, treated her absolutely horribly, constantly picking fights with her, a lot. Each of them did something horrible, and than left her and then when she finally thought she met the love of her life, and they got married, he was diagnosed with heart cancer, and two years later, he died. The second husband? Same thing happened, except he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and eight months later, he died too. When your mother finally met your father, she was constantly paranoid of loosing him one way or another. She couldn't stand the thought, the idea of ever going through that again...and unfortunately, she did. Four years into the war, your father was killed right in front of your mother's eyes and this tore your mother's heart in half, because she lost yet another person she fell in love with. Seven months later, she committed suicide unable to take the war any longer, she became weak and unable to handle it anymore." 


"You don't have to say anything. I wouldn't blame you, it's a lot to take in at once." 

"My poor could life be cruel...?" 

"Good question, Robert, I ask that everyday. Your mother was actually a really good person, so was your father. Actually...I worked with your father. For two years we both worked in engineering together, he really was a cool guy, pretty funny too." 

"Do I look like him...?" 

"I can barely see a difference." Zeidan smiles slightly. 

"I wish I could have known them....dammit why did that stupid war have to happen?!" 

Zeidan sighs. "I don't know, Robert. I really don't. But, so you don't have to leave here upset, I want you to know that I am sure your mother and your father would want you to be stronger than they both were, and to overcome your weaknesses and your fears, and be the smart, strong, amazing person you are, and come out of that arena with only bruises and scars, and not breathless." 

"You are going to make me cry, Zeidan." I put my face in my hands and take in deep breaths. 

He stands up and walks over to me giving me a hug. "I know you can do it, Robert, I know you can." 

Josh's P.O.V

As I walk in, I see a girl with bleach blonde hair, and bright green eyes staring at me with a wide smile. "Hiya, Josh! My name is Ethel!" 

I smile and wave, walking forward. "Hi Ethel!" 

"Are you excited to learn more about yourself and your family?" 

"Of course I am!" 

"Okay, great! So first I am going to with names! Your mother's name is Amity, and your father's name is Aquilla! Also...before I forget, do you know Isaac Emerton?" 

"Isaac Emerton...Yeah! He sat across from me at lunch today. He's pretty funny, why?" 

"Your father and his father were really good friends."


"Yeah! They grew up across the street from each other." Ethel smiles. "Just thought I'd let you know. Anyways, your mother was a guardian angel, or like one. You see, she was never assigned to any humans to look over and protect, no no, she was more over a warrior, more of someone who protected earth itself. She looked just like a human, she blended in, but really, she was protecting the world from as much evil as she could. If she saw a person in danger, she'd help them. She had most angelic powers, and three of the ones passed down to you are an invisible shield, flight and amnesia power. Your mother would do anything, and sacrifice herself to the greater evil, for the greater good and that is why your father loved her. Your father was human, and your mother was a warrior, a warrior who was kind, loving, funny, sweet, someone who walked in this earth to protect it as much as possible. Your father, at first didn't know what she was, but as time went on, he found out the truth and even then, he loved her. When....when the war began, and your mother had to fight, your father was more than devastated when he found her lying on the ground, crying silently, bleeding out of her stomach, taking her last few breaths. Your mother died in your fathers arms, and when your father found out who killed her, well....let's just say, he could never forgive his friend for killing his wife." 

"Wa-wait....Isaac's my mother?!" 

"Yes....and that was what ended your father and his father's friendship." 

"Wha...what did my father do?! Is he still alive?!"

"He challenged his father to fight him, and while doing so, they both died. Crazy enough, they killed each other while looking into each other's eyes. Your father had a gun to his head, and he had a machete to your fathers neck, and at the very same time, they killed each other." 


She nods. "It's unfortunate..." 

"No kidding....Do you think I'll be able to trust Isaac...?" 

"Well, I mean, not everybody is the same. I'd say, just keep an eye out for him." 

"That's probably a good idea." I nod. 

She stands up and walks over to me, holding her hand out. "It was really nice meeting you." 

I smile slightly, and take her hand, shaking it. "You too, Ethel." 

"I'll be rooting for ya, okay?" 

I smile. "Thank you. I will try my best to come out alive." 

"You better. I believe in you." She tugs my hand pulling me up and pulls me into a hug. "You can do this." 

I wrap my arms around her, hugging her back. "I can do this...." 

Isaac's P.O.V

I walk into the room, where there is a young man sitting at a table, staring at me. "Hello, Isaac." 

"Hello." I smile politely, walking over to the table. "What's your name?"

