Chapter 24:Food Gathering

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Third Person POV

Ozpin was sitting in his office as he sat in front of Ironwood, looking at files.

Ironwood: Damn it Ozpin. We need to do something about this situation!
He yelled at him.

Ozpin: What do you suppose we do. For all we know, they already taken out Salem and we have no idea where they are.
He said to him.

Ironwood: Anything could help! Any friends! Family!
He yelled at him as Ozpin thought about team RWBY.

Ozpin: Team RWBY.
He said to himself.

Ironwood: Ozpin! Who is close to him? Y/N L/N.
He asked.

Ozpin: I don't know.
He lies as he remembered.


Ozpin: Who's the father?
He asked as he looked at Blake.

Blake slowly looked up at him as her hands shook.

Blake: Y-Y-Y/N's.

Ozpin: Okay. We'll do a weekly check. Just you, the nurse, and I.

Flashback Ends

Ironwood: OZPIN!

Ozpin: I think I might have an idea. Anything to get rid of Fatalis.

To Pyrrha

Pyrrha slowly yawned as she slowly woke up to see Y/N gone.

Pyrrha: Y-Y/N?
She asked as she looked around, grabbing a shirt to cover herself and slowly got up.

Pyrrha: Y/N?
She asked as she looked around before going into the living room.

Pyrrha: Y/N?
She asked as she looked around for him.

???: Oh he's busy.
She heard a voice before turning to see Odogaron on the couch.

Pyrrha: O-O-Oh.
She said as she looked at Odogaron.

Pyrrha: W-W-Who are you?
She asked as she looked at her.

Odogaron: Name's Odogaron.
She said as she looked at the tv, still sitting on the couch.

Pyrrha: P-Py-

Odogaron: Don't worry. Y/N already told me who you are.
She said as she lookd at her.

Odogaron: But damn you both were loud.
She said with a smirk, earning a dark blush from her.

Odogaron: Don't worry, I won't tell.
She said with a smirk.

Pyrrha: D-D-Do you have any idea where he went?

To Y/N

Y/N was kneeling as he held his sword in hand while Nargacuga knelt by his side while they soar through the water.

Nargacuga: Hey.
She said as she looked at him.

Y/N: How are you feeling?
He asked her as he looked at her.

Nargacuga: D-Doing better.
She said as she looked at him.

Y/N: I see.
He said as he looked to see the peaceful waters before looking at another fellow monster.

Y/N: How does it feel riding him? Riding our big friend here Uklankos.
He said as he looked at the white color schemed monster.

Nargacuga: I-I-It's fine.
She said as she scoots into the middle.

Y/N: Are you okay?
He asked her as she shivers in place.

Nargacuga: I-I-I can't swim.
She said as she sat in the middle.

Y/N: You'll be fine.
He said as he looked at her.

Nargacuga: O-O-Okay.
She said as she sees an atlesian ship.

Y/N: Get ready.
He said as he looked at her.

Y/N grabbed a grappling hook and threw onto the side, grappling onto the ship.

Y/N: Good.
He said as he slowly climbed up before seeing an atlesian guard on the side, smoking against a railing.

Y/N: Shit.
He said and climbed up faster before climbing into the ship.

While the atlesian soldier was leaning against the railing, Y/N slowly sneaked into the base before going into a room.

Y/N: This should be where the crates are.
He said as he looked around before hearing voices in the room.

???: You sure this place is safe.
An atlesian soldier asked.

???: It has to be. We're the strongest kingdom there is.
Another said.

???: You really think so? The one called Nergigante tore a ship up.

???: And we have thousands.

???: I suppose so. But are you sure the food in the storage is safe?

???: Of course.
One said as they walked out of the room.

Y/N: Of course this will be harder than usual.
He said and sneaked around before seeing an atlesian guard walking around in the room.

Y/N slowly took out his dagger and walked up to him before wrapping his arm around his throat whiling having his knife at his throat.

