Chapter 3: Queen Fatalis

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Third Person POV 

Pyrrha stood there in silence as she saw Fatalis looking at her and slowly looked to everyone in the area. Team RWBY, JNPR, and SSSN all standing still in front of her. 


Frozen in fear. 

Y/N did nothing but kneel in front of her as Mizutsune, Zinogore, Gammoth, and Xenojiva knelt in front of her. 

Miztsune/Zinogore/Gammoth/Xenojiva: My queen. 
They said as Fatalis looked at the humans in the room. 

Fatalis: Y/N. Why are there humans here. 
She said with anger. 

Y/N: Trying to take Xenojiva and try to experiment on her for their personal desires. 
He told her. 

Fatalis: Humans, nothing but pests. 
She said as she looked to the three teams as Pyrrha fell onto her knees, shaking from fear. 

Pyrrha: W-W-W-What are you? 
She said in fear. 

Fatalis: Fatalis. The queen of the monsters. 
She said to her. 

Neptune: What is that ugly thing! 
He yelled. 


Suddenly Neptune was shot in the chest with an arrow piercing through his chest. He slowly looked down and saw the arrow stuck in his chest before falling to the ground. 

Weiss: Neptune! 
She yelled as she rushed him. 

Weiss: Y-You're going to be okay! 
She yelled as she tried to heal him. 

Sun: Come on buddy, just hang in there. 

???: Disgusting human. 
They heard a female voice growl. 

RWBY, SSSN, and JNPR slowly looked up and saw a woman in armor slowly landing onto the ground as she held a bow in hand. 

Ruby: W-W-Why d-d-did you do that!? 
She yelled to the female. 

???: Hmm. A pathetic little girl with silver eyes. Hmm. Ozpin is truly desperate. 
She said. 

Ruby: W-W-What? 

Fatalis: I see. So you're apart of Beacon. Hmm. Humans are such fascinating creatures. 
She said as Y/N got up. 

Fatalis: Come here Y/N. 
She said to him. 

Y/N slowly got up as the others stood up, glaring back at the humans with hatred in their eyes. Y/N stood in front of Fatalis as he kept quiet.

Fatalis: Congrats for defending the princess. 
She said before kissing him on the lips. 

Team SSSN, JNPR, and RWBY all watched with shock as they saw Fatalis kiss Y/N while he accepted it. 

Jaune: Why are you with them Y/N! Aren't you human! Aren't we friends!? 
He yelled to Y/N. 

Y/N slowly turned around as electricity formed around his armor. 

Y/N: Our friendship died a long time ago. And Y/N's dead. Astalos is my name. 
He said as his eyes slowly turned red. 

Ruby: Why? Why? 

Y/N: Isn't it obvious? You all betrayed my heart. In return, I abandoned everything that I had at Beacon. Why? Because I never trusted humans to begin with. 

Blake: B-B-But you dated us. 
She said. 

Y/N: True til I learned that humans aren't trustworthy of anything. The white fang. Atlas. The SDC. Everything about humans spells out out distrust. 

Ruby: B-B-But that's why I'm at Beacon! To defend what's right! 
She yelled. 

Y/N: Ah. The naive and self-righteous girl. Pathetic Ruby. Tell me Ruby. How is your mother. 

Ruby: W-W-What? 

Yang: Don't' you dare talk about Summer! 
She yelled as she charged at him. 

Before she could get close, Gammoth blocked her punch and kicked her stomach. Yang crashed into the ground as Ruby rushed to her. 

Y/N: You're lucky your mother is still alive. 
He told her. 

Ruby: My mother is dead! 
She yelled to him. 

Y/N: Oh. She's a long way from that. 
He said before turning around to walk to Fatalis. 


Pyrrha gasped as she saw another monster landing in front of them. Its silver chrome like scheme as its red eyes glared at them. 

Fatalis: Let's go. 
She told everyone. 

Zinogore, Gammoth, Namielle all climbed onto Valstrax before flying out of the area. 

Fatalis whispers into Y/n's ear as Pyrrha slowly walked towards him, with tears in her eyes. 

Odogaron pulled out her naginata as she pointed it towards Pyrrha. 

Nora: Pyrrha! What are you doing! 
She yelled to her friend. 

Pyrrha: Y-Y-Y/N? 
She said as tears streamed down her cheeks. 

Fatalis: Odogaron. Let's go. 
She told her. 

Odogaron lowers her weapon as jumps onto Fatalis's back before flying into air, leaving Y/N and Xenojiva. 

Pyrrha: Y-Y/N? 
She asked as she got closer to him. 

Y/N stood there as he glared back at her. 

Pyrrha: P-P-Please. J-J-Just come back to Beacon. 
She said as she slowly walked towards him, tear streaming down her cheeks. 

Y/N: Xeno. Let's go. 
He told her. 

Pyrrha: P-Please. D-Don't leave. 
She begged him. 

Y/N: Like I said. Humans are the true monsters. 

Sun: You bastard! 
He yelled as he charged at Y/N. 

Y/N turned around and shocked Sun into the ground as he screamed in pain. 

Y/N: Everything I did for humans was to prove to myself that we can coexist. But everything I saw, was nothing but lies! LIES I TOLD MYSELF! 

Pyrrha: P-Please. Just come back. W-We can fix t-this together. 
She begged him as she held out her hand. 

Y/N: Not this time old friend. 
He said as he changed into his monster form and Xenojiva jumping on his body. 

Pyrrha: No! P-P-Please don't leave. 
She begged as she ran towards Y/N. 

Y/N didn't hesitate as he took off into the air, leaving everyone there they all watched him fly away with the others. 

Pyrrha: N-No. D-D-Don't leave me.
She begged as tears ran down her cheeks, begging to Y/N to return. 

Weiss: Let's go Pyrrha. That traitor abandoned us. 
She said as she had her hand on Pyrrha's shoulder. 

Snapping, Pyrrha used her semblance and threw Weiss onto the ground. 

She yelled as she glared at Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. 

She yelled with anger in her voice. 

Jaune: Pyrrha. Calm down. 
He tried to tell her. 

Pyrrha didn't listen as she forced Jaune onto the ground. 

She yelled as she grabbed her spear and shield before walking out of the cave. Leaving them all behind to do something. 

To find Y/N. 

The one she loves. 

To Y/N 

In a castle, Y/N was kneeling in front of Fatalis as she looked towards Xeno who was sitting in a throne. 

Xeno: So what happens now? 
She asked her queen. 

Fatalis: Y/N. I need yo you to do something. 

Y/N: At your command. 

Fatalis: Get me the fall maiden. 

Y/N: With pleasure. 

Here is chapter 3 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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