Chapter 30: Ruby VS Raven

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Third Person POV 

Ruby: Hello Auntie. 
She said, emotionlessly as she glared at Raven. 

Raven: R-Ruby? 

Raven: Why are you here? 
She asked in confusion. 

Ruby: Isn't it obvious. 
She said as she dropped her chains. 

Raven: I-I-I-I don't know what you're talking about. 
She said, still confused. 

Ruby: How was it taking her life Auntie. 
She said as Raven looked at her in shock. 

Raven: H-H-How? 
She asked in fear, sweat slowly running down her chin as Ruby glared at her. 

Ruby: How was it ripping your sword through her. 
She growls, her silver eyes slowly turned red. 

Raven: I-I-I

Ruby: You what. Killed her because of some tribe. Hmm. No wonder Yang is like that. Like mother, Like daughter I guess. 
She said before charging at her. 


Raven: She's fast. 
She said, seeing Ruby look at her as their weapons clashed. 

Raven: R-R-Ruby. S-Stop this. 
She said as she held her back. 

Ruby: Coming from the one who took my mother from me. 
She growls before used her semblance, pushing her back to the end of the cliff. 


Raven punched Ruby across the jaw before stabbing her sword into the ground, stopping herself from going closer to the cliff. Before she could react, she was knelt at the jaw, sending her off the cliff as Ruby watched her fall. Ruby rushed to the side and saw nothing as she looked around. 

Ruby: Where is she. 
She said as she looked around. 


Ruby: Gah! 
She yelled in pain before turning around and kicking Raven back, hitting her in the stomach. 

Raven: We don't need to fight. 
She said as she looked at her with sorrow. 

Ruby: You've killed her. 
She said as her wound slowly healed. 

Ruby: You took her away. 
She growls before charging at her once more. 

Raven charged at her before slashing towards her. 



The two clashed once more as they glared into each other's eyes. 

Raven: You don't have to do this. 

Ruby remained silent as she glared at her.

Ruby: After I'm done with you, I'm going to kill Yang. 
She said as Raven growled before kicking her at the stomach. 

Raven: You will not touch her. 
She growls as she held her sword tightly in her hand. 

Ruby: And what are you going to do about it. 
She said with a grin. 

Raven: You will not! TOUCH HER! 
She yelled as she charge  at her, anger in her eyes. 

Ruby spun around as her chain wrapped around Raven's ankle. 

Raven: What the? 
She said to herself before feeling Ruby pull it, throwing her onto the ground. 

She gasped as she fell on her back, feeling the wind knocked out of her. 

Raven opened her eyes to see Ruby swinging her kusarigama towards her. 


Raven blocked it before seeing another kusarigama wrapped around her sword. 

Raven: Shit. 
She said as she tried to grab her sword. 

Before she could grab her sword, she was kicked at the head and skid back. Raven slowly got up as she groaned in pain, feeling her jaw in pain before looking to see Ruby charged at her once more. 

Ruby: DIE! 
She yelled as she threw her kusarigama towads Raven. 

Ruby watched the kusarigama reach her before seeing Raven grab the blade and pull the kusarigama towards her. 

Ruby: Shit. 
She said to herself before feeling Raven grab her by the throat and kneed at the stomach. 


Ruby spun onto the ground as she laid there in pain while Raven walked up to her. 

Raven: You will not touch Yang. 
She growls. 

Ruby: You've took my mother away. 
She growls. 

Raven: Because she destroyed what's left of my family.
She growls. 

Ruby: Then you shouldn't mind Yang's head on a pike. 
She said as Raven charged at her, her dagger in hand. 


Raven stabbed the ground as Ruby wrapped her kusarigama around Raven's ankle. Ruby pulled and threw Raven onto the ground once more as the swordsman gasped in pain. 

Raven looked up to see Ruby throwing her kusarigama towards her. 


Raven gasped as she felt one of the blade in her stomach while Ruby had one her side. 

Ruby: Feel that.
She said before pushing the blade deeper. 

Raven: AH! 
She screamed in pain before pushing Ruby off and grabbed her sword. 

Raven slashed a portal open as she walked towards it, holding her wound. 


To Y/N

Odogaron: Hey Y/n. Mind taking this girl out to walk around. 
She said as she looked at him. 

Y/N: Fine. 
He groans in pain, holding his side in pain before seeing Odogaron let Blake out. 

Y/N: Come on. 
He said as he walked out of the room with Blake behind him. 

Blake followed him as she looked at him, seeing his bandages around his side. 

Blake: Y-Y/N. 
She called out to him. 

Y/N remained silent as he walked down the path. 

Blake: Y/N .
She said, calling out to him louder. 

Y/N: What. 
He groans with annoyance. 

Blake: I-I-I-I
She said as she looked down, her hand on her stomach. 

Y/N: Hmm. Let me guess you have a child coming along. 
He said as Blake slowly nods, still looking down. 

Y/N: Hmm. 
He said before walking away.

Blake: Y-Y-Y/N. 
She said looking at him with tears. 

Y/N: What!
He yelled before glaring at her. 

Blake: I-I-I-I
She struggled to finish her sentence before falling to her knees, sobbing lightly. 

Y/N: Why did you even call for me then huh. 
He growls in anger

She yelled at him. 

Y/N: Tch.
He said as he watched Blake sob in front of him before slowly turning around and walking away. 

Before he could get far, he felt her arms around his chest as she sobbed into his shoulder. 

Y/N: Get off of me. 
He growls as Blake sobbed into his back. 

Y/N: Get off. 
He growls louder as Blake sobbed louder. 

Blake: T-T-They were going to use me. 
She sobs, holding onto him tighter. 

Blake: T-T-T-They  were going to e-e-e-experiment on me a-a-and our baby. 
She sobs louder as Y/N looked at her, hints of green aura flickering. 

Blake: S-S-S-So p-p-p-please d-d-d-don't let them get me.
She begged into his shoulder, feeling her tears soaking into his shoulder. Holding onto him tightly as her arms shook heavily. 

Blake: I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-so sorry. 
She sobs, holding onto him. 

To Pyrrha 

Pyrrha was laying on her bed as she looked at a photo  of Y/N and three others. 

Pyrrha: The Fated Four. 

Pyrrha: Y/N. 
She said as she placed her hand on Y/N. 

Seeing his green visor and green armor. 

Pyrrha: How will I tell him.
She said as she held pulled out a test with the word "positive". 

To Fatalis 

Fatalis was standing behind Vaal Hazak as she stood in front of a portal. 

Fatalis: How long. 
She said as she looked at her. 

Vaal Hazak: We'll just have to wait. 
She said before seeing an atlesian scientist crawl out of the portal, panting heavily. 

Vaal Hazak: What did you see there human. 
She said as she stepped on him, earning a grunt from him. 

Scientist: W-W-W-Water...F-F-F-Fresh Water. A-A-A-Animals. Land. 
He said with fear. 

Vaal Hazak: Oh really. 
She said as she glared at him. 

Scientist: Y-Yes. I-I-I promise. 

Vaal Hazak: Then its looks like your services are no longer required. 
She said before stomping on his throat, killing him. 

Fatalis: Now what. 

Vaal Hazak: We can leave Remnant and be safe. 

Here is chapter 30 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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