Chapter 29:Chameleos

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Third Person POV 


In an atlesian factory, the alarm was going off as the many scientists and atlesian soldiers looked up in worry. 

Atlesian Soldier 1: What's happening!? 
One yelled as they heard thunder cracking. 

Scientist: A storm shouldn't be doing this! 
He yelled as he looked at a radar. 

Scientist: There is no storm or anything! 
Another yelled at him. 



Suddenly they heard a loud explosion, shaking the area more as they fell to the ground before hearing foot steps. 

The scientists slowly looked to the side and saw Vaal Hazak standing with Y/N.

Scientists: W-W-Who are you two? 
One asked as one slowly got up as a guard pulled out a gun. 

Atlas Soldier: DIE! 
He yelled as he pulled the trigger. 


Atlesian Soldier: AHHH! 
He screamed in agony as Y/N had his sword deep in the soldier's side. 

Atlesian Soldier: Y-Y-You fucking monster! 
He yelled as Vaal Hazak grabbed him by the head. 

Vaal Hazak: Hmm. You all will do. 
She said with a smirk before placing her hand on his head, a black aura forming as the soldier suddenly started screaming in agony. Thrashing around in Y/N's hold while Vaal Hazak was grinning sadistically. 

Another atlesian soldier pulled out his gun and aimed at Vaal Hazak as Y/N noticed. 

Soldier: DIE! 


Vaal Hazak: Y/N! 
She yelled as Y/N was in front of her before seeing the soldier be electrocuted. 

Vaal Hazak ripped her hand away from the soldier as he fell to the ground. 

Vaal Hazak: Hey Y/N-
She said before seeing him slowly got up, blood dripping down his side. 

Y/N: I-I'll be fine. 
He said, groaning in pain as he held his side in pain. 

Vaal Hazak: You will be once I kill them all. 

To Chameleos

Chameleos was walking throughout Beacon Academy as she had a small dagger in hand. 

Chameleos: Just need to find a way to get onto the ships to warn them. 
She said to herself. 

Chameleos started walking towards the atlesian ships. As she continued walking towards the ships, she saw Ironwood and Ozpin at the bulkhead. 

Chameleos: Shit. 
She said before she started running towards the bulkhead and entered. 

Chameleos panted softly as she glared at Ironwood and Ozpin. 

Ozpin: So you've found their location. 

Ironwood: Yes. 

Ozpin: How. 

Ironwood: It was no difficulty. All I did was plant a tracker. 

Ozpin: How did your soldier find them? 

Ironwood: A team of soldiers and scientists were able to freeze him and we were able to essentially wipe all of his memories. 

Ozpin: You've essentially brainwashed him into your soldier. 

Ironwood: A necessary one. In his DNA, it was said that he was invulnerable to different things. Dust. Electricity, Fire, Ice, and more. 

Chameleos: That bastard. 
She growls as she gripped her dagger. 

Chameleos: So that's what happened to Akantor. 
She growls before hearing a thud. 

Ironwood: And we're here. 
He said as the door opened. 

Ozpin: So what do you plan on doing. 

Ironwood: We'll crush them with paladins, huntsmen, huntresses, and the ships. 
He said before hearing a loud crash. 

Ironwood: What the? 
He said as he pulled out his gun. 

Ozpin: I didn't see anything. 

Ironwood: Security team. Someone's on board. 

To Chameleos

Chameleos was running down the hall as she looked around. 

Chameleos: Shit. Should have been careful. 
She said to herself before seeing a faunas. 

Chameleos: Shit. 
She said as the faunas turned towards her direction before being hit from behind. 

???: Neon. What's wrong?

Neon: Just smelled something strange..
She said as Chameleos continued to run. 

Chameleos: That faunas will find me. 
She said to herself before looking around a corner to see a room with an atlesian guard in front of it. 

Chameleos slowly turned visible as the guard lookd at her. 

Soldier: Hold it. 
He said as he held his hand out. 


Before the soldier could do anything, Chameleos slashed through his throat and ripped it out before opening the door, entering the room. Unknown to her, Neon was watching iwth shock in her eyes. 

Chameleos: There. 
She said as she went to the radio. 

Chameleos: Fatalis. Velkhana. Nergigante. Are you there. 
She said as she waited for a reply. 

Nergigante: C-Chameleos? 

Chameleos: They know where you are.

Nergigante: Shit. Where are you? 

Chameleos: B-Beacon Academy. They're stationed here. 
She said before hearing Neon walk in. 

Neon: W-Why did you do this? 
She asked in shock. 

Nergigante: Sh-CLANG 

Chameleos stabbed the radio before turning around to look at her. 

Neon: Why did you do this? 
She asked in shock. 

Chameleos: To protect my people. 
She said before charging at her. 

Chamelos lunged at her with her dagger and slashed towards her to miss. Neon brought out his nunchuks before dodging another attack from Chameleos. 

Neon: Protect your people? 
She asked before dodging another slash. 

Chameleos: Unlike you faunas, you weren't experimented for weaponization or bred to fight. 
She growls as Neon lunged at her with her nunchucks in hand. 

Before Neon could hit her, Chameleos kicked at Neon at the stomach, sending her to a wall. 

Nunchuck: GAH! 
She gasped as she fell to the ground, groaning in pain as she slowly got up. 

Chameleos: Time to die! 
She yelled as she charged at her. 


Chameleos gasped before hitting the wall, slowly turning around to see Ironwood with soldiers behind him. 

Ironwood: You. 
He said, glaring at her as blood slowly dripped down her chest. A bullet hole in her stomach. 

Chameleos: I-I'll never be experimented on. 
She said and jumped out of the room. 

Ironwood ran to the window, seeing Chameleos fall before seeing a red aura coming towards them. 

Ironwood: GET DOWN! 
He yelled before hearing a loud thud, the ship shaking. 

Chameleos: V-V-Valstrax. 

Somewhere Else 

In front of a cliff, Raven was sitting in front of Summer's "tombstone" looking at it with sorrow in her eyes. 


Raven suddenly heard a thud behind her to see her with a white cloak around her. 

Raven: S-Summer? 
She asked, her eyes widening as she sees her black hair with red tips. Her white cloak. Her kusariamgas around her arms. 

???: Hello auntie Raven. 

Here is chapter 29 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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