Chapter 2: The Newborn

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Third Person POV

The three teams were in the bullhead as they saw multiple groups of grimm going towards an area. 

Ruby: Whoa. I never seen that many grimms just going into an area. 
She said with shock. 

Juane: But with all of us, we should be able to defeat them. 
He said to them. 

Ruby: Yeah! 

Pyrrha rolled her eyes at Ruby's annoyance. 

Pyrrh: Let's just get this over with. 
She told them. 

Yang: Yeah. I'm too tired for this. 
She said. winking at Sage. 

The doors to the bullhead opened and the teams walked out of the bullhead. However unknown to them, a monster looking at them with hatred in its eyes. 

Ruby: So you're all ready? 
She asked them. 

Yang: Yeah! 

Nora: Yeah! 
She yelled out in excitement. 

The three teams walking into the forest, hoping to complete their mission. However as they walked, they started hearing some type of humming. 

Ruby: Do you guys hear that? 
She asked. 

Weiss: Yeah you dolt. 
She said as she listened to the hum. 

Sun: What do you all think it is? 
He asked her. 

Blake didn't answer as she listened to humming and slowly walked towards a direction. 

Sun: Where are you going Blake? 
He asked he followed her. 

Blake didn't listen as she walks towards a cave, ignoring them as if she was hypnotized. 

Ren: Hey where are you going. 
He said as the group followed her. 

Blake wondered into a cave and saw a bright light emitting from a cocoon like substance. 

Blake: Wow. 
She said as she walked towards the cocoon like substance. 

Blake was standing near it as she slowly reached for the cocoon while there was a monster looking down on her. 

Ruby STOP! 
She yelled, knocking Blake out of her state. 

Blake: H-How the hell did I get here? 
She asked in confusion. 

Blake turned around but saw the monster that was looking down on her. 

Blake: O-O-Oh dear god. 
She said in fear as she backed up. 

The monster growled as it looked at the three teams. 

He yelled. 

Suddenly a wing came out of the cocoon like structure as the three teams looked at it. A head came out of the cocoon and slowly opened its eyes as it looked at them. 

Ruby: W-W-What t-t-the heck is that? 
She said with fear. 


The monster roared at them as they pulled out their weapons. 

Weiss: I-I never seen anything like this. 
She said as she looked at it with fear. 

Ren: Uh guys. 
He said as he pointed to an area that was covered with piles of ashes. 

Nora: T-T-This did all of that? 
She said with fear. 

Ruby: We can't let it get out of here. 
She said. 

The others nodded and charged at the monster with their weapons. 


Before they were able to get close to it, they were suddenly smacked away. 

The three teams fell to the ground as another group stood in front of the monster. 

Ruby: W-W-What was that hit us? 
She groaned in pain. 

???: Smm. Humans. No surprise that they're here. 
They heard a male voice. 

Ruby slowly looked up and saw a group of people in armor. 

Team RWBY, SSSN, and JNPR all looked at them with fear as they saw someone with armor just like Y/N's. 

Pyrrha: Y-Y/N? 
She asked. 

Y/N: Zinogore. Miztsune. Deal with those four girls. 
He said as he pointed to team RWBY. 

Zinogore: Gladly. 
She said as she charged at four girls. 

Odogaron: What about you? 
She asked him. 

Y/N: I'll deal with SSSN. Keep the others away from Xenojiva. 

Odogaron: Got it. 

Mizutsune: What about me and Gammoth? 
She asked him. 

Y/N: Help Odogaron. 
He told them. 

The two left to help out Odogaron while Y/N stood in front of SSSN. 

Sun: Hey look. Its the loser. 
He said. 

Neptune: Wow. You're such a baby that you ran to a group of whores. How pathetic. 
He said to him. 

Y/N: Namielle. 

Namielle listened and water started flooding the area, making Neptune scream. 

Sun: Calm down buddy. 
He told Neptune. 

