Chapter Twelve- Chapped Lips

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Sorry for making you all wait so long for an update. Life has been chaotic. :)

I don't know what even happened with this chapter but let's just go with it.


With his slightly chapped lips on mine, and his hands gripping my waist, I finally felt whole. (That's not the only hole you'll be feeling soon).

It was hard to believe that one person could make someone feel so complete, but that's exactly how Jungkook made me feel.

My back was pressed against the wall, and my fingers were tangled in his soft locks of black hair.

Suddenly life seemed a little more worth it.

I pulled away, only for him to press his lips back on mine, making me gasp once more. I would never get tired of the euphoria (i swear if all of the comments are from Euphoria I-) flowing through my veins.

I successfully pulled away this time, my hands squeezing his cheeks tight to prevent him from sneaking another kiss against my lips.

"W-We need to talk about this."

He nodded, a slight frown forming on his swollen lips. He reached out and grabbed my hand, leading me over to the bed.

"I-Is this actually real?" I felt like I was floating, my head disconnected from the rest of my body.

Jungkook released a breathy chuckle and nodded. His thumb drew indistinguishable shapes on my hands. "It is very real, unless I'm dreaming too. In that case, don't let me ever wake up."

I chuckled along side him, until silence surrounded us once more. 



"I really do love you. I-I know it sometimes seems like I don't, but I love you so fucking much it hurts me to not be with you."

"Then why don't you be with me all the time?" I angled my head as I spoke, a slight smirk present on my lips. 

He winked at me before pressing his lips to my temple. "You are too perfect, Kim Taehyung."

"Hey Kookie?"

He hummed in response, his eyes twinkling as he stared at me.

"Kiss me again."

He laughed before leaning closer and capturing my lips on his. I felt my back being pressed gently against the mattress, his hand finding a resting spot on my hip. My skin felt like it was on fire from his touch.

"Oh God, they're making out in there, gross." Hoseok whined from the doorway, making me push Jungkook off of me.

Hoseok shook his head and walked off, Yoongi appearing behind him with arms crossed against his chest. "At least wait until nobody else it home, god damn."

I couldn't help but giggle, wiping the saliva off of my chin before winking at Jungkook and walking out into the living room. 

Namjoon and Jin sat curled up with a blanket covering their legs while they watched a movie, a bowl of popcorn being shared between them. Jimin was asleep, positioned like a ball on the chair next to the couch. 

Jungkook chuckled before walking over and scooping Jimin's small body up in his arms. "I'm going to take him to his room so we have a place to sit."

I nodded, taking a seat where Jimin was previously sitting. I turned to face the television, only for me to feel like I was being watched. I looked to the side to see the rest of the members, minus Jungkook and Jimin, staring at me with a mixture of emotions. Namjoon was smirking, Jin looked disappointed, Yoongi seemed annoyed, and Hoseok seemed scarred for life. 

"Uh, can I help you all?"

They continued to stare at me in silence, sending light shivers down my spine. 

"What the fuck are they doing staring at you?" Jungkook chuckled before squeezing himself in the seat next to me. 

"I have no flipping clue."

Yoongi burst out laughing before the rest of them. 

Jungkook and I glanced at each other with confusion on our faces. 

"Care to explain?"

Hoseok wiped a tear coming from his eyes from laughing, pointing at Namjoon, who shrugged. 

"So, are you two a couple now, or just close enough to basically eat each other's faces off?"

My eyes went wide and Jungkook laughed loudly next to me, protectively wrapping an arm around my waist. 

"Well, I haven't asked him yet, Namjoon, thanks for making this awkward."

"Why don't you just man up and ask him to be your boyfriend?" Yoongi spoke, no longer laughing alongside the rest of the group.

Jungkook cleared his throat before facing me. 

"You don't even have to ask the question, my answer is yes."

Jungkook's smile was so wide his eyes disappeared. He leaned forward and pecked my lips before bringing a hand of mine up to his lips as well. 

Jin continued to cross his arms and frown, but his posture relaxed when he saw the large smile on my face. 


I really don't even know anymore. I feel like I forgot how to write lol

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