Preparation; Day Two

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January 5th, 3000

Octavia's P.O.V

"Good morning, everyone." Sarina smiles, holding a microphone in her hand. "Today is a very big day. Today you will be testing your physical skills. You will each first be able to practice, but afterwards each of you will have to go up against Everardus and Temperance Latimer. You might have heard of them before, they are professionals, they run boot camps and were both in the navy. Afterwards, you will be able to practice with weapons to find out which is right for you, then, you will choose your animal of choice, get a weapon of choice, then a fitting. After that, you may have your last meal and lastly, you will all go to sleep for tomorrow. Any questions?" 

I raise my hand. 

"Yes?" She looks at me. 

"How do we make allies if there's no time to speak with each other?" 

Sarina nods. "Good question. Well, you can make allies while you are practicing your skills, that will also be a time you can have side conversations. Anything else?" 

Robert raises his hand. "How do we get sponsors?" 

"Sponsors to help in the arena? Well, because it is on live television, the entire country will be watching you so its bound that someone will become your sponsor if they like you." 

Melody raises her hand up slowly. "Why do we have to fight and take lives....? Just because our parents did it doesn't mean we ever would have or want to."

Eternal nods. "I gotta agree with her, I was fine before you brought me here." 

I look over at Melody and Eternal and nod. "I do agree. I didn't even know any of these people before you forcefully dragged us here and then told us that we had to kill each other." 

Sarina glares. "This is your final warning. The next person who says anything about being brought here 'against their will' and whatever, will be executed. Slowly and painfully. Speaking of which...." Sarina turns her head to Aubrina. "You killed one of my workers with a stapler." 

Aubrina's straight face turns to a smirk, as she lifts her head. "She annoyed me." 

"Please save it for the arena, Aubrina. I'd appreciate it more than you can imagine." 

She snickers. "Sure." 

"Thank you." Sarina shakes her head, slightly rolling her eyes. 

I lift my hand. 

"Yes, Octavia?" 

"Can we have breakfast now? I'm freaking starving!" 

Sarina smiles and nods. "Yes, yes, sorry. Go ahead and head to the cafeteria." 

Everyone stands, getting in a line, and walks to the doors where two guards lead everybody down the hall to the cafeteria as everyone gets their food, and heads to a table. 

I sit down at a table with a girl by the name of Zarina on the one side of me, Marsa on the other, and Aubrina, Zachary, and a guy named Carl all on the other side. 

"Dude this shit looks disgusting." I shake my head. 

Marsa looks over at me. "It's all breakfast foods that normally wouldn't be disgusting but....oh my god it's..." Marsa pokes at the fried egg. "Guys don't eat the fried egg. Maybe it's just mine, but it is so cold." 

"I mean at least the fruit must be good." Zachary picks up the little cup fruit and opens it to reveal the smell of mold, and actual mold growing inside of it. "Oh....My....God....No...Nope." He drops it onto the tray and looks away. "That is the most disgusting thing...."

Aubrina takes in a deep breath, and picks up a sausage link and bites into it, and pulls away revealing that it isn't even cooked fully, and spits it out. "Oh hell no." 

Everyone turns to Aubrina noticing her cheeks bright red, in anger as she stands up from the seat. 

"What are you doing?" Zachary looks over at her, raising his eyebrow. 

"None of us are eating this disgusting garbage, are you kidding me?" She picks up her tray and begins walking over to the lunch stand, but gets stopped by a guard. 

"Where do you think you are going?" 

Her head snaps upward as she yanks her arm away, pulling herself back. "If you think I, and everybody else here are going to eat this  uncooked, old, rotten, disgusting garbage you call food right after you took us satisfied people away from our homes, mind you, after a damned war that lasted for sixteen years that's not even our fault, and before the day you are going to stick us all into an arena to kill each other until only two are left because you are assholes, YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY WRONG." 

He sighs loudly. "I'm going to need you to sit back down. If you don't like the food, don't eat it." 

"Honey, you are going to give us all new trays of food right now, or else I will eat you, because your old sweaty fatass would taste better than whatever is on these trays!" 

"Aubrina Frost, I am going to ask you one more time to sit down." He glares. 