Neptune didn't listen as he continued to scream in fear. 

Before Sage and Scarlet could do anything, Y/N shot a stream of lightning towards Neptune and Sun. The two were shot into the wall as Blake and Weiss ran towards him. 

Blake: SUN! 

Weiss: Neptune! 

The two members charged at Y/N but were stopped by Zinogore. 

Zinogore: You're not going anywhere. 
She said as she looked at them with anger. 

Blake: Get out of our way! 
She yelled as she clashed at Zinogore. 

Zinogore: What's the fun in that. 
She said to Blake. 

Blake growled as she pushed her back but Blake was immediately shocked with lightning. 

Weiss: Blake! 
She yelled towards her teammate, who was on the ground in pain. 

Weiss formed a glyph and it swung its sword towards Zinogore. Mizutsune used her ability and the glyph slipped onto the ground as it was crushed by its own weight. 

Yang: Blake! 
She yelled as she rushed towards Blake but was suddenly grabbed by Gammoth. 

Yang: Let go of me! 
She yelled as she punched Gammoth across the face. 

Gammoth didn't phase as he grabbed Yang and slammed her into the ground. 

Ruby: Yang! 
She yelled as she ran towards Gammoth with the intentions of stopping Gammoth. 

Before she could react Gammoth, Ruby was suddenly knocked onto the ground by Odogaron. 

Odogaron: I don't think so. 
He said as she stood in front of Ruby. 

Ruby: Why are you doing this!? 
She yelled to Odogaron. 

Odogaron: Isn't it obvious. 
She said. 

Ruby: WHY!? 

Odogaron: Humans are the monsters of this world. 
She said as she charged at Ruby with a sword. 

Ruby grabbed scythe and blocked the girl's attack. 

Odogaron: You'll pay for what you did to Y/N. 
She said before kicking Ruby across the face, knocking her away. 

Ruby skidded across the ground as Y/N slowly walked towards Xenojiva. 

Y/N walked towards Xenojiva was stopped by Pyrrha as she looked at him with tears. 

Pyrrha: W-Why are you with them? 
She asked him. 

Y/N: Why not? 

Pyrrha: W-Why Y/N? W-W-We're your friends. 
She said with tears. 

Y/N: Going to Beacon was all but a mission. 

Pyrrha: W-W-W-What mission? 
She asked, her eyes widening in shock to the information. 

Y/N: To see if the humans are trustworthy. 
He said. 

Pyrrha: W-W-Why? 

Y/N: Simple. We don't trust the humans. Especially when its Ozpin. 
He said. 

Pyrrha: S-S-S-So y-y-you came to Beacon f-f-f-f-for a mission. 
She said as tears rolled down her cheeks. 

Y/N: That's right. And I have no intentions on helping the war between Ozpin and Salem. 
He said as he walked towards Xenojiva. 

Pyrrha: W-W-What war? 
She asked. 

Y/N: So Ozpin hasn't told you. Hmm. Just like what I've suspected. Humans are trustworthy. 
He said as he stood in front of Xenojiva. 

Pyrrha: W-Why j-just come back to Beacon? 
She said with tears. 

Y/N didn't answer as he stood in front of Xenojiva. The elder dragon looked at him and slowly shape shifted into its human form, looking at him. 

Xenojiva: Y/N. 
She said as she stood in front of him. 

Y/N: Princess. 

Xenojiva: Where is our queen? 

Suddenly lightning started forming around the area as the three teams looked around in fear. 

Ruby: W-What's happening? 
She said in fear. 

Pyrrha looked around in fear as she saw something large landing in the area. 

Pyrrha's POV 

I froze where I stood at as I saw the large dragon land in front of me. Staring at me with hatred in its eyes. I wanted to run but I couldn't. All I could feel was fear, fear as the being stood in front of me. 

Y/N: My queen. 
I saw him knelt before it. 

My eyes widen as I heard his words.


Here is chapter 2 of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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