Y/N: Where is the food.
He said as the atlesian guard looked at him in fear.

Y/N: Where.
He said as he pressed the dagger against his throat.

Atlesian Soldier: U-U-Under the deck.
He said in fear.


Atlesian Soldier: F-F-Front deck. D-D-Door leads to it.


Y/N slit his throat open before throwing him onto the ground.

???: Find out where it is?

Y/N pointed his dagger at Nargacuga as she looked a thm.

Y/N: It's just you.
He said and puts his dagger away before walking around to see a door and a guard.

Y/N: Of course.
He said as Nargacuga threw a knife at the guard.

Nargacuga: Problem solved.
She said and walked through the door to enter a hallway.

Y/N: Of course.
He said as he walked by her down the hall before unlocking a door to see a map.

Nargacuga: What's this?
She asked as she looked at the map.

Y/N: This looks like a map for supplies.

Nargacuga: It looks like its going to Vale.
She said as she noticed a tab.

Y/N :What is it?
He asked as he looked at her.

Nargacuga: Project Akantor.


The two looked around to hear the alarm gone off as the two ran out of the room.

Intercom: Intruder alert! intruder Alert! Lock down the ship!

Y/N: We got to get this to Queen Fatalis.
He said to her as he stopped in the hallway, seeing a group of atlesian soldiers running down the hall.

Nargacuga pulled out her dual blades as Y/N stopped her.

Y/N: Too many.
He whispered to her as the group of atlesan soldiers ran off.

Suddenly they heard a gun cock behind them as Nargacuga looked at an atlesian soldier.

Atlesian Soldier: Hands up where I can see them.
He said as he had his gun pointed at them.

Y/N and Nargacuga slowly held their hands up as the atlesian soldier got closer.

Atlesian Soldier: Walk.
He said as he grabbed Nargacuga's blades.

As he pulled at Nargacuga's blades, she spun around and drove her knee into his stomach.

Alesian Soldier: AHHHH!
He screamed in agony before having a blade shoved through the side of his head, alerting the others.

They heard as they quickly ran out of the hall, heading towards the side where they entered before seeing Uklankos not there.

Nargacuga: Where is he?
She asked as she looked around, not seeing before hearing multiple clicks around them.

Nargacuga hissed as she looked to see multiple atlesian soldiers looking at them.

Atlesian Soldiers: Put your hands up where we can see them.
One said as the two slowly put their hands up.

Atlesian Soldier: We'll show you both a good time.
One said as one cuffed Nargacuga, touching her ass.


Suddenly they feel the ship suddenly collide with something as they fel lto the ground.

Atlesian Soldier: What the hel lwas that!
One yelled as one ran to the side to see Uklankos.

Atlesian Soldier: One over here sir!
He yelled as he started shooting at Uklankos while another grabbed Nargacuga.

Nargacuga: Y/N!
She yelled as she sees another soldier kicking him at the head.

Atlesian Soldier: Die you motherfucker!
He yelled as he pointed a gun at Y/N.


Before he could pull the trigger, Y/N shoved his katana through the soldier's chest before tossing him to the side.

Y/N turned to see the soldier push Nargacuga against a wall as she kicked him at the chest.


Y/N: NO!
He yelled as Nargacuga slowly looked down at her stomach, seeing a bullet wound before being kicked off of the ship.

Y/N: Nargacuga!
He yelled as she fell into the water while the soldier fan to the deck.

Y/N jumped into the water as Nargacuga slowly fell, looking at him as her hand slowly reached for him.

Y/N grabbed her as she looked at him weakly before trying to swim up to only fail. Y/N held onto her wound as she looked at him, blood slowly seeping into the water before seeing Uklankos swim towards them.

The Atlesian Soldier ran to the deck as he panted heavily.

Atlesian Soldier: We got to go now!
He yelled at the captain.

The captain nodded and put the ship in full speed, trying to get away from the situation as the others looked over the side to see nothing but blood.

Atlesian Soldiers: Damn monsters.