"Sure." She nods, lifting her tray and smashing it in his face. "Bastard! You're lucky I can't kill you right now because believe me, honey, I would have a knife in your eye socket right now!" She growls and walks back to the table, sitting down. 

"Y-you....why did you do that?!" Zarina looks at Aubrina. 

Aubrina leans closer. "Honey, I don't have anything to lose." 

Zarina looks down at the tray. "Ugh." She picks it up and tosses it on the ground.

Zachary shoots a glare across the table and at Zarina. "Hey. Don't do that. Pick that up! Pick it up now!" 

Zarina looks over. "Why? It's complete garbage, anyways." 

"THERE'S A THING CALLED A TRASH CAN OH MY GOD!" He puts his face into his hands. "I can't stand messes." 

Zarina giggles. "Sorry." 

Two guards walk over to Aubrina, each grabbing one of her arms and lifting her out of the seat. 

"H-hey! What the hell?!" She yells and squirms. "Where are you taking me?!" 

"Shut up, Frost." One of them say, annoyed. 

She begins kicking. "HELP! WHAT THE HELL?!" 

Zachary stands up. "Hey! Put her down! She barely even did anything but speak her mind!" 

A guard turns his head towards Zachary. "Sit down, unless you want to be next." 

Zachary's head snaps looking over at the one guard. "Where the hell are they taking her?!" 

"That's not any of your business, kid. Now sit down unless you want it to be your business." He glares. 

"Maybe I want it to be my da-" 

Marsa stands up, looking at Zachary. "You do not want it to be your business. Listen to him and sit down." 

Zachary looks over at her. "You're defending him?!" 

"No. But, we have no idea what is going to happen to her, and because of which, I'd rather no one else have to go through it! So just sit down." She sits down and crosses her arms. 

"Fine..." Zachary sits down and takes in a deep breath. 

" he asleep?" I point to Carl. 

Zarina slowly looks at him. "How is he...? How did he fall asleep?" Zarina laughs and reaches her hand out, poking his head. 

"HUH?!" He sits up immediately and looks around. "Oh. Im still here in this hell." 

Zarina and I laugh. 

"How in the world did you manage to sleep through what just happened?" I look at him. 

He shrugs. "I am just really good at sleeping." 

Zarina giggles. "Glad to know." 

The two guards that left, come back in. "Alright everybody, times up! Lets go!" 

Everyone stands up from their seats, picking up their trays with barely anything even eaten off them, and throws them away, heading over to the two guards, getting back in a line. 

The guards nod to each other and begin walking down the hallway, and through numerous hallways, past what seemed like hundreds of rooms, until finally approaching two large doors, that looked like doors you would see on a castle, and pulls them open, to reveal a room about the size of two to three football fields and walk into the room, one on each side of the door, but before anyone can take a step in, Sarina appears right where the guards were, in the doorway. 

She shakes her head. "I heard about the outbreak in the cafeteria. It will be a shame that Aubrina will not be with us today. It's unfortunate, I was looking forward to seeing her practice her skills." She shrugs. "Oh well. Her fault. As for the rest of you, I hope you are all excited to begin your training." She backs away, and a smile creeps onto her face as she backs away to a small stage, where a small table with a chair sits, and sits at it. "You have two hours until Everardus and Temperance show up. So get to it." 

Everyone walks into the large training room, and the two doors shut. 

Looking around, I spot a padded dummy that represents a male, and a female. "Huh." I walk over to the male and nod. "I'll start with this." I look down at a small table, picking up hand wrap and wrap it around both hands, and put it back down, looking at the dummy. "I'm gonna kick your padded ass."

Zachary walks over to me, arms folded, cheeky smile. "I'd like to see your moves."

I turn my head, giving him a glare. "What do you think I can't do it?."

Zachary chuckles. "I never said that, did I?"

Deathly glaring at him. "Whatever." I turn back to the dummy and focus on it, punching it directly in the face multiple times before doing my side kick to the throat move. "If that was a damn human, they'd be dead!" I breathe in heavily, roundhouse kicking the dummy where a temple would be and land back on my feet holding both fists close, but not too close to my chest and punch the dummy in the chest, then kneeing it.

"Huh. I mean, those were good but, I wouldn't technically say I am impressed."

"Oh, really? Then why don't I try them out on you?" I turn to him and glare again. "Wouldn't that just be fun?"

