Chapter 28: The Traitor

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Third Person POV 

Akantor: Let me go you damn animal.
He growls at Fatalis, only seeing her blank expression. 

Nergigante: Watch your tongue. 
She growls as Akantor looked at him. 

Akantor: No matter what you do, you'll never get anything out of me! 
He yelled at them. 

Velkhana: Something is not right about him. 
She said as Fatalis glared at him. 

Fatalis: Hmm. 
She said as Akantor growled at her. 

Akantor: I'm fine as long I get my hands on you! 
He yelled as he rushed towards her before being stopped by the chain. 

Fatalis: What does a little man such as yourself going to do about me. 
She said emotionlessly. 

Akantor: I'm going to take your head and place before Ironwood! 
He yells at him. 

Fatalis smirked before holding Salem's head in front of him, earning a look of fear from him. 

Akantor: H-H-H-How? G-G-General s-s-said sh-

Fatalis: Unkillable? Yes. Unbeatable? 
She said with a smirk. 

Salem: You didn't beat me. 
She growls at her. 

Fatalis: Says the frozen head.
She said as Velkhana froze Salem. 

Nergigante: My queen. Let me have the honor of killing this traitor. 
She growls as her claws formed. 

Akantor turned towards her before smirking. 

Akantor: How can you. 

Nergigante: This! 


Nergigante stabbed Akantor in the shoulder to only see Akantor break the chain. 

Nergigante: What!? 
She yelled before being punched across the face and charged at Fatalis. 

Akantor: As long I can kill you! 
He yelled as she got up. 


Akantor broke through her throne as Fatalis slowly got up, holding her stomach. 

Akantor: As long you're dead, it'll be easy picking! 
He yelled before charging at her. 


Akantor gasped as he saw a claw go through his stomach before being thrown through a wall. 

Nergigante: Go get him. 
She growls as she fell to her knees, a spike in her side. 

Akantor crashed into the sand as he slowly got up, his hand on his wound as blood slowly ran down his side. 

Akantor: T-T-That bitch. 
He growls as he sees Gammoth and Uklanlos slowly walking towards him. 

Akantor: You see again. 
He growls before charging at the two. 

Akantor ran at Uklanlos to only collide with Gammoth. Akantor reeled his arm back and threw a punch at him. To only be flipped onto his back. 

Akantor moved his head back before kicking Gammoth at the head, staggering him back. Akantor took this chance and kicked his knee in, earning a scream from Gammoth. 

Akantor kicked him at his throat, breaking his throat as Uklanlos shot an ice beam at him. 

Akantor: You think this can stop me. 
He said before charging at him once more. 

Akantor: DIE! 
He yelled as he threw a punch at him. 


Akantor turned to see Y/N holding his katana in hand, his E/C eyes filled with blue aura. 

Akantor growls before throwing another punch. To only be shot at with lightning. 

Akantor: AHHHHH! 
He screamed in agony as he crashed into the ground. 

Akantor: I-I-I-I'll kill you! 
He screamed as Nergigante landed on him, making him cough up blood. 

Nergigante growls as her fangs grew, earning a look of fear from him. 


Nergigante bit into his throat before ripping his throat, blood spewing all over the ground as she glared into his slowly dying eyes. 


Nergigante grabbed his head before roaring into the air. 

To Ozpin 

Ozpin was sitting in his office before seeing his door open, revealing Ironwood. 

Ozpin: Hello James. 
He said as Ironwood handed him a location. 

Ozpin: What is this? 
He asked ash he looked at it. 

Ironwood: Let's go. 

Ozpin: Where. 

Ironwood: Where the rest of the monsters are hiding. 

While the two headmasters talked to each other, Chameleos was standing behind the door invisible as well. 

Chameleos: Shit. I need to warn them. 

Here is chapter 28 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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