Atlesian Soldiers 2: Would have liked that girl.
One said.

Atlesian Soldiers 3: Shut up. At least we're still alive.
He said as lightning suddenly shot at the engine, destroying it as the alarm went off.

Atlesian Soldiers 4: WHAT THE FUCK!?
He yelled as the engine exploded.

He yelled at them.


Suddenly the captain was stabbed from behind as the soldiers looked up in fear, seeing Y/N in his light blue armor. His E/C eyes filled with light blue aura before cutting off the head of the captain.

Atlesian Soldier 1: FIRE!
He yelled as the others shot at Y/N.

Suddenly Y/N disappeared as the others looked around in fear.

Atlesian Soldier 2: W-W-Where is it!. WHERE IS IT!?
He yelled.


Suddenly his throat was slashed open as the others turned around to see Y/n.

Atlesian Soldier: YOU DAMN MONSTER!
One yelled as he aimed at Y/n.


The soldier was hit with a blade at the head as the others shot at Y/n. Y

Y/N shot lightning at another as he grabbed one by the throat, choking him as he glared at him.

Atlesian Soldier: D-D-Damn monster.
He said as he pulled out a grenade.


Atlesian Soldier: AHHHHH!
He screamed in agony, feeling his arm being ripped off before looking at Y/N.

Atlesian Soldier: W-W-What do you want!?
He yelled at him.

Y/N remained silent as his grip slowly tightened, choking at the atlesian soldier.

Atlesian Soldier: A-A-anything!
He yelled in agony.

Y/N: Your head.


Y/N crushed his throat as the man's body went motionless before tossing it into the water.

Nargacuga's POV

???: You'll be okay.
I heard his voice.

I said, feeling my body shiver.

Uklanklos: You'll be okay Nargacuga.
He said.

"W-W-Where's Y/N?"

Uklanklos: In the ship.

"I-I-I got t-t-to help."
I said as I slowly got up to fall onto my back, groaning in pain.

Uklankos: Calm down. You need to rest.

"H-How can I? I-I failed."
I told him.


I slowly turned to the side to see him with the crates of food.


Y/N: Hey.
He said as he knelt by my side.

"I-I-I'm sorry."

Y/N: No need to be.
He said as he placed his hand on my stomach, groaning pain.

Third Person POV

Nargacuga: I-I-I'm cold.
She said as she looked at him.

Y/N: Shh. Just rest.
He said as he sat by her, her head against his shoulder.

Nargacuga: C-C-Can you keep my warm?
She asked as she shivered.

Y/N nods and lightning slowly coursed around his body, earning a small moan from her as she laid her head against the croak of his neck.

Y/N: I'll never let them hurt you again.
He said as she laid against his body.

To Fatalis

Fatalis: Valstrax. Where is Y/N?
She asked as she looked at her.

Valstax: He should be with Nargacuga and Uklankos getting good for the trip.
She said as she looked at her.

Fatalis: I hope he's doing okay.
She said as she rubbed her hand over her stomach.

Valstrax: He'll be fine. Speaking about Y/N, have you told him yet?
She asked.

Fatalis slowly shakes her head as she looked at her stomach.

Valstrax: What are you planning on naming it?
She asked.

Fatalis: I don't know.
She said as she thought about it.

Valstrax: I think I got one.

Fatalis: What do you have in mind?

Valstrax: Alatreon.

To Summer

Summer was looking at a house as a tear ran down her cheeks, seeing Tai sitting at a table as a photo of Summer and him sat in front of him.

Tai: I've failed you Summer. I failed to protect our baby girl.
He sobbed softly.

Summer looked down as a tear ran down her cheek before jumping off the tree branch and walking away.

Summer: I'm sorry it has to come to this Tai.
She said as she walked away before seeing a woman in front of her. Her angry red eyes glaring at her as she had her sword in hand.

Summer: Raven.

Props to Comethazel
For  the suggestion.

Here is chapter 24 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far?

What do you all think should happen next?

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