 Zachary backs up. "I think I'm good." 

"That's what I thought. Now, get away from me." I roll my eyes

He smiles. "Sure but, before I do, I just~ wanna let you know, if it was an actual person I don't think they'd be dead just in a lot of pa-

"Finish that sentence and I swear I will make sure I put you in a lot of pain, if you want me to be more specific I'll beat you with my axe until there's nothing left of you." 

"Well damn, alright." He lifts his arms up and backs away, laughing. "Excuse me for wanting to help." 

I shake my head, with a slight smile and go back to fighting the dummy, until running out of breath. 

Melody walks up to me, sweating, with a bottle of water. "Hey, need this?" She holds it out. "Sarina is allowing us each to have one. Thought I'd get ya one." 

I smile slightly, and take it. "Thanks, Mels." I pause for a second, opening the bottle. "I can call you that right?" 

She shrugs. "I don't mind." 

I smile and take a drink of the water. 

She looks down, playing with her fingers and then lifts her head again. "Hey...would you like to be allies? I guess we can only have a maximum of five allies. Would you like to be mine and I'll be yours?" 

I nod, putting the cap back on the water bottle. "Of course, Mels." 

"Oh, great!" She smiles. "Well, I am gonna get back to practice, I'll see ya soon!" 

"Alright, good luck!" I look back at the dummy and take in a deep breath. "Hm. I'll try something else." I walk over to a little arena, where Zachary and Apollox are in the arena, in black and silver gear to protect them from the weapons they chose. 

"Alright, bring it." Zachary says. 

Apollox lifts three wires into the air, swings them in Zachary's direction, directly at his neck with full force but, Zachary uses his chain to block it. 

"You know, Apollox, if that would have hit my neck, I would have had a serious cut mark."

"At least you wouldn't be dead." 

"You got me there." He says. "Well, my turn." Zachary swings his chains at full force towards Apollox, aiming for his ribs, but Apollox, jumps into the air, dodging them. 

"Nice one." He says, lifting his arm in the air swinging the wire around and around before whipping his wrist at Zachary causing the wire to smack onto his shoulder, making him flinch. 

"Oh I just let you have that one!"

"Ohh sureee." Apollox says.

"I did!" Zachary says and then swings his chain at him, hitting him in the thigh causing him to fall down.

Apollox winces. "The suit barely did anything to not make that hurt...." 

Marsa walks up next to me, staring at Apollox and Zachary. "Huh. They really aren't going easy on each other." 

I stare in shock. "N-no shit!" 

Marsa laughs. "I feel like they are gonna totally kill each other in the arena tomorrow." She looks at me. "Hey. You wanna practice with me?" She smirks slightly. "There's another little arena we can do what they are doing in." 

I look down and then lift my head again. "Why not?" I smile. 

"Awesome!" She starts walking to the other small arena, and grabs the silver gear, putting it on over her clothing, along with a helmet, and grabs a trident. "Come on!" She waves me over. 

I nod and run over, grabbing the black gear putting it on over my clothing along with a helmet and grab a axe. 

She gets in the small arena and looks at me as I come in too. "Tell me if I become too much for you, kay?" She smiles. 

"Don't go easy on me at all. I won't be going easy on you. We have to act like we are really in the arena, because we know well that in that arena we won't be going easy on each other." 

"Unless we're allies." 

I smile. "Show me what you got." 

She nods, and swings the trident at me in full force but I block it with my axe and spin around swinging the axe into her side. 

"Ah! are pretty good." She spins around, and slams her trident into my side causing me to collapse to the ground. 

"S-so are you." I cough and stand up slowly, running at her in full speed, jumping at the last second slamming my axe into her shoulder causing her to fall and land in a crouching position. "Oh shit. Are you okay?" 

She coughs and sits up. "Y-yeah I am fine." She picks up her trident. "Dude if I wasn't protected you would have killed me." 

I nod as she stands up, holding her trident staring down at me in my crouching position. "Huh." She holds her trident tightly in her grip, swinging it directly at the side of my head, at my temple. I lift my axe up quickly to to block it, but the amount of force she put into it, pushed through the axe causing me to fall to the ground on my side. "I'm sorry if that was really rough." 

"Da-damn my head hurts now..." 