"Bramwell." He smiles. "Come have a seat." He picks up some papers and puts them off to the side. 

I pull out the seat, and sit down. 

"Before I begin, I want to ask you if you know Josh?"

"Josh? Oh, yeah! He sat across from me today. He's pretty cool!" 

"Good to know. Your father and his father were good friends for a while." 

"For a while?" 

"I'll get to that." He nods. "So, your father's name was Harland, and your mother's name Violetta. Now, you and Josh actually have a lot in common when it comes to powers. Well, you have two powers in common. Amnesia power, and invisibility shield, your other power that you have is sedation. Now you get sedation from your mother who was a Starink! Have you ever heard of that?" 

"Yeah! My...un-biological mother read me a lot of stories about them." 

"Well, that's what your mother was! Now, your father passed down to you, the power to cause people to loose 74 hours of memory, and a invisibility shield. Now, Josh's mother was actually a guardian angel that actually didn't get assigned to protect people, rather than to protect the earth itself as a warrior. She looked like a human, blended in, and would do whatever she could to protect it, now lets reverse that role, and give it to your father. That's what your dad was! Now, your father and his father were really good friends until during the war...your father um....killed his mother, and that angered his father, to where they were no longer friends. Because of that, his father challenged your father to a fight, and they actually both killed each other. They were looking into each other's eyes while his father held a gun to your father's head, and your father held a machete to his throat and within seconds that's how it all ended between them." 

"Holy shit....Oh my god...." 


"How could somebody ever kill their best friends wife...? could my father do that!?" 

"I don't know...I don't know why he did it." 

"That's so...horrible!" 

"It really is." He nods. 

"I...I could never do that! I could never do that to anybody!" 

"Don't, then. Be a better person than your father was." 

"I will. I don't even want to kill anybody in the first place!" 

"I know it will be hard but, I know you can do this. You don't have to kill anybody, unless you abso-" 

"I don't want to kill anybody at all, don't you get it? I'd feel horrible if I took someone's life. None of those people did anything to me!" 

Bramwell sighs and nods. "I know they didn't. You are innocent, and they are all innocent...but that will change the very moment you all step in the arena." 

"They might, but I won't." I stand up. "If there is anymore, I'd rather be oblivious to it." 

"I'm sorry if I upset you this is just my job..." 

"You didn't upset me. My family did....or at least my father did. I was hoping I could leave this room wanting to be like my father, but I can't because he's a jackass!" 

"Y-you don't know the reason why he would have even killed her...maybe she hurt him?" 

"There's something called being a bigger person, which is what my father could have been." I sigh and look down. "I'm sorry but I...I can't hear anymore..." I start walking to the door. 

"It was nice meeting you, Isaac...please, stay strong in that arena." 

I turn around for a second. "I will." I turn back to the door, and walk out. 

Autumns P.O.V

As I walk in, I am immediately greeted by a nice woman with light brown eyes, and red hair. "Hi there, Autumn! My name is Almrya!" 

I smile widely. "Hi, Almrya!" I hold out my hand and shake hers. 

"Let's go sit down, shall we?" She smiles and walks over to a small table and picks up some papers and puts them away. 

I nod and walk over, sitting across from her. "So...I am going to be honest about something." 

"Mm?" She lifts her head. 

"I knew I was adopted and I know my parent's names. Lancelot and Comfort. Lancelot and Comfort Stafford." 

"Oh....what age did you uhm...find out?" 

"I was seven. I know their pasts too, I also know that I have mind control, laser eyes, and super strength." 

Almyra raises her eyebrow. "How...How do you know all of this?" 

"The people I were adopted by were very close friends of my mother. I already know, my father died of a heart attack when I was 3 months old, and so my mother had to watch me and my eleven year old sister. My father was human, and my family was quite poor, so he worked his ass off to the point where he became so overwhelmed he died of a heart attack in his sleep. He worked so hard because he knew he also had a baby that made another person, another person that would have to be fed and taken care off to the point where he couldn't anymore....My mother only had mind control, and my great grandmother, she had all the powers because she was special, she was...different, unique. Its kind of funny, her daughter, my grandmother, had only two of the powers she had, and then my mother only received one, but me? I received all three. Even my older sister only had one, and that was super human strength. My mother died four years into the war because she scarified herself for my sister, who then died seven years into the war."

" do know a lot about your family..." 

I nod. "I also know that I get my personality traits from all my family members. Each and every one of them were loving, cheerful, considerate, helpful, and sensitive. The only thing I don't know is who I look like." 

"Huh...well....At least I can actually teach you at least something about your family." Almrya laughs. 

