Epilogue: Long Past The War (Cannon)

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Y/N's POV 


"Where am I?" 
I asked myself as I felt a cold breeze hitting against my skin. 

I asked as I looked around, seeing nothing but white. 

"Am I dead?"
I asked, hearing nothing but the echo of my voice. 

???: Hey Y/N. 
I heard her voice before turning around, seeing her pink hair. Her blue eyes. 


Mizutsune: Hey Y/n. 
She said with a smile. 

"I-I missed you." 
I said, seeing her walk towards me. 

Mizutsune: I missed you too. 
She said before hugging me. 

"I-I-I'm sorry." 
I said, wrapping my arms around her. 

"I-I-I'm sorry I failed." 
I said, feeling her hand on the back of my head. 

Mizutsune: Shhh. It's okay. 
She said, rubbing my back. 

"N-N-No it's not okay." 
I said, tears running down my cheeks. 

"I-I-I-I-I failed to protect you and the others." 




Miztsune: Shh. It's okay now. 
She said as I slowly looked at her, seeing her soft smile. 


Mizutsune: It's okay. It's okay. No need to cry. 
She said, wiping my tears. 

Mizutsune: Come on now. A warrior does not cry. 
She said as I looked at her. 


"I failed to protect Kirin and Kulu." 
I said to her, remembering them. 

"Nergigante is gone. Valstrax. Velkhana. Uklanlos." 

"They're all gone." 

Mizutsune: Fatalis and your child is still alive. All because of you. You've protected the queen. 

"While failing to protect the others. Nergigante died because I was too late." 

???: Of course not. 
I heard her voice. 

I asked, looking at her as she walked towards me. 

Nergigante: What did I tell you? That no soldier should ever cry .
She said as she put her hand on my head. 


Nergigante: That's enough Y/n.


Suddenly I heard a loud thud before turning to see them. 

"G-G-Glavenous? Girros? Pukei-Pukei? Dodogama?" 
I asked as I looked at them, seeing their smiles as they stood past the door. 

Nergigante: Let's go Y/N. 
She said as she grabbed my hand before walking towards the others. 

Nergigante: You can finally rest now. You don't have to fight anymore. 

???: Y-Y/N? 
I heard a voice. 

"W-What the?"
I asked as I looked around to see no one. 

"Who was that?" 
I asked before feeling something warm in my chest. 

"What is this heat?" 

Dream Ends 

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt something heavy on my chest. I slowly looked down to see Fatalis and Pyrrha laying their heads on my chest. 

"H-How long have I been out?" 
I asked myself before looking at them, seeing her snore lightly. 

Third person POV 

Y/N: How? How am I alive? 
He asked himself as he slowly got up, feeling his chest ache. 

Y/N slowly walked up to the mirror to see his chest healed. 

Y/N: How? 
He asked himself as he ran his hand over his wounds. 

Y/N: Who did this? 
He asked himself before turning to see his sword on a table, it's blade dull and damaged. 

???: Y-Y-Y/N? 

Y/N turned around to see Fatalis up, tears in her eyes. 

Y/N: My que-Hmph 
He was suddenly cut off as Fatalis kissed him, her hands cupping his cheeks. 

Fatalis: I-I-I-I thought I lost you.
She sobs as she held onto him. 

Y/N: I'm right here. 
He said as rubbed her back while Fatalis sobbed into his shoulder. 

Y/N: I'm right here. 
He said before sitting on the bed, holding her closely. 

Y/N: Everything is going to be okay. 
He said as Fatalis laid her head into the croak of his neck. 


It's been 7 months since then. 

7 months since everything happened.

The war. 

Fighting those of Atlas. 

The death of those protecting the queen. 

Leaving Remnant. 

Right now, Y/N and Fatalis were standing in front of a large tomb with names engraved. 

Fatalis: So many of us gone. 
She said sadly. 

Y/N: Yeah. 
He said as he looked at the names. 




Bloodbath Diablos. 




Kushala Daora. 







Fatalis: If only I did something to protect them all. 
She said as she placed a pack of flowers in front of the tomb. 

Y/N: You did what you could. 
He said before hearing footsteps behind them. 

Y/N slowly turned around as he saw Pyrrha, Ruby, and Blake walking towards them. 

Blake/Ruby/Pyrrha: Hey Y/n. 
They said as they walked towards him. 

Y/N: Hey. 
He said as Fatalis wiped her tears. 

Pyrrha: What are you two doing out here? 

Y/N: No reason. 
He said as Fatalis laid her head on his shoulder. 

Ruby: Let's go guys. It's getting late.

Blake: Yeah. 
She said as she walked with her, leaving the three of them. 

Y/N: It's been so long since we've came here. 
He said as Pyrrha laid hers on his shoulder. 

Pyrrha: Yeah. 
She said as she looked at him. 

Pyrrha: Blake seems happy.

Y/N: It's maybe because I told her I'll forgive her. 
He said as he wrapped his arms around their waists. 

Pyrrha/Fatalis: I love you Y/N L/N. 

Y/N: I love you two. 
He said as the two kissed him. 

Now past their conflict. 

Now living in peace. 

Here is the epilogue of Humans Are The True Monsters! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! 

What do you all think! 

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