"Well, I could have totally cracked your skull open." She gets down on her knees. 

"You will pay for that, ya know..." I put my hand on the side of my head. "Damn that hurts...." 

Marsa giggles softly. "I will, will I?" 

"Y-yes! That hurt like hell!" 

Suddenly, a sound of clapping comes from the side of the arena. Marsa and I both look over to see Zachary, Apollox, Zarina, and Enderson standing there. 

"You guys are good." Zachary smiles. 

"Really good!" Zarina nods. 

Marsa smirks slightly. "We aren't that amazing but thanks." 

"Hey! Speak for yourself!" I look up at her and laugh softly. 

Marsa laughs and holds her hand out at me. 

"Thanks." I grab her hand and pull myself up, swinging her down onto her back, twirling and slamming onto her stomach taking my axe and hold the blade only inches from her neck. 

Her eyes widen. "H-hey! Not fair! I thought we were done fighting!" 

"Well, we are now." I giggle and stand up. 

""Hmph." She pulls herself up and dusts herself off. "Hey, Octavia, do you wanna be allies?" 

I smile and nod. "Hell yeah! You're awesome!" 

She smiles. "Glad to hear." 

We both get out of the arena, and take of the gear and put back the weapons we used and while we do, Zachary walks up to us. 

"Hey, so it seems like you two are allies, eh??" 

We both nod. 

"Do you mind if I join your little ally group?" 

"Not at all. You're pretty badass yourself." Marsa smiles and hangs the helmet up. 

"Oh, thanks." He smiles and then looks at me. "But, are you cool with it?" 

I nod. "I don't have a problem with it." 

"Wonderful." He smiles. "I'm gonna get back to training, see ya later." He walks away. 

Marsa looks at me. "He's cute, honestly."

"Don't get a crush on him. You never know what could happen in that arena." 

She frowns slightly. "Yeah, I'll try not to develop any feelings." 

"That's a good idea." I smile slightly. "Well, I am gonna go practice more. I'll see you later, alright?" 

She nods. "Sounds cool." 

Robert's P.O.V

I walk toward a rack of guns and pick up a gun that is mostly silver but has black and yellow stripes around the handle, and walk over to a small area that looks like a small shooting rage. "Well, the distance of how far the dummies are looks about...sixteen feet away. I can shoot it directly in the head." I lift the gun up and aim it directly at the dummy and focus on it, and then pull the trigger shooting the dummy where a human eye would be. "Haha." I smirk. 

Luna and Betrice stare at me. "Nice aim." Betrice smiles. 

I look over to my left and nod. "Thanks." I turn back to the dummy and hold my gun straight, focusing on the chest. "My un-biological father taught me how to shoot, actually." I pull the trigger and hit the dummy in the chest area, causing it to wobble. 

Luna's eyes widen. "Well, he did a really good job at teaching you." 

I nod. "He did." I put the gun down and take a deep breath in, turning to them both. "What weapons are you good at?" 

"Spear." Betrice says, without even taking a moment to think. 

"Chains." Luna smiles. 

"Chains, really?" I raise my eyebrow. 

Betrice nods quickly. "We actually just fought in one of the little arena's, and she nearly caused me a concussion by wiping the chain directly at the top of my head." 

"Damn. I guess chains can hurt like hell." 

"Yes, definitely." Betrice laughs. 

"Are you guys allies?"

Luna smiles and nods. "Yeah, we are! We actually became friends at lunch today."

"That's great!" I smile and turn back to the dummy, holding the gun out straight.

"We wanted to ask, would you like to be our ally?" Luna tilts her head off to the side.

I nod. "Sure, I'd love to."

"Wonderful!!" Luna smiles. "Well, we'll talk to you in a bit, we should probably get back to practicing, eh?" She turns to Betrice who nods.

"Good luck." I turn my head to them and smile.

"Thanks, you too!" Betrice and Luna both smile and walk off.

"I'm glad I still know how to aim well." I put my gun down and walk back over to the rack, putting my gun back up. "What next?" 

Josh walks over to me. "Hey, do you wanna come test your reflexes with me? I need someone to practice with and well, you are the first person I bothered to ask." 

I laugh. "Sure, Josh."

