Epilogue: Last Of The Fated Four (Not Cannon)

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Third Person POV 

It was months after they left. 

Months after they left Remnant. The event that killed more of their people. The day where they were finally able to leave Remnant. But with the cost of losing more of their own. 

Their friends. 

Their allies. 

Their lovers. 





Bloodbath Diablos. 



Now so few of them remain. So very few. 

But now able to live in peace.

And away from those who want to harm them. 

Right now, Blake was slowly walking down a path as she walked towards a gated entrance. Blake walked through the gated entrance as she had a pack of flowers in her hands before walking up to a tomb. 

Blake: Hey Y-Y/n. I-It's been a while. 
She said as she looked at his grave. His name and date of death engraved into it. 

Blake: I wanted you to know that P-Pyrrha is doing well. S-S-She j-just had her baby. F-F-Fatalis and the others are safe. 
She said as a tear ran down her cheeks. 

Blake: I-I'm so sorry. 
She said before wiping her tears. 

Blake slowly knelt down as she places the flowers onto his grave. 

Blake: I miss you Y/N. 
She said as before her ears twitched. 

???: Mommy! 
She heard a girl yell. 

Blake slowly turned around and saw a little girl running towards her with a tail. 

Blake: Hey D/n. 
She said, smiling at her as she stopped in front of the grave. 

D/N: What are you doing here? 
She asked as she looked at the grave. 

D/N: Who's Y/N? 

Blake: I-I-I'll tell you when you are older. 
She said as she slowly got up. 

Blake: Let's go home. 
She said as she held her hand, seeing her nod. 

Blake walked out of the cemetery with D/N as the flowers laid on his grave. 

To Pyrrha 

Pyrrha was sitting on her porch as she looked out to the sandy beach, seeing the waves crash onto the sand. 

Pyrrha: He would love this. 
She said before looking down to see a baby in her arms, seeing it's red hair with H/C streaks. 

Pyrrha: I hope you are doing well Y/n. 
She said, looking up at the sky as the wind blew through her hair. 

To Fatalis 

Fatalis was laying on her bed, seeing her newborn sleeping peacefully as electricity flickered across his body. 

Fatalis: Alatreon. 
She said as she rubbed his head. 

Fatalis: You look so much like your father. 
She said as she continued to rub his head. 

As Fatalis continued to rub his head, she slowly looked over to see an armor set. 

Y/N's armor set while his sword was stacked on top of a chimney. 

Fatalis: If you were only here.

To Y/N 

Y/N was sitting down ground as he looked at Fatalis, seeing her fall asleep before slowly getting up. Y/N slowly walked over to the two, seeing Alatreon cuddle against her. 

Y/N: He's so beautiful. 
He said to himself before looking at Fatalis. 

Hearing her mutter his name in her sleep. 

Fatalis: P-Please don't go Y/N. 
She mutters in her sleep as Y/N slowly leaned closely to her. 

Y/N: No need to cry my queen. 
He whispered into her ear. 

Y/N: Everything is going to be okay. 
He whispered into her ear. 

Fatalis: H-H-How am I going to do this without you. 
She said, tears ran down her cheeks. 

Y/N: I'll always be with you. 
He whispers into her ear. 

Fatalis: I love you Y/N. 

Y/N: I love you too. 
He said with a smile before fading away, leaving them all behind before seeing nothing but a white landscape. 

???: Astalos? Is that you? 
He heard multiple voices. 

Y/N: Huh? 
He asked as he slowly turned around to see the others beyond a gate. 

Y/N: Glavenous? Dodogama? Kirin? Mizutsune? 
He asked as the others waved and smiled. 

Glavenous: Come on Y/N. 
He said as Y/N slowly walked towards them before slowly turning around to see Fatalis and Pyrrha. 

Y/N: Goodbye. Fatalis. Pyrrha. I'll always be watching over you. 

Here is the epilogue! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! 

What do you all think! 

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