I smile. "Im sorry, Almrya." 

She shakes her head. "Don't be, it's okay." She clears her throat. "But, when we found your mother's and sister's bodies, we could see that your sister does not look anything like your mother, so she must strongly resemble your father, and you definitely look like your sister. I mean no doubt you look exactly like her and that is a good thing because she was gorgeous." 

I blush faintly and look down. "Well...thank you." I lift my head. "I'm sorry I did your job for you....." 

"Nah, it's okay. I don't mind. I'm just glad that you do know." 

"I'm glad you aren't upset." 

"Look at those gorgeous eyes, I could never be upset when you stare at me with those gorgeous blue eyes." She laughs. 

"Weeeelllll~" I giggle. "True." 

"It was nice meeting you, Autumn!" She smiles and stands up, walking over to me, and holds her hand out. 

I reach out and grab it, pulling myself up. "It was nice meeting you too!" 

She begins to walk me over to the door, and then lets go of my hand, pushing the door open, and turns back to me. "I hope you do well in that arena." She smiles and wraps her arms around me tightly. 

I smile and hug back tightly. "I hope I do well in that arena too..." 

Amelia's P.O.V

"Hi, Amelia!" A boy says cheerfully, as I enter. 

I smile at him and wave. "Hi there!" I walk over to the table and sit down. 

"So, I really am going to make this as quick as I can because I am really hungry and haven't ate yet. Your mother's name is Preshea, and your father's name is Abner! You and Marsa, you know Marsa right?" 

I nod. 

"Oh good! You two are cousins!" He smiles. "You two actually have a very  very similar power because your mother and her mother are sisters, which makes you two cousins! You have the control over all major elements, which is kind of like hers but different, you can that from your mom. Now, the two powers you have from your dad are Super intelligence, and flying ability!" 

"Oh! That's amazing!" 

"Yeah!" He smiles. "I also know that you get your looks from your mother, those eyes and that hair, absolutely beautiful." 

"Awe...thank you." 

"You're welcome! I'm really really sorry...I...I'd tell you more but I am so hungry!" He picks up some papers and hands them over. "If you want to know more about yourself, just read these, okay?" 

I nod. "Its okay. Go eat, you need to." 

"You're so kind..." He smiles widely. "Thank you for understanding!" He jumps up. "Just for this, I'll return the favour by helping you as much as I can in the arena, okay?" 

"Okay!" I smile. 

"It was nice meeting you!" 

"It was nice meeting you too!" I smile, and stand up walking over to the door. 

"Hey....before you go though, don't let anybody take advantage of your kindness." 

I pause for a second and look down. "I'll try not to."

Enderson's P.O.V
I walk into the room, to see a man sitting down at the table, just staring at it. "Hello?" 

He shakes his head and looks over at me, and yawns, rubbing his eyes. "Oh hi." He stretches and then puts his arms back down. "The name is Ambrose, have a seat." 

I nod and walk over to him, sitting across. 

"So do you know anything about your family?" 

I nod. "Actually, yes. I know that my mother's name is Cordelia, and my father's name is Experience. Experience and Cordelia Woodrow."

"Anything else?"

"Well, I know that I have super speed, the ability of knowing is someone is lying or telling the truth.....wait, is that even a power?"

"Yes, actually it is, and yes you have it. You also can see somewhat into people's futures."  

"Oh, cool!" 

"Mhm. Did you know your father was a scientist and your mother was a therapist?" 


"You know what?" He sighs. "Do you know Zachary Hendtrix?" 

I nod. "Yes, I do." 

"He is your half brother. You see, your father dated a woman for three years before meeting your mother, and let's just say....three months into your father's and mother's relationship, the ex girlfriend called your father and told him that uh...she was pregnant. Now, about two months after he was born, your mother found out she was pregnant with you. So you and Zachary share the same dad, but not the same mom. Your father was also, not human. Your father had both of your powers combined into one. Super intelligence; which he had and that was the reason he became a scientist, Thoughts becoming reality, and super agility, and all of those? Those are your brother's powers. Yours are, well....obviously you already know, and that is how you two are related." 

"W-wow.... I would have never even thought....." 

"You two are very, very different from each other....believe me. The only thing that you two may have in common is...well....almost similar eye color." 

"What if...he dies and I live? Or I die and he lives...?" 

"He doesn't have to know." 

"Oh....well...I would rather him live. I would rather die, and he live."

"Awh...that's very kind." 

"'s true." I smile. 

"Well, I am rooting for you. You seem like a very nice kid." 

"Oh...thank you." I smile. "I get told that a lot." 