"Thanks!" Josh says quite cheerfully, walking over to something that looks like a net walling and lifts it up crawling in, under it, and I do the same. 

"So we don't need any gear right?" 

"Not unless we are totally gonna kick each other's asses." He chuckles. 

"Okay, good." I laugh. 

Before we can even start, we hear Sarina speak. 

"Attention! Attention! Sorry to interrupt what it is you are doing at the moment but, as of now, you only have a hour left. I know, time goes by fast. So keep working. I see a lot of you doing really good." Sarina smiles and sits back down in her chair. 

I look back over at Josh. "It doesn't even feel like it has been an hour!" 

He shakes his head. "It doesn't. But, I am not gonna question it. You can go first." 

"What do you mean?" I tilt my head. 

"What do you mean what do I mean?" 

"Don't mess with my mind, I'm not in the mood." I laugh and cross my arms.

Josh chuckles. "I mean, you can go first with trying to kick my ass, and I'll test my reflexes." 

"So, you're going first?" 

"Don't question me." 

"Got it, sir Irving." 

"Okay, okay, ready?" 

"Yup." I take in a deep breath and walk closer to him, getting in a fighting position. "I'll start off simple." I throw my fist outwards towards his face, but he snatches my wrist and pulls me into a arm lock. "Ow, nice job." 

He nods and lets go. "Next." 

I stand up and get back in a fighting position, and this time go for a roundhouse kick, but he dodges it by immediately dropping to the floor, grabbing my ankle and yanking it so roughly I fall onto my back, knocking the wind out of my lungs. 

"I think I am pretty good at this." He jumps back up. "Now that I think about it, the only reflexes we really should have are dodging weapons." 

Barely able to breathe, I slowly sit up and glare at him. "Y-you ass! Th-then why di-didn't you say tha-that sooner!?" 

"I'm sorry but I thought about it the moment you went to kick me in the face!" 

" could ha-have just ducked in......" I pause, finally able to breathe again and begin catching my breath. 

"Damn, you really got the wind knocked out of ya huh?" 

"No shit, Sherlock!" 

"I'm sorry, okay! I know I didn't have to knock you on your back but, I thought it would make me look more badass." 

"It did at first but then you opened your mouth and said the only reflexes that are really needed are being able to dodge weapons. Then you just looked like an ass." A girl voice says. 

Josh and I both look around, and finally to the right to see Melanie Alford standing there with her arms crossed. 

"Have you been watching the entire time?" Josh asks. 

"What?! N-no!" She crosses her arms. "I'm not that weird...." 

I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Okay then..." 

She rolls her eyes and quickly walks away. 

"I didn't even know she was there." 

Josh shrugs. "Neither did I. Do you need help getting up?" 

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks, though." I push myself up. "Hey, what are you good at?" 

Josh sighs. "Don't laugh at me." 

"I won't! Why would I laugh at you?" 

"Because it's a whip...." He gulps and looks down. 

I cover my mouth trying to stop myself from laughing. "Co-couldn't you have picked a weapon...I don't know...something less sexual?" 

"Shut up! They can be cool!" 

"In bed." I wink. 

"Screw off." Josh laughs and walks over to the net wall, crouching down, lifting it up and crawling out. 

I walk over to the net and lift it up, crawling out. "I'm just messing with you. If you are good at using a whip, good for you, man." 

"Thanks." Josh laughs. "But, what about you?" 

"Guns. My dad that isn't actually my dad, taught me how to use them." 

"Oh, really?" 


"That's neat!" He smiles at me. 

"Yeah! It was pretty nice of him. He taught me how to use it just in case." 

"It is nice of him." Josh smiles. "Well, I am going to go practice some more." 

"Have fun!" I smile. 

"You too." He smiles and walks away. 

I sigh, taking in a deep breath. " what?" 

Luna walks up to me and taps my shoulder. "Hey....uh, will you show me how to use a gun?" 

I look at her. "Really? Are you sure?" 

She nods. "Yeah, I wanna learn!" 

"Well, you won't learn today because that just wouldn't work but....alright. I'll show you." I smile and walk back over to the gun rack, as she follows. 

"Thanks!" She smiles. 

"It's not a problem. How about we start off with...a pistol?" 

She nods. "Sounds cool!" 

"Awesome." I walk over to the little range where the other dummy has been replaced. "Just stand in front of me and I'll help you position it." 

