Chapter 10

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        Hawkeye's P.O.V

 "Clint."  I heard a voice say from behind me, as I crawled out of the car. "Natasha." I said a little surprised to see her here. "What are you doing here?" I questioned.

 "Why did you leave you tracker and eye piece a mile away?" she asked, I'm in trouble. "Um..." I couldn't think how to answer that. "You answer my question first." I said, even though I already knew the answer now. "We both know that you know the answer." she said. I just stared at her for a moment before looking pass her to see if Ireland was still there. Of course she wasn't, so Natasha already took her or she ran away. When I looked back to her she had her hand on her gun, like she was ready to take me down. "Agent Hill wants you back at S.H.E.I.L.D."

 "Wait, Hill. What happened to fury?"

"Classified until we're back at S.H.E.I.L.D." I nodded and followed her to a S.H.E.I.L.D. car, that was park near by. "Did you get that Hydra agent Ireland?" She said, so they didn't get her she ran away. but if I tell them that I'll be in even more trouble for letting her escape. Yet again she could have left when I was tired up, but instead she stayed and untried me.

 "No." is all I said as I got in to the car. Once I got in the door was closed, there was no driver. I watched Natasha closely as she walked towards the drivers side. Just as she opened the door to get in I realized it wasn't Natasha.

 This person had a scar along the side of her head near her ear. I had only met one person who had a scar that close to there eye, it was Ireland. It started to make more sense, Natasha never called a hydra agent by their name, in fact myself and fury were the only ones that knew the girls name.

 Once she closed her door, I reached for the door handle to see if it was locked, of course it was. "Umm... Nat." I said, thinking of something to say so I could get out. She didn't look over, which just proved it defiantly wasn't her. "Natasha." I said, she looked over at me. "I forgot something back there."

 "And what would that be?" she questioned.

 "My arrows." I said, thankful that I had actually left them back there. The real Natasha wouldn't go back for them because I have way more back at S.H.E.I.L.D. she turned the car back around and we headed back. click. She unlocked the car so I could go get them. "Hurry up." she said as I hopped out. I had my bow on my back still. I grabbed my arrows and put them on my back as I grabbed my bow in hand. She then got out of the car and yelled to me "Clint come on we need to get back!"

 "Where to Hydra? So you can hand me over to be one of your other Hydra brainwashed agents!" I shouted at her, I saw her reach for her gun. "Go ahead, you know I'll just hit you with an arrow." I said as she raised the gun to shot me.

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