He stands up. "Really, it was nice meeting you." 

I stand up, as well. "It was nice meeting you too." 

Zachary's P.O.V

"Hello, Zachary!" A soft woman's voice says as I enter the room. 

I walk in, and look around the room. "'s dusty in here." I cough. 

"Dusty? I'm sorry! I tried to clean up as well as I could!" 

"Ugh.." I walk over to the chair across from her and lift up the collar of my shirt and put it over my mouth and nose. 

"Is it really that bad?" 

I nod. "It really is, dear god." 

She laughs slightly. "I'm so sorry. I'll hurry so you can get out of here. So, your father's name was Experience, and your mother's name was Lenora. Now, you actually receive your mother's last name, and I am not actually sure why but, you do so that's pretty cool. Your father was a scientist, and your mother was human, so you get all your powers from your father. Now, your mother and father broke up when you were still in your mother's stomach, and so your mother had to take care of you, until the war where she died because they knew she had you, who was related to well, obviously your father and they wanted to kill you, but killed her, and you were taken away to an orphanage." 

"Is that all? Because I want to get out of this awful room." 

"I...I have only spoken to you for five minutes!" 

"Longest five minutes of my life."

She glares slightly. "You are very impatient, you know that?" 

"I'm not impatient, it's just really damn dusty in here." 

She sighs. "Just....just go." 

"This just made me more of an atheist. If god was real this room wouldn't be so damn dusty." I get up and head quickly to the door, leaving. 

Apollox's P.O.V

"Hi, Apollox!" A man turns to me, as soon as I enter the room. "My name is Lucian!" 

"Hi, Lucian..." I wave and walk over to him, sitting across from him. 

He stares into my eyes. "I know that had it really rough all your life..." 


"I'm so sorry about that." 

I shrug. "I've learned to deal with pain, so it doesn't hurt too much anymore." 

He sighs. "Well, I want you to know that your parents were good people. Speaking of which, their names were, Electa and Wesley." He leans forward and takes in a deep breath. "I know that it was three years into the war that you were given away, because your parents were trying to make it work by keeping you but then your mother died. She was killed by possession. When your mother died, your father gave you away to an orphanage, where within a few months you were adopted by a....a horrible family...." 

I look into his eyes and shake my head. "Don't go on.....just stop...." 

"Do the memories still...hurt?" 

"No shit they still hurt!" I snap and start shaking, looking down at my lap. 

"You still live with that family...don't you?" 

"Yeah....and I would rather die than ever return back to them." 

"Hey...don't say that.." He frowns. 

"I would. They are all horrible people who never gave a damn about me, they wouldn't care if I died, I have nothing, NOTHING I WOULD BE GOING BACK TO BUT A BUNCH OF ASSHOLES WHO CLEARLY WOULD RATHER ME DIE IN THE ARENA!" 

He jumps slightly. "H-hey...calm down!" 

"I-I..." I stand up and walk quickly over to the door, opening it and walk out, slamming it shut. 

Aubrina's P.O.V

I walk into the room, and over to the table, to see a young woman looking down at papers. "Don't waste your time." 

She lifts her head slowly, and looks at me. "Oh! Im sorry, I didnt even hear you com-" 

"I don't care." I tilt my head off to the side. "You don't have to tell me anything about my family. I already know.....I come from a family off mass murderers, criminals and criminals, I already know everything that you are going to tell me, so don't even waste your time." 

The girl clears her throat. "You are as scary as they say...." 

"Damn right I am." I lean forward, glaring into her eyes, as a smirk appears onto face. "I am a murderer too. Isn't that.....hilarious?" 

"Wa-wait! You're a murderer?!" 

"I am, and I am very stressed out being in this boring ass place." I look around and laugh slightly, picking up a stapler and grab her by her hair. "I'm sorry for doing this, but I haven't killed in six days, and I can't take it any longer." 

"H-hey! N-no! ST-" 

I slam the stapler onto her neck pressing over and over again as blood pours out. "Haha....Hahahahahaha...." I rip it off her neck and let go of her hair, taking the stapler and ram into her head over and over and over again before dropping it on the ground, breathing heavily. "Mmmm....this arena is gonna be soooooo much fun...." I laugh into my blood covered hand and lick it, walking out of the room.

Authors Note
Hi! So sorry for not updating sooner but good god, this chapter was long. I can promise the next chapter won't be as long as this one because this one is just letting you know more about the characters and their backstories, and everything. I am so sorry if by the time you are finishing this chapter you feel like you need to see an eye doctor XD Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, next update will be soon <3

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