She walks over to me, and stands in front of me, as I give her the gun. 

"Now... stand straight." I grab her shoulders and try to help position her. "Okay. Pretty good. Now, hold your arm out straight, nice and straight, and focus yourself and your aim on where it is you want to hit." 

"I want to hit the head." 

"Go for it." 

She pulls the trigger, and misses. "Awe...damn." 

"Hey, that's alright. You got pretty close! Only missed by a few inches. Try something with easier aim, like the chest." 

"Alright." She nods slowly, focusing herself and the gun on the chest of the dummy, and pulls the trigger, hitting it directly in the chest. "Oh! YAY!" She laughs. "I did it!" 

"Awesome! Now, remember you are still a beginner so missing is definitely going to happen." 

"Yeah, I know." She nods. "Thanks for helping me. I am going to keep practicing!" 

"Alright!" I smile and walk away. 

As I walk around, I see so many people getting along with each other, probably sharing interests, or telling jokes, and simply just becoming friends. Everyone is so happy, and sadly, almost everyone is going to die in that arena. Everyone but two. Nobody here deserves to die, nobody here should be punished just because our parents hated each other. We don't....why cant they see that? 

"Hey, you okay?" Melody says staring at me. 

"Huh?" I look at her. "Oh...heh..yeah, i'm fine!" 

"Oh, good. You looked like you were zoning out." She giggles. 

"I kinda was but, I'm alright." 

"Oh, good! I was kinda watching you and that kid Josh, he knocked you on your back pretty hard, I could hear it." 

" hurt badly. But, I'm okay, promise." 

"Well, good." She smiles. 

Eternal runs up. "Hey! Melody, I thought you said we were gonna practice together!" 

"Oh, we are!" She looks over. "I just wanted to make sure he was okay because he looked like he was zoning out." 

"Oh! Okay!" Eternal smiles. 

I laugh slightly. "You guys can go back to practicing! I'm fine, just thinking." 

"Alright." Melody smiles and they both begin to walk away, until....

The doors to the training room gets pulled open releasing a harsh amount of light into the room that was once dim. 

A tall intimidating male, and a tall intimidating female stand in the entry way, both walking in together. 

"Your time is up." The female, Temperance says, seriously. 

 "All of you, stop whatever it is you are doing and please come stand before us."

Everyone stops what they are doing, dropping their weapons, or anything they have, and walk over to Temperance and Everardus.

"As you may or may not know, we were both in the navy and we actually run a boot camp together. During the sixteen year war, we were the two out of seven brave souls, willing to risk our lives to go out and try to stop the madness that was happening...unfortunately, that failed. But, fortunately, we aren't ever going to let it happen again." Everardus says. "I know we are twenty minutes earlier than expected but, we know you all have much to do today, so we think it'd be best if we start now. Now, you all can go back to doing whatever it is you want to do but, we will be taking each of you individually to test your skills, not only combat but we will be testing how you are with weapons. Because there is so many of you, this will take longer than expected. So, the first of the list for my testing is, Aubrina Frost."

Everyone looks at each other, before Sarina clears her throat, standing from her chair. "Her privilege to practice was taken away because of an outbreak she caused in the cafeteria."   

Everardus nods. "That's a shame. Then, the next person on my list is Betrice Maddox." 

Betrice walks out of the group, and over to Everardus, who looks over at Temperance. 

"And first on my list, I have Zarina Palma." Temperance smiles. "Come on up here." 

Zarina nervously walks up to Temperance. 

"We will continue to call out names while each of you practice on your own, so when we get to you, please, stop what you will be doing and head over to where we are." Temperance smiles. "Now, you may go back to practicing." 

Everybody nods, and walks off to go back to training.


Authors Note


Okay, so, I lied. This chapter is just as long, if not longer, than the last chapter. I'm so sorry about that. Also, I know I had a lot more things I wanted to have done in this chapter but because it is so long already, and because of the information already being known, I truly didn't want to make this chapter any longer. So I am so sorry for not adding that in. And also, these Preparation Days are probably the only two chapters that are actually going to be as long as they are because a lot is going into them. So I hope you hang in there for the next chapter which will definitely be shorter. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I do writing it. Thanks for reading <3

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